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In support of this objective: The RA V Tropical Cyclone Committee (RA V TCC), in its twelfth session (RA V/TCC-XII, Niue, July 2008), took a lead role and discussed the possible implementation of a storm surge watch scheme in RA V and decided to establish an Action Team to address this issue. An RA V SSWS Action Team meeting was held in Melbourne, Australia, from 15 to 16 December 2008. The meeting report, including recommendations to the president of RA V, is available on the WMO Website at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/amp/mmop/meeting_reports.html" http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/amp/mmop/meeting_reports.html. Noting that in RA V countries, in the Southern Hemisphere, major marine weather-related threats for the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) are due to: (1) storm surges associated with tropical cyclones; (2) waves associated with tropical cyclones; and (3) long-period waves (remotely generated swell); the Action Team agreed that any watch scheme for RA V should address all of these threats; The RA I Tropical Cyclone Committee (RA I TCC), in its eighteenth session (RA I/TCCXVIII, Malawi, October 2008), decided to establish an ad-hoc group to address the issue related to storm surge in the Region. The RA I TCC recommended that this issue should be considered in the broad sense, i.e. not only on surges resulting from tropical storms but also from mid-latitude storms. The RA I TCC had the view that there is a need for a global approach to storm surge monitoring and forecasting, and that capacity building is indispensable for a successful implementation of the storm surge watch scheme in this Region; The ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee (TC), in its forty-first session (TC-41, Chiang Mai, Thailand, January 2009), recognized the need for a regional storm surge watch scheme. It endorsed the commitment by the RSMC-Tokyo to conduct a survey on the present status of Members in using storm surge models and to develop a plan for the establishment of a regional SSWS suitable for the TC region; The WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones (PTC), in its thirty-sixth session (PTC-36, Muscat, Oman, March 2009), agreed on the need for a regional storm surge watch scheme. It endorsed the commitment by the RSMC-New Delhi to incorporate such a scheme in its tropical cyclone advisory arrangements for the PTC region, through cooperation with Indian Institute of Technology (IIT); The RA IV Hurricane Committee (HC), in its thirty-first session (HC-31, Nassau, Bahamas, April, 2009) noted that RSMC-Miami has been providing storm surge information within the HC region and agreed that capacity building is indispensable for a successful implementation of the SSWS in this region. 1;<>рфь э     k ‹ ˆ – ˜ + , M Y b c Ќ ­ Ў щ ъ qrЈШц?ЙйопсыŠŽcdэяVX ЁМТУЯарђчђумумумумумумЯХЯХЯХЯКГЅКœКмумумумЯХЯХЯХмЯмумумумумумумумумуhєLhDfl0JjhєLhDflU hєLhDfljhєLhDflUhDflPJnHtHh™g.hDflPJnHtH h™g.hDflhDflhDfl5CJ\aJhDflhDfl5CJ\aJ=2<=>Œ  stрсefст ђђђшшшуЭМЭМЭМЭМЭуК Цp„p„ќ^„p`„ќgdDfl & F Ц 8tp„p„ќ^„p`„ќgdDflgdDfl ЦtpgdDfl $ Цtpa$gdDfl§рџ@A^Ў љѕљѕљънљйh 2h™g.hDflPJnHtHh™g.hDflnHtHhDfl h™g.hDfl 90&P 1+:pDflАƒ. 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