Fourth Session of the JCOMM Observations Coordination Group (OCG)

18 - 20 April 2011,

Old Woolstore Hotel
1 Macquarie Street

Hobart Tasmania 7000


1 Opening
1.1 Welcome and logistical arrangements
1.2 Meeting goals
1.3 The role of the OCG in a post-OceanObs'09 Framework for Ocean Observations
2 Requirements for the Observations Programme Area (OPA)
2.1 Review of scientific requirements for climate
2.2 Review of non-climate requirements and feasibility
2.2.1 Operational ocean forecast systems observing requirements
2.2.2 Variable focus: GHRSST
2.2.3 SFSPA further observing requirements: waves, storm surges, ocean-related hazards, sea ice
2.2.4 WMO Rolling Review of Requirements, ET-EGOS Implementation Plan
3 Are we meeting the requirements for observing ocean variables?
3.1 Discussion: feedback for the requirements-setting processes
3.2 Review of the current JCOMM OPA Implementation Goals (network-based goals)
3.3 JCOMM metrics
4 Issues and challenges faced by the observing networks
4.1 Quick review from each observing network of issues and challenges faced
4.1.1 SOT - Volunteer Observing Ships (VOS)
4.1.2 SOT - Ship of Opportunity Programme (SOOP)
4.1.3 Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP)
4.1.4 Tropical Moored Buoy Implementation Panel (DBCP-TIP)
4.1.5 Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS)
4.1.6 Argo
4.1.7 OceanSITES
4.1.8 International Ocean Carbon Coordination Programme (IOCCP)
4.1.9 Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP)
4.2 Discussion
5 Identifying and working on common challenges and building positive synergies
5.1 Technical coordination
5.1.1 JCOMMOPS goals and priorities
5.1.2 Followup on proposal process to expand and sustain technical coordination
5.2 The interface between national and regional initiatives and the global system
5.3 Legacy recommendations from the JCOMM pilot project for WIGOS
5.4 Technology infusion and pilot projects
5.5 Instrument and data standards and best practices
5.6 Data management
5.7 Common challenges
6 Work plan / milestones / recommendations
7 Issues to raise at the JCOMM-wide and intergovernmental (WMO, IOC) level
8 Closing