ࡱ>  %` ;bjbjNN ,, -@TTT ^ (((4)"""hT4) L& & & ND0? vM$h/t>(Zz ","ZzZz>jj& & S&Zz0 j& (& Zz<&(&  9"hFty<|\(H\ jT~ `i$pb jTjTjT>>jTjTjTZzZzZzZz)0$~ħ~V)0~V)))jjjjjj  TABLE OF CONTENTS page  TOC \o "1-5" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580615" 1. OPENING  PAGEREF _Toc227580615 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580616" 2. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION  PAGEREF _Toc227580616 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580617" 2.1 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA  PAGEREF _Toc227580617 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580618" 2.2 DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR  PAGEREF _Toc227580618 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580619" 2.3 ESTABLISHMENT OF SESSIONAL COMMITTEES  PAGEREF _Toc227580619 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580620" 2.4 INTRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTATION AND TIMETABLE  PAGEREF _Toc227580620 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580621" 2.5 A. BRUUN AND N.K. PANIKKAR MEMORIAL LECTURES  PAGEREF _Toc227580621 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580622" 3. STATUTORY REPORTS  PAGEREF _Toc227580622 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580623" 3.1 STATEMENT OF THE CHAIRMAN ON THE STATE OFIOC  PAGEREF _Toc227580623 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580624" 3.2 REPORT BY THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ON PROGRAMMEAND BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION (20082009) AND INTRODUCTION TO THE DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET for 20102011  PAGEREF _Toc227580624 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580625" 3.3 REPORT ON THEIOCACTIVITIES (20072008) TO THE THIRTY-FIFTHGENERAL CONFERENCE OF UNESCO  PAGEREF _Toc227580625 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580626" 4. PROGRAMME MATTERS REQUIRING DECISIONS BY THE ASSEMBLY  PAGEREF _Toc227580626 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580627" 4.1 GENERAL POLICY ISSUES, UN CONVENTIONS AND AGREEMENTS  PAGEREF _Toc227580627 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580628" 4.1.1 Preparation for the Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of theIOC(19602010) and the Ministerial Round Table at the Thirty-fifth General Conference ofUNESCO  PAGEREF _Toc227580628 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580650" Preparation for the Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the IOC 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580651" Ministerial Round Table at the 35thGeneral Conference of UNESCO 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580629" 4.1.2 Consideration of the Legacy of the International Polar Year (IPY) (20072009)  PAGEREF _Toc227580629 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580630" 4.1.3 Relations with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity  PAGEREF _Toc227580630 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580631" 4.1.4 Report of the Ninth Session of theIOCAdvisory Body of Experts on the Law ofthe Sea (IOC/ABELOSIX)  PAGEREF _Toc227580631 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580632" 4.2 MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES & POLICIES FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF COASTAL & OCEAN ENVIRONMENT & RESOURCES (HIGH-LEVEL OBJECTIVE 4)  PAGEREF _Toc227580632 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580633" 4.2.1 Data and Information  PAGEREF _Toc227580633 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580634" Report of the Twentieth Session of theIOCCommittee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XX)]  PAGEREF _Toc227580634 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580635" IOC Collaboration with the Ocean Bio-geographic Information System (OBIS)  PAGEREF _Toc227580635 \h 12  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580636" 4.2.2 Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socio-economic Aspects  PAGEREF _Toc227580636 \h 14  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580637" 4.2.3 Report of the Tenth Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE-X)  PAGEREF _Toc227580637 \h 16  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580638" 4.2.4 Report of the Seventh Session of the IOC Regional Committee for the Western Indian Ocean (IOCWIO-VII)  PAGEREF _Toc227580638 \h 17  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580639" 4.2.5 Report on the Follow-up to the Seventh Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (2629 May 2008)  PAGEREF _Toc227580639 \h 19  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580640" 4.3 SAFEGUARDING THE HEALTH OF OCEAN ECOSYSTEMS (HIGH-LEVEL OBJECTIVE 3)  PAGEREF _Toc227580640 \h 19  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580641" 4.3.1 Secretariat Report on Ocean Sciences Section: Programme, Structure and Activities  PAGEREF _Toc227580641 \h 19  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580642" 4.3.2 IOC Role in Standard Settings and Guidelines  PAGEREF _Toc227580642 \h 20  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580643" Adoption of the Equation of State of Sea Water  PAGEREF _Toc227580643 \h 20  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580644" The International Nutrients Scale System: a proposal for a joint ICESIOC Working Group to develop international standards for nutrients  PAGEREF _Toc227580644 \h 21  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580645" Nutrient Export from Watersheds - User Scenario Evaluation (NEWS2USE)  PAGEREF _Toc227580645 \h 21  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580646" 4.3.3 Report of the Ninth Session of the IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms (IPHAB-IX) HAB and GEOHAB Programme  PAGEREF _Toc227580646 \h 23  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580647" 4.3.4 Secretariat Report on Capacity-Development Section: Programme, Structure and Activities  PAGEREF _Toc227580647 \h 25  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580648" 4.4 mitigation OF THE IMPACTS and adaptation to climate change andvariability (High-Level Objective 2)  PAGEREF _Toc227580648 \h 26  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580649" 4.4.1 Oceans and Climate  PAGEREF _Toc227580649 \h 26  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580650" WMO-IOC-ICSU World Climate Research Programme (WCRP): ReportandReview  PAGEREF _Toc227580650 \h 26  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580651" Climate Observations GCOS, UNFCCC and OceanObs09  PAGEREF _Toc227580651 \h 26  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580652" 4.4.2 Report of the Ninth Session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Global Ocean Observing System (I-GOOS)  PAGEREF _Toc227580652 \h 28  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580653" 4.4.3 Instructions to the Third Session of the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM-III)  PAGEREF _Toc227580653 \h 29  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580654" 4.4.4 Report on Ocean Fertilization  PAGEREF _Toc227580654 \h 30  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580655" 4.5 PREVENTION AND REDUCTION OF THE IMPACTS OF NATURAL HAZARDS (HIGH-LEVEL OBJECTIVE 1)  PAGEREF _Toc227580655 \h 31  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580656" 4.5.1 Report of the Second Meeting of the IOC TOWS Working Group: Tsunamis and Other Ocean Hazards Related to Sea Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG-II)  PAGEREF _Toc227580656 \h 31  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580657" 4.5.2 Reports from the IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Groups  PAGEREF _Toc227580657 \h 36  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580658" Sixth Session of the IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWS)  PAGEREF _Toc227580658 \h 36  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580659" Fifth Session of the IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS)  PAGEREF _Toc227580659 \h 37  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580660" Fourth Session of the IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Group for Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBEEWS)  PAGEREF _Toc227580660 \h 39  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580661" Twenty-Third Session of the IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the Pacific (ICG/PTWS)  PAGEREF _Toc227580661 \h 39  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580662" 5. