ࡱ> hjg#` bjbjmm d&LLL$p $$p TTTTT- / / / / / / $d!h#rS Lry"rrS TT%h r8TLT- r- :u,4LTH PL: - ~ 0 R>$:>$>$L0L6,I)S S  rrrrpppD d ppp ppp Restricted distribution IOC/INF-734 rev. Paris, 18 December 1989  INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANONOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) DRAFT RESOLUTIONS SUBMITTED TO SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY OR EXECUTIVE COUNCIL  A. GUIDELINES FOR THE PREPARATION AND CONSIDERATION OF DRAFT RESOLUTIONS I. Draft Resolutions should be prepared only when necessary to: reflect major policy and structural decisions; deal with substantive matters concerning the programme and budget of the Commission; take action on Recommendations and requests made to the Commission by its subsidiary bodies or by other organisations; deal with the relations between the Commission and the organisations members of ICSPRO (UN, UNESCO, FAO, WMO, IMO), other UN organisations and bodies, other international organisations co-operating with the Commission and/or the Commissions Advisory Bodies. II. Draft Resolutions are not normally necessary to deal with matters internal to the Commission, such as instructing the Secretary, requesting Member States or subsidiary bodies to undertake normal tasks. However, such instructions or requests may nevertheless appear in a Draft Resolution considered as necessary as set out in paragraph I above. III. Draft Resolutions should deal with matters that are placed before the Session in question and discussed at that Session. Draft Resolutions should accurately reflect the conclusions of the Plenary: The wording should meet the criterion of being necessary and sufficient; Extraneous and duplicative material should be avoided; Preambular material should be kept to a minimum; each preambular paragraph should be clearly related to one or more operative paragraphs and vice-versa. B. TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTIONS I. A small Technical Review Committee for Resolutions should be established by the Executive Council for each session of the Governing Bodies, in order to carry out a careful textual review of each Draft Resolution before it is distributed in plenary. The Technical Review Committee should normally be chaired by one of the Vice-Chairmen of the Commission and should consist of no more than (other members, taking into account the requirement for continuity. II. In selecting the membership of the Technical Review Committee, the Executive Council should take into account the fact that, as a general rule, initial work on each Draft Resolution has, for technical, timing and economic reasons, to be carried out on the English language text only. At the same time, at a later stage (after Adoption of Resolutions in plenary), the Technical Review Committee will however have the added responsibility of ensuring that all four language versions of each adopted Resolution are identical in content. III. The Technical Review Committee is responsible for determining whether Draft Resolutions placed before it are necessary and, if it considers this to be so, to ensure that the text of each Draft Resolution is clear and explicit. If the Technical Review Committee considers it necessary to propose changes to a Draft Resolution, it should ensure that these are strictly of an editorial or drafting nature so that the substance of the original draft is maintained. The Technical Review Committee has no responsibility for the substance content of Resolutions. Should a substantive change be considered necessary for any reason, the Draft Resolution should be referred back to the originator(s), with an explanatory note. IV. For practical reasons (such as time needed for the translation of Draft Resolutions), the Technical Review Committee may be presented with a Draft Resolution dealing with a matter which has not yet been discussed at the Session. In this case, it should consider that the substance of the Draft Resolution does reflect the expected conclusion of the Plenary and therefore only make the editorial changes it deems necessary. The Chairman of the Technical Review Committee will then be entrusted with carefully checking the actual conclusions of the Session against the expected ones and with taking the appropriate action. This revised Document contains the decisions of the Executive Council at its Twenty-second Session (Paris, 1 July 1989) and the Assembly at its Fifteenth Session (Paris, 4-19 July 1989), relating to the preparation and consideration of Draft Resolutions by the Assembly and the Executive Council and to the duties and modus operandi of the Technical Review Committee for Resolutions. This will be included in the IOC Manual, as the revised version of para. 9.1. 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