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He outlined the goals of the meeting: firming up the work plan for the Expert Team for the intersessional period, including through review of the specific tasks identified thus far, refining the future composition of the team, and reviewing progress thus far. Jiang Zhu sent his apologies for not being able to attend, and Ravi Chandran’s replacement Sudheer Joseph could not get a visa in time. Candyce Clark and Bob Keeley (OPA and DMPA coordinators) could not attend. Gary noted that the next meeting was proposed in late September, early October 2010. The participants of the meeting introduced themselves. Present at the opening were: Gary Brassington, Eric Dombrowsky, Jim Cummings, Fraser Davidson, Shiro Ishizaki (specifically in charge of operational ocean forecasting for regional seas – other parallel groups working on storm surge moels, wind wave models; other JMA divisions implement global ocean data assimilation systems for seasonal forecasting), Masafumi Kamachi, Adrian Hines, Andreas Schiller, Hendrik Tolman (representing Ming Ji). Also attending on Friday 12 June 2009 were: Frédérique Blanc, Henri Savina, Pierre Daniel. 2. Outcomes of GOV-ST Andreas Schiller presented the outcomes of the GOV-ST meeting particularly relevant to the ET-OOFS meeting. Of the four Task Teams (TT) that GOV has set up (intercomparisons, Observing System Evaluation, coastal, and ecosystems), it was proposed that ET-OOFS sponsor the first two as joint TTs. Jim Cummings pointed out however that the operational forecast systems used observations from the coastal zone. Gary thought that there was for the moment probably not a clear need for interaction with the coastal team in terms of standards, he suggested waiting and seeing how the coastal team evolves, to see if specific ET-OOFS interaction is needed. Hendrik pointed out that much of the user community was on the coast. Gary asked the team to consider whether a closer interface with the coastal TT was desirable in the near term. Jim Cummings pointed out that most of the teams had domains that moved into the coastal domain, he suggested staying involved sooner rather than later. Adrian Hines suggested that it was connected to the scope of ET-OOFS. Gary believed all the models represented in ET-OOFS would extend to the coast (to the river mouth but probably not beyond), although the TT may focus on even smaller scale modeling. Hendrik pointed out that if the ET wanted to focus on services, it needed to focus on the coast. Gary noted that this aligns for the push for us to integrate across waves, storm surges, and emergency response, the other teams in JCOMM. Gary saw a need to identify some unique areas in the coastal zone where the work of the ET-OOFS could have interfaces. ACTION for tomorrow Fraser agreed to develop a few bullet points that could define the working relationship between ET-OOFS, GOV, and the TT for coastal. Gary noted that in the work in symbology and standards there would be some link to coastal models, and probably a unique set for the coastal zone as well. Eric noted that the organizations aspects of the global and regional modeling were not the same as the coastal ones here in France, and he suspected there were many more players in the coastal zone. Andreas said that GOV was developing work plans for the TT, and invited ET-OOFS to provide input soon in their definition if there were specific needs. Hendrik believed that on the standards side, it was also important to talk to the ETWS on storm surges. The overlap between the two teams is Adrian and Hendrik. TT-Observing System Evaluation Gary expected the joint TT-OSE could contribute to the work of the ET through the recommendation of metrics for inclusion in the operational guide, and recommendations of observing system requirements for inclusion into the JCOMM statement of guidance. The TT would require guidance from the ET on the form of the recommendations to be presented for inclusion into those areas. Adrian believed it would be important to be able to ask the TT for advice on particular issues that affect the operational systems, and that this could be more specifically stated. Fraser felt some lingering confusion in the role of the TT-OSE and TT-Intercomparison in terms of the class 4 metrics (comparison to observations). Andreas agreed for the need for clarification, and hoped the chairs of the TTs would sort the roles out. Jim pointed out that the Class 4 metrics were common to both teams, but that the TT-OSE had a lot more to do in addition to the intercomparison, and that there was not a conflict there. TT-Intercomparison Gary believed the ET would need to provide the criterion and evidence to the TT that particular metrics were useful, and should be included in the basic set of agreed intercomparisons. [insert the text from Gary’s version of the bullet points] Eric also pointed out some difficulties with the language ‘agency’ – and the team clarified that this referred to the system implementer, which in some cases is a national agency (sometimes meteorological, sometimes not), but Mercator-Océan for example was a non-governmental organization. TT-Ecosystems Adrian noted that