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT  PAGEREF _Toc227580662 \h 40  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580663" 5.1 REPORT BY THE CHAIRPERSON Of THE FINANCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE IOC DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET for 20102011 (Draft 35C/5)  PAGEREF _Toc227580663 \h 40  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580664" 5.2 ELECTIONS OF THE OFFICERS OF THE COMMISSIONAND MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL  PAGEREF _Toc227580664 \h 42  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580665" 5.2.1 Election of the Chairperson of the Commission  PAGEREF _Toc227580665 \h 42  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580666" 5.2.2 Election of the Vice-Chairpersons of the Commission  PAGEREF _Toc227580666 \h 42  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580667" 5.2.3 Election of the Members of the Executive Council  PAGEREF _Toc227580667 \h 42  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580668" 5.3 DATES AND PLACES OF THE TWENTY-SIXTH SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLYAND THE FORTY-SECOND AND FORTY-THIRD SESSIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL  PAGEREF _Toc227580668 \h 42  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580669" 5.4 THEMES OF THE A.BRUUN AND N.K.PANIKKARMEMORIAL LECTURES AT THE TWENTY-SIXTH SESSION OF THE IOC ASSEMBLY  PAGEREF _Toc227580669 \h 43  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580670" 6. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS and SUMMARY REPORT  PAGEREF _Toc227580670 \h 43  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc227580671" 7. CLOSURE  PAGEREF _Toc227580671 \h 43  1. OPENING The Chairman, Javier Valladares, will open the Twenty-fifth Session of the IOC Assembly at 09.30a.m. on Tuesday 16 June 2009. The Director-General or his representative will address the Assembly. The Chairman will ask the participants to stand in silence for one minute as a mark of respect to distinguished individuals who have collaborated with the Commission and have passed away during the past year: Warren Wooster (USA, 19212008), Professor and Scientist, one of the founders of SCOR and PICES and first Executive Secretary of IOC from 1960 to 1963. The Director-Generals full statement will be in Annex III of the Summary Report. 2. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION 2.1 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Working documents:IOC-XXV/1 Prov. Rev.2Second Revised Provisional AgendaIOC-XXV/2 Rev. Revised Action PaperReport: IOC/EC-XLII/3Summary Report of the Forty-second Session of the IOC Executive Council, Paris, 15 June 2009References:IOC/EC-XLI/3Report of the Forty-first Session of the IOC Executive Council, Paris, 24 June1 July 2008IOC-XXIV/3Report of the Twenty-fourth Session of the IOC Assembly, Paris, 1928 June 2007  The Executive Secretary will introduce this item. The second revised Provisional Agenda will take into account proposals, if any, emanating from the Executive Council at its Forty-second Session (Paris, 15 June 2009). According to Rule of Procedure 19(2), the Executive Council will act as the Steering Committee for the Twenty-fifth Session of the Assembly. The Executive Secretary will remind the Member States representatives that the formal and final deadline for informing the Executive Secretary of their nominations for the elections of the Officers and members of the Executive Council is Thursday 18 June 2009 at 5.30 p.m., and that the deadline for the submission of Draft Resolutions is Friday 19 June 2009 at 5.30 p.m. Note: In accordance with Rules of Procedure 9 and 11.2, Member States of IOC electoral group II submitted one request to the Executive Secretary for a supplementary item, namely Expansion of quota of seats in the IOC Executive Council for Group II Member States, with an accompanying document bearing the same title. As per Rule of Procedure 8.3 the Executive Council, acting as the Steering Committee of the Assembly, should examine this request and should decide on their inclusion in the provisional agenda and timetable for the session. DECISION 2.1: The Assembly will be invited to adopt the Second Revised Provisional Agenda, as is or as amended by the Assembly at the present session.2.2 DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR DECISION 2.2: The Chairman will invite the Assembly to designate the Rapporteur for the present session to assist the Chairman and the Executive Secretary in the preparation of the Draft Summary Report. ESTABLISHMENT OF SESSIONAL COMMITTEES Report: IOC/EC-XLII/3Summary Report of the Forty-second Session of the IOC Executive Council, Paris, 15 June 2009 DECISION 2.3: The Chairman will invite the Assembly to constitute the following statutory sessional committees and will remind the participating Member States of the open-ended character thereof: Nominations Committee, the Chairman will first read out the names of those Member States that had already notified the Assembly or its Steering Committee of their wish to participate in the Nominations Committee; he will then invite other Member States to manifest their interest. The current composition will be: [List of countries]. The Chairman will then propose [name of country] to chair this Committee. If the country kindly agrees, it will nominate a member of its delegation [name of the delegate]. (item 5.2) Resolutions Committee: the Chairman will read out the names of those Member States that will have notified the Assembly or its Steering Committee of their wish to participate in the Resolutions Committee; he will then invite other Member States to manifest their interest. The current composition will be: [List of countries]. The Chairman will then propose [name of country] to chair this Committee. If the country agrees, it will nominate a member of its delegation [name of the delegate]. (Item 6) Financial Committee, under the chairmanship of Neville Smith (Australia), Vice-Chairman responsible for financial matters. The Chairman will read out the names of those Member States that will have already notified the Assembly at the present session of their wish to participate in the Financial Committee, and will invite other Member States to manifest their interest. The composition will be: [List of countries]. (items 3.2 and 5.1) The Assembly will also be invited to constitute ad hoc sessional open-ended working/drafting groups as needed taking into account recommendations, if any, made by the Executive Council in its Summary Report (IOC/EC-XLII/3).  INTRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTATION AND TIMETABLE Working documents:IOC-XXV/1 Add. Prov. Rev.2Second Revised Provisional TimetableIOC-XXV/4 Prov. Rev.Revised Provisional List of DocumentsIOC-XXV/2 Rev.Revised Action Paper (this document)Information: IOC-XXV/Inf.1 HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=29&Itemid=124" Information and Guidelines for Participants The Executive Secretary will introduce this item. In addition to reviewing briefly the list of Working Documents, he will draw the attention of the Assembly to the poster exhibition on the IOC activities. He will briefly describe the Revised Provisional Timetable which will have been reviewed and accepted by the Executive Council taking into account: (i) any decision to include supplementary items; (ii) the time likely to be required by the sessional committees and working groups to report to the Assembly; (iii) the timely preparation of the Draft Summary Report in all the Commission's working languages; and (iv) the need to benefit from the interpretation service available. The Chairman will remind participants that the plenary will break up into sessional committees and drafting/working groups on the morning of Saturday 20 June. He will request Member States to limit their interventions in plenary to three minutes each, if possible, and will call on presenters to limit their presentations each to ten minutes, also if possible. 2.5 A. BRUUN AND N.K. PANIKKAR MEMORIAL LECTURES Information: IOC-XXV/Inf.2Presentation and Abstracts of the A. Bruun Memorial Lectures, 2009IOC-XXV/Inf.3Presentation and Abstracts of the N:K: Panikkar Memorial Lectures, 2009 The Chairman will introduce this item. The Executive Secretary, in consultation with the IOC Officers, has invited Dr Trevor J.McDougall, Chairman of the SCORIAPSO WG 127, to deliver the Anton Bruun Memorial Lecture on Thermodynamics and Equation of State of Seawater. This will also serve as a precursor to the Assembly's consideration of Agenda Item, under which, it will be requested to adopt the new TEOS 10 formulation in place of the existing Equation of State of Seawater (EOS-80) UNESCO standard on the subject. Dr McDougall will be presented with the Anton Bruun Medal. Highlighting the important role that capacity-development has to play in empowering Member States to participate knowledgeably in the governance of the oceans, the N.K.Panikkar Memorial Lecture is traditionally pitched in the areas of technology transfer or capacity-development. This year, Professor DrV.Ittekkot, Director of the Centre for Tropical Marine Ecology, Bremen, Germany, will deliver a lecture on "Research: an Effective Tool in Capacity-development." The first ever N.K.Panikkar Medal will be presented to Professor Ittekkot on this occasion. 3. STATUTORY REPORTS 3.1 STATEMENT OF THE CHAIRMAN ON THE STATE OFIOC [Rule of Procedure 8.1(A)] In accordance with Rule of Procedure no. 8.1(a), the Chairman will deliver his statement on recent developments in the work of the Commission and perspectives for the coming years. DECISION 3.1: The Assembly will be invited to note the statement of the Chairman on the state of the Commission. 