Ninth meeting of the JCOMM Observations Coordination Group

14 - 17 May 2018,

JCOMM in-situ Observations Programme Support Centre (JCOMMOPS)
Technopole / Campus Ifremer Brest
1625 Route de Sainte Anne
Z.I. Pointe du Diable
Blaise Pascal Hall


Annotated Agenda

1 Welcome & Expectations
2 Future Directions
3. JCOMMOPS Summary and Synthesis Day 1
4. Implementation: OCG and emerging networks
4.1 Review across current networks and programs
4.2 New observing system components & emerging networks
4.3 Metrics/KPIs
4.4 What it Means to be an OCG Network
5. OCG New Development Areas - for discussion
7. Observing System Requirements
8. Standards & Best Practice
9. Data Management
10. Services & Feedback Cross JCOMM / GOOS
11. Communications & Visibility
12. Review & OCG-9 Wrap Up