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Twenty-fourth Session of the IOC Assembly: Resolution XXIV-11: Enhancing the Role of the Commission at the Regional Level  TWENTY THIRD SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY (IOC-XXIII/3) Paris, 21-30 June 2005 Resolution XXIII-6 REGIONAL COOPERATION IN MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND THE ROLE OF THE IOC REGIONAL SUBSIDIARY BODIES The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Recognizing that: (i) the IOC has a long tradition in implementing regional programmes and the regional components of its global programmes through Regional Subsidiary Bodies, and that these activities must be maintained, at an appropriate level, if it is to retain its status as the only organization within the UN system concerned exclusively with ocean sciences and ocean services, (ii) UNESCOs policy of zero nominal growth is expected to continue in the foreseeable future, impacting the IOC regular budget and in consequence the Regional Subsidiary Bodies, and that concrete measures must be taken to maintain an appropriate balance between the Commissions ocean sciences, ocean services, and capacity-building programmes, as well as between global and regional activities, (iii) the role of Regional Subsidiary Bodies must be made more effective and efficient by examining and correcting the present deficiencies, improving communications and interactions and ensuring a comprehensive programme following the Commissions Main Lines of Action, Urges Member States to increase the involvement of their national IOC contact points in the development of regional work plans; Encourages the IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies immediately to: (i) increase regional interactions, and improve coordination with organizations that have significant political and financial support, as well as those with an institutional mandate to promote scientific and technical advancement; (ii) identify the most urgent capacity-building requirements in their respective Member States and play an active role in the formulation of proposals to donor agencies; (iii) raise public awareness of the purpose and work of the IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies; Further urges Member States to accord priority status to ocean sciences and services in national and regional development and research programmes, and include them in their dialogue with the international donor/development community; Instructs the IOC Executive Secretary to: (i) arrange a meeting of the regional Chairpersons in conjunction with each Assembly, so as to improve regional input to the work of the Assembly; (ii) schedule the meetings of the Regional Subsidiary Bodies, where possible, to be in phase with the IOC planning cycles; (iii) take into account, within a balanced IOC regular programme and budget, the needs of each Regional Subsidiary Body for biennial funding for regional coordination activities and for the mobilization of extra-budgetary resources for the Commissions regional activities; Further instructs the IOC Executive Secretary to create an Intersessional Working Group, composed of the Chairpersons of Regional Subsidiary Bodies and involving all interested Member States, and conducting business through electronic means, to: (i) assess the present efficiency and effectiveness of the Commissions regional programmes using quantifiable indicators that consider the categories of core, extrabudgetary and leveraged funding, and the impact of results; (ii) assess the role of regional activities in the long-term plans of the Commission and prepare a realistic scenario of the resources required in the immediate, medium and long term; and (iii) report on progress to the Executive Council at its 39th Session; Requests the Executive Council, at its 39th Session, to consider the report on the progress of the Intersessional Working Group and reflect the results as appropriate in the IOC Medium Term Strategy 20082013. _____________________ Identified funding: not applicable. TWENTY FOURTH SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY (IOC-XXIV/3) Paris, 19-28 June 2007 RESOLUTION XXIV-11 ENHANCING THE ROLE OF THE COMMISSION AT THE REGIONAL LEVEL The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Recognizing that: the strengthening of the regional mechanisms is fundamental to respond better to the requirements of Member States IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies (RSBs) and IOC decentralized offices are the mechanisms through which IOC global programmes and activities of specific interest to the countries are regionally implemented the recent drive for UN agencies to move toward functioning as One UN in meeting country-specific needs can be harmonized with the IOC regional approach by addressing issues that are common to groups of countries in a sub-region/region IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies have been instrumental in promoting advancements in marine scientific research, raising awareness of marine issues, developing national capacities for marine science and ocean services, and fostering regional cooperation in their respective regions the regional scale is particularly appropriate for addressing issues concerning climatic impacts on marine ecosystems, assessment of the state of the marine environment, namely marine pollution, large marine ecosystems and biodiversity implementing and maintaining regional activities remains