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Group to agree on how to move forward in remaining time to finalize methodology (tasks/responsible experts). Venue for Day 1: Tyholmen Hotel, which is located 1 minute walk from the Thon Hotel towards the sea front. Participants can ask at the reception desk at the Thon Hotel for directions. DAY 1: 23 June Venue: Tyholmen Hotel, Arendal TIMEAGENDA ITEMLed by9:00 9:15Welcome & opening GRID-A, IOC, UNEP9:15 9:25Introduction of participants, meeting objectives/outputs, adoption of agendaChair9:25 9:40TWAP overview & updateUNEP9:40 10:00Update on LME WG activities and outputsS. Heileman10:00 10:30Priority and emerging issues presentation of review of TDAs/CCAs & discussionR. Klaus10:30 11:00BREAKJOINT LME/OPEN OCEAN SESSION 11:00 11:10IntroductionChairs/participants11:10 11:20Open Ocean report on previous 2 daysA. Fischer11:20 11:50Primary productivity T. Platt/K. Sherman11:50 12:30Conceptual framework, mapping human impacts in LMEs/Open Ocean (presentation)A. Fischer/S. Heileman12:30 13:30LUNCH13:30 14:00Integrated assessment: HELCOM (presentation) S. Korpinen14:00 14:20Integrated assessment: EU (presentation)N. Hoepffner14:20 14:40Integrated assessment: US (presentation)R. Shuford14:40 15:00BREAK15:00 15:30Discussion on integrated assessment & tools for TWAPChair15:30 16:15Interlinkages & crosscutting issues (LMEs/OO/Rivers) Z. Chen/A. Fischer16:15 17:00Governance/Response indicatorsR. Mahon/ C. Ehler/O. Vestergaard17:00Wrap up & closeChair, GRID-A21:00Cruise (covered by project)DAY 2: 24 June Venue: GRID-Arendal 9:00 9:10Recap Day 1Chair9:10 9:30Overview of contribution from NOAA K. Sherman9:30 10:00 Review of indicators & templates (identify core indicators, stress, state, response, methodology, data, gaps, etc) Fish & Fisheries V. Christensen10:00 - 10:30Habitats L. Wood10:30 10:45BREAK10:45 11:30Assessment units (incl. SIDS, transboundary hotspots)GRID-A/UNEP-WCMC11:15 11:45BiodiversityTBD11:45 12:30Pollution (presentation) & discussionM. Huber12:30 13:30LUNCH13:30 14:15SocioeconomicsL. McManus14:15 14:45Continuation of LME Governance discussion (TBD)R. Mahon/ C. Ehler/O. Vestergaard14:45 15:00BREAK15:00 15:30Scoring of indicators, targets, presentation of results (could also be covered in the session for each module)Chair15:30 16:00Data managementGRID-A/UNEP-WCMC/UNEP/IOC16:00 16:30Review of indicators template and draft methodology report/format; glossaryS. Heileman16:30Wrap up & closeChairDAY 3: 25 June Venue: GRID-Arendal9:00 9:10Recap Day 2Chair9:10- 9:45Conducting the assessment in the Full Size Project (presentation on best practices, etc from AoA), followed by discussion on how to implement methodology; assessment productsJ. Barbiere/ E. Corcoran9:45 10:30Partnership & roles for FSP assessment; Linkage with UN Regular Process, Regional Seas and relevant marine assessment programmes (global & regional)IOC/UNEP10:30 11:00BREAK11:00 11:30Institutional arrangements for FSP (regional/global)IOC/UNEP11:30 12:00Capacity building needs12:00 13:30LUNCH13:30 14:00Validation (IOC LME consultation, OSPAR/ Regional Seas meeting); Lisbon meeting & other relevant fora; peer review (list of organizations/reviewers)Chair/ O. Vestergaard/ OSPAR14:00 14:30Preparation for July meeting of Information Management and Interlinkage Group UNEP14:30 15:00BREAK15:00 15:30Finalization of methodology report and other tasks/timeframe/ persons responsible Chair15:30 15:45Any other business Chair15:45 16:00CloseGRID-A, IOC, UNEP PAGE  PAGE 3 FGLMSTklt|} # 9 K L X {   # B C Ŷŧ{v hNC6 h36 hU6 h}iT6h MAh-6h MAhQ6 hK^6hQhQ6 hO6 h"6 h\6 h6 h26 h'u6 hh6 hQ6h5a@hT6 hD65h@h^5 h8hx* h8hn' h8h^ h8hX.FtL  D S r s $IfgdD6 $$Ifa$gd& dd[$\$gd-n $ & Fa$gd 'gdD6$a$gd@C    C D I R S Z r x y ɾɯp^L:#hdhn5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hdhk5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h(qh(q5CJOJQJ^JaJh(q5CJOJQJ^JaJhW5CJOJQJ^JaJh?Rq5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hdhW5CJOJQJ^JaJh5a@ho6 *hB 6 *h4JWh4JW56 *h4JWh4JW6 h4JW6 h-6h@[h@[6h MAh@[6 h }}6h MAh-6 hU6s t y sj $IfgdD6 $$Ifa$gdn $IfgdWwkd$$Ifl2 3 ` t 0644 lap  rdSBS hdhnCJOJQJ^JaJ hdh CJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJh CJOJQJ^JaJhnCJOJQJ^JaJ hdhUCJOJQJ^JaJ hdhkCJOJQJ^JaJh,;8CJOJQJ^JaJ hdh\c*CJOJQJ^JaJhlf<5CJOJQJ^JaJh 5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hdhk5CJOJQJ^JaJ qhhh $IfgdD6kdh$$IflFTD%2\ 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