myOcean would be doing a lot of work in ocean ecosystem coupling, although Gary thought it would be a lower priority for the coming 4 years. Hendrik believed it could not be ignored, since there were already products out there being used – HABs, jellyfish, etc. Gary however noted that the team could not expand its scope too wide initially. Fraser felt we could treat the biological part as an end-user, and not as an integral part of the work of the ET. Andreas pointed out that there was a shortage of data to optimize and validate the forecast models, that the largest set of large-scale data was the ocean color data. Gary felt that it was sufficient for the TT under GOV-ST to work on these issues, and to maintain a loose link for the next intersessional period through JCOMM-IV. Joint Statement Andreas noted the endorsement of this joint statement by GOV-ST, and felt that this document was useful and important for working together. Gary felt there still was a question in the external community as to why there are two groups, and supported the view of Andreas that this was important for communications with the external. Adrian noted that GOV-ST had a more agile remit than the ET-OOFS – allowed to go off in interesting and promising directions; where ET-OOFS has some Andreas emphasized that the document should be internal. Eric questioned this. Andreas felt that it was for the use of the two teams. Gary thought it could be circulated to the patrons. Adrian and Albert emphasized the need to make public a shorter statement (paragraph or two). Adrian also thought the document could include more on how the two teams need and use each other. ACTION for Adrian - to volunteer some text that would improve the Joint Statement, and also a shorter text for public consumption. Jim Cummings noted that the ET would have a different remit from the GOVST – that it would have more people from the operational side. Gary emphasized that there would be a close link nevertheless at the beginning between the two teams, and less need for joint sitting between the two teams going forward. Masa noted that this transition from a more research representation on the ET to a operational representation from the agency. Gary and Eric agreed. Hendrik outlined 3 levels: science, 24/7 operators, service interface. Gary noted that it would have to be someone that could represent across those three areas. He also emphasized that GOV-ST and ET-OOFS should not diverge, and reemphasized that there would be an evolution. Eric supported the view of Hendrik of the division into three aspects: science/development, operators/qualification, and the service interface. Gary felt that the membership of the ET would have to have a balance of people from each of those roles, so that both agencies and tasks are well represented on the team. This would allow team members to lead certain aspects of the ET. [DECISION regarding the proposed composition?] National reports The agencies should not have to prepare multiple national reports to GOVST and ET-OOFS. Work on the common template would have to happen. Gary proposed that there should be a maintained jcomm.info page with the current operational ocean forecast systems. ACTION for Albert – to maintain a web site for the status of current operational ocean forecast systems. [rough draft page: http://www.jcomm.info/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=84&Itemid=31] 3. Chairman’s report Gary reviewed the outcomes of JCOMM-MAN: capacity-building should be considered within the ETs ET-OOFS proposed as ET-OOFS SI and MAES should be included within ET-OOFS Sea ice services and products would stay within ET-SI Links with users would remain in ET-MAES Research was discussed as being within JCOMM’s mandate The team discussed the proposed name change. Some members felt that there was a risk that dropping ‘operational’ would decrease clarify from outside. Discussion over the ET Sea Ice – ET-OOFS would not take over the service provision, but the interface in forecasting models of sea ice. Masa noted that in Japan it was the Coast Guard that was responsible for emergency response, and that he in his agency representing role could not speak for them. Fraser noted that it was important that ET-OOFS ensure that the ice forecast provider work with that agency or group in the country so that they have the best underpinning forecast system. Gary noted that the proposal was that we would assign specific members of ET-OOFS to SI and MAES to follow. Hendrik thought it wise to link to ETWS as well – Gary brought feedback that it was premature. Gary then reviewed the outcomes of the SCG in March 2009. The SG mentioned specifically climate services. Gary thought the ocean reanalyses were underexploited, but were not a major focus of ET-OOFS nor GOV. It was possible to refer this to GOV. ETWS felt there was limited opportunity for collaboration with ET-OOFS, except for special sessions or workshops. Donlon suggested ET-OOFS representation at the ESA Storm Surge Project user consultation meeting, taking place prior to the OceanObs’09 meeting. Gary noted that there was improvement in skill needed before a close link made sense. Gary noted the WMO NAVAREA warning