ࡱ>  0bjbj  jjpk l D \K\K\KKL\ tNNpxNxNxNOJOP^MTT$, L0Y &POO&P&P*^ xNxN4r*^*^*^&Px xN xN*^&P*^*^$`F5 YxNM ` jA\KTETY0|\x|Y*^  WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION ________________________  INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (OF UNESCO) ________________________ JOINT WMO/IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY (JCOMM) EXPERT TEAM ON MARINE CLIMATOLOGY SECOND SESSION GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, 26 TO 27 MARCH 2007ETMC-II/Doc. 3.2 (28.II.2007) __________ ITEM 3.2 Original: ENGLISH DATA QUALITY AND EXCHANGE Review of the IMMT and MQCS (Submitted by the GCC United Kingdom and GCC Germany) Summary and purpose of document This document reports on requirements for possibly revising the International Maritime Meteorological Tape (IMMT) format and Minimum Quality Control Standard (MQCS).  ACTION PROPOSED The Expert Team on Marine Climatology is invited to: Carefully review the proposed revision of the IMMT format and MQCS; Agree with or make further amendment to the proposal, as appropriate; Make recommendations to be submitted to JCOMM-III. ______________________ Appendices: A. Draft (Revised November 2006), Layout for the International Maritime Meteorological Tape (IMMT), Version IMMT-4 B. Draft, Minimum Quality Control Standards, MQCS-VI (Version 6, November 2006) DISCUSSION 1. Introduction The Global Collecting Centres for the Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme have been established by Recommendation 11 (CMM-XI, Lisbon, April 1993). Germany and the United Kingdom have been operating the GCCs. Both have the responsibility for the upkeep of the International Maritime Meteorological Tape (IMMT) format and Minimum Quality Control Standard (MQCS). The GCCs have carefully reviewed the IMMT format and the MQCS guidelines and noted some amendments were necessary. 2. International Maritime Meteorological Tape (IMMT) Changes for version 4 The case of the code for element 13, true wind direction, has been corrected to lower case. The coding procedure for element 40, source of observation, has been refined so 4 specifically refers to using an internationally agreed electronic logbook software (TurboWin, SEAS, Obs (JMA)). The version of the IMMT code (element 65) has been updated to introduce IMMT-4 in line with the above changes. The version of the MQCS (element 86) has also been updated to introduce MQCS-VI (see next section for details). There have been some changes to the VOSClim element numbers. This was done to separate the sign from the value of the departure of the reference level from actual sea level (element 91 onwards). Due to the changes to the numbers of the VOSClim elements, the flags needed to be brought into line as well. No other sign is given a flag, so the flag on the sign of the departure of reference level from sea has been removed accordingly. This causes a blank at character 156 to remove the need to re-write any IMMT processing software too dramatically. The result is the same number of characters and elements as for IMMT-3. 3. Minimum Quality Control Standard (MQCS) Changes for version 6 Check for validity of character for element 9 (indicator for cloud height and visibility) added. Check for validity of character for element 64 (version of FM-13 code) added. Check for validity of character for element 65 (version for IMMT format) added. The version of the MQCS (element 86) has also been updated to introduce MQCS-VI. The limit of the maximum height in meters of deck cargo above Summer maximum load line (element 90) has been increased to 35 metres to allow for the larger cargo vessels being built. The flags set by checks on element 91 have been updated to reflect the separation of sign and value of the departure