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( Submitted by Argentina, Australia, China, Ghana, Greece, Kenya, United States of America Agenda item INTERNATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA AND INFORMATION EXCHANGE (IODE) The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, 1 Having considered the Executive Summary and Report of the 20th Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XX; Beijing, China, 4-8 May 2009), and the Recommendations contained therein, 2 Recalling its decision to revise the objectives of the IODE through Resolution XXIII-4 thereby including to support international scientific and operational marine programmes of IOC and WMO and their sponsor organizations with advice and data management services, 3 Recalling further its adoption of the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management through Resolution XXIV-9 and the important role of IODE therein, 4 Recognizing: the role of IODE as a programme that underpins all IOC activities and as a global system that facilitates and promotes the exchange of all marine data and information, the continued importance of comprehensive, real time, near real time, and delayed mode, long-term and high-quality data sets for the investigation of global change issues, the need for all IOC Member States to have national capacity in oceanographic data and information management as well as equitable access to oceanographic data and information, and the potential role of the IODE programme, its network of National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs) and its emerging Ocean Data Portal project as an IOC contribution to the Group on Earth Observations (GEO)/Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS), 5 Acknowledging: the considerable efforts made by the IODE Committee to review and adjust its programme to face new challenges and improve national as well as international arrangements for oceanographic data and information management and exchange, with special attention to operational oceanography, the active and expanding role of IODE in the Joint WMOIOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) Data Management Programme Area, the close cooperation between IOC/IODE and WMO through the Joint Steering Group for the IODE Ocean Data Portal and the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM, the leading role of IODE in capacity-building, in particular through its Ocean Data and Information Networks (ODINs), the OceanTeacher (and OceanTeacher Academy project), and the extensive training programme organized at the IOC Project Office for IODE in Ostend, Belgium, 6 Expresses its appreciation to the Government of Flanders (Belgium), the Flanders Marine Institute and the city of Oostende for their continuing support of the IOC Project Office for IODE, to the Government of China for its hosting and support of the 20th Session of the IODE Committee, to the United States and to the Republic of Korea for their financial support to the IODE programme in 2008-2009; 7 Endorses the Report of the Twentieth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XX) and the recommendations contained therein, and decides to take the following action: revise the Terms of Reference of the JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP) including its membership (Recommendation IODE-XX.3), subject to approval by JCOMM/WMO; continue and strengthen the Oceanographic Data and Information Network (ODIN) projects, as cross-cutting and integrated capacity-building, observation and product development platforms, in all regions; continue and strengthen the IODE Ocean Data Portal Pilot Project as a mechanism to integrate marine data from a number of distributed sources both in the network of NODCs and from other participating systems; continue and strengthen the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project with the aim of consolidating a set of standards that will provide interoperability between Members States of IODE, JCOMM and the broader oceanographic data community; continue the OceanTeacher Academy project as a comprehensive knowledge base and training tool related to oceanographic data and information management, serving the needs of IOC programmes and JCOMM, and continue the activities of the IOC Project Office for IODE, with special attention to its leading role in IOC capacity-building through training; 8 Encourages all IOC Member States, Programmes and relevant organizations to collaborate with the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project, by submitting standards for consideration by, and contributing to, the evaluation process, and to apply adopted standards at the earliest opportunity; 9 Urges IOC Member States to increase their participation in international oceanographic data and information exchange through the establishment and/or strengthening of national data centres (NODCs) and information management (Marine Libraries) infrastructures; 10 