responsibility areas, and asked whether it made sense to divide some of the intercomparisons by these area, to provide information for users. MESSAGE to the TT-Intercomparison: that the model validation intercomparison metrics should be aware of the WMO regions of responsibility, so that a future service provider from that region could extract information about the reliability of forecast systems in their area. Fraser suggested that the metrics could be stored by 1x1 degree box to be combined in any way in the future. Jim suggested the data should be stored in the rawest form, so that they could be accessed in any ways. Hendrik – would we simply store the metrics or create tools? Gary presented the proposed work plan from ET-OOFS to be brought to JCOMM-III. The document as written was a working document and would have to be condensed for the session, but should be kept. These would be discussed within the task area presentations in detail. 4. Specific task reports 4.1 Nomenclature, symbology and ‘The Guide’ Adrian presented the Marine Metadata Interoperability project (funded by the US NSF), which has audited a large number of guides and symbologies. He asked how ET-OOFS might make contact with them to help in their task. Adrian noted it was not in their remit to recommend standards. Albert noted that a member of the steering team was Greg Reed (Australian Ocean Data Center), who was also IODE chair. Gary questioned if the MMI was a long-term resource in an operational agency. The overall aim was to identify some possible conventions that could be applied to ocean forecasting systems. For metdata standards in particular, Adrian noted that it was important to avoid duplication with the JCOMM DMPA. Standard vocabulary was a priority. Adrian questioned whether the team was ready to set a standard symbology, thinking it was a lower priority for the team. Gary pointed out the utility to users who may use multiple products. Eric noted that as a provider Mercator did not use symbology, the users produced their own. Hendrik suggested an action that would poll the service providing arms of the agencies to see if there was a need for a standard symbology. Although he felt Ming would push for standard graphical service product symbology. ACTION Way Forward for this task ACTION?? for Ming to propose work plan for graphical symbology 1. Make contact with MMI to seek their advice for Adrian – survey of the community (ET-OOFS community) as to whether MMI covers the documents and standards of interest to them. for Adrian – check with others in JCOMM (MAN, DMPA coordinator) with knowledge of MMI project for Chair to contact Greg Reed (Australia) regarding the MMI project and how their expertise could be used for the TT for Hendrik to check with IOOS to see how they were planning to handle metadata and if MMI was relevant 2. Narrow down to a small number of candidates (Adrian to lead) Format conventions: one each for NetCDF and GRIB? Standard vocabulary: two or three possibilities Position paper to include summary of current state of play, proposal and rationale to be circulated prior to the next meeting All to provide comments on the paper 3. Agree candidates at the next meeting group required then to define details details to be included in the guide [missing some actions maybe? check with Adrian] Jim wondered how onerous these metadata requirements were. Hendrik cautioned that it was difficult to come to agreement for metadata standards. But that technology was making it easier to convert on the fly from proper metadata. Adrian noted that we would have to agree to the standards to apply to ourselves, so we had the option of not making them too onerous. Adrian then introduced the Guide to Operational Ocean Forecast Systems. The aim was to provide information about the available operational ocean forecasting systems to document common approaches for interoperability, and to inform users about the availability of systems and products. Adrian has put together a draft table of contents prepared as a starting point for discussion. First section: how the systems are organized, their overall purpose and scope. Gary noted that the existing scope would be the systems that appeared in the Oceanography article, and that participation would be self-selecting. Second section: “obligations” on system operators, including: best practice guidance rather than mandatory requirements, accessibility of products, provision and updating of information, and adherence to standards. This would also outline the forecasting products: standard products, quality information, and perhaps some addtional optional products. Gary noted that most of the requirements would be non-mandatory, but that some core ones needed for interoperability should be mandatory. Shiro questioned who would be the users of the guide. Adrian believed it would be both users and operators. Hendrik emphasized the educational capability for the entire WMO and IOC communities. Eric noted the GODAE (2000) definition of operational, which he suggested applying here as it made sense: “done in a routine and regular way, with a pre-determined systematic approach and constant monitoring of performance” Jim noted that meteorologists