of the reference level from actual sea level, and subsequent re-numbering of elements within VOSClim and their flags. Recommendations The GCCs recommend that the above-mentioned changes to IMMT format and MQCS checks be adopted as IMMT-4 and MQCS-VI. However, the IMMT format should also be reviewed in comparison with the IMMA format. This is not a direct responsibility of the GCCs, but we believe it should be proposed as an action for this session. _____________ Appendices: 2 Appendix A DRAFT (Revised;November 2006) LAYOUT FOR THE INTERNATIONAL MARITIME METEOROLOGICAL tape (immt) [version immt-4] Element Character Code Element Coding procedure Number Number 1 1 iT Format/temperature indicator 3=IMMT format with temperatures in tenths of C 4=IMMT format with temperatures in halves of C 5=IMMT format with temperatures in whole C 2 2-5 AAAA Year UTC Four digits 3 6-7 MM Month UTC 01 - 12 January to December 4 8-9 YY Day UTC 01 - 31 5 10-11 GG Time of observation Nearest whole hour UTC, WMO specifications 6 12 Qc Quadrant of the globe WMO code table 3333 7 13-15 LaLaLa Latitude Tenths of degrees, WMO specifications 8 16-19 LoLoLoLo Longitude Tenths of degrees 9 20 Cloud height (h) and visibility (VV) 0 - h and VV estimated measuring indicator 1 - h measured, VV estimated 2 - h and VV measured 3 - h estimated, VV measured 10 21 h Height of clouds WMO code table 1600 11 22-23 VV Visibility WMO code table 4377 12 24 N Cloud amount Oktas, WMO code table 2700; show 9 where applicable 13 25-26 dd True wind direction Tens of degrees, WMO code table 0877; show 00 or 99 where applicable 14 27 iw Indicator for wind speed WMO code table 1855 15 28-29 ff Wind speed Tens and units of knots or meters per second, hundreds omitted; values in excess of 99 knots are to be indicated in units of meters per second and iw encoded accordingly; the method of estimation or measurement and the units used (knots or meters per second) are indicated in element 14 16 30 sn Sign of temperature WMO code table 3845 17 31-33 TTT Air temperature Tenths of degrees Celsius 18 34 st Sign of dew-point temperature 0 - positive or zero measured dew-point temperature 1 - negative measured dew-point temperature 2 - iced measured dew-point temperature 5 - positive or zero computed dew-point temperature 6 - negative computed dew-point temperature 7 - iced computed dew-point temperature 19 35-37 TdTdTd Dew-point temperature Tenths of degrees Celsius 20 38-41 PPPP Air pressure Tenths of hectopascals Element Character Code Element Coding procedure Number Number 21 42-43 ww Present weather WMO code table 4677 or 4680 22 44 W1 Past weather WMO code table 4561 or 4531 23 45 W2 Past weather WMO code table 4561 or 4531 24 46 Nh Amount of lowest clouds As reported for CL or, if no CL cloud is present, for CM, in oktas; WMO code table 2700 25 47 CL Genus of CL clouds WMO code table 0513 26 48 CM Genus of CM clouds WMO code table 0515 27 49 CH Genus of CH clouds WMO code table 0509 28 50 sn Sign of sea-surface temperature WMO code table 3845 29 51-53 TwTwTw Sea surface temperature Tenth of degrees Celsius 30 54 Indicator for sea-surface 0 - Bucket thermometer temperature measurement 1 - Condenser inlet 2 - Trailing thermistor 3 - Hull contact sensor 4 - Through hull sensor 5 - Radiation thermometer 6 - Bait tanks thermometer 7 - Others 31 55 Indicator for wave measurement 0 - Wind sea and swell estimated Shipborne 1 - Wind sea and swell measured wave 2 - Mixed wave measured, swell estimated recorder 3 - Other combinations measured and estimated 4 - Wind sea and swell measured Buoy 5 - Mixed wave measured, swell estimated 6 - Other combinations measured and estimated 7 - Wind sea and swell measured Other 8 - Mixed wave measured, swell estimated measurement 9 - Other