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(#0X# N'N' N' HAr \""V m VPlease complete this form and return to David Meldrum no later than 10 September e: dtm@sams.ac.uk f: +44 1631 559001 Information for Local Organisers - DBCP-XXVI and Argos-JTA-XXX meetings Participant's details Name: E-mail address: Mobile no: Accompanied by: Travel details Arrival flight no: Arrival airport: Arrival date/time: Will rent a car (Y/N): Hotel during sessions: Departure date: DBCP dinner: Wednesday 29 Sept No of places at GBP40 per person (including wine and coffee): Menu preference: please select a starter, main course and dessert for each person StarterMain courseDessertHOMEMADE CULLEN SKINK A blend of smoked haddock, milk and potatoes creates a delicious smooth Scottish soup (origin: Aberdeen)MEDALLIONS OF VENISON Cooked in a port & bramble sauce served with new potatoes and market vegetables (origin: The Highlands)CRANACHAN A truly Scottish pudding of cream, raspberries, oatmeal & whisky HOTCHPOTCH A classic Scotch Broth (origin: The Highlands)CHICKEN & H AGGIS Traditional Scottish dish of fresh chicken breast stuffed with haggis set on a bed of creamed potato with a whisky sauce & market vegetables (origin: Edinburgh)FRESH FRUIT SALAD Sliced fresh fruit served with fresh whipped cream INVERAWE SMO KED SALMON Served with rocket salad and lemon wedge, brown bread & butterLANGOUSTINE THER MIDOR Local langoustines from Loch Etive peeled & served with a rich cheese & cream mustard sauce, accompanied by basmati riceGROSER FOOL Gooseberries, thick cream, custard, all whipped together and served with shortbread SALAD OF RABBIT Saddle of rabbit pan fried served cold with salad & sorrel leaves tossed in Mary Malcolm's Blue cheese dressing (origin: Fife)SALMON FISH CAKES Delicious combination of salmon, smoked salmon, onion & potato bound in a creamy cheese sauce, served with new potatoes and vegetables (origin: Aberdeen)CHEESE & B ISCUITS A selection of Scottish cheese served with Nairn oatcakes WILD MUSHROOM PATE With a salad garnish and onion relish, served with Nairn oatcakes (origin: The Borders)SIRLOIN of BEEF with LEITH SAUCE Slices of Aberdeen Angus beef cooked in a rich red wine & mustard gravy with roast potatoes and market vegetablesMACKIE'S ICE CREAM Chocolate or vanilla or both (origin: Aberdeenshire) SALAD of T O MATO, BASIL & GOAT'S CHEESE Sliced Scottish tomatoes topped with Arran croutons of goats cheese drizzled with our own olive oil dressing (origin: Dumfries)HAGGIS, NEEPS & TATTIES The traditional Scottish dish at its best, accompanied by a whisky sauce (origin: Glasgow)SIX OYSTERS Served with lemon wedges (origin: Isle of Lismore)DARNE of SALMON Oven baked salmon with a tarragon cream sauce, new potatoes & fresh vegetablesPRAWN COCKTAIL A classic dish of prawns served on a bed of crisp lettuce with a tomato & brandy Marie Rose sauceVEGETARIAN OPTION To be advised (5DPQUcyz{        ͻޘxiXxJxXJxXxJxXxJxh15dCJOJQJ^JaJ hShSCJOJQJ^JaJhS5CJOJQJ^JaJhSCJOJQJ^JaJ#h1hoM5CJOJQJ^JaJ h1h"ZCJOJQJ^JaJ#h1hL5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h1hx^5CJOJQJ^JaJ h1hx^CJOJQJ^JaJ h1hLCJOJQJ^JaJ h1hoMCJOJQJ^JaJQz{   % : M b |  [ \ d $IfgdS<gd1gdS$a$gdL % - 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