Fourth Session of the IODE Steering Group for OBIS

10 - 12 February 2015,

UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE
Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61

B-8400 Oostende

Annotated Agenda

1 Status of work plan and SG-3 recommendations, report on activities, deviations, future plans
1.1 Round Table and Election new chair OBIS Steering Group
1.2 OBIS Secretariat reporting on activities, status and updates, including projects that involve the OBIS secretariat
1.3 OBIS node reporting on activities, status and updates
1.4 OBIS Science Advisory TT updates
1.5 OBIS Governance TT updates
1.5.1 International activities and collaborations, including GBIF
1.5.2 OBIS data policy and data use licenses
1.5.3 OBIS node evaluation and succession plan
1.6 OBIS Training and documentation TT updates
1.6.1 OBIS manual
1.6.2 OBIS trainings 2014-2015
1.7 OBIS Technical TT updates
1.7.1 OBIS Data Quality Control tools, including taxonomy
1.8 OBIS Data content enhancement TT updates
1.8.1 Assessment of OBIS transition to Ratified Darwin Core (rDwC)
1.8.2 Introduction to MBG extension to rDwC
1.8.3 OBIS data type enhancements
1.9 OBIS Outreach & Communication TT updates
1.10 OBIS Events (2014-2015)
2 OBIS New activities to discuss
2.1 OBIS Citation and Metrics Literature study
2.2 Data repository for journal publications
2.3 Ocean Sampling Day 2015
2.4 Deep sea OBIS/ISA
2.5 Data rescue activities
2.6 Landscape mapping
2.7 Identification of key clients (and their needs) for OBIS products
2.8 ArcGIS Online and OBIS
2.9 Discuss Business Model Canvas and value propositions
3 Adoption of recommendations, 2015 workplan and report