Regional Training on “Strengthening Standard Operating Procedures for Tsunami Warning and Emergency Response and the Development of the ICG/CARIBE-EWS PTWC New Enhanced Tsunami Products”

04 - 08 November 2013,

Dreams La Romana Hotel
La Romana
Dominican Republic

Annotated Agenda

1 DAY 1
1.1 Opening Ceremonies
1.2 Logistics and other administrative items
2 Tsunami Warning and Emergency Response – Overview
2.1 Course Overview
2.2 End-to-End Tsunami Warning and Emergency Response – Overview
2.3 Regional Partner Support to the ICG/CARIBE-EWS Tsunami Early Warning System - Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA)
2.4 End-to-end Tsunami Warning – Stakeholders, Roles and Responsibilities, Standard Operating Procedures, and their linkages
2.5 Lessons Learned from Past Tsunamis - Warning and Emergency Response
3 Country Presentations - Tsunami Standard Operating Procedures
3.1.A Country Presentations (Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, St Kitts & Nevis, UK Anguilla) - 10 min/country
3.1.B Country Presentations (UK British Virgin Islands, UK Turks & Caicos, USA Puerto Rico, USA Virgin Islands) - 10 min/country
3.2 Discussion: Challenges for achieving end-to-end TWS: Data, Resources, Communication, Stakeholders, Coordination, Evacuation
4 DAY 2
4-B Emergency Response, Warning Dissemination
4-C Exercises, Preparedness, Evacuation
4.1 Earthquake Seismology for Tsunami Warning - nomenclature, faulting, magnitude
4.10 Case Study: Warning Dissemination and Public Alerting – Authoritative agencies, media, and the public – JMA-NHK Warning Dissemination
4.11 Emergency communication considerations and technologies for the downstream transmission of warnings to local governments and communities – TV / FM / HF / Radio, Sirens, Mobile Phones / SMS, Internet email/web, Social Media, etc – robustness, reliability, redundancy
4.12 Learning Activity (individual followed by group discussion) – Official and Unofficial Information
4.13 Use of Exercises in Tsunami Preparedness: International / National / Local Exercises, Types, and Post-Exercise Evaluations, IOC Tsunami Wave Guidance, Exercise CARIBE WAVE 2013
4.14 Tsunami preparedness and response - International Perspectives, including NZ Get Ready Get Thru, US TsunamiReady programs, Caribbean TsunamiSmart
4.15 Public Coastal Evacuations: Alerting and Moving People, Inundation Modeling and Maps, Evacuation Routes and Signage, Safe return Evacuation Planning: Role and Value of Tsunami Inundation Modeling
4.16 Vertical Evacuation and Refuge: Progress in Designing Tsunami-Resistant Structures
4.17 Learning Activities (individual followed by group discussion) – Tsunami Warning and Emergency Response Timeline - What happens when?, Frequently-asked Questions
4.18 TWC Operations: Real-time earthquake source characterization and tsunami assessment - Challenges and Limitations
4.19 TER Operations: Rapid Alerting and Evacuation - Challenges and Limitations
4.2 Tsunami Science for Tsunami Warning - generation, propagation, impact
4.3 Tsunami Warning Centre Standard Operating Procedures – Concept of Operations, Overview on Routine and Event Operations, Flow Charts, Timelines, Checklists
4.4 IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions
4.5 Caribbean Tsunami Hazards - historical and paleotsunami records
4.6 ICG/CARIBE-EWS International Tsunami Warning Centers - PTWC and US NTWC (WC/ATWC) Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Monitoring and Detection of Earthquakes and Tsunamis, Evaluation of Tsunami Threat, Forecasting, Types of Products, and Message Dissemination
4.7 Tsunami Warning Decision Support Tools: Earthquake and Sea Level Monitoring, PTWC SMS Alerts, Historical Databases, Tsunami Travel Time Calculation. (Installation and Training as needed during unscheduled times)
4.8 Tsunami Emergency Response Standard Operating Procedures - Overview on Stakeholder Roles and Coordination, Event Operations, Timelines, Checklists
4.9 Case Study: Warning Dissemination and Public Alerting – Authoritative agencies, media, and the public – US Emergency Alert System, Hawaii example
5 PTWC Tsunami Warning Operations - PTWC New Products
5.1 PTWC Proposed ICG/CARIBE-EWS Enhanced Products: Overview - Why, What, When and How to Use, Limitations
5.2 PTWC Proposed ICG/CARIBE-EWS Enhanced Products: Discussion and Feedback
6.1 Earthquake Seismology - W-phase Centroid Moment Tensors, Finite Fault Rupture, Slow Earthquakes, Great and Gigantic Earthquakes
6.1.B Small Group Exercise - Evacuation Mapping
6.2 Tsunami forecasting (Travel Time and Wave Height) - Techniques, Use and Limitations, Future Directions
6.2.B Community-level preparedness and education – Schools and businesses, Special Needs Populations, Tourism Sector
6.3 Creating Timeline-driven SOPs - How to Guidance, Explanation of Warning Center Templates for Distant and Local Threats, Flow Charts and Checklists.
6.3.B Tsunami Emergency Response – Local Tsunami Threat – Wakayama, Japan Case Study
6.4 SOP Breakout Groups: Using Templates to Develop Timeline of Processes and Actions (Criteria for Action, Messages, Checklists, Information Dissemination, Media Information)
6.4.B Creating Timeline-driven SOPs - How to Guidance, Explanation of Response Templates for Distant and Local Threats, Flow Charts and Checklists
6.5 Breakout Groups Report Out and Discussion - SOPs
6.5.B SOP Breakout Groups: Using Templates to Develop General Roles and Responsibilities and Timeline of Processes and Actions (Criteria for Action, Evacuation Checklists, Information Dissemination, Media Information)
6.6.B Breakout Groups Report Out and Discussion - SOPs
7 DAY 4
7.1 Table Top Exercise – Background and Scenarios for Day 5
7.2 Exercise Set-up according to Stakeholder Warning and Response Groups
7.3 CARIBE-EWS Tsunami Exercise - PTWC and WC/ATWC messages
7.4 Post-Exercise Evaluation - Report Preparation Instructions
7.5 Post-Exercise Evaluation - Report Preparation
7.6 Post-Exercise Evaluation Hotwash – Comments, Problems, Improvements
7.7 Toward Building National and Regional Capabilities - Summary Discussion and Next Steps
8 Presentation of Certificates, Closing Ceremony