combinations measured and system estimated 32 56-57 PwPw Period of wind waves or of Whole seconds; show 99 where applicable in measured waves accordance with Note (3) under specification of PwPw in the Manual on Codes 33 58-59 HwHw Height of wind waves or of Half-meter values. Examples: Calm or less than m measured waves to be encoded 00; 3m to be encoded 07; 7m to be encoded 14; 11m to be encoded 23 34 60-61 dw1dw1 Direction of predominant Tens of degrees, WMO code table 0877; encoded 00 swell waves or 99 where applicable. Blanks = No observation of waves attempted 35 62-63 Pw1Pw1 Period of predominant Whole seconds; encoded 99 where applicable swell waves (see under element 32) 36 64-65 Hw1Hw1 Height of predominant swell waves Half-meter values (see under element 33) 37 66 Is Ice accretion on ships WMO code table 1751 38 67-68 EsEs Thickness of ice accretion In centimeters 39 69 Rs Rate of ice accretion WMO code table 3551 40 70 Source of observation 0 - Unknown 1 - Logbook National 2 - Telecommunication channels 3 - Publications 4 - Logbook (electronic) 5 - Telecommunication channels International 6 Publications data exchange Element Character Code Element Coding procedure Number Number 41 71 Observation platform 0 - unknown 1 - Selected ship 2 - Supplementary ship 3 - Auxiliary ship 4 - Automated station/data buoy 5 - Fixed sea station 6 - Coastal station 7 - Aircraft 8 - Satellite 9 - Others .... 42 72-78 Ship identifier Ships call sign or other identifier encoded as follows: 7 characters call sign Columns 7278 6 characters call sign Columns 7277 5 characters call sign Columns 7276 4 characters call sign Columns 7275 3 characters call sign Columns 7274 43 79-80 Country which has recruited According to the two-character alphabetical codes assigned by the ship the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 44 81 National use 45 82 Quality control indicator 0 - No quality control (QC) 1 - Manual QC only 2 - Automated QC only /MQC (no time-sequence checks) 3 - Automated QC only (inc. time sequence checks) 4 - Manual and automated QC (superficial; no automated time-sequence checks) 5 - Manual and automated QC (superficial; including time-sequence checks) 6 - Manual and automated QC (intensive, including automated time-sequence checks) 7 & 8 - Not used 9 - National system of QC (information to be furnished to WMO) 46 83 ix Weather data indicator 1 - Manual 4 - Automatic If present and past weather data included Code tables 4677 and 4561 used 7 - Automatic If present and past weather data included Code tables 4680 and 4531 used 47 84 iR Indicator for inclusion or omission WMO code table 1819 of precipitation data 48 85-87 RRR Amount of precipitation which has WMO code table 3590 fallen during the period preceding the time of observation, as indicated by tR 49 88 tR Duration of period of reference for WMO code table 4019 amount of precipitation, ending at the time of the report 50 89 sw Sign of wet-bulb temperature 0 - positive or zero measured wet-bulb temperature 1 - negative measured wet-bulb temperature 2 - iced measured wet-bulb temperature 5 - positive or zero computed wet-bulb temperature 6 - negative computed wet-bulb temperature 7 - iced computed wet-bulb temperature 51 90-92 TbTbTb Wet-bulb temperature In tenths of degree Celsius, sign given by element 50 52 93 a Characteristic of pressure tendency WMO code table 0200 during the three hours preceding the time of observation Element Character Code Element Coding procedure Number Number 53 94-96 ppp Amount of pressure tendency at In tenths of hectopascal station level during the three hours preceding the time of observation 54 97 Ds True direction of resultant WMO code table 0700 displacement of the ship during the three hours preceding the time of observation 