Institut Mediterrani d'Estudis Avancats (IMEDEA)
C/Miquel Marquès, 21
07190 Esporles
1 | Welcome, Expectations (Monday) |
1.1 | JCOMM-5. Expectations of OCG, review focus, structure of JCOMM programme areas (propose changes). Identify deliverables to JCOMM-5. (OCG Chair, Co-President JCOMM, TBC) |
1.2 | Welcome, Arrangements (Secretariat, Local Hosts: Joaquin Tintore, IMEDEA/SOCIB), Ms Maria Jose Guero (AEMET))) |
1.3 | Approval of Agenda |
2 | Requirements (GCOS, WIGOS, JCOMM Services, 1.5hrs, Monday) |
2.1 | GCOS IP Drafting process and status, role of EOV Specifications, Network Specifications requirements for input from OCG, (Bernadette Sloyan, OOPC Co-Chair). |
2.2 | JCOMM Services real time requirements, data sets and data systems (Nick Ashton) |
2.3 | WMO Integrated Observing System (WIGOS) and Rolling Review of Requirements (RRR), priorities for engagement (Guimei Liu, Jon Turton) |
2.4 | Discussion |
2.4.1 | How have requirements changed since 2010? |
2.4.2 | What network targets are in need of change/refinement? |
2.4.3 | Are we ready to move to EOV/ECV targets? How do we get there? |
3 | Implementation (Development of network specifications: clear missions and targets, 3.5hrs,Monday) |
3.1.1 | Argo |
3.1.2 | DBCP |
3.1.3 | GLOSS |
3.1.4 | GO-SHIP |
3.1.5 | OceanSITES |
3.1.6 | SOT(VOS/SOOP) |
3.2 | Progress in establishing Glider Network, report from the Steering Team (Pierre Testor) |
3.3 | IOCCP: Progress in developing network targets, performance metrices, activity relevant to OCG Work Plan; request for coordination help from JCOMMOPS, inclusion of SOOP-CO2 in SOT |
3.4 | TPOS 2020: New requirements, technology, transition – implications for JCOMM. (Katy/David) |
4 | Revisit JCOMM-5 (1hr, Monday; 1-1.5hrs Tuesday) |
4.1 | Discussion OCG contributions, proposed changes to organization (David Legler) |
4.2 | Evaluating JCOMM Structure and Activities (Nadia Pinardi) |
5 | Review of outstanding MAN-12 and OCG-6 actions (0.5hr, Katy, Monday) |
6 | Coastal newworks engagement in JCOMM, connection to GRAs (2hrs, Tuesday) |
6.1 | GOOS Regional Alliances(GRAs), coordination of coastal observing networks, synergies with OCG work plan (Glenn Nolan) |
6.2 | HF Radar: status of global coordination, synergies with OCG work plan (Hugh Roarty) |
6.3 | Introducing SOCIB Coastal Observatory (Joaquim Tintore) |
6.4 | Discussion: recommendations, actions to foster engagement with coastal networks and GRAS |
7 | Engagement of other/emerging observing networks |
7.1 | Revisit of list of networks of potential interest with OCG |
7.2 | Review engagement strategy towards targeted networks/observing efforts |
7.3 | Discussion/possible actions for OCG |
8 | JCOMMOPS and Observing System Metrics (by Network/Implementation, Variable/Implementation, 1.5hrs, Tuesday) |
8.1 | Review progress on JCOMMOPS Work plan, New Website, Metrics development (implementation, data delivery, impact (uptake and use)Mathieu Belbeoch) |
8.2 | Review of Network Metrics/Targets in Network Specifications |
8.3 | Discussion: Feedback on Work Plan, Website, review/advance metrics development |
9 | Best Practices (See Vice Chair ToRs, 45mins, Tuesday) |
9.1 | Vision for an OCG Best Practices activity |
10 | Data Management and Integration (See Vice Chair ToRs, 45 mins) |
10.1 | Data Integration progress, connections to other activities (Steve Worley, Kevin O’Brien) |
10.2 | OSMC/JCOMMOPS (Kevin, Mathieu) |
10.3 | Discussion: Next steps/Way forward in Data Management |
11 | Revisit JCOMM-5 (1hr, Monday; 1-1.5hrs Tuesday) |
11.1 | Proposals for change: Structure, emphasis, integration, processes |
11.2 | Next steps to develop proposals |
11.3 | OCG governance: Identifying additional Vice Chairs |
12 | OCG-7 Wrapup (1hr) |
J1 | Joint OCG/OOPC session: Requirements (EOV specifications, requirements for climate (ECVs); changes since 2010) |
J1.1 | High level dirvers for sustained ocean observations and context for the GCOS Implementation Plan (IP), GOOS Strategic Mapping: Delivering to Climate (including adaptation, real time services, Ocean Ecosystem Health (Albert/Bernadatte)) |
J1.2 | Draft GCOS IP Ocean Section Action Items (Bernadette) |
J1.3 | Discussion: consequences for EOVs/ECVs, requirements of networks. Requirements of and need for network specifications sheets |
J2 | Presentation 'ALBOREX: An integrated multi-platform experiment for the study Meso and Submesoscale process' (Ananda Pascual) |
J3 | Network Missions/Targets (defined) |
J3.1 | Review of Draft GCOS IP 2016 action items |
J3.1.1 | How they changed since 2010 and status report?, (OCG Chair and Bernadette and Mark) |
J3.1.2 | Revision of GCOS Actions items - changed/Improved? |
J3.2 | Emerging networks, technologies: closing gaps, meeting new requirements for EOVs, etc |
J3.3 | Progress in developing initial ‘no regrets’ targets for biogeochemistry? (Report from IOCCP Meeting/OCG Discussions) (Maciej Telszewski) |
J3.4 | Develop methods/techniques to enable reporting against action items |
J3.4.1 | JCOMMOPS |
J3.4.2 | Data Management |
J3.4.3 | Metdata Requirements |