Third Forum of the GOOS Regional Alliances

14 - 17 November 2006,

Cape Town
South Africa


1 Plenary Session 1
1.1 Welcome Note to Africa by the Chair of GOOS-AFRICA, Geoff Brundrit
1.2 Welcome Address by the Chair of I-GOOS, François Gérard
1.3 Opening Remarks by a South African Governmental Officer
1.4 Introduction of documents and agenda,
1.5 Review of Objectives and Outputs of the Forum
1.6 Logistics
1.7 Results from the 1st and 2nd GOOS Regional Forum and Summary of Progress since the 2nd Forum
1.8 Overview of the Implementation Strategy for the Coastal module of GOOS including information on the proposal for a Joint GOOS/GTOS Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (J-PICO) and the Coastal Zone Community of Practice
1.9 Progress Report of the JCOMM-GSSC-GRA Task Team on the Implementation Strategy for the Coastal module of the Global Ocean Observing System
1.10 The LME Concept, its Development and Contributions to GOOS including GOOS Ecological Objectives
1.11 Developing Synergy between LMEs and GRAs based on GOOS-AFRICA Experience including the outcome of the two previous Pan-African Meetings
1.12 Plenary introduction to the objectives and expected outputs of WG0
1.13 Plenary introduction to the objectives and expected outputs of WG1
2 Plenary Session 2
2.1 Progress Reports of Working Groups and discussions
2.2 GRA Presentations
2.2.1 PI-GOOS
2.2.2 EuroGOOS
2.2.4 GRASP
3 Plenary Session 3
3.2 GRA Presentations (2.2 cont.)
3.2.7 IOGOOS
3.2.8 Black Sea GOOS
3.2.9 US-GOOS
3.2.12 MedGOOS
3.2.13 Arctic GOOS
3.2.14 Information on emerging GOOS Regional Initiatives
3.3 Interactive discussions on lessons learned and challenges for GRAs including Scientific and Technology gaps and Fund raising strategy
4 Plenary Session 4
5 Plenary Session 5
6 Plenary Session 6