produced standard level products. Gary believed providers could advertise some additional products through the guide. Adrien believed the quality measures would be directly linked to the products. Eric noted existing legal obligations for the release and provision of products, that should be accounted for in the guide, although Gary cautioned that all the national legal requirements could not be addressed in the guide. Regional specific obligations might be addressed separately. The guide would further cover data mnagement: formats, exchange, archiving and data availability. Masa questioned whether the guide would cover forecasts only or reanalysis fields as well? Adrian responded that it was open to the team to decide. Gary emphasized that this guide should reflect primarily what we have agreed already in terms of sharing intercomparisons and products. The appendices could hold detailed descriptions of the systems, and the glossary of standard terms. Gary asked whether the interface with TT-OSE and –Interoperability would contribute to the quality information? Gary asked if the innovation metrics (for improving data assimilation) were included in the other guides. Fraser said that in his discussions with Ming there was an emphasis on allowing end users to see the products available, and saw his activity as complementary. Hendrik: is there a difference between forecast and guidance? Adrian: no Adrian asked for help in fleshing out the outline for each individual section. ACTION for Adrian – to survey ET members and myOcean and others to find out who would like to be included in this guide. with a specific set of questions Ask for: system description data products being produced in pre- or full operational mode quality information being produced graphical products ACTION for all: to respond ACTION for Adrian: to then ask those responding to take responsibility for drafting specific portions of the guide. Hendrik proposed having internal exchange between the systems involved be the threshold for being included in the guide. Jim was concerned with the quality information, which was not being routinely provided at every data point. Adrian emphasized that it was not the goal of the guide to set barriers to jump, but to catalog what we are already doing and provide some suggestions for how to define best practices and standards. Hendrik suggested that the first draft of the guide would be a catalog of the current operational systems. [Adrian will come up with some performance targets and indicators, timeline; resource level needed, updating the work plan for the SPA] 4.2 Operational monitoring Jim Cummings presented some ideas for operational monitoring tools: simplest: data counts – and sources (GTS etc.) our system marks time when data comes in for information on latency Gary: re: the latency – can be linked with time you go and fetch the data? Jim: these are quasi-instantaneous (once every 5 minutes to once per hour) Gary: we keep this information fairly readily accessible, what about other groups? Eric: we do this, and do analysis of histograms for the latency, this is reported to Coriolis Gary: we all have this information – how do we share it? Adrian: what is the aim: identify real-time problems? or longer-term analysis? Jim: primarily for monitoring, identifying problems, and helping to trouble shoot if problem is local. Probably monthly. Hendrik: even if not exchanged daily if these were calculated in a similar way across centers an e-mail exchange can help identify problems. ACTION for all*: each group to provide a histogram of latency for the different data types identified to source (drifting buoy from GTS, etc. for in situ data) x-axis: latency y-axis: counts bin in daily intervals based on Mércator example initial look where each center provides their own graphic (as part of national report, for April-May-June 2009, BATHY, TESAC, PROFIL, PF (GTS codes); and altimeter data) to see if there are any discrepancies/problems later - leverage off the QC files – to do this in real time? monthly cycle? yearly? An event summary? operations log Additional plot of time vs. day # of obs were assimilated by data type identifies problems with dropouts automatic QC for the ocean profile data *NRL, UK Met, BlueLink, Ifremer/Coriolis: these are doing in situ QC NCEP? JMA? NAVOCEANO? Eric noted that Mercator provide a data report every 3 months. The centers all use different satellite products in many cases, making this exercise difficult for satellite data vs. in situ data. Forecast delay Hendrik: operations guy only live by this metric, nothing on data quality. ACTION for all: to include in the national report the reliability, and how we report on the reliability Average forecast biases / tendencies Jim: a summary of the work of the TT-intercomparison – interpretation. (tendency includes change in bias with forecast length) Jim: thinking of verbal descriptions RECOMMENDATION to TT-intercomparison: consider a model forecast bias / tendency metric. descriptive rather than numeric ie ‘forecast tends to be cold at surface’, ‘mixed layer tends to be underpredicted’ Any others? Gary: do we build on some of the intercomparisons we have done already or do we