International Tsunami Workshop: Recent tsunamis in the Pacific (2007-2016) - Improving tsunami response

27 March 2017

Hotel Le Méridien

P.O. Box 380595 Tahiti
French Polynesia


1 Morning session
1.1 Keynote Lecture: The history and 50th anniversary of the CPPT (French Polynesia n tsunami warning center) : D.Reymond [Director LDG-Pamatai, Centre Polynésien de Prevention des tsunamis (CPPT), FRANCE
1.2 Keynote Lecture: Activities and contribution to PTWS by CPPT and France, F.Schindele [International Tsunami Expert, Head of French Delegation, Commissariat à l’énergie Atomique et aux énergies alternatives]
1.3 Keynote Lecture : The Civil Protection Warning and Emergency plan in French Polynesia : F.Tournay [Director Direction de la Défense et de la Protéction Civile – Civil authorities, FRANCE]
1.4 A review of the U.S. System to include recent advances and of course remaining gaps and challenges related to both science and technology and community preparedness , Mike Angove, [NOAA/NWS Tsunami Program Lead, USA]
1.5 Recent advances in tsunami warning of the Japan Meteorological Agency after the 2011 Great Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami, Satoshi Harada, [JMA, Japan]
1.6 Tsunami Events and Preparedness: An Indian Ocean Perspective, Rick Bailey, Yuelong Miao and Peter Coburn [Australian Bureau of Meteorology], Harkunti Rahayu [Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia], Sam Hettiarachchi [University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka], Juma Al-Maskari [Directorate General of Meteorology & Air Navigation, Oman], Srinivasa Kumar and Ardito Kodijat [UNESCO]
1.7 Recent tsunami warning system improvement in Chile, Patricio Carrasco, [SHOA, Chile]
2 Afternoon session
2.1 Pacific Tsunami Warning Center - Procedures, Products, Performance, and Problems Charles McCreery, [Director PTWC (NOAA/NWS, USA)]
2.2 Tsunami Forecast Tools of the French Polynesian Tsunami Warning System: Present state and Development, A.Jamelot, D.Reymond [CEA – LDG-Pamatai, CPPT, French Polynesia
2.3 The development of the National Tsunami Warning System of Vanuatu, Esline Garaebiti, David Gibson, Jerry Timothy [Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-Hazards Department, Vanuatu]
2.4 Tide gauge and opportunistic observations of tsunamis along exposed and sheltered coastlines of New Caledonia . J. Aucan, [ IRD, New-Caledonia, France]
2.5 An overview of the emerging GNSS-based geodetic tsunami analysis capability being led by NASA in association with NOAA and a University consortium, Dr. Tim Melbourne [NASA Project Lead, Central Washington University, USA]
2.6 New Zealand: Responding to the 14 November 2016 Kaikoura earthquake and tsunami – challenges and enhancements , Ken Gledhill & Lara Bland, [New Zealand GeoNet, GNS Science], David Coetzee; Sarah-Jayne McCurrach & Jo Guard, [Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management, New Zealand]
2.7 Community engagement in tsunami hazards mapping and EWS designs are a Must and not a Choice (Mulipola Ausetalia Titimaea, Meteorology Division & Filomena Nelson, Disaster Management Office, Samoa)
2.8 Using the TEMPP process to build a Tsunami Ready community - Honduras pilot, Laura Kong, [Director ITIC, NOAA/NWS USA]
2.9 Tsunami Experiences in the Solomon Islands, Loti Yates