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']]T  8;t)&T:(%%%%%%%}(+r%%%%%: ,L!xaN! h!d%0)&!.++L!L! :   Limited distribution IOC/IODE /OBIS-MC-8/5.6 10 November 2009 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) OBIS Managers Committee, 8th Session Oostende, Belgium, 16-17 November 2009 Report of the Australian RON RON Report: OBIS AustraliaPeriod Covered: February 2008-November 2009Data holdings and growth in last yearnumber of records531,048 (last reported was 827,800, change is due to manner of counting since some Australian agencies connect directly to OBIS and are not now included in this total)number of distinct pointsn/anumber of distinct species~6,000 (+)number of distinct data providers 41 (last reported was 45, change is due to manner of counting since some Australian agencies connect directly to OBIS and are not now included in this total)Usage statisticsweb site different from iobis.org web site number of hitsOBIS AU Search Page: ~100/month C-squares mapper requests: ~ 27,000/month (c. 50% for IOBIS Portal)number of pages downloadedNot availablenumber of visitsNot availablepublicationsbased on RON data1 in prep (Butler et al., for PLoS one CoML synthesis volume)mentioning RONWebsites:  HYPERLINK "http://www.cmar.csiro.au/datacentre/biodiversity.htm" www.cmar.csiro.au/datacentre/biodiversity.htm  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean_Biogeographic_Information_System" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean_Biogeographic_Information_System (updated)presentations in national, regional and international meetings HYPERLINK "http://www.cmar.csiro.au/seminars/hobart/sem-abs08/rees24april09.html" http://www.cmar.csiro.au/seminars/hobart/sem-abs08/rees24april09.html (also given to Australian Museum Informatics Community, April 2009)Funding situation/sustainabilitycore funding and source (monetary; in kind; FTE)In-kind support by CSIRO Division of Marine and Atmospheric Research, Australia: Approx. 0.3-0.5 FTE (combined) (est. USD $50k/year value), plus in-kind IT infrastructure (est. USD $10k/year value) (NB DEWHA, former node co-sponsors and node manager, passed management of the node solely to CMAR in April 2009).proposals submitted and those approved; for each of the proposalsn/aabstract funding organisation(s)resources requested/receivedprospect of financingparticipation in RON meetingsNoparticipate in proposal development to maintain the OBIS network (can we. as a network, develop proposals that stand a better chance of being funded than as separate RONs?)Not yet consideredProblems encountered/issues operating the Node: financialResource constrained (personnel and travel/operating costs) at present, due to budget constraints of host agencytechnicalNo problems encounteredpolitical (are people willing to publish data through OBIS? Do the authorities stimulate uptake of OBIS and similar systems by requiring results of publicly-funded research be made public?)Varies, some agencies more open to contributing than others. Continuing to slowly influence attitudes of key data holders, also in tandem with their involvement in CoML projects.TechnicalBack-up and archiving proceduresSatisfactory (via CSIRO)Quality control/assessmentTake-up of WoRMS, IRMNG and CoLIRMNG (incorporating WoRMS, CoL content) being used for filtering of Museum (OZCAM) data to identify candidate marine species missedNeed for GazetteerNot articulated at this timeDescription of the general quality control proceduresIRMNG and TAXAMATCH (fuzzy matching algorithm) being used for identifying candidate misspelled names in OZCAM data to be incorporated into OBIS AU data supply chain in futureCollaboration with National Oceanographic Data CentreOne OBIS AU person (Paul Tildesley) is CMAR representative on technical committee of relevant National Oceanographic Data Centre (AODCJF). Discussions will be held in 2010 to scope possibilities for alignment or adoption with AODCJF.OtherIRMNG (Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera) developed/hosted at CSIROVersion 2.0 of IRMNG completed (additional ca. 200,000 genus names) and passed to IOBIS, April 2008 XML-based web service for IRMNG data under consideration possibly with ALA funds IRMNG also supplied to ALA for production use and to GBIF for Nomina V data workshop, August 2009.C-squares MapperThis mapping utility successfully maintained as primary functional mapper for OBIS PortalFuture Plans DatasetsSeveral additional datasets in progress of connection to OBIS (additional CSIRO and OZCAM data)Future Plans Atlas of Living AustraliaUpcoming meeting planned with Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) to scope potential collaboration on next version of OBIS AU web site/portal. 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