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The role of Pacific Islands GOOS Coordinator is a key position within the Ocean and Islands Programme designed to contribute to achieving the implementation of SOPACs strategic directions under its Corporate Plan. The Position is a joint initiative between SOPAC and the IOC-UNESCO Perth Regional Programme Office, with new sponsoring partners now including the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and NOAA of USA. The appointment will be made under the management control of SOPAC as the local host institution for the position. Pacific Island countries are essentially coastal nations, with countries inter-connected in a ecological sense by regional currents. Proper stewardship of coastal resources and environments is critical to sustain and improve livelihoods, particularly against a backdrop of climate change and associated impacts. Managing resources and developments to ensure healthy, clean, and productive coastal waters requires the provision of sound scientific advice based on accurate and objective marine data and observations. Managed on a day to basis by the Manager of the SOPAC Ocean and Islands Programme, with guidance and assistance from representatives of the Coordinator Positions other sponsors (IOC-UNESCO Perth Regional Programme Office, NOAA USA and Australian Bureau of Meteorology), and with reference to an advisory committee of regional stakeholders, the PI-GOOS Coordinator will lead, manage, and coordinate the development and implementation of programmes of work designed to improve the capacities of SOPAC Member Countries to manage their coastal waters in a sustainable manner through better access and use of reliable and objective marine data , observations and associated products. The PI-GOOS programme currently receives limited financial support from a number of sponsors, and this needs to increase in order to fully implement the range of activities expected of this high-profile, internationally-endorsed initiative. The incumbent will be responsible for expanding the programme substantially by identifying and securing additional funds, leading strategic programme development, and coordinating and managing the full range of activities expected of the Pacific Islands GOOS programme. The PI-GOOS Coordinator should be capable of providing effective leadership to the programme, work with minimal supervision, interact and liaise effectively and at a high level with PI-GOOSs sponsors and stakeholders, be able to set priorities in the designated areas of responsibility, and take a proactive lead in developing new areas of work within identified objectives and strategies. The PI-GOOS Coordinator should have a broad understanding of coastal and open ocean issues of relevance to the Pacific region, have advanced skills in at least one of these supported by a track record of publications in the international literature, and hold a relevant higher level qualification (preferably a PhD). The PI-GOOS Coordinator is expected to possess a high level of interpersonal skills and cultural sensitivity, and may be required to mentor and supervise Programme staff, interns, and/or students registered for higher degrees (MSc/PhD) at Universities across the region. Accurate and timely work planning and regular reporting to the sponsors will be a key expectation of the position. A confident, mature and personable approach is expected. The incumbent will be required to travel extensively within the Pacific Islands region. 3. Accountabilities Responsible for and providing advice on all aspects of the development of the GOOS programme in the Pacific Islands region through the preparation of medium term (3-5 year) strategies and annual programmes of work. Responsible for facilitating the PI-GOOS Advisory Committee to ensure its effective operation and functioning by way of organising annual meetings, preparing annual reports and financial statements, and fulfilling all administrative requirements of PI-GOOS sponsors. Responsible for managing the PI-GOOS programme budget, providing annual financial statements to the programme Advisory Committee, and seeking additional resources to ensure programme growth and expansion. Prepare briefings and reports to the GOOS, IOC, and UNESCO Secretariats, and provide a focal point for all activities under the IOC-UNESCO GOOS programme in the Pacific Islands region. Promote effective regional coordination and collaboration within the ocean-climate sector by facilitating and providing authoritative advice in the integration of activities under the three observing system programmes for the Pacific Islands region (PI-GOOS, PI-GCOS, Pacific HYCOS). Responsible for providing advisory guidance to ensure co-operation and collaboration between national, regional, and international partners, to