3.2 REPORT BY THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ON PROGRAMMEAND BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION (20082009) AND INTRODUCTION TO THE DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 20102011 [Rule of Procedure 8.1(b) and (c); Rule of Procedure 49.1; Res. XXIV-15; Res. EC-XLI.5] Working documents:IOC-XXV/2 Annex 1Report by the IOC Executive Secretary on Programme ImplementationIOC-XXV/2 Annex1 Add.1SISTER Follow-up Qualitative Report for the IOCIOC-XXV/2 Annex1 Add.2 Implementation of IOC Governing Bodies ResolutionsIOC-XXV/2 Annex2Progress Report on Budget Execution (2008) and Anticipated Funding for 2009 IOC-XXV/2 Annex3Draft IOC Programme and Budget 20102011Report: IOC Annual Report no.15IOC Annual Report 2008Reference: IOC/EC-XLI/2 Annex 4Draft IOC Operating Plan for 20082009--Monaco Declaration2nd International Symposium on the Ocean in a high-Co2 World, Monaco, 69 October 2008 In accordance with Rule of Procedure 30, the Executive Secretary will report on the implementation of the Commission's Programme and Budget (20082009) and progress in implementing the IOC Biennial Strategy and Operating Plan 20082009 (Annex to Res. XXIV-2). He will introduce the draft Programme and Budget for 20102011 that will be discussed during the Assembly in the Financial Committee, which deals with Programme and Budget matters. In his report, the Executive Secretary will highlight the 2nd Ocean in a High-CO2 World Symposium held under the patronage of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco. At this symposium 220 scientists from 32 countries met to assess what is known about ocean acidification, and published a Summary for Policymakers, Research Priorities Report, and the Monaco Declaration. As a consequence of this meeting IOC and partner organizations (i.e. the IPCC and the Royal Society of London) have agreed to make this symposium a regular event to be held every four years. The Executive Secretary will also highlight the fact that, in response to UNGA Resolution 60/30, IOC and UNEP as lead agencies have prepared the Assessment of Assessments report as the starting phase of the establishment of a Regular Process for the Global Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including social and economic aspects. The report will be submitted for consideration by the UN General Assembly in 2009. With respect to the work of IOC in the follow-up of the Indian Ocean Tsunami disaster of December 2004, he will underscore the remarkable achievements of Member States in the Indian Ocean that have launched, in 2008 and 2009, three fully functional and new national tsunami warning centres (Australia, India and Indonesia) that aim to become regional watch providers in the framework of the Inter-governmental Coordination Group for Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation Systems. He will also introduce the proposed IOC Draft Programme and Budget 20102011 which builds on the UNESCO Medium-term Strategy 20082013 (34C/4), IOC Medium-term Strategy 20082013 (Res. XXIV-2), 180EX/Decision 21, and IOC Res. EC-XLI.5 Preparation of the IOC Draft Programme and Budget for 20102011. In introducing the proposed IOC Draft Programme and Budget for 20102011, the Executive Secretary will explain that it was prepared under a Zero Real Growth scenario ceiling for UNESCO of US$671 million, with a proposed budget for IOC of US$9,555,600. He will note that the salary/activity ratio for this period will be increased, arising primarily from accounting the true salary cost under staff allocation instead of incorporating it into the programme budget. This is in line with UN and UNESCO enforcement of administrative and staff rules governing the discontinuation of the service of long-term consultants. These changes respond to the support given by the Director-General UNESCO to reinforce staffing for IOC, a request made on several occasions by the Assembly. The support from Australia for the Perth Office and a reduction in the cost of the Brazil Office has allowed a relative increase of funding for some programmes. The Executive Secretary, in view of the fact that this is the last time that he will report on programmatic and strategic matters to the IOC Assembly in plenary, will summarize his views with respect to the general strategic positioning of IOC during the last ten years, with respect to UNESCO, the UN system and its specialized programmes and agencies, NGOs and the main constituencies participating of the work of IOC. DECISION 3.2: The Assembly will be invited to: (i) note the report of the Executive Secretary on the implementation of the Commission's Programme and Budget (20082009); and (ii) provide guidance to the Financial Committee on the finalization of the draft Programme and Budget for 20102011. 3.3 REPORT ON THEIOCACTIVITIES (20072008) TO THE THIRTY-FIFTHGENERAL CONFERENCE OF UNESCO [Statutes Art. 3.2; Rule of Procedure 49.2] Working document:IOC-XXV/6Draft Report of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission on its activities (20072008) The Executive Secretary will introduce this item. The Thirtieth Session of the General Conference of UNESCO, in 1999, approved a modification of the Statutes of the Commission and confirmed the functional autonomy of IOC and the requirement to report directly to the General Conference. Subsequent to the Report of the External Auditor [165 EX/29 Add. Financial report and audited financial statements of UNESCO for the period ended 31 December 2001 and the Report by the External Auditor], the preceding biennial reports have highlighted achievements of IOC with respect to the main results expected in the UNESCO Medium-term Strategy 20022007 (31 C/4), with a short section to report on results obtained by each Main Line of Action (C/5 format). The IOC Report to the Thirty-fifth General Conference will focus on the achievements and results obtained by IOC with respect to the UNESCO Medium-term Strategy 20082013 (34 C/4). A short section addresses the implementation of the three IOC Main Lines of Action included under the present Programme and Budget (34 C/5). With this structure, the IOC starts to put its reports fully in phase with the calendar of the General Conference and the implementation of the UNESCO Medium-term Strategy 20082013 (34 C/4). Decision 3.3. The Assembly will be invited to note the Report of the Executive Secretary on theIOCactivities (20072008) to the Thirty-fifth General Conference of UNESCO (doc. IOC-XXV/6). This report, as is or as amended by the Assembly, will be presented to the Thirty-fifth General Conference (Paris, 323 October 2009) with the reference 35 C/REP.8.4. PROGRAMME MATTERS REQUIRING DECISIONS BY THE ASSEMBLY 4.1 GENERAL POLICY ISSUES, UN CONVENTIONS AND AGREEMENTS 4.1.1 Preparation for the Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of theIOC(19602010) and the Ministerial Round Table at the Thirty-fifth General Conference ofUNESCO [Res. XXIV-4; Res. EC-XLI.2; Res. EC-XLI.1] Information:IOC/INF-1257Progress in the Preparation for the 50th Anniversary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCOReferences: Res. XXIV-4The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (See Report IOC-XXIV/3)Res. EC-XLI.2The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (See Report IOC/EC-XLI/3)Res. EC-XLI.1The Future of IOC (See Report IOC/EC-XLI/3) Preparation for the Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the IOC Mr Iouri Oliounine, IOC Consultant assisting with the preparation of the 50th anniversary, will introduce this item. By Resolutions XXIV-4 and EC-XLI.2, the Commission decided to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the IOC (19602010) during the period from June 2010 to October 2011. It agreed that the 50th anniversary would provide an opportunity to demonstrate to governments and to the public, the value and importance of the Commission's achievements. The IOC Executive Council, at its Forty-first Session, adopted an "Outline of the Indicative IOC Plan of Action" for the commemoration (Res. EC-XLI.2, Annex) and requested the IOC Executive Secretary to take the appropriate steps to implement the IOC Plan of Action for the 50th anniversary. Progress in the preparation for the 50th anniversary is summarized in Document IOC-XXV/INF-1257. The Assembly will be informed of: (i) the results of the negotiations with the UN concerning the possibility of having the Forty-third Session of the IOC Executive Council at the UN headquarters, in New York in 2010; (ii) the development of the logo, flags and other promotional materials; (iii) the plans of IOC Member States to provide in-kind and funding support for the anniversary celebrations; (iv) the potential IOC contribution to EXPO 2010 and EXPO 2012; (v) the negotiations with NOAA (USA) regarding the possibility of launching a "young marine professional prize". The 50th anniversary webpage will be demonstrated as a part of the IOC website. The IOC Past Chairman, David Pugh, will inform the Assembly of the state of preparation of the book on the history of the IOC and of the plans for its publication. DECISION The Assembly will be invited to: (i) note the progress achieved; (ii) provide advice on further development of this initiative; (iii) decide (a) the theme of a celebratory conference to be held in 2011, (b) the actions to be taken on the IOC contribution to EXPO 2010 and 2012; (c) the financial support for the commemoration. Ministerial Round Table at the 35thGeneral Conference of UNESCO The IOC Executive Secretary will introduce this item. The decision of the Director-General of UNESCO to hold this Ministerial Round Table is based on the need to rally effective support from Member States for