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To the development of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System, the project will put specific emphasis on share and mainstream good practices in community preparedness and assess its adaptability in different countries involved in the development of the system. In longer run, this project is aim to contribute impact in building community resilience towards tsunami and other natural hazards. Many approaches and methodologies made by different countries should benefit the membership of Group 6, therefore, a joint work is put together in this project. Member states will participate in a two years process of defining shared vision in strengthening community preparedness and resilience in related with tsunami warning system, share existing experiences and good practices, and to further adapt, mainstream some good practices with documented process for adjustment made by each member states. Many ways of observing this process can be conducted, among others is through participating the Indian Ocean Wave Exercise 2009, also site visits by member states. At the end, the project should allow all member states to compile the lessons learnt in sharing, adapting, exchange experience, implement and mainstreaming tools. Objectives Agree on a concise shared vision on how the member states can strengthen community preparedness in the context of tsunami warning system development Share different methods, approaches and good practises as well as unfavorable challenging experiences in strengthening community preparedeness in different countries Allow member states to adapt some good practices, or tailored some experiences from other countries to best suit the development of each countrys community preparedness strategy To assess such joint collaborations impact in strengthening the overall Indian Ocean tsunami warning system, particularly the last mile of the community in recieving and interprete warnings. Achievement Indicators Establish shared vision Share experiences and challenges in warning dissemination, and preparedness at the last mile of the warning system Discussion on how member states adapt and adopt different lesssons learnt: Hands-on Case; Participating the IO Wave 2009 for strengthening the Last Mile of the IOTWS (and how they will document the proccess in each countries) Discussion on activities of good practices to be mainstreamed for the next two years Time and Venue August 10 14, 2009 Jakarta, Indonesia (Le Meridien Hotel) Organizer ICG-IOTWS Secretariate UNESCO JTIC Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) BMKG, LIPI Open to volunteering member states Participants Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Maldives Australia Sri Lanka India Bangladesh Tanzania Kenya Yemen Seychelles ICG IOTWS Secretariate UNESO JTIC Other organzation to partcipate as observer Etc      / 9 < = Cī|teZReFeF:Feh:~CJOJQJaJh'kdCJOJQJaJh'kdOJQJhGh'kdOJQJhGh'kdCJOJQJaJhWSOJQJ1hWShI56B*CJOJQJ\]aJph+h656B*CJOJQJ\]aJph1hWShWS56B*CJOJQJ\]aJphhWShWSB*OJQJph&jh6h6B*OJQJUphhIhIOJQJh6hI5OJQJ\:d     O $ & Fa$gdWS$a$gd'kd $`a$gd'kd$a$gdWS$a$gd $a$gdIC esw HIJXӸӋssddUhWShtOJQJmH!sH!hWSh OJQJmH!sH!hS3OJQJmH!sH!h'kdOJQJmH!sH!h OJQJmH!sH!hWShWSOJQJmH!sH!"h hI5OJQJ\mH!sH!hIhIOJQJmH!sH!hDOJQJmH!sH!hWSOJQJmH!sH!"h6hI5OJQJ\mH!sH!hIhiY2OJQJmH!sH!eJITwx & FgdTgd  & F ^gdt & F ^gdWSINOTwx=BCͻܣܗyjy[hIhtOJQJmH!sH!hC5OJQJ\mH!sH!hT5OJQJ\mH!sH!hIh OJQJmH!sH!hTOJQJmH!sH!hv^OJQJmH!sH!h OJQJmH!sH!"h hI5OJQJ\mH!sH!hIhDOJQJmH!sH!hCOJQJmH!sH!hDOJQJmH!sH!hIOJQJmH!sH!=ABC$a$gdth^hgdT & FgdT,1h. 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