Eighth meeting of the JCOMM Observations Coordination Group

22 - 25 May 2017,

First Institute of Oceanography, SOA
6 Xian-xia-lin Road
High Technology Park


Annotated Agenda

1 Welcome & Expectations (Monday 22nd May approx. 45 m - 9:00 - 9:45)
1.1 Expectations and objectives of OCG meeting (David Legler, OCG Chair)
1.2 Welcome statement (Mr. Zhi Chen, Deputy Director General, Department of Observation, Forecast and Disaster Mitigation, SOA)
1.3 Welcome & Arrangements (Dr. Fangli Qiao Secretary General of FIO, Dr Weidong Yu, Katy Hill IOC/WMO/GOOS)
1.4 Approval of Agenda
2 Regional Observing System Workshop (2 h - 10:00 -12:30)
2.1 The omitted surface waves in ocean and climate models (Dr. Fangli Qiao)
2.2 Chinese marine meteorological observation and service (Ms. Chong Pei, CMA, China)
2.3 Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate (Dr. Chuanyu Liu, IOCAS/CAS, China)
2.4 South China Sea observation and regional climate (Dr. Weiqiang Wang, SCSIO/CAS, China)
2.5 Indian Ocean Observation and Monsoon Climate (Dr. Weidong Yu, NMEFC/SOA, China)
2.6 Southern Ocean and Antarctic Observation (Mr. Libao Gao, FIO/SOA, China)
3 Observing System Requirements (approx. 4 h - 13:30 - 18:00)
3.1 GCOS, GOOS and OOPC: Update on Essential Ocean Variables, GCOS IP actions of relevance to OPA and plans for observing system reviews (Bernadette Sloyan, Katy Hill)
3.2 WMO requirements for ocean observations - updates (Guimei Liu)
3.3 TPOS: Role of TPOS implementation/transition team and OCG, how to address TPOS recommendations (Katy Hill, David Legler)
3.4 Discussion: mapping EOV’s and networks, focusing on SST and T at depth as an example, to see how the system functions across networks and identify gaps (Jon Turton)
4 Implementation (Tuesday 23rd May approx. 4h - 9:00 - 14:30)
4.1 Review across current networks and programs
4.1.1 Argo (Dean Roemmich - remote)
4.1.2 GO-SHIP (Rik Wanninkhof - remote)
4.1.3 SOT (VOS/SOOP) incl. evolution of the VOS/SOOP network (Shawn Smith - remote)
4.1.4 DBCP (Jon Turton)
4.1.5 GLOSS (Gary Mitchum)
4.1.6 OceanSITES (Johannes Karstensen)
4.1.7 IOCCP (Maciej Telszewski)
4.2 New observing system components:
4.2.1 OceanGliders (Pierre Testor)
4.2.2 HF Radar (Hugh Roarty)
4.2.3 Animal marine monitoring (Lars Boehme)
4.3 Discussion: Identifying areas where OCG should be addressing synergies across networks (Katy Hill, Emma Heslop)
4.4 Discussion: Assessing/integrating new technologies; is there a path to new technology adoption? What different approaches and synergies exist across the networks? Targets/EOV’s as drivers? What is the role for OCG? (Matt Mowlem – remote)
4.5 Summary and Actions for OPA Work Plan/JCOMM-5
5 Data Management & integration (approx. 3h - 14:30 - 18:00)
5.1 DMPA Strategy, what is the strategy, how do we engage, and next steps (Eric Freeman)
5.2 Data integration, progress, connection to other activities and global/regional entities (Kevin O'Brien)
5.3 Open access GTS project - update, JCOMM-5 presentation, and “what next?” (Kevin O'Brien)
5.4 TT MOWIS - WIS - opportunities (Kevin O'Brien, Eric Freeman)
5.5 Data management challenges, regional to global scale (Derrick Snowden)
5.6 Summary and Actions for OPA Work Plan Work Plan/JCOMM-5
6 Standards and Best Practice (Wednesday 24th May approx. 1.5 h - 09:00 - 10:30 )
6.1 Vision/goals/next steps for JCOMM OCG S & BP activities (Juliet Hermes)
6.2 Discussion: Best practices and standards for BGC - GO-SHIP, OceanSites, bioArgo, gliders, etc. (Maciej Telszwski)
6.2.1 BioArgo Experience - (Ken Johnson - remote)
6.2.2 BGC issues, gaps and needs BGC standards and best practice (Maciej Telszewski)
6.3 Summary and Actions for OPA Work Plan Work Plan/JCOMM-5
7 JCOMMOPS (approx. 1.5 h - 11:00 - 12:30)
7.1 Support provided to implementation: current networks, future networks, network KPI’s, and KPIs for JCOMMOPS activities (Mathieu Belbeoch)
7.2 JCOMMOPS annual report - targeted at stakeholders (Mathieu Belbeoch)
7.3 Funding & Work Plan: Strategy to secure JCOMMOPS resources beyond 2019. What is the future of JCOMMOPS? Work Plan moving forward, actions JCOMM-5 (Mathieu Belbeoch)
8 Cross-JCOMM coordination (approx. 1 h - 13:30 - 14:30)
8.1 Waves, Seasonal Forecasts example, linking OPA - DMPA – Services (Nick Ashton)
8.2 Actions for OPA Work Plan Work Plan/JCOMM-5
9 Future Directions (part 1 approx. 1.5 h - 14:30 -16:00 / continued Thursday 25th May, part 2 approx. 1 h - 9:00 - 10:00)
9.1 GOOS Strategy, new networks, relationship OCG (Albert Fischer)
9.2 Synthesis of key ideas and work plan priorities
9.3 JCOMM-5 Technical Conference (Shelby Brunner)
9.4 JCOMM-5 - Review preparation (Champika Gallage)
9.5 OceanObs’19 (Katy Hill)
10 Review & OCG-8 Wrap up (approx. 2 h - 10:00 - 12:30)
10.1 Review and agree OCG-8 decisions, actions and recommendations
10.2 Dates and location of next meeting
11 Optional - National Marine Labs - Thursday 25th May afternoon