the implementation of a Regular Process under the United Nations for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including socio-economic aspects, pursuant to the Plan of Implementation adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, 26 August4 September 2002). The Executive Secretary will report on progress in the preparation of the proposed Round Table and outline relevant future actions. This year, IOC and UNEP are submitting to the UN General Assembly a report on the implementation of the start-up phase of the above-mentioned Regular Process: an Assessment of Assessments, which will contain several options on how to proceed with the first Global Integrated Assessment of the Ocean, including options for regional, supra-regional and thematic assessments. The establishment of an institutional arrangement to keep the Ocean under review by the General Assembly of the United Nations is a major commitment and a significant contribution to the improvement of ocean governance that the world community must undertake. (See also item 4.2.2) The participants in the Round Table will be invited to discuss the special role that the United Nations plays in establishing the legal framework for ocean governance and the role of UNESCO and its IOC in providing the critical contributions of marine sciences to accurate, unbiased assessments of the state of the ocean environment and to the provision of guidance to decision-makers and policy-makers. DECISION The Assembly will be invited to: (i) take note of the convening of this Ministerial Round Table by the Director-General of UNESCO; (ii) support the organization of this event, with a view to ensuring its success; (iii) provide extra-budgetary funding to ensure the success of the Round Table and its follow-up.4.1.2 Consideration of the Legacy of the International Polar Year (IPY) (20072009) [Decision of EC-XLI Item 4.3.1 Para. 209] Information: WMOICSU special reportThe State of Polar Research HYPERLINK "http://www.ipy.org/index.php?/ipy/detail/state_of_polar_research/"http://www.ipy.org/index.php?/ipy/detail/state_of_polar_research/Observing the ArcticDec. 2008Report of the Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON) Initiating Group (www.arcticobserving.org)GOOS Reports, 166Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) Final Report Dr David Carlson, Director of the IPY International Project Office, will introduce this item. The IOC Executive Council, at its Thirty-seventh Session (Paris, 2329 June 2004), by Resolution EC-XXXVII.3, endorsed the IPY. At its Thirty-ninth Session (Paris, 2128 June 2006), the Executive Council agreed that GOOS, JCOMM and IODE should play active roles in the IPY and urged IOC Member States to provide sufficient resources to implement all the oceanographic proposals in the IPY Plan. The Assembly, at its Twenty-fourth Session (Paris, 1928 June 2007), decided by Resolution XXIV-7, that GOOS would develop plans and commitments to build and sustain ocean observation networks in the polar regions as a legacy of International Polar Year activities, while taking into account the importance of preservation of these environments. The Assembly, also at its Twenty-fourth Session, called on IODE to collaborate with the International Polar Year to ensure that all data collected by IPY projects will be professionally managed, disseminated and archived. The Executive Council, at its Forty-first Session (Paris, 24 June1 July 2008), decided that consideration of the legacy of the IPY be on the Agenda of the Twenty-fifth Session of the IOC Assembly. [Res. EC-XXXVII.3; Instr. EC-XXXIX item 4.1.3 para. 76; IOC-XXIV, para. 126; Dec. EC-XLI, item 4.3.1 para. 209] Numerous IOC Member States have contributed substantially to the immensely successful programme of observations and research carried out during IPY. One of the most important legacies of the International Polar Year will be its catalytic effect on filling the longstanding polar gaps in the Global Ocean Observing System. Relevant plans outlining how such regional high-latitude systems might be developed include the Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks report (HYPERLINK "http://www.arcticobserving.org"www.arcticobserving.org) and the Southern Ocean Observing System. In addition, IOC is now potentially well placed to join WMO, ICSU and other partner organizations as an active co-sponsor of any post-IPY initiatives that may arise within the scope of the broad interdisciplinary science of IPY. DECISION 4.1.2: The Assembly will be invited to: (i) sustain multilaterally supported ocean-observing systems in the Arctic and Southern Oceans as regional contributions to GOOS, implemented through JCOMM, with data exchange and long-term stewardship provided through IODE; (ii) commit sufficient resources to the IOC Secretariat through regular budget, extra-budgetary contributions and staff secondments to allow the IOC to effectively coordinate these regional high-latitude observing systems in cooperation with partner organizations; and (iii) adopt Draft Resolution XXV-(4.1.2), as is or as amended by the Assembly in plenary at the present session.4.1.3 Relations with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity [Rule of Procedure 8.1(g)] Information:IOC Technical Series, 84Global Open Oceans and Deep Seabed (GOODS) - Biogeographic ClassificationCOP decision IX/20Marine and Coastal Biodiversity ( HYPERLINK "http://www.cbd.int/decision/cop/?id=11663" http://www.cbd.int/decision/cop/?id=11663) The Executive Secretary will introduce this item. This activity contributes to UNESCO C/5, II.1.2: Oceans and coastal zones: improving governance and fostering intergovernmental cooperation through ocean sciences and services (sub-element maintenance of biodiversity and the sustainable use of marine habitats). It also addresses IOC Medium-term Strategy High-level Objective 3: Safeguarding the health of oceans ecosystems. The IOC Executive Council at its Forty-first Session (Paris, 24 June-1 July 2008) reaffirmed that the IOC should collaborate with the Secretariat of the CBD and be proactive in supporting and protecting marine biodiversity. The fields of collaboration are many, but two are key biodiversity issues on the global policy agenda: invasive alien species; and identification of marine areas beyond national jurisdiction in need of protection (in the open ocean and deep seas). In May 2008, the Ninth Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) adopted scientific criteria (decision IX/20, Annex I) for identifying ecologically or biologically significant marine areas in need of protection, and the scientific guidance (decision IX/20, Annex II) for designing representative networks of marine protected areas. The COP further invited other governments and relevant organizations to apply the scientific criteria, as appropriate. IOC contributed to this CBD initiative and to the international discussion on criteria for identifying ecologically or biologically significant marine areas in need of protection with the publication of the joint IOCMAB publication Global Open Oceans and Deep Seabed (GOODS) Biogeographic Classification (IOC/2009/TS/84), produced with the collaboration of Australia, Canada, Germany, Mexico and IUCN. The Assembly will also be briefed on the IOC report submitted to the Secretariat of the CBD on the IOC contribution to the implementation of the programme of work of the Convention, related to marine and coastal biological diversity, for consideration by the CBD Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) at its fourteenth meeting (Bonn, Germany, June 2010). DECISION 4.1.3: The Assembly will be invited to: (i) take note of the collaboration between IOC and the CBD Secretariat; and (ii) provide further guidance to the IOC Executive Secretary to enable it to fully implement the IOC Medium-term Strategy and achieve its High-level Objectives.4.1.4 Report of the Ninth Session of theIOCAdvisory Body of Experts on the Law ofthe Sea (IOC/ABELOSIX) [Rule of Procedure No. 48.3] Report:IOC/ABE-LOS IX/3Report of the Ninth Session of the IOC Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea, UNESCO, Paris, 30 March3 April 2009 The Chairman of the IOC Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea, Mr Elie Jarmache, will introduce this item. He will report on progress made at the Ninth Session of IOC/ABE-LOS (Paris, 30 March3 April 2009). He will report on the status of accomplishment of the tasks entrusted to the Advisory Body by Resolution XXIII-8 which called on IOC/ABE-LOS to propose practical guidelines for the deployment of floats on the high seas which may drift into EEZs, the deployment of floats and surface drifting buoys in EEZs, and the deployment of XBTs by ships of opportunity in EEZs. He will also report on the implementation of Resolution EC-XLI.4, highlighting the response of Member States to the work of IOC/ABE-LOS, in general, and to the Guidelines for the Implementation of Resolution XX-6 of the IOC Assembly Regarding the Deployment of Profiling Floats in the High Seas within the Framework of the Argo Programme, in particular. MrJarmache will then inform the Assembly that the Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea at its Ninth Session recommended, for the consideration of the Assembly at its Twenty-fifth Session (Paris, 1625 June 2009), the following: That the IOC Executive