Post IOWave18 Regional Workshop on lessons learnt from community participation and evaluation of IOTR indicators in pilot communities during Exercise Indian Ocean Wave 2018

15 - 17 November 2018,

The Agency for Meteorogy, Climatology and Geophysics, Indonesia
Head Office
Jl. Angkasa 1 No.2

Jakarta Pusat
Jakarta 10720


1. Opening
2. Session 1: Lessons Learned on Community Activity in IOWave18
2.1 Country Presentations on Participation in Exercise IOWave18
2.2 International Observers Reports
2.3 Country Presentations on Communicating IOWave18
2.4 Report on Documentation and Communication Initiative of IOWave Portal
3. Session 2: Assessment and Recommendations
3.1 Discussion: How to do better in IOWave Community Activity (Planning, Organising, Implementing and Evaluating
3.2 Discussion: How to encourage participation of Member States and sustaining Community Activities within IOWaves
3.3 Discussion: Communication Strategy for future IOWaves
3.4 Recommendations, Input and Suggestion to ICG/IOTWMS on Future IOWave for Community Activities
4. Session 3: Lessons Learnt from Implementation of Indian Ocean Tsunami Ready Programme
4.1 Introduction to Indian Ocean Tsunami Ready (IOTR) Programme
4.2 Lessons Learnt on IOTR Piloting
4.3 Discussion: IOTR Indicators and Recognition Mechanism
4.4 Discussion: How to encourage participants of Member States in piloting IOTR - Link to Palu event
5. Closing Statements