DBCP Task Team on Data Management (TT-DM)

Terms of Reference
(as adopted at DBCP-XXXVIII)

The DBCP Task Team on Data Management shall:

  1. Receive and review reports from the Data Management Centres specializing in drifting buoy data, i.e., (i) the Coriolis/France, and (ii) MEDS/Canada; reconcile any overlaps with emphasis on differences;

  2. Liaise on requirements for data buoy observations, for all relevant applications, and submit them in a consolidated way to the related WMO expert groups;

  3. Suggest improvements and address issues to do with real-time distribution of data, including GTS issues, timeliness and methods to improve data  flows;

  4. Suggest improvements and address issues relating to delayed-mode distribution and archiving of the data, with consideration to GOOS OCG data management;

  5. Seek input from stakeholders on which metadata is most important and how it is best managed and coordinate and ensure integration with  the OceanOPS;

  6. Review all TT-DM circulated  publications and documents, to make sure they are kept up-to-date and comply with Quality Management terminology and to ensure these documents to be linked with OBPS repository when ready;

  7. Make sure that the developments and activities proposed by the Task Team are consistent with the governing principles of WMO and IOC;

  8. Make recommendations to the DBCP Executive Board or the DBCP members for addressing the issues above; and

  9. Propose to the DBCP and its Executive Board any evaluation activities and pilot projects that it deems beneficial to buoy operators

  10. Report to the DBCP Executive Board and the DBCP at its annual Sessions.


The membership is decided at Panel Sessions and is open to all Panel members.

NameGroup RoleCountry (worklocation)
NameGroup RoleCountry (worklocation)