Secretary prepare, for the consideration of the IOC Executive Council at its Forty-third Session (2010), two separate discussion documents addressing comprehensively the status of implementation of the Criteria and Guidelines for the Transfer of Marine Technology (IOC/INF-1203) and the Procedure for the Application of Article 247 of UNCLOS by the IOC (IOC/INF-1222). Such documents should, in particular, contain specific proposals to effectively reverse the current lack of implementation of the IOC/ABE-LOS products referred to here, as well as identify challenges to such implementation. That the IOC Executive Secretary issue a Circular Letter calling appropriate attention of the Member States to the Guidelines for the implementation of Resolution XX-6 of the IOC Assembly regarding the deployment of profiling floats in the high seas within the framework of the Argo Programme (Annex to Resolution EC-XLI.4), preferably by reproducing these Guidelines in full in the Circular Letter. That the IOC Executive Secretary issue a Circular Letter covering updated information on the countries that have requested to be notified under Resolution EC-XL1.4. That the Executive Secretary, in carrying out action to develop practical, routine procedures with Member States and the relevant bodies to implement the Guidelines in EC-XLI.4, consider the possibility of developing an automatic mechanism to notify implementers of the possible drifting of their float(s) into the EEZ of a Member State requesting notification under the Guidelines, to aid implementers in notifying Member States requesting notification, in full conformity with the procedures in the Guidelines. That the IOC Executive Secretary issue a Circular Letter covering updated information on the National Focal Points for the Argo Programme. That the IOC Executive Secretary issue a new Circular Letter inviting IOC Member States to reply or update responses, as appropriate, to Questionnaire N 3 on the practice of States in the fields of marine scientific research and transfer of marine technology, in order to enable the IOC/ABE-LOS Sub-Group on the Practice of Member States in the Application of Parts XIII and XIV of UNCLOS to prepare an updated version of Document IOC/ABE-LOS VIII/8, to be included in a written publication on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the IOC and to be widely promoted on the IOC website; and to submit a report on such an updated version to IOC/ABE-LOS for consideration at its Tenth Session. That the IOC/ABE-LOS Sub-Group on the Practice of Member States in the Application of Parts XIII and XIV of UNCLOS continue to work by correspondence, in coordination with UN/DOALOS, to develop conclusions from the data and information included in Document IOC/ABE-LOSVIII/8, and to submit a report to IOC/ABE-LOS for consideration at its Tenth Session. That the IOC Executive Secretary, taking particularly into account the relevant conclusions of Document IOC/ABE-LOS VIII/8, actively promote the functioning of the Roster of Experts established by the Assembly at its Twenty-third Session, in order to respond rapidly to requests by Member States for advice or guidance on the development of legislation and practice regarding marine scientific research and transfer of marine technology. That the IOC Executive Secretary invite the representative of the UN Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea to continue to report on the Division's activities at the Tenth Session of IOC/ABE-LOS and on the updating, under the coordination of the Division, of the publication entitled Marine Scientific Research: a Guide to the Implementation of the Relevant Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. That appropriate logistical support, including permanent secretariat staff support, be provided to ensure the adequate functioning of IOC/ABE-LOS, in particular at its future meetings. DECISION 4.1.4: The Assembly will be invited to: (i) decide on the above-mentioned Recommendations of IOC/ABE-LOS-IX; (ii) provide guidance on the remaining work of IOC/ABE-LOS bearing in mind the status of implementation of the mandates received from IOC Governing Bodies.4.2 MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES & POLICIES FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF COASTAL & OCEAN ENVIRONMENT & RESOURCES (HIGH-LEVEL OBJECTIVE 4) 4.2.1 Data and Information Report of the Twentieth Session of theIOCCommittee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XX) [Rule of Procedure No. 48.3] Report:IOC/IODE-XX/3sExecutive Summary of the Twentieth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Beijing, China, 48 May 2009Information: IOC/IODE-XX/3Summary Report of the Twentieth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Beijing, China, 48 May 2009 The Co-Chairmen of IODE, Dr Malika Bel Hassen-Abid and Mr Greg Reed, will introduce this item. The IODE Programme contributed to the IOC Biennial Strategy 20092009 (Res. XXIV-2) through two IOC High-level Objectives: IOC High-level Objective 2 Mitigation of the impacts of and adaptation to climate change and variability and in particular 2b (Contribute to the better prediction of climate through ocean observations and process studies, at regional and global scales) through: (i) improved global access to ocean observations, including agreements on standards and technical guidelines achieved through JCOMMIODE Ocean Data Portal and related activities (contributing also to Action 1a); (ii) capacity developed in ocean observations, data/information management and product/service development in all IOC regions through integrated IODE/ODINGOOS/GRA and IOC/ICAMJCOMM networks (Links with Actions 3c, 4a, 4b); Results achieved: (i) the "Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project (ODS)" ( HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandatastandards.org" http://www.oceandatastandards.org) was established. This will enable the recommendation of standards to IOC and WMO; (ii) a Joint Steering Group for the IODE Ocean Data Portal and the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM was established. It developed a project plan, implementation plan as well as a strategy for reviewing progress considering risks and trade-offs between time to deliver the project, costs and available resources, and quality of the deliverables. IOC High-level Objective 3 Safeguarding the health of oceans ecosystems and in particular 3c (Identify and develop the capacity-building necessary for maintenance of healthy oceans ecosystems focusing on the regional needs) through initiating integrated cooperative regional frameworks focusing on regional capacity-building and regional collaboration (IODE ODINs). Results achieved: (i) the ODINAFRICA-III (Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa) project, involving 25 Member States in Africa, was completed in March 2009. A proposal for a fourth phase (ODINAFRCA-IV) was successfully submitted for funding to the Government of Flanders (Belgium) and will commence in April/May 2009; (ii) a project for the development of the "Caribbean Marine Atlas will start in April 2009; (iii) a project will start with the development of ODIN-PIMRIS (Regional Network of Pacific Marine Libraries), which will focus on the development of a regional network on bibliographic resource-sharing and dissemination of information among small islands in the Pacific region; (v) the OceanTeacher project was implemented successfully between 2005 and December 2008. A proposal for the OceanTeacher Academy was successfully submitted for funding to the Government of Flanders (Belgium) and will commence in April/May 2009. Pursuant to Rule of Procedure 48.3, the Co-Chairpersons of IODE will report on the results of the Twentieth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (Beijing, 48 May 2009). They will provide a summary of the decisions taken and recommendations made by the IODE at its Twentieth Session. They will refer in particular to: (i) the Work Plan for the further development of ODP; (ii) the revision of the Terms of Reference of the GE-BICH, in view of the collaboration between IOC and OBIS; (iii) revision of the Terms of Reference of the JCOMMIODE ETDMP; (iv) future arrangements for the long-term secure archival of oceanographic data; (v) data publishing; (vi) cooperation with other programmes (related to the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management; and (vii) future needs for capacity-development. DECISION The Assembly will be invited to: (i) note the Executive Summary of the Twentieth Session of IODE and the Recommendations it contains, especially with respect to their financial implications; (ii) adopt Draft Resolution XXV-( as amended by the Assembly to make it fully consistent with the proposed Programme and Budget of the Commission to be discussed at the present session. IOC Collaboration with the Ocean Bio-geographic Information System (OBIS) [Rule of Procedure 8.1 (b); Instruction EC-XLI, Item 4.4.2 Para. 286] Working document: IOC-XXV/2 Annex 4Summary of the Proposed Cooperation between the IOC and OBISInformation:IOC Workshop Reports, 209Collaboration between the IOC and OBIS toward the Long-Term Management, Archival and Accessibility of Ocean Biogeographic Data. (Ostend, Belgium, 2426 November 2008)IOC/INF-1258OBIS Programme Proposal Business PlanIOC Manuals and Guides, 51IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management (20082011)IOC/IODE-XX/3 (see item and the IODE Statement on the future of OBIS)Summary Report of the Twentieth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Beijing, China, 48 May 2009References: IOC Resolution XXII-6Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy (See Report IOC-XXII/3)IOC Resolution XXIV-9IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management (See Report IOC-XXIV/3) The IOC Consultant and former Past Chairman, Geoffrey Holland, will introduce this item. Until recently, ocean biodiversity was largely unexplored and indescribable; however, for nearly a decade, through the Census of Marine Life (CoML) (HYPERLINK "http://www.coml.org"www.coml.org), scientists have been collaborating to assess the diversity of marine life throughout the worlds oceans. The Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) is the data integration component of the CoML and is open to contributions from any source. However, the future of OBIS is uncertain, as its funding ends in 2010. Private funds provided the starting point for this venture, but governments and the public will be the eventual beneficiaries and need to ensure that this programme continues. The IOC has recognized the vacuum in dealing with biological ocean data and IODE has recently initiated several steps to address the issue. In this context the IOC Executive Secretary made an offer, to the meeting of the OBIS Governing Board (Rome, 2829 April 2008), to explore an institutional governmental framework for the continuation of OBIS. The Board agreed and the proposal was brought before the IOC Executive Council at its Forty-first Session (24 June2 July 2008). The Executive Council considered OBIS a highly attractive future component or partner of IODE and agreed to the wish of the OBIS Governing Board to investigate different scenarios for a closer affiliation between IOC and OBIS, including the adoption of OBIS by the Commission. The Council decided to prepare a document for submission to the Assembly that, for different scenarios, should show the consequences for both IOC and OBIS, should identify the budgetary implications, and should involve consultations, as appropriate, with potential donors and/or host organizations. With support from the Sloan Foundation and the Government of Flanders (Belgium), it was possible to hire a Consultant (G. Holland) to coordinate the required tasks and to assist with an initial meeting between IOC and OBIS experts (IOC Project Office for IODE, Ostend, 2426 November 2008). The participants agreed that the Statutes of the IOC (Articles 2.1, 2.2 and 11) clearly encompass the roles and objectives of OBIS. The IOC Data Exchange Policy (Res. XXII-6, IOC-XXII/3, 2006) and the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management, 20082011 (IOC Manuals and Guides, 51 (IOC/2008/MG/51), Res. XXIV-9, 2007) were also found to be consistent with the policies and objectives of OBIS. It was also recognized that the OBIS mission and objectives will complement the High-level Objectives (HLOs) of the IOC and hence the UNESCO C/5. With regard to the latter, the importance of IOC's gaining an ocean biodiversity capacity will complement related programmes within UNESCO and its priority on climate issues. The meeting concluded that the adoption of OBIS, as a part of IODE or as a separate IOC OBIS programme, were both valid options, but the preferred option was that OBIS should aim to become an IOC programme, together with the establishment of a joint IODEOBIS Group of Experts, to ensure close cooperation between an IOC OBIS programme and the IODE. An individual OBIS programme was considered better able to retain the ability to interact with related international partners on behalf of the IOC and UNESCO and to maintain the impetus and visibility that has been won in this undeveloped area. Subsequent considerations, however, have shown that these two options are not necessarily exclusive and that the initial adoption of the OBIS as part of the IODE network may facilitate the initial transfer of OBIS into the intergovernmental community without prejudice to its final status as an independent IOC programme. Following the IOC Executive Council's request, these recommendations are to be presented to the OBIS Governing Board (Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA, 2021 April 2009) for approval and then submitted to the Twentieth Session of the IOC Committee on IODE (Beijing, 48 May 2009) and to the IOC Data and Information Management Advisory Group (by e-mail) for comment. Another critical factor is the completion of discussions with the present host institution (Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA), with a view to obtaining a formal proposal to host a decentralized IOC/OBIS Office. At the time of preparation of the Action Paper many of the important actions are still under way: the requested IOC/OBIS Business Plan is still in draft form. The observations of the OBIS Governing Board, the IOC Committee on IODE at its 20th Session and the IOC Data and Information Management Advisory Group will be presented to the Assembly together with a completed Business Plan and a Draft Resolution for consideration and adoption. DECISION The Assembly will be invited to: (i) note the Proposed Cooperation between the IOC and OBIS; (ii) consider, with a view to adopting, Draft Resolution XXV-(, as is or as amended by the Assembly in plenary at the present session; (iii) request the Executive Secretary to set up a multi-donor Trust-Fund; and (iv) ensure that the necessary extra-budgetary funds are available to support the proposed action. 4.2.2 Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socio-economic Aspects [Rule of Procedure 8.1(g)] Information: IOC/INF-1256Assessment of Assessments Summary for Decision-MakersGRAME/AHSG/4/2 (prepared jointly by UNEP and IOC))Forth meeting of the Ad Hoc Steering Group for the Assessment of Assessments of the Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socioeconomic Aspects (4th meeting, Paris, France, 1517 April 2009)A/64/. (pending ref. from UN/DOALOS)Letter of the lead Agencies of the Assessment of Assessments to the United Nations General AssemblyReferences:A/RES/60/30UNGA Resolution on Oceans and the Law of the SeaA/RES/63/111UNGA Resolution on Oceans and the Law of the Sea The Executive Secretary will introduce this item. Pursuant to UNGA Resolution 60/30 (2005), IOC and UNEP have been requested to lead the implementation of the Assessment of Assessments (AoA), to be completed within two years, as a preparatory stage in the establishment of the Regular Process on Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including socio-economic aspects. This activity contributes to UNESCO C/5, II.1.2: Oceans and coastal zones: improving governance and fostering intergovernmental cooperation through ocean sciences and services (sub-element Marine Assessment). It also addresses IOC Medium-term Strategy High-level Objective 4: Management Procedures and Policies for Sustainability of Coastal and Ocean Environment and Resources. Resolution 60/30 set up: (i) an ad hoc Steering Group (AHSG) with a balanced geographical representation of 17 Member States of the United Nations appointed by the UNGA President, with participation of relevant UN agencies, to oversee the execution; and (ii) a group of experts to undertake the actual work of assessing the various global and regional assessments in existence. The Group of Experts (composed of 20 experts nominated by IOC and UNEP) started work in March 2007. The fifth and final meeting of this Group was at WMO, Geneva, 1921 March 2009, where the final report was finalized prior to its endorsement by the Ad Hoc Steering Group, at its 4th meeting (UNESCO, Paris, 1517 April 2009). See AHSG report GRAME/AHSG/4/2. The Executive Director, European Environmental Agency, Prof. Jacquie McGlade, in her capacity as Co-Chairperson of the Group of Experts, will present the main findings and conclusions of the Group. The final product of the start-up phase of the Regular Process is a peer-reviewed report of 144 pages plus annexes, with a summary for decision-makers (SDM) translated into Arabic, Chinese, French and Spanish, which: assembles information on scientific assessments relevant to undertaking a regular global marine assessment (including assessments covering social and economic issues) that have already been carried out by United Nations agencies and global treaty organizations, regional organizations, national governments and, where appropriate, by other organizations critically appraises these assessments by, for example, comparing methodologies, data sources and coverage, in order to identify, collate and synthesize best practices and to identify what thematic and other gaps and uncertainties exist in current scientific knowledge and assessment assesses how well those assessments have been communicated to policy-makers at the national, regional and global levels; and provides options and a framework for the establishment of the Regular Process (including organizational arrangements, financial implications etc.), and proposes the initiation of the first global integrated ocean assessment by 2010, with a view to delivering its results by 20142015, when the UN Commission on Sustainable Development will review WSSD targets and commitments related