User Consultation Meeting on <b>ESA Storm Surge Project </b>

17 - 18 September 2009,

Congressi, ospitalità ed eventi a Venezia
Isola di San Servolo

30124 Venezia


0 Introduction and opening / Objectives and Structure of the Workshop
1 Use of existing satellite data for Storm Surges applications and development
1.1 Ongoing activities and Plans for integrated storm surge applications
1.2 User requirements from the JCOMM Storm Surge Symposium
1.3 Assessment and Analysis of Scatterometer Wind Vector in High Wind Conditions
1.4 User Requirements for storm surges and NWP
2 What is the current capability for Storm Surge models?
2.1 Wind, wave and storm surge hindcasts and scenarios and related coastal and offshore applications: the coastWind, wave and storm surge hindcasts and scenarios and related coastal and offshore applications: the coastDat data set at the GKSS Institute for Coastal Research
2.2 UK Storm Surge Prediction
2.3 Danish Meteorological Institute applications and needs for storm surges
2.4 Operational storm surge modelling in Venice at the ICPSM : Venice Municipality
3 Users' Requirements for Integrated Storm Surge applications (1)
3.1 Storm Surges: Forecasting and Quantifying the Risks
3.2 Recent developments in storm surge prediction in the North Indian Ocean
3.3 Storm surge modeling for the Dutch coast: ambitions in a new century
3.4 User requirements in Australia for storm surge monitoring and forecasting
3.5 Users requirement in the Caribbean region on storm surge monitoring and forecasting
4 Users' Requirements for Integrated Storm Surge applications (2)
4.1 User requirements in USA for storm surge monitoring and forecasting
4.2 User requirements in Africa for storm surge monitoring and forecasting applications
4.3 Operational storm surge modelling for the city of Venice
4.4 Extreme storm surges and morphological change in Europe: the MICORE review
4.5 User requirements in Africa for storm surge monitoring and forecasting applications
4.6 User requirements in Ireland for storm surge monitoring and forecasting applications
5 Users' Requirements for Integrated Storm Surge applications (3)
5.1 Sea level variability in the Mediterranean Sea in the past 23 years by re-analysis and modelling
5.2 Extreme sea state and wind field measurements using SAR data
5.3 'Total sea level' forecast products in connection with the Australian Bluelink project
5.4 International Charter Space and Major Disasters: History and Operation
6 Breakout discussion groups
6.0 Review of requirements and potential Storm Surge project activities from Day 1
6.1 Parallel Group Discussion A: Priority User Requirements for a Storm Surge Project
6.2 Parallel Group Discussion B: Key challenges for Storm surges and earth observation
7 Breakout Session Reports and discussion
8 Summary and Conclusions