Seventh Session of the JCOMM Observations Coordination Group

04 - 06 April 2016,

Institut Mediterrani d'Estudis Avancats (IMEDEA)
C/Miquel Marquès, 21

07190 Esporles

Annotated Agenda

1 Welcome, Expectations (Monday)
1.1 JCOMM-5. Expectations of OCG, review focus, structure of JCOMM programme areas (propose changes). Identify deliverables to JCOMM-5. (OCG Chair, Co-President JCOMM, TBC)
1.2 Welcome, Arrangements (Secretariat, Local Hosts: Joaquin Tintore, IMEDEA/SOCIB), Ms Maria Jose Guero (AEMET)))
1.3 Approval of Agenda
2 Requirements (GCOS, WIGOS, JCOMM Services, 1.5hrs, Monday)
2.1 GCOS IP Drafting process and status, role of EOV Specifications, Network Specifications requirements for input from OCG, (Bernadette Sloyan, OOPC Co-Chair).
2.2 JCOMM Services real time requirements, data sets and data systems (Nick Ashton)
2.3 WMO Integrated Observing System (WIGOS) and Rolling Review of Requirements (RRR), priorities for engagement (Guimei Liu, Jon Turton)
2.4 Discussion
2.4.1 How have requirements changed since 2010?
2.4.2 What network targets are in need of change/refinement?
2.4.3 Are we ready to move to EOV/ECV targets? How do we get there?
3 Implementation (Development of network specifications: clear missions and targets, 3.5hrs,Monday)
3.1.1 Argo
3.1.2 DBCP
3.1.3 GLOSS
3.1.4 GO-SHIP
3.1.5 OceanSITES
3.2 Progress in establishing Glider Network, report from the Steering Team (Pierre Testor)
3.3 IOCCP: Progress in developing network targets, performance metrices, activity relevant to OCG Work Plan; request for coordination help from JCOMMOPS, inclusion of SOOP-CO2 in SOT
3.4 TPOS 2020: New requirements, technology, transition – implications for JCOMM. (Katy/David)
4 Revisit JCOMM-5 (1hr, Monday; 1-1.5hrs Tuesday)
4.1 Discussion OCG contributions, proposed changes to organization (David Legler)
4.2 Evaluating JCOMM Structure and Activities (Nadia Pinardi)
5 Review of outstanding MAN-12 and OCG-6 actions (0.5hr, Katy, Monday)
6 Coastal newworks engagement in JCOMM, connection to GRAs (2hrs, Tuesday)
6.1 GOOS Regional Alliances(GRAs), coordination of coastal observing networks, synergies with OCG work plan (Glenn Nolan)
6.2 HF Radar: status of global coordination, synergies with OCG work plan (Hugh Roarty)
6.3 Introducing SOCIB Coastal Observatory (Joaquim Tintore)
6.4 Discussion: recommendations, actions to foster engagement with coastal networks and GRAS
7 Engagement of other/emerging observing networks
7.1 Revisit of list of networks of potential interest with OCG
7.2 Review engagement strategy towards targeted networks/observing efforts
7.3 Discussion/possible actions for OCG
8 JCOMMOPS and Observing System Metrics (by Network/Implementation, Variable/Implementation, 1.5hrs, Tuesday)
8.1 Review progress on JCOMMOPS Work plan, New Website, Metrics development (implementation, data delivery, impact (uptake and use)Mathieu Belbeoch)
8.2 Review of Network Metrics/Targets in Network Specifications
8.3 Discussion: Feedback on Work Plan, Website, review/advance metrics development
9 Best Practices (See Vice Chair ToRs, 45mins, Tuesday)
9.1 Vision for an OCG Best Practices activity
10 Data Management and Integration (See Vice Chair ToRs, 45 mins)
10.1 Data Integration progress, connections to other activities (Steve Worley, Kevin O’Brien)
10.2 OSMC/JCOMMOPS (Kevin, Mathieu)
10.3 Discussion: Next steps/Way forward in Data Management
11 Revisit JCOMM-5 (1hr, Monday; 1-1.5hrs Tuesday)
11.1 Proposals for change: Structure, emphasis, integration, processes
11.2 Next steps to develop proposals
11.3 OCG governance: Identifying additional Vice Chairs
12 OCG-7 Wrapup (1hr)
J1 Joint OCG/OOPC session: Requirements (EOV specifications, requirements for climate (ECVs); changes since 2010)
J1.1 High level dirvers for sustained ocean observations and context for the GCOS Implementation Plan (IP), GOOS Strategic Mapping: Delivering to Climate (including adaptation, real time services, Ocean Ecosystem Health (Albert/Bernadatte))
J1.2 Draft GCOS IP Ocean Section Action Items (Bernadette)
J1.3 Discussion: consequences for EOVs/ECVs, requirements of networks. Requirements of and need for network specifications sheets
J2 Presentation 'ALBOREX: An integrated multi-platform experiment for the study Meso and Submesoscale process' (Ananda Pascual)
J3 Network Missions/Targets (defined)
J3.1 Review of Draft GCOS IP 2016 action items
J3.1.1 How they changed since 2010 and status report?, (OCG Chair and Bernadette and Mark)
J3.1.2 Revision of GCOS Actions items - changed/Improved?
J3.2 Emerging networks, technologies: closing gaps, meeting new requirements for EOVs, etc
J3.3 Progress in developing initial ‘no regrets’ targets for biogeochemistry? (Report from IOCCP Meeting/OCG Discussions) (Maciej Telszewski)
J3.4 Develop methods/techniques to enable reporting against action items
J3.4.2 Data Management
J3.4.3 Metdata Requirements