7th session of the Services and Forecast Systems Program Area Coordination Group

04 - 06 March 2013,

Japan Meteorological Agency, Tokyo
1-3-4 Otemachi Chiyoda-ku



1 Opening of the session
1.1 Opening
1.2 Adoption of the agenda
1.3 Working arrangements
2 Guidance and requirements from JCOMM-4 and WMO-IOC governing bodies
3 Review of the draft Services and Forecast Systems Program Area work plan for the current intersessional period
3.1 Maritime Safety Services (MSS)
3.2 Waves and Coastal Hazard Forecasting Systems (WCH)
3.3 Sea Ice (SI)
3.4 Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems (OOFS)
3.5 Other priority areas including Quality Management, Capacity Development and Global Framework for Climate Services
4 Enhancement of JCOMM capability for marine environmental emergencies
5 Other key cross-cutting issues in marine meteorological and oceanographic services
6 Any Other Business
7 Closure of the session
7.1 Adoption of the report
7.2 Closure