55 98 vs Ships average speed made good WMO code table 4451 during the three hours preceding the time of observation 56 99-100 dw2dw2 Direction of secondary swell waves Tens of degrees, WMO code table 0877; encoded 00 or 99 where applicable. Blanks = No observation of waves attempted 57 101-102 Pw2Pw2 Period of secondary swell waves Whole seconds; encoded 99 where applicable (see under element 32) 58 103-104 Hw2Hw2 Height of secondary swell waves Half-meter values (see under element 33) 59 105 ci Concentration or arrangement WMO code table 0639 of sea ice 60 106 Si Stage of development WMO code table 3739 61 107 bi Ice of land origin WMO code table 0439 62 108 Di True bearing of principal ice edge WMO code table 0739 63 109 zi Present ice situation and trend of WMO code table 5239 conditions over the preceding three hours 64 110 FM 13 code version 0 = previous to FM 24-V 1 = FM 24-V 2 = FM 24-VI Ext. 3 = FM 13-VII 4 = FM 13-VIII 5 = FM 13-VIII Ext. 6 = FM 13-IX 7 = FM 13-IX Ext. 8 = FM 13-X, etc. 65 111 IMMT version 0 = IMMT version just prior to version number being included 1 = IMMT-1 (in effect from Nov. 1994) 2 = IMMT-2 (in effect from Jan. 2003) 3 = IMMT-3 (in effect from Jan. 2006) 4 = IMMT-4 (this version) etc. 66 112 Q1 Quality control indicator for (h) 0 - no quality control (QC) has been performed in this element 1 - QC has been performed; element appears to be correct 2 - QC has been performed; element appears to be inconsistent with other elements 3 - QC has been performed; element appears to be doubtful 4 - QC has been performed; element appears to be erroneous 5 - The value has been changed as a result of QC 6 - 8 Reserve 9 - The value of the element missing 67 113 Q2 QC indicator for (VV) - idem - 68 114 Q3 QC indicator for (clouds: - idem - elements 12, 2427) 69 115 Q4 QC indicator for (dd) - idem - 70 116 Q5 QC indicator for (ff) - idem - Element Character Code Element Coding procedure Number Number 71 117 Q6 QC indicator for (TTT) - idem - 72 118 Q7 QC indicator for (TdTdTd) - idem - 73 119 Q8 QC indicator for (PPPP) - idem - 74 120 Q9 QC indicator for (weather: - idem - elements 2123) 75 121 Q10 QC indicator for (TwTwTw) - idem - 76 122 Q11 QC indicator for (PwPw) - idem - 77 123 Q12 QC indicator for (HwHw) - idem - 78 124 Q13 QC indicator for (swell: elements - idem - 3436, 5658) 79 125 Q14 QC indicator for (iRRRRtR) - idem - 80 126 Q15 QC indicator for (a) - idem - 81 127 Q16 QC indicator for (ppp) - idem - 82 128 Q17 QC indicator for (Ds) - idem - 83 129 Q18 QC indicator for (vs) - idem - 84 130 Q19 QC indicator for (TbTbTb) - idem - 85 131 Q20 QC indicator for ships position - idem - 86 132 Q21 Minimum quality control standards (MQCS) 1 = MQCS-I (Original version, Feb. 1989)CMM-X version identification 2 = MQCS-II ( Version 2, March 1997) CMM-X11 3 = MQCS-III (Version 3, April 2000) SGMC-VIII 4 = MQCS-IV (Version 4, June 2001) JCOMM-I 5 = MQCS-V (Version 5, July 2004) ETMC-I 6 = MQCS-VI (this version, to be agreed) etc. Additional Requirements for the VOSCLIM Project 87 133-135 HDG Ship's heading; the direction to (000-360); e.g. which the bow is pointing, 360 = North referenced to true North. 000 = No Movement 090 = East 88 136-138 COG Ship's ground course; the direction (000-360); e.g. the vessel actually moves over the 360 = North fixed earth and referenced to True North 000 = No Movement 090 = East 89 139-140 SOG Ship's ground speed; the speed the (00-99); Round to vessel actually moves over the fixed nearest whole knot earth. 