wait for the TT-intercomparisons to advance? Jim: liked your presentations of Taylor diagrams – if we can use standard outputs. Gary: do people keep these statistics in an accessible place? Would be willing to construct these diagrams Eric: thought we had decided to put in a central place the centers’ innovation residual etc. Gary: question of research servers (best-effort) basis; or on an operational server? Set up a real-time process. Jim: biggest problems with innovations is time window – 1 day here, Mercator uses others – gets messy right away. Gary: so as far as exposing it in the products we currently have Adrian: we can find ways of exposing this information Jim: could also push the information to the US GODAE server. DECISION – TT-OSE to use the US GODAE server to receive pushed data, QC files for each system, build up timeseries; for this intersessional period In observation space (which will vary somewhat due to processing), not increment files (in model space). Jim: only have to know IPs. Cannot accept Chinese IPs Gary: NRL will maintain the GODAE server. Seeking external funding for enhancing – Argo is helping maintain its GDAC, IOOS is supporting it as part of a federal background. Trying to get Navy money. This would help the funding of the US GODAE server. ongoing ACTION for whom?? – creation of Taylor diagrams (correlation, variance rel. obs variance, rms). Let TT-OSE mine this dataset, create metrics, provide recommendation to us on what ongoing operational metrics to create. open question about whether this metric is public at first. Eric: not allowed in principle to redistribute our input data for the assimilation. Jim: US GODAE server only distributes public files, cannot protect them. Might be an issue Discussion of super-obbing and what this means for the intercomparison. ACTION for all but starting with myOcean: to go back to data providers and see if there would be problem in releasing the innovation files in observation space (especially ENVISAT). Quality control: Jim is still iterating with Bob Keeley on the QC. Will do a full production run of 2004-2008 – with tools for reading the files etc. The GODAE QC should be up and going and routinely updating itself. Will have call sign flag histories. Jim now knows he rejects more than others. Can help improve the QC routines in centers. ACTION – once a reporting style is developed – to link to this report or host this report on jcomm.info Fraser to query whether local resources could be in part devoted to this. ACTION for Jim (for tomorrow) – to look at Gary’s first draft of interface between TT and ET-OOFS with queries OSE may want to know colocations of observations with forecasts (matchups). Innovation is best for looking at assimilation. innovation vectors – impact of the observations Forecast – observations: performance of the systems -> Class 4 metric key interaction with TT-OSE is that they lead the R&D effort to recommend metrics. For Class 3 metrics: Level 3 monitoring SST bias for example IS there an TARGET? still dependent on TT-Intercomparison to define the types of metrics of use. thinking of tasks beneficial for the users. each group probably has done this. ACTION – monitor myOcean evolution work within myOcean will create indicators of performance from user point of view. DOCUMENT the practices of the forecast operators in internal performance monitoring. IDENTIFY ones that can be simply generated. difficulties with quality vs. reliability provided. 4.3 Services Ming Ji and Fraser Davidson presented thoughts about the end users of the ocean forecasting systems: Research and observation implementation users Navy / national defense Search and Rescue Operations Emergency response / restoration for hazmat spills (MAES) “Traditional mariners” Marine Transport, Fishing Mineral exploration (Oil and Gas in particular) Improving operational weather warnings and forecasts coastal forecasts and warnings Recreational boating / arctic tourism / eco-tourism Eric noted that the research community was a major user. Fraser agreed that it was important to include them (added above). Gary also noted the observational community was important. Ming would like to build a catalog of users over the upcoming work period, with details on how they are using products. This should be built up over time to show progress. Adrian asked if this was a user requirements document. Ming replied that this is more of a pre-requisite for a user requirements document. We need to document who users are and how they are using products. Right now I don’t know how to put together a user req. doc. Gary: need the “Essential User Variables” Potential work plan: Creation/maintenance/updating a catalogue of OOFS end users, and by product categories. Develop an interactive database online for members/operators to update the catalogues Organize end user workshop(s) Gather and validate future product/service needs by end users including who, how, and when Gary: JCOMM-wide? Would have to ask each agency probably to maintain a catalogue with their users. Interesting to look at varying user feedback and communities between the systems. Ming believes it to be important to have a JCOMM report on the users and how they