Fourth Forum of the GOOS Regional Alliances

25 - 27 November 2008,

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Hilton Colón Guayaquil,
Avenida Francisco de Orelllana Mz 111,



1 Opening Ceremony
1.1 Welcome Note
1.2 Welcome Address
1.3 Opening Remarks
1.4 Review of Objectives of the Forum
1.5 Introduction of documents and agenda
1.7 Results of previous GOOS Regional Forums
1.8 Summary of Progress since the last Forums
1.9 Introduction to GOOS Regional Council (GRC)
2 Programme Reports
2.1 Review of the Implementation Strategy for the Coastal module of GOOS, François Gérard, I-GOOS Chair
2.10 ODIN Contributions to GRAs and Cooperation Between IODE & GOOS, Rodny Martinez, Coordinator ODINCARSA
2.2 GOOS Strategic Planning for GRAs, Keith ALVERSON, GOOS Project Office
2.3 WMO strategic planning for GRAs, Edgard CABRERA, WMO
2.4 IOC Secretary Presentation: Patricio BERNAL, IOC ADG
2.5 New Cooperation Mechanisms, Work Projection and Common Products within GRAS:
2.6 Review of PICO-I Meeting: Jose Muelbert
2.7 Follow on to III GRA Forum on LME Cooperation
2.7.1 LME Projects and their Contributions to GOOS: Ned Cyr
2.7.2 Developing Synergy between LMEs and GRAs based on GOOS-AFRICA Experience: Geoff Brundrit
2.9 GOSIC: Enabling Data and Information Exchange for GRAs, Christina LIEF, NOAA
3 Working Groups
3.1 Working Group 1 (WG1) Oceanic and Atmospheric Modellation: Regional Centers, GRASP Case.
3.2 Working Group 2 (WG2) GRA Operational and Research Products: Measures to Minimize Implications of Climate Change, and Multihazard Forecasting Systems
3.3 Working Group 3 (WG3) GRA Operational and Research Products on Modelling, Prevention and Forecasting of El Niño-La Niña
3.4 Working Group 4 (WG4) Progress, Priorities and Plans for Implementation of the Coastal Module of GOOS – Global Coastal Network (GCN)
3.5 Working Group 5 (WG5) Challenges of Coastal GOOS Implementation for Developing States.
3.6 Breakout Session 1
3.7 Progress Report and Discussions
3.7.1 Progress Report of Working Group (WG1) and discussions
3.7.2 Progress Report of Working Group (WG2) and discussions
3.7.3 Progress Report of Working Group (WG3) and discussions
3.7.4 Progress Report of Working Group (WG4) and discussions
3.7.5 Progress Report of Working Group (WG5) and discussions
4 GRAs and Observations Systems
4.1 GRA Presentations
4.1.1 GRASP Chair Representative Gonzalo Pereira PUCHY
4.1.10 Black Sea GOOS Chair Valery EREMEEV
4.1.11 MedGOOS Chair Kostas NITTIS
4.1.12 GOOS-Africa Chair Geoff BRUNDRIT
4.1.2 IOCARIBE GOOS Co-Chairs Guillermo Garcia MONTERO / Doug WILSON
4.1.3 OCEATLAN Technical Secretariat Janice TROTTE
4.1.4 US-GOOS Chair Ned CYR
4.1.5 PI GOOS Chair representative Paul EASTWOOD (SOPAC)
4.1.6 NEARGOOS Chair Shao Hua LIN
4.1.7 IOGOOS Chair representative Alphonse DUBI
4.1.9 EURO GOOS Chair Hans DAHLIN
4.2 Developing Regional Oceanographic Observation Systems
4.2.1 Arctic ROOS, Hans DAHLIN
4.2.2 WAGOOS (Western Australia ROOS), Nick D'ADAMO
4.3 Information on emerging GOOS Regional Initiatives
5 Final Working Group Reports and Discussion
5.1 Final Report of Working Groups
5.1.1 Working Group 1 (WG1) Regional Modelling Centres
5.1.2 Working Group 2 (WG2) GRAs Response to Climate Change
5.1.3 Working Group 3 (WG3) Effective Operational Products (El Niño-La Niña)
5.1.4 Working Group 4 (WG4) C-GOOS Priorities and Global Coastal Network
5.1.5 Working Group 5 (WG5) Challenges for Developing States. .
5.2 Panel Discussions
5.2.1 Panel Working Group 1 (WG1) Regional Modelling Centres
5.2.2 Panel Working Group 2 (WG2) GRAs Response to Climate Change
5.2.3 Panel Working Group 3 (WG3) Effective Operational Products (El Niño-La Niña)
5.2.4 Panel Working Group 4 (WG4) C-GOOS Priorities and Global Coastal Network
5.2.5 Panel Working Group 5 (WG5) Challenges for Developing States.
5.3 Working Group Action Items
5.3.1 Working Group 1: Summary of Action Items
5.3.2 Working Group 2: Summary of Action Items
5.3.3 Working Group 3: Summary of Action Items
5.3.4 Working Group 4: Summary of Action Items
5.3.5 Working Group 5: Summary of Action Items
6 IV GRA Forum Actions
6.1 GOOS Regional Council:
6.2 IV GRA Forum Action Items
6.3 Discussion / Recommendations
6.4 Integration of the Forum Report
6.5 Adoption of Forum Report
6.6 Closure of the Forum