90 141-142 SLL Maximum height in meters of deck cargo (00-99); report to nearest whole meter above Summer maximum load line. Element Character Code Element Coding procedure Number Number 91 143 sL Sign of departure of reference level 0 = positive or zero, 1 = negative 92 144-145 hh Departure of reference level (Summer (00-99) is the difference to the nearest whole maximum load line) from actual sea meter between the Summer maximum load level. line and the sea level. Consider the difference positive when the Summer maximum load line is above the level of the sea and negative if below the water line. 93 146-148 RWD Relative wind direction in degrees Relative wind direction; e.g. 000 = no off the bow apparent relative wind speed (calm conditions on deck). Reported direction for relative wind = 001-360 degrees in a clockwise direction off the bow of the ship. When directly on the bow, RWD = 360. 94 149-151 RWS Relative wind speed reported in Reported in either whole knots or whole units indicated by iw (knots or m/s) meters per second (e.g. 010 knots or 005 m/s). Units established by iw as indicated in Character Number 27. Note: Since the relative wind speed can be greater than the true wind speed e.g., iw indicates knots and ff = 98, the relative wind speed may be 101 knots; therefore, three positions must be allocated since iw cannot be adjusted and the relative wind speed converted to meters per second as is done in element 15. 95 152 Q22 Quality control indicator for (HDG) 0 - no quality control (QC) has been performed in this element 1 - QC has been performed; element appears to be correct 2 - QC has been performed; element appears to be inconsistent with other elements 3 - QC has been performed; element appears to be doubtful 4 - QC has been performed; element appears to be erroneous 5 - The value has been changed as a result of QC 6 8 - Reserved for GCC use 9 - The value of the element missing 96 153 Q23 QC indicator for (COG) - idem 97 154 Q24 QC indicator for (SOG) - idem 98 155 Q25 QC indicator for (SLL) - idem 156 blank 99 157 Q27 QC indicator for (hh) - idem 100 158 Q28 QC indicator for (RWD) - idem 101 159 Q29 QC indicator for (RWS) - idem - Note: Most of the codes (groups of letters) in the IMMT format, with the exception of those added for the VOSCLIM project are defined in the Manual on Codes (WMO Pub. No. 306) as they basically mirror the code groups used in FM 13-X Ship code. Because CBS was not persuaded to expand the FM 13-X Ship code for the VOSCLIM project, the additional observed elements (selected codes) will not appear in WMO Manual on Codes (WMO Pub. No. 306). Therefore, an effort was made to select unique codes (groups of letters) not defined in WMO Pub. No. 306 for the elements added to the IMMT-2 format version modified for the VOSCLIM project. This was deliberately done to try and prevent a difference in meaning for a given code group (identical symbolic letters) in Pub. No. 306 versus that in the IMMT. Presumably, none of the Character Code formats will be altered in the future by CBS. ______________ Appendix B DRAFT MINIMUM QUALITY CONTROL STANDARDS MQCS-VI (Version 6, November 2006) NOTE See specification for quality control Indicators Q1 to Q29 at the end of this appendix  = space (ASCII 32) Element Error Action 1 iT ( 3  5,  Correct manually otherwise  2 AAAA ( valid year Correct manually otherwise reject 3 MM ( 01 - 12 Correct manually otherwise reject 4 YY ( valid day of month Correct manually otherwise reject 5 GG ( 00 - 23 Correct manually otherwise reject 6 Qc ( 1, 3, 5, 7 Correct manually and Q20 = 5, otherwise Q20 = 4 Qc =  Q20 = 2 7 LaLaLa ( 000-900 Correct manually and Q20 = 5, otherwise Q20 = 4 LaLaLa =  Q20 = 2 8 LoLoLoLo ( 0000-1800 Correct manually and Q20 = 5, otherwise Q20 = 4 LoLoLoLo =  Q20 = 2 LaLaLa = LoLoLoLo = () Correct manually otherwise reject Time sequence checks Change in latitude > 0.7o/hr Correct manually otherwise Q20 = 3 Change in longitude > 0.7 o/hr Correct manually otherwise Q20 = 3 when lat. 00-39.9 Change in