to oceans. In November 2008, through UNGA Resolution 63/111, the UN General Assembly decided to establish an ad hoc Working Group of the Whole to recommend a course of action to the General Assembly, at its Sixty-Fourth Session, based on the outcomes of the fourth meeting of the Ad Hoc Steering Group (UNESCO, Paris, 1517 April 2009), and requested the Secretary-General to convene the Working Group meeting for one week not later than September 2009. The meeting of the ad hoc Working Group of the Whole will take place from 31 August to 4 September 2009, at the UN HQ, New York. The membership of the Working Group of the Whole is open-ended, whereas UN agencies will be invited to attend its sessions as observers. A separate 60-page report, encompassing a covering letter from IOC and UNEP, the report of the AHSG, the SDM and sections of the full report (mainly section 5 on options and framework) will have been submitted to the President of the UN General Assembly in May 2009 and duly translated into the six official UN languages, to be distributed at least 14 days before the Ad Hoc Working Group of the Whole meeting, in order to facilitate discussion of the findings of the AoA. The full report, including an SDM and technical annexes, has been published in parallel as a stand-alone publication (document IOC/INF-1256). DECISION 4.2.2: The Assembly will be invited to: (i) take note of the SDM, of the full report on the AoA and of the proposals contained therein, with a view to seeking the support of the competent national institutions in the preparations for the discussions of the Ad Hoc Working Group of the Whole in early September 2009; (ii) advocate the initiation of the Regular Process in 2010 and, in particular, the conduct of the first Integrated Assessment of the Ocean, the results of which should be presented to the meeting of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) scheduled for 2014; (iii) request the Executive Secretary to include this initiative in the topics to be discussed by the Ministerial Round Table convened for 1213 October 2009 as part of the 35th General Conference of UNESCO and to seek the support of UNEP, FAO, IMO, IAEA and other members of UN-OCEAN to act in a concerted manner in support of this first Integrated Assessment of the Ocean; (iv) provide guidance to the Executive Secretary on further measures to be taken to ensure the IOCs continued full involvement in the Regular Process, particularly with regard to the potential role of the Commission in leading and hosting a UN inter-agency secretariat in support of the implementation of the Regular Process. 4.2.3 Report of the Tenth Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE-X) [Rule of Procedure 48.3] Report: IOC/SC-IOCARIBE-X/3sExecutive Summary Report of the Tenth Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE), Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela, 2225 October 2008Information: IOC/SC-IOCARIBE-X/3Summary Report of the Tenth Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE), Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela, 2225 October 2008IOC/SC-IOCARIBE/PIMS 2193Sustainable Management of the Shared Living Marine Resources of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) and Adjacent Regions The Chairman of the IOCARIBE Sub-Commission, Mr Guillermo Garca Montero (Cuba), will introduce this item. IOCARIBE, as a primary subsidiary body of the IOC is required (by Rule of Procedure 48.3) to report on its activities to a Governing Body. MrGarca will refer specifically to developments in the following IOCARIBE focal programmes for 20092011: the Global Ocean Observing System (IOCARIBE-GOOS); Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM); the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME); the Caribbean Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (CARIBE-EWS); Harmful Algal Blooms in the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (HAB-ANCA); the International Bathymetric Chart of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico (IBCCA); International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) and Capacity-building. The IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE) held its Tenth Tenth Session in Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela, 2225 October 2008. It discussed, in particular: (i) the development of the Know-Why Network and the LBS Protocol of the Cartagena Convention (Land-based sources of marine pollution); (ii) the review of the IOCARIBE-GOOS Steering Committee; (iii) a draft Memorandum of Understanding between IOCARIBE and the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), and the Interagency Agreement between UNESCO/IOC and UNOPS on the establishment of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) project unit at IOCARIBE headquarters in Cartagena, Colombia; (iv) the Caribbean Marine Atlas an IODE initiative in the region. The Sub-Commission also adopted four Recommendations, concerning: (i) administrative arrangements for the IOCARIBE Secretariat, including the recent relocation of the IOCARIBE Secretary to the UNESCO Office in Kingston, Jamaica; (ii) participation of the IOCARIBE Sub-Commission in the celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the IOC; (iii) nutrient and sediment reduction in the Wider Caribbean; and (iv) the IOCARIBE Programme and Budget for 20092011. DECISION 4.2.3: The Assembly will be invited to: (i) note the Executive Summary Report of the Tenth Session of IOCARIBE, including the Decisions and Recommendations therein; (ii) express its appreciation to: (a) Colombia for its continuing support to the IOCARIBE Secretariat; (b) Venezuela for having hosted the Tenth Session of IOCARIBE; (iii) consider the establishment of an intergovernmental voluntary financial mechanism to bridge the resource gap arising from the Sub-Commissions Report, Recommendations and Work Plan; and (iv) consider, with a view to adopting, Draft Resolution XXV-(4.2.3), amended as required to harmonize it with the Draft Programme and Budget for 20102011 (draft 35 C/5). 4.2.4 Report of the Seventh Session of the IOC Regional Committee for the Western Indian Ocean (IOCWIO-VII) [Rule of Procedure 48.3] Report: IOCWIO-VII/3sExecutive Summary Report of the Seventh Session of the IOC Regional Committee for the Western Indian Ocean, Mombasa, Kenya, 1821 July 2008Information: IOCWIO-VII/3Summary Report of the Seventh Session of the IOC Regional Committee for the Western Indian Ocean, Mombasa, Kenya, 1821 July 2008 The Vice-Chairman of IOCWIO, Professor Alfonse Dubi, will introduce this item. The Seventh Session of the IOC Regional Committee for the Western Indian Ocean (IOCWIO-VII; Mombasa, Kenya, 1821 July 2008) reviewed a report on activities implemented since the Sixth Session (Maputo, Mozambique, 24 November 2005) and adopted a Work Plan for the period 20082010. Implementation of the 20062008 Work Plan was made possible by the extra-budgetary contributions of the Government of Flanders (Belgium) through the FlandersUNESCO Sciences Trust Fund (FUST) for the Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa, and of Sweden and Italy for Capacity-development. The activities implemented included: strengthening of the national ocean data centres and marine libraries; upgrading and installation of tide gauges; and the development of the African Marine Atlas. Training was provided on a wide range of topics, such as: tidal analysis (Mombasa, Kenya, 35 April 2008); advanced leadership for heads of marine-related institutions (Maputo, Mozambique, 915 April 2008); and numerical modelling (Nairobi, Kenya, 24 November5 December 2008). All these courses were organized in collaboration with the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA). The IOCWIO Work Plan for 20082010 is focused on: oceans and climate; linking oceanography to fisheries; strengthening the regional sea-level network; and training on the use of decision-support tools (modelling, GIS and remote sensing). The Regional Committee endorsed a proposal for the next phase of the Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (20092013); it also established a Regional Group of Experts on Ocean Dynamics and Climate. DECISION 4.2.4: The Assembly will be invited to: (i) note the Executive Summary Report for IOCWIO-VII and its Recommendations; (ii) ensure the extra-budgetary resources and the secondment of professionals to strengthen the IOCWIO Project Office and the implementation of the IOCWIO-VII Work Plan for 20082010; and (iii) adopt Draft Resolution XXV-(4.2.4), as is or as amended by the Assembly in plenary at the present session. Draft Resolution XXV-(4.2.4) SEVENTH SESSION OF THE IOC REGIONAL COMMITTEE FOR THE WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN (IOCWIO-VII) The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Taking into account the considerable progress made in the implementation of the programme of work for 20062008, adopted by the IOCWIO at its Sixth Session (IOCWIO-VI; 24 November 2005, Maputo, Mozambique), Having considered the Executive Summary Report of the Seventh Session of IOCWIO (1821 July 2008, Mombasa, Kenya), Acknowledging the support provided by Member States, donors and other organizations during the intersessional period and especially by the Governments of Flanders (Belgium) and Sweden for the ODINAFRICA and the Capacity-development