a challenge due to the mismatch between the Commissions agreed programmes and the resources available, the declining capacity of UNESCO to support IOCs regional and global programmes through its Regular Budget, and the present administrative limitations of Regional Subsidiary Bodies the efforts that IOC, particularly in recent years, has been making financially and in raising extrabudgetary funds for supporting IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies, are appreciated the financial and in-kind contributions made by Member States through IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies and decentralized offices have been essential in reinforcing implementation of IOC Programmes in the regions, Recalling: (i) the appeal to Member States to strengthen the regional role of the Commission made by Resolution XXIII-6 (Regional Cooperation in Marine Science and Technology and the Role of Regional Subsidiary Bodies) (ii) the conclusions of documents IOC/EC-XXXVII/2 Annex 12, Concept Paper on the Modalities of Implementation of IOC Programmes in Regions, and subsequently IOC-XXIII/2 Annex 5, Enhancing the Effectiveness of Regional Cooperation in Marine Science and Technology and the Role of the IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies, Noting: (i) Documents IOC-XXIV/2 Annex 8 and IOC/INF-1239, of the Intersessional Working Group on Regional Programmes and the Role of IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies, established pursuant to Resolution XXIII-6 to review the efficiency, effectiveness and role of the Commissions regional programmes (ii) the current decentralization policy of UNESCO and the need for IOC to operate coherently within this policy, so that IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies can improve their stability and efficiency and benefit from the resources made available through the decentralization policy, and (iii) the administrative limitations on Regional Subsidiary Bodies and Member States resulting from the lack of appropriate mechanisms to further facilitate the allocation of contributions of Member States (and other entities compatible with the provisions of Article 10 of the IOC Statutes) supporting the programmes of work of the Regional Subsidiary Bodies, Further noting the need for strengthening IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies to fully ensure the regional implementation of the IOC Medium-Term Strategy 20082013, Encourages Regional Subsidiary Bodies to attract funds through strategic plans that focus on capacity-development in marine sciences leading to a better knowledge of the ocean, and improved monitoring, governance and management of marine resources and environment; Further encourages Regional Subsidiary Bodies to develop joint programmes and activities with the regional components of UNEP and other UN agencies, in particular WMO and FAO; Urges Member States and relevant international and regional organizations to accord priority to the regional components of programmes in ocean sciences, observation and services, capacity-building and technology transfer, in their dialogue with the international donor community; Instructs the IOC Executive Secretary to explore financial mechanisms to support the agreed programmes of work of the IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies and, as appropriate, to take steps to establish Regional Trust Funds (Subsidiary Accounts under the IOC Special Account) and provide a mechanism for the contributions; Also urges Member States and other donor entities to support the activities of the IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies; Agrees that a meeting on IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies be held the day prior to commencement of sessions of the IOC Assembly or Executive Council; Further instructs the IOC Executive Secretary: (i) to adopt measures to enhance and strengthen capabilities of the IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies and IOC decentralized offices, namely by supporting staff, considering a more balanced allocation of funds among global and regional components of the IOC programme of work, and decentralizing IOC global programmes to regions, when implementing the Medium-Term Strategy 20082013 and the Programme and Budget 20082009; (ii) to harness the services offered by UNESCO network of regional, cluster and national offices and science bureaus, for the provision of administrative support.     ICG/CARIBE-EWSII/WD__ Page PAGE 2 IOC-XXIV/2 Annex __ Page PAGE 3 Restricted Distribution Paris, 14 June 2009 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Regional Subsidiary Bodies Meeting UNESCO, Paris, 14 June 2009 Regional Subsidiary body-related Resolutions from the reports of the twenty third and twenty fourth sessions of the ioc assembly Paris, 21-30 june 2005 and 19-28 June 2007 Page PAGE 4 Page PAGE 3  >M q x зq`QF? hBhhkthBhhh0B*phhBhhX_ B*^JaJph hwG hX_ 6B*^JaJph hwG hX_ >*B*^JaJphhX_ B*^JaJphhwG B*^JaJph hwG h'6B*^JaJphh'B*^JaJph hwG h'>*B*^JaJphhwG ^JaJhX_ ^JaJh#'^JaJh'^JaJhBhhh0^JaJhBhhh0>*^JaJr MHgdl}Ogkd$$IfTlV<024 laT x$IfgdX_  & Fx$IfgdX_  x$IfgdwG  & F x$IfgdwG x$IfgdwG .00  ' ( > ? Q R S _aͻu_J8J8J8J8_J#hoINhoINPJ^JaJhnHtH)hoINhoIN5PJ\^JaJhnHtH+hoINhoINPJ^JaJhmH nHsH tH-hoINCJOJPJQJ^JhmH nHsH tH1hoINhoIN5CJOJPJQJ\^JhnHtH+hoIN5CJOJPJQJ\^JhnHtH#h_[A5>*PJ^JaJhnHtH)hoINhoIN5>*PJ^JaJhnHtHh#'h_[APJ hsPPJhsPhoIN hoINhG ( ? 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