Third Joint WMO-IOC Collaborative Board (JCB-3 part 2) Meeting

04 - 06 September 2024,

OECD, 2 rue André-Pascal
75016 Paris


1 Opening
1.1 High-level Opening with IOC Executive Secretary and Deputy Secretary-General of WMO
1.2 Goals and approach
2 IOC and WMO presentations
3 Identification of joint work
3.1 Mapping areas of joint work for JCB action raised by different communities
3.2 Identification of 4-6 criteria to prioritize areas of joint work
4 Ranking and prioritizing areas of joint work using criteria identified
5 Breakout sessions on activities needed under areas of joint work
5.1 Present an overview of the (4-6) priority areas of joint work identified on Day 1
5.2 Breakout groups will then consider actions for evolving solutions and deliverables within these areas of joint work
5.3 Present outcomes from break out groups
6 Host Session
6.1 IOC Host
6.2 OECD Host
7 Recap and open discussion on activities, priorities, goals and solutions for identified areas of joint work; setting of timelines and recommendations
8 Recommendations to governing bodies and next steps