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It is also provided externally by the Met Office for private study and research purposes via the HadObs website  HYPERLINK "http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/en3" http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/en3. Use of GTSPP data within EN3 The main source of data for EN3 was the World Ocean Database 2005 (Boyer et al., 2006). This was supplemented with data from GTSPP and other sources. The availability of best copy GTSPP data early each month provides the means to keep the EN3 dataset up to date. Around the middle of each month, the data from the previous month are obtained from GTSPP (and also from the Argo global data assembly centre). The data are combined, quality controlled and made available to the users of the EN3 dataset. Part of the EN3 processing is a profile thinning/duplicate removal step, which aims to remove the duplicate profiles that arise from combining together data from the different sources. Quality control In general, quality control flags provided by the data sources (e.g. GTSPP) are not used and the quality information provided in the EN3 dataset comes from the checks performed as part of the EN3 processing. This ensures that the quality control is relatively uniform across the whole time period that the dataset covers. The quality control processing includes: checks of profiles (e.g. for spikes, constant values, density inversions); track checking (e.g. for unreasonable ship speed); checks against a background field; comparisons between measurements made by different nearby instruments. Further details can be found in Ingleby and Huddleston (2007). XBT biases The main version of the EN3 dataset (currently version 2a) does not include time varying adjustments to correct for biases in expendable bathythermograph (XBT) data. However, non-time varying corrections are implemented. Where required, corrections are applied to correct profiles to the Hanawa et al. (1995) or Kizu et al. (2005) fall rate equations. The corrections to the Hanawa et al. (1995) equation are reduced if the XBT is launched in cold water, following Thadathil et al. (2002). However, supplementary versions of the EN3 version 2a profile data have also been created with the XBT corrections proposed by Wijffels et al. (2008), Ishii and Kimoto (2009) and Levitus et al. (2009) applied. Corrections for mechanical bathythermograph (MBT) data have also been applied where available. Additional feedback The following are two points about the use of the GTSPP data that might be of interest: Owing to the current interest in XBT biases, users might want to separate profiles by instrument type. Although the information is available on the website on how to do this, users might benefit from a guide to the best practise to use. For example, some users might use the datatype field from the GTSPP codes to do this in an approximate way; this may or may not be considered best practise. As mentioned above, we use data from both the Argo data centres and GTSPP. The time stamps of the Argo profiles in the GTSPP data are sometimes slightly different to those in the Argo files (for example by 1-2 hours). This makes it more difficult to identify the matching profiles in the Argo and GTSPP datasets and so remove duplicates. It would be beneficial to us if these discrepancies could be resolved. References Boyer, T. P., et al., 2006: World Ocean Database 2005. S. Levitus, Ed., NODC Atlas NESDIS 60, U.S. Government Printing Office, Wash., D.C., 190 pp., DVDs. Hanawa, K., P. Rual, R. Bailey, A. Sy, M. Szabados, 1995, Deep-Sea Res. I, 42, 1423-1451. Ingleby, B. and M. Huddleston, 2007, Journal of Marine Systems, 65, 158-175. Ishii, M. and M. Kimoto, 2009, Journal of Oceanography, 65, 287299. Kizu, S., S. Ito and T. Watanabe, 2005, J. Oceanogr., 61 (5), 905-912. Levitus, S., J. I. Antonov, T. P. Boyer, R. A. Locarnini, H. E. Garcia and A. V. Mishonov, 2009, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L07608. Thadathil, P., A. K. Saran, V. V. Gopalakrishna, P. Vethamony, N. Araligidad and R. Bailey, 2002, J. Atmos. Ocean Technol., 19 (3), 391-396. Wijffels, S. E., J. Willis, C. M. Domingues, P. Barker, N. J. White, A. Gronell, K. Ridgway and J. A. Church, 2008, Journal of Climate, 21, 56575672. #12 y hihr hj=Chrh:hr0JjhrUjhrUhrhih{hmh2I 4 3 ]hRFEƀgdrgdrgdrgdrgdr| bykfWWWWWWWV^`VgdrgdrI & FEƀgdrI & FEƀgdr V^`Vgdr21h:pr. 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