Open-ended Intesessional Financial Advisory Group 2012-2013

25 June 2012 no location specified or online event

Annotated Agenda

1. 15 October 2012: The IFAG chair will invite members of the Group to comment on high level structure of the MTS
1.1 1. Maintain, strengthen and integrate a global ocean observing system for monitoring, assessment and forecasting of the state of the ocean
1.1.a Facilitate global ocean data responding to requirements for sustained observations
1.1.b Facilitate regional ocean data responding to regional priorities for end-to-end observing systems
1.1.c Improve scientific information on ocean ecosystem status and human impact
1.1.d Improve the knowledge base for sustainable management related to the open ocean
1.2 2. Ensure national strategies for adapting to climate change include coastal and ocean components
1.2.a Improve knowledge of the impacts of climate variability and change on natural and human systems
1.2.b Develop climate services and assessments of the impact of climate change on ocean ecosystem services
1.2.c Promote mainstreaming of actions towards mitigation of and adaptation to climate change and ocean acidification into national development priorities
1.3 3. Strengthen capabilities of vulnerable coastal States to prepare for and respond to natural coastal hazards
1.3.a Promote integrated and sustained monitoring and warning systems
1.3.b Promote awareness, education and exchange of best practices in preparedness for coastal inundation hazards
1.3.c Contribute to developing Member States’ capacities for coastal hazard assessment
1.4 4. Strengthen ocean knowledge and foster regional cooperation in marine science with scientific institutions and governments
1.4.a Promote sustainable use and conservation of marine ecosystems and living resources by contributing to the understanding of ecosystem functioning/services, including establishment of status baselines, and the implementation of ecosystem-based management
1.4.b Strengthening science-based knowledge and capacity building for integrated ocean and coastal management
1.4.c Stimulate at a global level educational programmes at early stages and improve mechanisms to support capacity building
1.5 5. Enhance the global ocean governance framework through shared knowledge base and capacity development
1.5.a Provide leadership in the coordination and implementation of UN global targets relevant to ocean-based knowledge
1.5.b Facilitate mechanisms for the exchange of ocean environmental data for decision-making
1.5.c Strengthen capacity for some Member States to formulate ocean management plans and policies through technology transfer.
2. Late November 2012: Circulation of a first draft outline with deadline for comments by end January.
3. February 2013: Circulation of the revised draft outline and call for comments on the detailed planning of the MTS by early March
4. Late March 2013: Circulation of a first full draft and draft resolution for the Assembly with deadline for comments by end April
5. Mid-May 2013: Circulation of the final draft as a working document for the Assembly
6. June 2013: Submission to the IOC Assembly