use products, updated maybe on an annual basis. Member State/agencies will have to provide updates on their user communities. May need to conduct surveys to collect the information. At some centralized level (ET) sponsor user workshops. Adrian: also note that myOcean will have registered users, and we should connect with Costas Nittis (who is leading this work pagckage) to gather this data. He will also be organizing user forums, etc. Eric: although some users (national users, like Navies) will not register through the European service. ACTION on Fraser and Ming – to refine the categries of end users; and of products, with a few clearer examples (building on report). build a guide template. Gary suggests refining these into more than one question: 1. who are your users broken down by category (report names and/or numbers) 2. manual step – go and ask the users directly what products they are using - this may be part of an annual review process or some other activity – slower to populate. ACTION for Fraser and Ming / myOcean: myOcean (Costas Nittis) should be polled as well to build this user catalogue. ACTION (on national reports) – to maintain and report on a catalogue of end users, which products they are using (2 separate steps). Ming felt the product side was harder than the sector side. ex. for surface currents – who is using it and how? RECOMMENDATION – connect to WGNE process of cataloging forecast systems and users, to make sure “The Guide” and the “user catalogue” are complementary, and national focal points sitting in Met Offices do not receive multiple requests. (ACTION: Chair and Secretariat to communicate with the Chair and Secretariat of WGNE). Gary: how do we pull the third-party service providers into this? Ming: these are our customers Gary: our products go to third party providers that would be able to provide some summary reports of who they sell their products to, these are interesting to capture. Eric: the business model for myOcean is a public good service – some customers will pay for value added services. ACTION for Ming and Fraser, by end of meeting or by 1 week: to review the proposed work plan for the team to submit to JCOMM-III Ming proposed as targets for the next 4 years: - identify a clear picture of who our current users are - identify who should be our users (given technical capabilities) and strategy to target use of our products by them Gary: Even with our current users there would be aspects of improving user interaction with better skill – identifying thresholds for performance to improve downstream result The other category of who is not on the table – there are probably good reasons. We need to identify our threshold for improvement to reach those users. Advocate focus on the users we already have. Gary: should be our target that we ask mature users to give us information about thresholds to help them. DECISION – for the internal work plan, not for public consumption at JCOMM-III. Some discussion of the climate action. 4.4 Observational requirements Gary presented the process within JCOMM for identifying observational requirements. He reviewed the results of the OCG-III meeting in March. Open-ocean GOOS has been structured around the “Essential Climate Variables”. Specifications brought by the WMO for non-climate needs received pushback by the OCG. They would prefer to be given specifications by variable rather than by platform, so that a negotiation of how to meet the specification with a mix of observing networks can take place. OCG will need arguments of cost and benefit. To improve the timeliness and amount of data on the GTS, Bob Keeley is working on a ‘cookbook’ on have research users be able to find the channels to get their data on the GTS. Data access from satellites from all countries (specific concern was raised for China and India). The ET-OOFS is likely to be a clear champion for microwave SST. There was a need to be mindful of arguments on the transfer from research to operational funding. Gary presented a vision for identifying observational requirements in terms of performance, benefit, cost, to users, agencies, and implementers. The status of our knowledge of all these variables is low. We know the observational requirements versus system performance, but we need progress in: performance requirements for user applications. Knowledge and examples on how to objectively undertake this task are missing, and cost-benefit evidence is under-developed. This group was unlikely to be able to do this, but could give guidance on how to advance. On the national level this was necessary to develop. In actual systems, our first battle is to argue that we are optimally using the observations that already exist. In the BlueLink system, improvements need to be made in the initialization and observation timeliness, and improving surface fluxes. The full problem requires economic modeling and skills that are outside of ET-OOFS. Is there a way to connect to groups that do this? Main issues: SSHA global coverage required to move closer to real time [pick up rest of bullet points from Gary’s slides] Discussion of acoustic velocity measurements for straights, river input, etc. Should there be a coordination group for velocity measurements? Jim: Was a GSOP workshop on velocity data. UH volunteered to be clearinghouse for that. Gary evoked the need for high-quality integrated datasets where process studies were underway – for model validation and improvement. 