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The current officers of the Region are Mr. Julius Wellens-Mensah of Ghana (Chairman) and Dr. Jean Folack of Cameroon (Vice-Chairman). Sessions of IOCEA Five Sessions of IOCEA have been held as listed below: IOCEA-I, Praia, Cape Verde, 19 23 January, 1987. IOCEA-II, Lagos, Nigeria, 19 23 February, 1990 IOCEA-III, Dakar, Senegal, 18 22 January, 1993. IOCEA-IV, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain, 8 12 May, 1995. IOCEA-V, Dakar, Senegal, 5 11 May, 2000. The next session of IOCEA, i.e. IOCEA-VI, is planned to be held in Accra, Ghana this year. Current Activities in Coastal and Marine Sciences in IOCEA Region Although the work plan developed by IOCEA-V was not implemented due to resource constraints, member states have been involved in activities, projects, and programmes either initiated through IOC or through other initiatives. These programmes and projects contain most of the activities contained in the work plan developed by IOCEA-V. Current ongoing programmes and activities are:- ODINAFRICA-IV The Integrated Data and Information Products and Services for the Management of Oceans and Coastal zones in Africa (ODINAFRICA-IV) is a continent-wide project involving almost all coastal states in Africa. It is funded by the Government of Flanders through IOC with a budget of USD3.5 million to be implemented from 2009 to 2013. The overall objective of ODINAFRICA-IV is to promote the sustainable management of marine and coastal resources, as well as, reduce the risks of ocean related hazards, based on sound scientific knowledge. Previous phases of ODINAFRICA implemented from 2000 to 2008, focussed on development of the basic infrastructure for the collection, archival, analysis and dissemination of data and information products. The current phase is planned to strengthen these structures and develop linkages with data generators, including ongoing large scale projects on African coasts. ODINAFRICA is expected to deliver the following outcomes: National multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder data networks to maximise the use of available IODE NODCs expertise to other stakeholders; Strengthened and sustainable marine data and information management infrastructure in ODINAFRICA countries; Customised products such as forecasts, models, atlases and scenarios; Improved mechanism for the dissemination and application of data, information and products. The Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem (GCLME) Project The GCLME Project with the official title of Combating Living Resource Depletion and Coastal Area Degradation in the Guinea Current LME Through Ecosystem-Based Regional Actions is funded by GEF / UNDP with UNIDO as the executing agency. It has a duration of 60 months from January 2004 to December 2009. The overall development goals of this project are to: Recover depleted fish stocks; Restore degraded habitat; Reduce land and ship-based pollution; Create an ecosystem-wide assessment and management framework for sustainable use of living and non-living resources in the GCLME; Establish viable regional consultative and coordination mechanisms for joint actions in transboundary management of the GCLME including a Guinea Current Commission The participating countries in the project are Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cte dIvoire, Gabon, Ghana, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Nigeria, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone and Togo The Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) Programme The BCLME Programme is funded by UNDP/UNOPS/GEF to the tune of USD15 million with an implementation period of six years from 2002 to 2010. The participating countries are Angola, Namibia and South Africa. The main goal of the project is integrated management, sustainable use and protection of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem. It is planned to address the following major transboundary problems: Decline in commercial fish stocks; Uncertain ecosystem status and yield; Inadequate capacity to assess ecosystem; Deterioration in water quality; Habitat destruction and alteration; Loss of biotoc integrity and biodiversity; Harmful algal bloom. Adaptation to Climate Change (ACC) Project The ACC Project, funded and supported by UNDP/GEF, UNESCO/IOC and NEPAD, is planned to respond to shoreline change and its human dimensions in West Africa through integrated coastal area management. The goal of the project is to reduce the vulnerability and strengthen the adaptation capacity of countries and coastal communities to the negative effects of climate change. The participating countries are Cape Verde, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania and Senegal. Other Relevant Projects In addition to the above projects, other relevant projects currently being implemented in the Region in which IOCEA member countries are participating are: Regional Programme on Physical Oceanography in West Africa (PROPAO); Analysis of Multidisciplinary Monsoon in Africa (AMMA)] Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) Fridtjof Nasen Project supported by FAO. Challenges of IOCEA The major challenge facing the IOCEA as a subsidiary body of IOC is its inability to hold a Session since IOCEA-V held in Dakar, Senegal in 2000. The resources required to hold the next Session has been estimated to cost between USD80,000 and USD100,00 (depending on the cost of interpretation). Currently, IOC has made an allocation of USD 25,000 from regular budget to organise the next Session before the end of the year. To overcome the shortfall in resources to organise the Session, IOCEA is exploring the possibility of organising the Session back-to-back with an event in the Region or at any event with substantial IOCEA representation. Other options are either the Session is funded entirely from regular and extra-budgetary sources as a one-off special case in view of the long lapse in organising the session; syndicate resources, in cash and/or in kind, through a special appeal to the entire IOC family to support this activity. Other challenges relate to coordination of IOC and IOCEA activities in the Region in the absence of a project office in the Region. The Region has a relatively large number of member countries (20) and the problem of communicating in two languages, French and English, which increases the cost of holding meetings and Sessions arising from simultaneous interpretation and translation of documents. Also, the Region does not appear to be captured adequately in IOCs international programmes and projects implemented on a global scale. Conclusion and the Way Forward The continued delay in holding IOCEA-VI has become an embarrassing issue for the Region and the IOC in general. There is therefore the need to mobilise the necessary resources to implement this activity once and for all. For future Sessions and meetings, it will be beneficial to plan more back-to-back meetings to optimise resources and maximise benefits, in view of ever decreasing resources. Taking into account, the resources that other projects in the Region are able to attract, it will be mutually beneficial to forge partnerships with such projects and their collaborating funding partners, as well as, with other funding partners to implement activities in future work plans. The role of member countries in contributing resources either in cash or in kind, in the implementation of work plans and holding future Sessions must be emphasised to avoid the situation in which IOCEA finds itself now. It is also recommended that special attention be paid to Regions with low activity in IOC programmes in the design and implementation of IOC international programmes and projects. Finally, due consideration should be given to the establishment of an IOCEA Project Office to coordinate IOCEA affairs across the 20 countries in the Region. Alternatively, a way must be found to embed an IOCEA coordination function in established projects and programmes in the Region through a memorandum of understanding or some form of arrangement that will be mutually beneficial to IOC, IOCEA and a specific project or programme. Submitted by: J. Wellens-Mensah Chair, IOCEA.     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