Further urges all IOC Member States, Programmes and relevant organizations to collaborate with the IODE Ocean Data Portal by establishing data provider nodes that contribute relevant data to the distributed system; 11 Requests all IOC programmes to actively collaborate with, and make use of, the Ocean Data and Information Networks (ODINs) as a common platform for capacity development in developing regions, as well as with the OceanTeacher Academy project which aims at providing a comprehensive curriculum of training courses related to ocean data and information management for all IOC Member States; 12 Invites WMO to continue and increase its support to JCOMM in general, and to the JCOMM Data Management Programme Area (DMPA) in particular, and to actively collaborate with the OceanTeacher Academy project as well as with other IODE activities, as relevant to JCOMM; 13 Invites IOC Member States to assist in the implementation of the IODE Work Plan 20092011, through the provision of extra-budgetary funds and/or secondment of experts to the IOC Project Office for IODE. ________________________________________ Required funding (20092011) Regular Programme support: 2009(Jun.-Dec..): US$ 40,200 (MLA 2) 2010-2011: US$ 196,100 (MLA 4, Activity 1) Extra-budgetary funds available2009: US$ 1,407,704 Extra-budgetary funds to be raised2009: 0 Extra-budgetary funds available2010-2011: US$ 2,050,944 Extra-budgetary funds to be raised2010-2011: US$ 251,100     IOC-XXV/DR.( Page  PAGE 4 IOC-XXV/DR.( Page  PAGE 3 %./0234<>CGRSXZ\nopξ|pdpXHHhI0h5^JaJmH sH h m^JaJmH sH h^JaJmH sH h4^JaJmH sH hL^JaJmH sH hob^JaJmH sH hLhI06^JaJmH sH h45^JaJmH sH hL5^JaJmH sH hI0hI05^JaJmH sH h m5^JaJmH sH hk5^JaJmH sH hZ^JaJmH sH hI0^JaJmH sH 4Rnop F G w f r ! 0 $ & F ;dhG$^`;a$gdXq$0dh`0a$gd$ 00dh`0a$gd dhgdXq gdzgdzgdLgdzgdI0gd!"  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(    2 I @Times New Roman- 2 I ,I'-2 j ISubmitted by    J2 *IArgentina, Australia, China, Ghana, Greece      2 I, 2 IKenyas  2 &I, /2 .IUnited States of America      2 I ,I'"2 jIAgenda item 4.2    2 I.1.1 2 I ,I'-b2 j:IINTERNATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA AND INFORMATION EXCHANGE             ,I'-2 %jI(IODE) - 2 %I ,I' 2 8jI ,I'R2 Kj/IThe Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission,            2 KI ,I'- 2 z7I1 - 2 z@I *-2 zjIHaving  2 z I considered   -L2 z+I the Executive Summary and Report of the 20       @Times New Roman-2 rEIth-)2 zNI Session of the IOC      ,I'[2 j5ICommittee on International Oceanographic Data and Inf           .2 Iormation Exchange (IODE      2 I-2 IXX; ,I'%2 jIBeijing, China, 4    2 I-^2 7I8 May 2009), and the Recommendations contained therein,          2 uI ,I'- 2 7I2 - 2 @I *2 j IRecalling   -|2 KI its decision to revise the objectives of the IODE through Resolution XXIII              2 I-2 I4 ,I'-(2 jIthereby including    -P2 .Ito support international scientific and operat          /2 +Iional marine programmes       ,I'2 jOIof IOC and WMO and their sponsor organizations with advice and data management                         ,I'-2 :jIservices-2 :I, 2 :I ,I'- 2 h7I3 - 2 h@I *%2 hjIRecalling further     -+2 hI its adoption of the    -P2 h.IIOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and             ,I'-,2 jIInformation Management     -/2 I through Resolution XXIV          2 I-2  I9 and the   /2 +I important role of IODE      ,I'2 jItherein, 2 I ,I'- 2 7I4 - 2 @I *2 j IRecognizing    - 2 I: 2 I ,I'-2 jI(i) @"Arial- 2 zI "-2 RIthe role of IODE as a programme that underpins all IOC activities and as a global            ,I'2 TIsystem that facilitates and promotes the exchange of all marine data and information         2 I, 2 I ,I'-2 JjI(ii)- 2 JI -G2 J(Ithe continued importance of comprehensiv      2 JIe,G2 J(I real time, near real time, and delayed    ,I'2 gImode,i 2 gI longi  2 gI-2 g Iterm and high    2 gUI-a2 gZ9Iquality data sets for the investigation of global change     ,I'2 Iissues 2 I, 2 I ,I'-2 jI(iii)s- 2 I -2 SIthe need for all IOC Member States to have national capacity in oceanographic data n            ,I'I2 )Iand information management as well as equ&        G2 (Iitable access to oceanographic data and        ,I'#2 Iinformation, and   2  I ,I'-2 jI(iv) - 2 I -2 PIthe potential role of the IODE programme, its network of National Oceanographic                 ,I'z2 8JIData Centres (NODCs) and its emerging Ocean Data Portal project as an IOC                 ,I'-IIIIHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEE՜.+,D՜.+,X px   UNESCO/IOCp3' DRAFT RESOLUTION Title\ <DAuthorSkypeNameforestcollins !"#$%&')*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root Entry F`KbData  1Table(.WordDocument>>SummaryInformation(@HDocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89qRoot Entry FصData  1Table(.WordDocument>>՜.+,D՜.+,X px   UNESCO/IOCp3' DRAFT RESOLUTION Title\ <DAuthorSkypeNameforestcollinsSummaryInformation(@HDocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjq