Reducing Tsunami Risk in the Western Indian Ocean: a Regional Conference in Muscat, Oman

22 - 23 March 2015,


Annotated Agenda

1 First Session – Historical and Pre-historical tsunamis in the Makran region (Part I)
1.1 Large run-up height of 12-15 m following the Makran tsunami of 27 November 1945 from a landslide source? Mohammad Heidarzadeh, Kenji Satake
1.2 Tsunami generation in the Arabian Sea: investigation of the source of the 24 September 2013 event, M. A. Baptista, R. Omira, J. M. Miranda, I. El-Hussain, A. Deif3, G. Al-Rawas, Z. Al Habsi
1.3 Comparison between the 2007 Cyclone Gonu Storm Surge and the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami in Oman and Iran, Hermann M. Fritz
1.4 Was Muscat hit by a tsunami in 1723? Historical evidence and geological data on paleo-tsunami in Oman, Thomas Vernet, Gösta Hoffmann
1.5 The Balochistan and Sindh coast survivors revealed facts of the 1945 Makran Tsunami, Din Mohammad, Ghazala Naeem, Abdullah Usman, Brian F. Atwater
1.6 Field survey of the 1945 Makran Tsunami in Southeastern Iran, E.A. Okal, H.M. Fritz, M.A. Hamzeh, J. Ghasemzadeh, M. Naderi
1.7 Evidence for the Holocene tsunami history of the Arabian Sea (Northern Indian Ocean), Gösta Hoffmann, Bastian Schneider, Klaus Reicherter, Christoph Grützner, Frank Preusser, Sultan Al-Yahyai, Ghazala Naeem
1.8 Recurring emergence of the mud islands on shelf of the Arabian Sea along the Makran Coast of Pakistan – Historical perspective using remote sensing techniques, Akhtar Muhammad Kassia, Huseyin Bayraktarb, Din Muhammad Kakara, and Shuhab Danishwar Khan,
2 First Session – Historical and Pre-historical tsunamis in the Makran region (Part II)
2.1 Did the thrust component in the last leg of the 2013 Mw 7.7 Balochistan earthquake rupture trigger the small tsunami observed in the northwest Indian Ocean?, Parameswaran, R. M., Rajendran, K., Rajendran, C.P.
3 Second Session – Hazard (Part I)
3.1 Why the implementation of the Tsunami Early Warning System in Oman was based on a Multi Hazard Approach? Ahmed H. M. Al Harthi,
3.2 Inundation Limits For Major Cities Along The Makran Coast, Hira Ashfaq Lodhi, Haider Hasan, Sarosh H. Lodi, Muhammad Ahmed.
3.3 Tsunami Hazard assessment and Scenarios Database development for the Tsunami Warning System for the coast of Oman, Aniel-Quiroga I.; Álvarez-Gómez, J. A.; González, M.; Aguirre-Ayerbe, I.; Fernández Pérez, F. Jara, M. S. ; González-Riancho, P.; Medina, R.; Al-Harthy, S.; Al-Yahyai, S.; Al-Hashmi, S.
3.4 Probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment for the Makran region in dependence on maximum earthquake magnitude assumption, Andreas Hoechner, Andrey Babeyko and Natalia Zamora
4 Second Session – Hazard (Part II)
4.1 Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard along the Coast of Oman, R. Omira, I. El-Hussain, G. Al-Rawas, A. Deif, M. A. Baptista, K. Al-Jabri, A. Mohamed, Z. Al- Habsi
4.2 Tsunami Hazard Assessment for the Sultanate of Oman from Historical and Maximum Probable Earthquake from Eastern Makran Subduction Zone, I. El-Hussain, M. A. Baptista, A. Deif, R. Omira, G. Al-Rawas, k. Al-Jabri, A. Mohamed, Z. Al Habsi,
4.3 Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Run-up on Jask Port Caused by Largest Possible Earthquakes of Makran Subduction Zone, Vahid Chegini, Mahmoud reza Akbarpour Jannat, Ehsan Rastgoftar
4.4 Steps forward for seismotectonic evalution of makran zone as basis for tsunami hazard assessment, Mohammad. Mokhtari
5 Third Session – Vulnerability
5.1 A scenario-based high-detailed tsunami risk assessment for the Muscat Capital Area in Oman, Bastian Schneider, Gösta Hoffmann
5.2 Assessing the Vulnerability of School Buildings in Sur Town to Potential Tsunami Damage, Hanan Y. AlHinai, Issa W. El-Hussain, Sabah S. Aljenaid, Ali Elbatty
5.3 Tsunami vulnerability and risk assessment for the development of planning tools in Oman, I. Aguirre-Ayerbe, F. Fernández Pérez, P. González-Riancho, M. S. Jara, I. Aniel-Quiroga, J. A.Álvarez-Gómez, M. González, R. Medina, S. Al-Yahyai, G. Al-Rawas
5.4 Tsunami Risk Assessment and Management- Case Study City of Galle, S.S.L.Hettiararchchi, S.P.Samarawickrama, N. Wijeratne, W.P.S Dias
5.5 How communities in Mentawai perceive tsunami risk and what difference social interventions makes, Irina Rafliana
5.6 Tsunami Early Warning and Community Preparedness in Indonesia, Achievements & Challenges - Lessons learnt from incidents and exercises, Irina Rafliana, Harald Spahn, Henny Dwi Vidiarina, Eko Yulianto, Rahmi Yunita
5.7 Challenges in Tsunami evacuation, Harkunti P. Rahayu
6 Fourth Session – Detection and Dissemination of Warning
6.1 Designing Performance Indicators (PIs) for Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) assessment (study case of the Indonesia Tsunami Early Warning System -InaTEWS), Yahya Darmawan, Marzuki Sinambela, Hendra Suwarta
6.2 WERA Ocean Radar Support for Tsunami Early Warning Systems, Anna Dzvonkovskaya, Thomas Helzel, Matthias Kniephoff, Leif Petersen
6.3 A demonstration of the performance of the Omani tsunami early warning system on historical and synthetic scenarios, Dr. Bernd Weber, Dr. Andrey Babeyko, Ahmed H. M. Al Harthi
6.4 The Integration of Remote Siren System with Mosque’s Speakers in Bantul Indonesia: An Implementation of Outdoor Warning System, Muhammad Ayyub, Suci Dewi Anugrah, Rahmi Yunita
7 Closure and thanking ceremony
8 Posters