Eighth Meeting of the ICG/PTWS Working Group 2 Task Team on Seismic Data Sharing in the Southwest Pacific

20 October 2022

Tanoa Dateline International Hotel Conference Centre


1 Welcome and Opening
2 Organization of Session
2.1 Adoption of the Agenda
2.2 Designation of Rapporteur
2.3 Conduct of Session, Tmetable and documentation
3 IOC ICG/PTWS XXIX Session Outcomes
3.1 Brief on decisions and recommendations from ICG/PTWS- XXIX
3.2 Brief overview of Task Team TOR and membership
4 ORSNET project progress report and future plan
4.1 ORSNET Reccomendation
5 Future work of Task Team
5.1 USGS
5.2 GA
5.3 GNS
5.4 JICA
6 Review of TOR and Membership
6.1 Review of Task Team TOR
6.2 Voting for New Office Bearers
7 Finalisation of decisions, recommendation and consideration draft meeting report
7.1 Review and Update of Recommendations to ICG/PTWS
8 Next Meeting
9 Closure of Meeting