longitude > 1.0 o/hr Correct manually otherwise Q20 = 3 when lat. 40-49.9 Change in longitude > 1.4 o/hr Correct manually otherwise Q20 = 3 when lat. 50-59.9 Change in longitude > 2.0 o/hr Correct manually otherwise Q20 = 3 when lat. 60-69.9 Change in longitude > 2.7 o/hr Correct manually otherwise Q20 = 3 when lat. 70-79.9 9 Indicator ( 0-3,  Correct manually, otherwise  10 h ( 0-9 Correct manually and Q1 = 5, otherwise Q1 = 4 h =  Q1 = 9 11 VV ( 90-99 Correct manually and Q2 = 5, otherwise Q2 = 4 VV =  Q2 = 9 12 N ( 0-9,  Correct manually and Q3 = 5, otherwise Q3 = 4 N < Nh Correct manually and Q3 = 5, otherwise Q3 = 2 13 dd ( 00-36, 99 Correct manually and Q4 = 5, otherwise Q4 =4 dd =  Q4 = 9 dd versus ff dd = 00, ff ( 00 Correct manually and Q4 or Q5 = 5 otherwise Q4 = Q5 = 2 dd ( 00, ff = 00 Correct manually and Q4 or Q5 = 5 otherwise Q4 = Q5 = 2 Element Error Action 14 iw ( 0, 1, 3, 4 Correct manually, otherwise Q5 = Q29 = 4 15 ff > 80 knots Correct manually and Q5 = 5, otherwise Q5 = 3 ff =  Q5 = 9 16 sn ( 0, 1 Correct manually, otherwise Q6 = 4 17 TTT =  Q6 = 9 If -25 > TTT >40 then when Lat. < 45.0 TTT < -25 Q6 = 4 TTT > 40 Q6 = 3 when Lat. 45.0 TTT < -25 Q6 = 3 TTT > 40 Q6 = 4 TTT versus humidity parameters TTT < WB (wet bulb) Correct manually and Q6 = 5, otherwise Q6=Q19= 2 TTT < DP (dew point) Correct manually and Q6 = Q7 = 5, otherwise Q6 = Q7 = 2 18 st ( 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 Correct manually, otherwise Q7 =4 19 DP > WB Correct manually and Q7 = 5, otherwise Q7=Q19 = 2 DP > TTT Correct manually and Q7 = 5, otherwise Q7 = Q6 =2 WB = DP =  Q7 =Q19 = 9 20 930 > PPPP > 1050 hPa Correct manually and Q8 = 5, otherwise Q8 = 3 870 > PPPP > 1070 hPa Correct manually and Q8 = 5, otherwise Q8 = 4 PPPP =  Q8 = 9 21 ww = 22-24, 26, 36-39, 48, Correct manually and Q9 = 5, otherwise Q9= 4 49, 56, 57, 66-79, 83-88 93-94 Correct manually and Q9 = 5, otherwise Q9 = 3 and latitude <20o if ix = 7: wawa = 24 - 25, 35, 47-48, Correct manually and Q9 = 5, otherwise 54-56, 64-68, 70-78, 85-87 Q9= 4 and latitude <20o 22, 23 W1 or W2 = 7 and latitude <20o Correct manually and Q9 = 5, otherwise Q9= 4 W1 < W2 Correct manually and Q9 = 5, otherwise Q9 = 2 W1 = W2 = ww =  Q9 = 9 24-27 N = 0, and NhCLCMCH ( 0000 Correct manually and Q3 = 5, otherwise Q3 = 2 N = , and NhCLCMCH (  Correct manually and Q3 = 5, otherwise Q3 = 2 N = 9, and not (Nh =9 and Correct manually and Q3 = 5, otherwise Q3 = 2 CLCMCH (  N=, and NhCLCMCH= Q3 = 9 28 sn ( 0, 1 Correct manually otherwise Q10 = 4 29 TwTwTw =  Q10 = 9 if -2.0 > TwTwTw > 37.0 then when Lat. < 45.0 TwTwTw < -2.0 Control manually and Q10 = 5, otherwise Q10 = 4 TwTwTw > 37.0 Control manually and Q10 = 5, otherwise Q10 = 3 when Lat. e" 45.0 TwTwTw < -2.0 Control manually and Q10 = 5, otherwise Q10 = 3 TwTwTw > 37.0 Control manually and Q10 = 5, otherwise Q10 = 4 Element Error Action 30 Indicator ( 0-7,  Correct manually, otherwise  31 Indicator ( 0-9,  Correct manually, otherwise  32 20 < PwPw < 30 Q11 = 3 PwPw e" 30 and ( 99 Q11 = 4 PwPw =  Q11 = 9 33 35< HwHw < 50 Q12 = 3 HwHw e" 50 Q12 = 4 HwHw =  Q12 = 9 34 dw1 dw1 ( 00-36, 99 Correct manually and Q13 = 5, otherwise Q13 = 4 swell1 = swell2 =  Q13 = 9 35 25 < Pw1Pw1 < 30 Q13 = 3 Pw1P w1 e" 30 and ( 99 Q13 = 4 36 35 < Hw1Hw1 < 50 Q13 = 3 Hw1Hw1 e" 50 Q13 = 4 37 Is ( 1-5,  Correct manually, otherwise  38 EsEs ( 00-99,  Correct manually, otherwise  39 Rs ( 0-4,  Correct manually, otherwise  40 Source ( 0-6 Correct manually, otherwise  41 Platform ( 0-9 Correct manually, otherwise  42 No call sign Insert manually, mandatory entry 43 No country code Insert manually 44 No Quality Control 45 Q ( 0-6, 9 Correct manually, otherwise  46 ix ( 1-7 Correct manually, otherwise  47 iR = 0-2 and RRR = 000,  Correct