4th session of JCOMM Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services

27 February - 02 March 2013,

Japan Meteorological Agency, Tokyo
1-3-4 Otemachi Chiyoda-ku


Annotated Agenda

1. Opening of the session
1.1. Opening
1.2. Adoption of the agenda
1.3. Working arrangements
2. Reports
2.1. ETMSS Chairperson & SFSPA Coordinator reports
2.2. IMO Report
2.3. IHO Report
2.4. Inmarsat Report
3. Review of the WWMIWS as a component of the GMDSS
3.1. Status of implementation of the GMDSS, in particular in the Arctic
3.2. Exchange Sea Ice information by Arctic Metareas Issuing Services
3.3. Procedure for the modification of responsibilities in the provision of met-ocean MSI
4. Review of the Joint IMO/IHO/WMO & the WMO Documentation
4.1. WMO n°558 & 471
4.2. Joint IMO/IHO/WMO documentation
5. Improvement of regulations and guidelines for the provision of MSI
5.1. Guidelines for sea state information in MSI
5.2. Guidelines for marine volcanic ash advisories
5.3. Guidelines for severe solar magnetic storm advisories, for Navigational Warnings
5.4. The GMDSS website
6. Development of enhanced MSI
6.1. WMO contribution to e-navigation and the review of the GMDSS
6.2. Catalogue on Met-Ocean Object Class for ENC and e-Navigation
7. SAR and Marine Pollution
7.1. Review of the status of MPERSS, including the visibility of the system outside WMO
7.2. Development of MPERSS capabilities including object tracking (SAR assistance)
7.3. Development of capabilities for particles drift tracking (e.g. radioactive hazmat)
8. Implementation of QMS for MSI
8.1. Users feedback and performance measurements
8.2. Review of self-assessment report template
9. ETMSS ToRs, election of a vice-chairperson
10. Any Other Business (AOB)
11. Closure of the session
11.1. Adoption of the list of actions
11.2. Closure