Cape Town
South Africa
1 | Plenary Session 1 |
1.1 | Welcome Note to Africa by the Chair of GOOS-AFRICA, Geoff Brundrit |
1.2 | Welcome Address by the Chair of I-GOOS, François Gérard |
1.3 | Opening Remarks by a South African Governmental Officer |
1.4 | Introduction of documents and agenda, |
1.5 | Review of Objectives and Outputs of the Forum |
1.6 | Logistics |
1.7 | Results from the 1st and 2nd GOOS Regional Forum and Summary of Progress since the 2nd Forum |
1.8 | Overview of the Implementation Strategy for the Coastal module of GOOS including information on the proposal for a Joint GOOS/GTOS Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (J-PICO) and the Coastal Zone Community of Practice |
1.9 | Progress Report of the JCOMM-GSSC-GRA Task Team on the Implementation Strategy for the Coastal module of the Global Ocean Observing System |
1.10 | The LME Concept, its Development and Contributions to GOOS including GOOS Ecological Objectives |
1.11 | Developing Synergy between LMEs and GRAs based on GOOS-AFRICA Experience including the outcome of the two previous Pan-African Meetings |
1.12 | Plenary introduction to the objectives and expected outputs of WG0 |
1.13 | Plenary introduction to the objectives and expected outputs of WG1 |
2 | Plenary Session 2 |
2.1 | Progress Reports of Working Groups and discussions |
2.2 | GRA Presentations |
2.2.1 | PI-GOOS |
2.2.2 | EuroGOOS |
2.2.3 | SEAGOOS |
2.2.4 | GRASP |
3 | Plenary Session 3 |
3.2 | GRA Presentations (2.2 cont.) |
3.2.6 | NEARGOOS |
3.2.7 | IOGOOS |
3.2.8 | Black Sea GOOS |
3.2.9 | US-GOOS |
3.2.10 | OCEATLAN |
3.2.11 | GOOS-AFRICA |
3.2.12 | MedGOOS |
3.2.13 | Arctic GOOS |
3.2.14 | Information on emerging GOOS Regional Initiatives |
3.3 | Interactive discussions on lessons learned and challenges for GRAs including Scientific and Technology gaps and Fund raising strategy |
4 | Plenary Session 4 |
5 | Plenary Session 5 |
6 | Plenary Session 6 |