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Aims The purpose of the RONs is to create a network in partnership with the International OBIS Portal to promote the sharing and use of the worlds marine biodiversity data. RONs provide visibility within their region for the international OBIS project, and in doing so catalyse publishing data from their region through OBIS. The network provides an information system that: is technically and institutionally capable of linking databases that are created, and/or individually maintained by the International Portal and RONs and, where appropriate, to archive data sets; is world-wide in scale covering data from all marine environments; is standards-based and interoperable with other regional, national, and international information systems; is publicly accessible via the web by individuals throughout the world in a variety of different languages; develops web-based, visualization, analysis, modelling, and other information technologies needed for the seamless exchange and use of distributed and aggregated data; maintains the integrity and long-term viability of data published through OBIS; fully acknowledges all data sources. Scope The geographic scope of a RON is defined by mutual agreement within the OBIS MC. This will relate to what institutions and individuals are located in their region that may publish data through OBIS. Such data may be global or for areas outside their geographic region, and many global datasets published through OBIS will have data for several regions. All of the data in OBIS may be utilized by a RON in providing services to its regional user community, regardless of its provenance. Regions may overlap geographically, but duplication of data management is to be avoided. The guiding principle is that potential data providers are approached only once by the OBIS community; in case of overlapping interests between RONs, the OBIS MC will be the forum to discuss responsibilities. Gaps in coverage will be addressed by the OBIS MC by encouraging new data sources and/or development of new RONs. Varying regional circumstances will bring unique features to each RON. Some may have particular strengths in certain data types or software resources, or both. The RONs will differ in the scope of their data, type of data, and geographic coverage. Activities The most important function of the RONs is to foster the on-line provision of marine biogeographic data from their regions and areas of expertise (e.g., a European RON should actively arrange for the publication of data held by European organisations and individuals). The responsibilities of a RON, in order of priority, will be to: Develop OBIS data content, accompanied by appropriate metadata, for publication online through the International OBIS Portal; Develop a regional OBIS community of data providers and data users, including outreach activities (e.g., workshops and presentations); Contribute to the technical function of the International OBIS Portal, including enhancement of multilingual functionality; Contribute to the scientific quality of OBIS through expertise and advice in ocean data, taxonomy, fisheries, ecology, habitat, etc.; Operate according to high standards of data management, including information technology protocols, and robust disaster recovery procedures; Participate in various activities associated with OBIS such as representation on the OBIS Managers Committee, as appropriate. Each RON may also: Develop regional websites in locally relevant languages, Develop data analysis and visualization tools for use by other RONs and the International OBIS portal, Support the development of other RONs, and Provide 'helpdesk' services to its user community. Some RONs may become an OBIS Portal mirror site to serve as backup in case the International Portal goes off line for any reason and to improve system performance efficiencies. Each RON is encouraged to have in-house database expertise, and in all cases, a RON will have a long-term institutional commitment to maintaining their databases and services. It is appreciated that this will be contingent on future funding that may be impossible to guarantee, but will be central to the strategic plan of their host institution. Each RON will seek its own regional and national funding. However, RONs would support each other's applications, emphasizing the added value to their network. It is envisaged that a RON will involve two to three staff who may also be involved in related projects and activities. Modest overlap in capabilities and services among RONs would not be redundant, but would provide backup services to the global user community should other RONs malfunction. At an individual Node web site, each RON will include OBIS in the name of the RON (e.g., the European Node name is EurOBIS; the Indian Ocean Node is named IndOBIS), the OBIS logo at the top of the front page, and a link back to OBIS from the species name page or species level results. Reporting Each RON should be willing to provide regular updates to the International OBIS Portal on: RON description and contact information (see Step II: Set up the RON Information Page from the RON Development Manual,  HYPERLINK "http://iobis.org/obisrons/dev" http://iobis.org/obisrons/dev).) RON progress information (including but not limited to, number of records, number of species, number of current and expected collections, number of OBIS presentations given and meetings attended) RON usage statistics (including but not limited to the number of hits on the web site per month, by location and type) RON news items (monthly, if possible) Funding sustainability (annual report to OBIS MC) Resources Each RON will have access to a technical 'start-up' kit, developed and distributed by the International OBIS Portal. This kit contains components to cover all aspects of serving data, including policy and website content, establishment of databases, and installation of data exchange protocols for serving data on-line. Each RON will also have access to tools that facilitate the evaluation and maintenance of data quality, which are to be developed and distributed by the International OBIS Portals and other RONs.      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