Thirty Third Session of DBCP

14 - 17 November 2017,

Technopole Brest Iroise,
Campus Ifremer,
1625 Route de Sainte Anne

29280 Plouzane


1 Opening and Welcome to the DBCP Session
2 Scientific and Technical Workshop
3 National Reports
3.1 Country reports ( revised template)
3.2 National risk analysis information format
4 Opening of the DBCP Business Session
4.1 Adoption of the agenda
4.2 Working arrangements
5 Report by the Executive Board
6 JCOMMOPS Report by the DBCP-TC
7 Pilot Projects
7.1 Pilot Project on High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (PP-HRSST)
8 Recommendations by the Action Groups
8.1 Global Drifter Programme (GDP)
8.2 International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP)
8.3 International Buoy Programme for the Indian Ocean (IBPIO)
8.4 International Programme for Antarctic Buoys (IPAB)
8.5 International South Atlantic Buoy Programme (ISABP)
8.6 DBCP-PICES North Pacific Data Buoy Advisory Panel (NPDBAP)
8.7 Surface Marine programme of the Network of European Meteorological Services, EUMETNET (E-SURFMAR)
8.8 Tropical Moored Buoys Implementation Panel (TIP)
8.9 International Tsunameter Partnership (ITP)
8.10 Other regional activities
9 Recommendations by the Task Teams
9.1 Task Team on Instrument Best Practices and Drifter Technology Development (TT-IBPD)
9.2 Task Team on Moored Buoys (TT-MB)
9.3 Task Team on Wave Measurements (TT-WM)
9.4 Task Team on Capacity-Building (TT-CB)
9.5 Task Team on Data Management (TT-DM)
9.5.1 Recommendations of the Task Team
9.5.2 Recommendations of the Buoy data management centres
10 Issues for the Panel
10.1 Implementation of the Outreach Strategy to Reduce Damage to Ocean Data Buoys From Vandalism
10.2 Satellite data telecommunications
10.2.1 Satcom Forum
10.2.2 Specific satellite systems such as Iridium and ARGOS
10.3 Environmental stewardship and compliance of buoy operators
10.4 Emerging technologies networks (e.g. unmanned surface vehicles)
11 Strategic Planning Discussion
11.1 Addressing the synergies between DBCP and SOT
11.2 Contributions to Services/Research to include Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)
11.3 WMO Integrated Global Observing System(WIGOS)
11.4 DBCP Implementation Strategy
12 Organizational Issues
12.1 DBCP Terms of Reference
12.2 JCOMMOPS Management
12.3 JCOMM activities and management and decisions from JCOMM-V
12.4 Report on decisions of WMO and IOC governing bodies
12.5 Financial reports
13 Executive Decisions
13.1 DBCP Operating Principles
13.2 Review of action items from the previous DBCP Session
13.3 Work plans and priorities for the Panel and the Technical Coordinator
14 Election of chairperson and vice-chairpersons
15 Review of Actions/Recommendations
16 Dates and Place for the Next Session
17 Closure of the Session