5. Operational reports [Fraser analyzing the national reports and will write a summary of which parts of the template could be improved]. [Brassington gave the report from Australia] Ming noted that fisheries management should be a user area rather than fisheries themselves. [Tolman gave the report from NCEP] [Hines gave the report from the UK Met Office] Latency by basin – dependent on GDAC behavior? Communications problems? Discussion of having all possible data easily available on the GTS – can be subtle regarding paths of bulletins on the GTS Call sign masking – difficult for track checks for ships in QC Discussion of assimilating currents: drifter trajectories, Argo trajectories (hoped Brian King would be doing that) ACTION for chair – ask drifter and Argo community for velocity data stream for assimilation into ocean forecast models Discussion of demonstrations of impact Hendrik: Long-term statistics are most useful, individual cases are not. Example of the forecast products brought to the Alaskan king crab fishery, halved mortality rate a few years later. [INCOIS report] [Masa gave the report from Japan] Discussion of scalar vs. vector machines. Frédérique noted that while altimetry data was now being provided to MRI by CLS, in the future the formal request for the data would be through the myOcean project. She asked members of the Team to fill out a form. ACTION for Frédérique – to provide the participants of the team with the form requesting altimetry data via the myOcean project. [Fraser report from Canada] [not operational in sense of 24/7, but this will transition] [Mercator report] Some question about the timeliness of the data, which is received from Coriolis. BATHY and TESAC were particularly slow compared to other types. But with weekly updating thus far it was not a big issue for Mercator. --- Fraser reported on an overview of the national reports. The ET and GOVST agreed that there would only be one national report from each groups. Fraser felt it was necessary to be detailed enough in the template for the various joint and internal TTs. Useful input to these TTs. Therefore the format is important. The template would include more explicitly observations and metrics of reliability of observations going into the forecast systems. Gary agreed that we need to be quite specific if we want to collect common information. He noted that the operations people within operators might be asked to fill it out, so it needed to be simple and specific. Hendrik questioned the scope of models in ET-OOFS; Gary felt that the Team only owned the models represented on the Team, and wanted to leave lead responsibility for wave models, etc. with the other Teams within JCOMM SPA. But Sea Ice should be included, with the specific mandate given to us. The team discussed many of the details of the template. Hendrik asked that an example of the template, filled out correctly, would help solve many of these questions. The draft template for the national report is in Appendix A. ACTION for Secretariat, Frédérique, Fraser, Adrian, Jim, Gary, Ming (leaders of all TTs): to iterate on parts of the template of most relevance to them. in GOVST the reports are by systems and centers. ACTION for Fraser, Eric, Chair: examine myOcean reporting requirements to see if a subset could be used in the GOVST—ET-OOFS reporting. ACTION for ?? – fill out the report correctly as a model before it being distributed to the others. Discussion on the flexibility needed by GOVST, vs. specificity needed by ET-OOFS. DECISION – one point of contact with each center. 6. JCOMM SPA Expert Teams Henri Savina introduced the MAESS and MSS teams, and welcomed the identification of areas of cooperation between those teams and the ET-OOFS. 6.1 MAESS Henri Savina gave a presentation on behalf of Pierre Daniel, chair of ET-MAESS. The MPERSS set up by WMO in 1994 has the objective of setting into place a coordinated, global system for the provision of meteorological and oceanographic information for marine pollution emergency response operations outside waters under national jurisdiction. The areas have the same geographical coverage as the GMDSS. Area Meteorological and Oceanographic coordinators have been identified for all of these. These coordinators, as well as information about their systems, is available at www.maes-mperss.org. JCOMM-II asked the ET-MAES to take responsibility for search and rescue support as well. Savina then outlined the structure of the ET-MAES. In terms of operational ocean forecasting systems, the priorities of the team were to develop further demonstration cases, conveying requirements on the provision of data from the operational oceanography community. There was a need for some tailored products in some cases: surface currents currents at the base of the Ekman layer (French drift model MOTHY for example uses wind input to calculate the Ekman layer and is layered on top of other forecasts) Gary asked that MAES specify the needed variables for their activities. ACTION chair to ask ET-MAES chair to bring specification of the current ‘MAES’ variables needed (variable, depths, time resolution). The team would like to manage and promote the adoption of an international standard to support interoperability and the common formatting of ocean forecast products and services. Savina noted that ET-MAES may have some of its activities transfer to MSS and OOFS. Another priority for the MAES was training, particularly for developing countries. Savina presented the MetOcean Modeling Jamboree, that would be held in Oostende, Belgium, 19-23 October 2009, focused on training in SAR and oil pollution, on the service provision aspects particularly. 