Ad-hoc Task Team on Key Performance Indicators (Ad-hoc-TT-KPI)

(Terms of Reference as decided by SOT-9)

The Task Team shall:

  1. Considering the User requirements for observations (OSCAR/Requirements);

  2. Considering the existing leading programs in each panel of the SOT, with their existing Key Performance Indicators;

  3. The task team shall derive Key Performance Indicators for the various panels of the SOT; 

  4. Noting thatSuch Key Performance Indicators shall inform about current situation and progress regarding i) Implementation, ii) Data Flow, iii) Instrumentation, iv) Operations, v) Data Uptake and vi) International Cooperation (as relevant);

  5. Such Key Performance Indicators shall be implemented on JCOMMOPS website.

NameGroup RoleCountry (worklocation)
NameGroup RoleCountry (worklocation)