TOWS WG Inter-ICG Task Team on Disaster Management & Preparedness

19 - 20 February 2019,

Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
7, place de Fontenoy

75732 Paris cedex 07


1 Opening and Meeting Organization
2 Reflection on TT Report to TOWS WG XI (2018)
3 Reports from ICG WG & TIC Representatives
4 Signifiant Operational Events Since Last Meeting (Joint Session with Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations)
5 Tsunami Glossary Update (Joint Session with Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations)
6 Development of Key Performance Indicators in Relation With Sendai Framework Indicators (Joint Session with Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations)
7 Local Source Tsunami SOPs (Joint Session with Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations)
8 National Tsunami Warning Centre Competency Framework (Joint Session with Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations)
9 Planning for the Ocean Decade (Joint Session with Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations)
10 UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Ready (UNESCO-IOC TR) Community-based tsunami recognition
11 Tsunami Evacuation Mapping
12 Tsunami Guidance for Maritime and Ports
13 Structural design guidance for buildings that can be used as shelters
14 Schools Programmes
15 World Tsunami Awareness Day (WTAD) 2019
16 Task Team Report to TOWS WG XII
17 Close of Meeting