Tsunami Capacity Assessment Validation Workshop for Indian and Pacific Oceans

04 - 06 September 2024,

United Nations Conference Centre


1 Opening
1.1 Welcome remarks
1.2 Review agenda and timetable
1.3 Overview of 2024 IOTWMS Capacity Assessment of Tsunami Preparedness Project
1.4 Results from survey data analysis
2 Thailand Tsunami Capacity Assessment Validation Workshop
2.1 Tour of National Tsunami Warning Centre (NTWC) for Thailand
2.2 Introductions
2.3 Overview of the UNESCO-IOC Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning & Mitigation System (IOTWMS) and 2024 IOTWMS Capacity Assessment of Tsunami Preparedness Project
2.4 Discuss tsunami risk assessment, warning and dissemination survey responses and associated capacity development needs for Thailand
2.5 Discuss community tsunami awareness and preparedness survey responses and associated capacity development needs for Thailand
2.6 Final comments
3 Capacity Assessment Recommendations and Review
3.1 Develop Recommendations for Tsunami Risk Assessment and Reduction Capacity Development
3.2 Develop Recommendations for Tsunami Detection Warning & Dissemination Capacity Development
3.3 Develop Recommendations for Tsunami Public Awareness, Preparedness and Response Capacity Development
3.4 Develop Recommendations for Tsunami Ready Recognition Programme Capacity Development
3.5 Review of narrative and overall survey data and draft recommendations against 2019-2024 ICG/IOTWMS Medium Term Strategy
3.6 Review IOTWMS outcomes and plans for 2025 PTWS Capacity Assessment Tsunami Preparedness
4 Tsunami and EW4ALL Coordination Meeting
4.1 Welcome
4.2 UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Programme and 20th Commemoration of 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami
4.3 Updates on EW4ALL and UN Programmes in Asia and the Pacific
4.4 Recommendations from 2024 IOTWMS Capacity Assessment Tsunami Preparedness and support for EW4ALL
4.5 Reflections and Closing Remarks