manually, otherwise Q14 = 4 iR = 3 and RRR (  Correct manually, otherwise Q14 = 2 iR = 4 and RRR (  Correct manually, otherwise Q14 = 2 iR ( 0- 4 Correct manually, otherwise Q14 = 4 48 RRR `" 001-999 and iR = 1, 2 Correct manually and Q14 = 5, otherwise Q14 = 2 49 tR ( 0-9,  Correct manually and Q14 = 5, otherwise Q14 = 4 50 sw ( 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 Correct manually, otherwise Q19 = 4 51 WB < DP Correct manually and Q19 = 5, otherwise Q19=Q7=2 WB =  Q19 = 9 WB > TTT Correct manually and Q19= 5, otherwise Q19=Q6= 2 52 a ( 0-8 Correct manually and Q15 = 5, otherwise Q15 = 4 a = 4 and ppp ( 000 Correct manually and Q15 or Q16 = 5, otherwise Q15=Q16=2 a =1,2,3,6,7,8 and ppp=000 Correct manually and Q15 or Q16 = 5, otherwise Q15=Q16 = 2 a =  Q15 = 9 53 250 e" ppp > 150 Correct manually and Q16 = 5, otherwise Q16 = 3 ppp > 250 Correct manually and Q16 = 5 otherwise Q16 = 4 ppp =  Q16 = 9 54 Ds ( 0-9 Correct manually and Q17 = 5, otherwise Q17 = 4 Ds =  Q17 = 9 55 vs ( 0-9 Correct manually and Q18 = 5, otherwise Q18 = 4 vs =  Q18 = 9 56 dw2dw2 ( 00-36, 99,  Correct manually and Q13 = 5, otherwise Q13 = 4 57 25 < Pw2Pw2 < 30 Q13 = 3 Pw2Pw2 e" 30 and (99 Q13 = 4 58 35 < Hw2Hw2 < 50 Q13 = 3 Hw2Hw2 e" 50 Q13 = 4 59 ci ( 0-9,  Correct manually, otherwise  60 Si ( 0-9,  Correct manually, otherwise  Element Error Action 61 bi ( 0-9,  Correct manually, otherwise  62 Di ( 0-9,  Correct manually, otherwise  63 zi ( 0-9,  Correct manually, otherwise  64 version ( 0-8,  Correct manually, otherwise  65 version ( 0-4,  Correct manually, otherwise  86 Minimum Quality Control 1= MQCS-I (Original version, Feb. 1989) CMM-X Standards (MQCS) version 2= MQCS-II (Version 2, March 1997) CMM-XII identification 3= MQCS-III (Version 3, April 2000) SGMC-VIII 4= MQCS-IV (Version 4, June 2001) JCOMM-I 5= MQCS-V (Version 5, July 2004) ETMC-I 6 = MQCS-VI (this version, to be agreed) 87 HDG ( 000-360 Correct manually and Q22 = 5, otherwise Q22 = 4 HDG =  Q22 = 9 88 COG ( 000-360 Correct manually and Q23 = 5, otherwise Q23 = 4 COG =  Q23 = 9 89 SOG ( 00 - 99 Correct manually and Q24 = 5, otherwise Q24 = 4 SOG =  Q24 = 9 SOG > 33 Correct manually and Q24 = 5, otherwise Q24 = 3 90 SLL ( 00-99 Correct manually and Q25 = 5, otherwise Q25 = 4 SLL =  Q25 = 9 SLL > 35 Correct manually and Q25 = 5, otherwise Q25 = 3 91 sL ( 0,1 Correct manually and Q27 = 5, otherwise Q27 = 4 92 hh ( 00  99 Correct manually and Q27 = 5, otherwise Q27 = 4 hh =  Q27 = 9 hh >= 13 Correct manually and Q27 = 5, otherwise Q27 = 3 hh < -01 Correct manually and Q27 = 5, otherwise Q27 = 4 93 RWD ( 000 - 360, 999 Correct manually and Q28 = 5, otherwise Q28 = 4 RWD =  Q28 = 9 94 RWS ( 000 - 999 Correct manually and Q29 = 5, otherwise Q29 = 4 RWS =  Q28 = 9 RWS > 110 kts Correct manually and Q29 = 5, otherwise Q29 = 3 RWD versus RWS RWD = 000, RWS ( 000 Correct manually and Q28 or Q29 = 5, otherwise Q28 = Q29 = 2 RWD ( 000, RWS = 000 Correct manually and Q28 or Q29 = 5, otherwise Q28 = Q29 = 2 Specifications for quality control Indicators Q1 to Q29 0 No quality control (QC) has been performed on this element 1 QC has been performed; element appears to be correct 2 QC has been performed; element appears to be inconsistent with other elements 3 QC has been performed; element appears to be doubtful 4 QC has been performed; element appears to be erroneous 5 The value has been changed as a result of QC 6 reserved for GCC 7 reserved for GCC 8 Reserve 9 The value of the element is missing ______________     ETMC-I/Doc. 1.2(1), p.  PAGE 3 ETMC-II/Doc. 3.2, p.  PAGE 2 ETMC-II/Doc. 3.2, Appendix A, p.  PAGE 5 ETMC-II/Doc. 3.2, Appendix A, p.  PAGE 3 ETMC-II/Doc. 3.2, Appendix B, p.  PAGE 11 ETMC-II/Doc. 3.2, Appendix B, p.  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