identify and meet specific needs for coastal and ocean observations, and identify and secure funds to implement new observing programmes. Responsible for providing advice and coordinating the development of new mechanisms that improve access to data and information from existing programmes, and facilitate activities that contribute to the secure management and distribution of existing SOPAC geospatial data resources. Represent PI-GOOS at relevant national, regional, and international GOOS related meetings, actively participate in regional and international networks, chair working groups of established programmes, and engage in activities related to PI-GOOS to ensure across-programme synergies and benefits. Provide authoritative advice to SOPAC Member Countries regarding the impact and sustainability of proposed coastal and marine developments, and advise and provide technical assistance to Member Country governments on a range of marine environmental issues. Responsible for conducting, facilitating and co-ordinating regional and national training activities, seminars, and workshops related to PI-GOOS and in support of the Oceans and Islands programme of work. Evaluate and review the technical merits of activities and initiatives in the marine environmental sectors of Member Countries and provide technical and policy advice. Advise and assist Member Country governments with the development of project documents designed to secure funding for the development of their respective national marine sector programmes. Author international publications to raise the profile and awareness of PI-GOOS, and be responsible for the coordination and development of electronic communication material (newsletter, web presence etc.) that contributes to and advertises the full range of data and products available to the region. Jointly with the Ocean and Islands Programme Manager, provide advice on marine environmental issues and observations to the SOPAC Executive Management Team and Governing Council, and contribute to the design of OIP strategies and annual programmes of work. Supervise and mentor Programme staff, interns, and/or externally students registered for higher degrees (MSc/PhD). Contribute to recruitment of new staff and performance management of existing staff. Other duties appropriate to skills and qualifications as required from time to time and as directed by Management. 4. Required Knowledge, Skills and Experience Relevant tertiary qualification (MSc, preferably PhD) in a marine science or relevant environmental discipline and a track record of publishing in the international scientific literature; A recognised expert in a relevant area of marine environmental science with minimum of 10 years direct experience dealing with marine environmental issues, preferably within the public sector, of which at least 2 should have been gained in a developing country; Significant experience of programme and project management; working with donors and developing country partners; Demonstrated understanding of ocean issues in the Pacific, including the donor and development agency priorities, regional strategies and sector drivers; Strong understanding of the working environment in Pacific Island countries; High level of oral and written communication skills; Demonstrated ability to take initiative and work with minimal supervision; Strong analytical and problem solving skills; Strong PC based computer skills, preferably with Microsoft Programmes and ability to use E-mail and the Internet; Knowledge of GIS applications and an understanding of database principles. 5. Selection Criteria In addition to having the above required knowledge, skills and experience, applicants will be assessed based on interview performance and work sample and the following other requirements: Proficient technical experience in relevant field; Aptitude for the provision of high quality service; Demonstrated oral and written communication skills in English; Strong analytical skills and the ability to master new material quickly; Flexible approach and demonstrated ability to meet deadlines; Ability to work as part of a small team, with a high level of interpersonal skills and minimal supervision; Demonstrated professional ethics; Ability to work effectively in a cross cultural environment and awareness of the need for gender sensitivity;     PAGE  PAGE 1  12CD % ' ( ) ? @ A Q u * / 4 7 W [ \   ø~uooofhihi^J h0^Jhi5\^Jhxhi\^Jhxhi^J hi^JhY5\^J hY^JhY5^JmH sH  hY5^Jhx5^JmH sH hY5mH sH hs hYCJhYCJOJQJ h 5 hY5hehhYjh<_hehU^J(12BCDef dh$IfgdY$a$gdY$a$gdY $ !a$gdY$a$gdY$a$gdYgdYgdY  /2/zz dh$IfgdYxkdF|$$IfTl0 ?  &04 laytST zz dh$IfgdYxkd}$$IfTl0 ?  &04 laytST  & zz dh$IfgdYxkd}$$IfTl0 ?  &04 laytST& ' ( ) @ A u v * + ; < yyqqqlqyygd$a$gd$a$gdYgdYxkd~$$IfTl0 ?  &04 laytST  - 3 ; ? 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