6.2 MSS Henri then went on present the work and requirements of the ET-MSS. This team coordinates the issuing of largely text bulletins for safety of life at sea through the GMDSS system and for other vessels. The Met-ocean marine safety information is coordinated by the WMO, but other safety information is coordinated by the IHO through the WWNWS (World-Wide Navigational Warning Service). Responsibilities are on the same sub-areas as in the MPERSS system, and standards are described in two WMO documents (WMO-No. 471 and 558). The ET-MSS team has expanded the GMDSS into Arctic waters, with the identification of the boundaries for five new Arctive areas. It has updated WMO and joint IMO-IHO-WMO regulation material, and maintained the evolution of the JCOMM GMDSS web portal. Savina presented the proposed new Terms of Reference for the team. He then noted actions with potential contributions of the OOFS: Develop, in accordance with existing standards (ISO, WMO, IMO & IHO), graphical/numerical product regulation or guidance documentations for marine parameters in Electronic Navigation Chart Systems (ENCs) or GIS. Provision of MSI (wind, sea state, and sea ice, etc…) but also of MAES products (objects or spill drifts, currents, etc…) are concerned. Improve information on sea state in MSI (in liaison with ETWS) : facilitate and promote the implementation by Members of appropriate real-time parameters fields from ocean numerical models, contribute to (Regional) workshops or specific capacity building project(s), for members to be able to issue indicators for complex & dangerous seas, including risk of freak waves when feasible. Fraser noted an overlap in the nomenclature task of the ET-OOFS common with the ET-MSS. Savina regretted that not much had been clearly identified in the interaction between OOFS and MSS. He noted that the clearest link was in MAES activities. Gary wished to have at a high level a link between the work plans of the MSS and OOFS. ACTION for Gary and Henri: ensure that the work plans submitted to JCOMM-III contain complementary work plans between ET-MSS and ET-OOFS. --- 7 Review and confirm outcomes. After discussion within the meeting, by e-mail after the meeting, the Team agreed to the work plan to be submitted to JCOMM-III in Appendix B. Need a volunteer on the system description side to push that forward: Gary (Adrian). 8. Pilot task team on Data Management Frédérique Blanc presented the responses to a number of questions posed for ET-OOFS, and emphasized the need for a close cooperation with the data management activities under GOV. 3 issues for moving towards operational data management: harmonization: standardization and support to data maangement. Checklists, helping to share experiences, increasing capacity ocean patrimony: archiving -> operational registries Guildelines and best practices test-bed or pilot projects Gary asked where the formal sponsorship for this group should be. He was happy to be co-sponsor, but would like for it to be co-sponsored under DMPA. He would like to consult with the other co-authors of the OceanObs’09 Community White Paper. Frédérique emphasized the importance of maintaining a network of experts with broad knowledge. ACTION for Gary and Frédérique: to seek feedback on the proposal within JCOMM, with IODE. Timeline: by OceanObs’09. ACTION for chair, secretariat: note the creation of the pilot task team on data management in JCOMM-III work plan for ET-OOFS, with 1-2 objectives. Gary noted that one implicit goal of this was to connect myOcean, IOOS, satellite data community, WIS. 9. Mercator services presentation and demonstration The Team received a tour and presentation of the services provision department of Mercator-Océan, Dominique Obaton. 10. Close Proposed next meeting: late September, early October 2010, hosted by JMA. Some discussion took place on the convergence or divergence of GOVST and ET-OOFS meetings. Gary felt that it was important at the beginning as the definitions of the tasks for each teams was under development that there was strong overlap between the teams, and that once these definitions were clearer there would be less risk for them to meet separately. There was a risk however pointed out by Adrian and Jim that having the meetings back to back could limit the full involvement of two teams from each country: research and operational side. Gary thanked Eric and his team for hosting the meeting, and closed it at 17:10. 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