projects, respectively, Recognizing the increasing investment in marine research by Member States from the IOCWIO region, Welcomes the decision of the Government of Flanders (Belgium) to provide funding for the fourth phase of ODINAFRICA; Expresses its appreciation to the Government of Kenya for having hosted the Seventh Session of the Regional Committee for the Western Indian Ocean (Mombasa, 1821 July 2008); Notes the Executive Summary Report of the Seventh Session of the Regional Committee for the Western Indian Ocean, including the IOCWIO-VII Work Plan for the period 20092010, and the four Recommendations, and in particular: the development and implementation of the fourth phase of the ODINAFRICA project which will focus on application of data, information and products to integrated coastal management, and the second phase of the Capacity-development project support for the collection of core data, on bathymetry, coastal topography, and socio-economic parameters, required for the development of models the establishment of a UNESCO Chair in Marine Technology at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania the organization of activities to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of IOC in the region, in conjunction with the Eighth Session of the of the Regional Committee for the Western Indian Ocean; Calls on international agencies co-operating with the Commission to participate actively in the implementation of the IOCWIO-VII Work Plan through provision of extra-budgetary funds and/or expertise. ----------------------------------------- Required funding (20082011) in US$: Regular Budget support Available To be raised 2008-2009: under MLA 2 Oceans and coastal zones: improving governance and fostering intergovernmental cooperation through ocean sciences and services 37,500 2009-2010: under MLA 4 Improving governance and fostering intergovernmental cooperation to manage and protect oceans and coastal zones 35,000 Extra-budgetary funds ODINAFRICA-IV, Sida, ReCoMaP 1,020,000 Additional extra-budgetary funds 5,145,000 4.2.5 Report on the Follow-up to the Seventh Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (2629 May 2008) [Rule of Procedure 8.1(j)] Information: IOC/INF-1265Progress Report on WESTPAC Activities since its Seventh Session (May 2008May 2009)Reference: IOC/SC-WESTPAC-VII/3Summary of the Seventh Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC-VII), Sabah, Malaysia, 2629 May 2008 The Chairman of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific, Dr Zhanhai Zhang, will introduce this item. He will report on the Sub-Commission's efforts to promote and strengthen the presence of IOC in the region, as a follow-up to its Seventh Session (Sabah, Malaysia, 2629 May 2008). These efforts included: the establishment of a WESTPAC Advisory Group; development of a WESTPAC Regional Science Plan; the setting up of the UNESCO/IOC Regional Network of Training & Research Centres on Oceanography; implementation of the Work Plan (20082010); assisting and coordinating the implementations of IOC global programmes in the region; and the operation of the Regional Secretariat. The Sub-Commission is also improving the links with its Member States, with the involvement of more well-known oceanographers, and the participation of the Sub-Commission in the planning and steering of IOC Global Programmes in the WESTPAC region. DrZhang will further encourage Member States to nominate capable scientists in the development of the WESTPAC Science Plan and to actively participate in the UNESCO/IOC Regional Networks of Training & Research Centres on Oceanography. DECISION 4.2.5: The Assembly will be invited to: (i) note the report of the Chairman of WESTPAC on the follow-up to the Seventh Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific; (ii) provide guidance to the Sub-Commission for WESTPAC on how to strengthen IOC in the region through strengthening its Regional Subsidiary Bodies. 4.3 SAFEGUARDING THE HEALTH OF OCEAN ECOSYSTEMS (HIGH-LEVEL OBJECTIVE 3) 4.3.1 Secretariat Report on Ocean Sciences Section: Programme, Structure and Activities [Rule of Procedure 8.1(g)] Information: IOC/INF-1259Ocean Sciences Section Structure and Proposal of a Work Plan with New Activities within the IOC Medium-term Strategy The new Head of the Ocean Sciences Section of IOC, Dr Lus Valds, will introduce this item. The Assembly, at its Twenty-fourth Session, reaffirmed its view that the priorities of the IOC Ocean Sciences Section should respond to the IOC Medium-term Strategy and follow the recommendations of the ad hoc Advisory Group for the IOC Ocean Sciences Section. These two guidelines define the framework for the current programmes and actions of the OSS. The OSS Work Plan thus proposes the restructuring and grouping of the various ongoing programmes and actions, reinforcement of the relationships with other UN and external bodies, and the preparation of the IOC to respond to the increasing demand for scientific and technical assessments on emerging issues. The Work Plan also embodies the reinforcement of the OSS structure by initiating and/or incorporating activities in strategic topics requiring international attention and coordination, such as the regulation and status of transboundary marine protected areas and the sustainability of marine biodiversity. The short-term goal is to prepare IOC to play a lead role in these areas consistent with the actions and interests of Member States. Finally the Work Plan takes into account the potential of the OSS to build scientific capabilities in specific areas of the marine sciences and how this may be transferred among the Member States. The OSS therefore proposes to: use the pivotal role of nutrients in coastal and oceanic regions in defining ecosystem processes and shifts (i.e. eutrophication, anoxia, ocean fertilization, HNLC areas, etc.); establish international standards and background levels; and develop an assessment tool for the management of nutrient sources to coastal areas for use by policy specialists from developed and developing countries and, in this way, evaluate and implement policies and improve coastal water quality. DECISION 4.3.1: The Assembly will be invited to: (i) endorse the Work Plan and priorities of the IOC Ocean Sciences Section within the IOC and UNESCO Medium-term Strategy and in the light of the recommendations of the Advisory Group for the IOC Ocean Sciences Section; and (ii) commit sufficient resources to the IOC Ocean Sciences Section through regular budget, extra-budgetary contributions and staff secondments, in order to fully implement the IOC and UNESCO Medium-term Strategy and achieve the High-level Objectives.4.3.2 IOC role in Standard Settings and Guidelines Adoption of the Equation of State of Sea Water [Instruction of EC-XLI Item 4.3.3 Para. 249] Working document: IOC-XXV/2 Annex 5Considerations regarding the possible adoption of a new formulation of the Equation of State for SeawaterInformation:--Calculation of the thermodynamic properties of sea water, McDougall et al, 8 Feb 2009IOC/IODE-XX/3Summary Report of the Twentieth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Beijing, China, 48 May 2009References: UNESCO Technical Papers in Marine Science 36The practical salinity scale 1978 and the international equation of state of seawater. 1980UNESCO Technical Papers in Marine Science 44Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater The Chairman of the SCORIAPSO Working Group 127 on the Thermodynamics and Equation of State of Seawater, Dr Trevor McDougal, will introduce this item. The IOC Executive Council, at its Forty-first Session (Paris, 24 June1 July 2008), reaffirmed IOCs commitment to the work on the thermodynamics and equation of state of seawater and instructed the Executive Secretary to work with the SCORIAPSO Working Group 127, with a view to presenting to the Assembly, at its Twenty-fifth Session, the new Equation of State of Seawater and to inviting the Assembly to resolve to adopt this new standard. [Instr. EC-XXXXI item 4.3.3 para. 249] The SCORIAPSO WG 127 has recommended replacing the existing UNESCO standard algorithms for the calculation of the Equation of State of Seawater (EOS-80) with a proposed new standard (TEOS-10). The implications of adopting this new standard will be considered by IODE-XX (Beijing, 48 May 2009) (see Recommendation IODE-XX-4 in report IOC/IODE-XX/3s) and by I-GOOS-IX (Paris, 1012 June 2009). A Draft Resolution is expected to be made available to the Assembly as an output of the I-GOOS-IX session. DECISION The Assembly will be invited to: (i) adopt the TEOS-10 formulation of the Thermodynamics and Equation of State of Seawater to replace the existing EOS-80 UNESCO standard; and (ii) commit sufficient resources to the IOC Secretariat through regular budget, extra-budgetary contributions and staff secondments to allow the Secretariat to effectively publish and disseminate the TEOS-10 standard, in all four working languages of the Commission, and to sponsor a final meeting of the IAPSOSCOR WG 127; (iii) adopt Draft Resolution XXV-(, as is or as amended by the Assembly in plenary at the present session. The International Nutrients Scale System: a proposal for a joint ICESIOC Working Group to develop international standards for nutrients [Rule of Procedure 8.1(g)] Information:IOC/INF-1260A Joint ICES-IOC Study Group on Nutrient Standards (SGONS) Mr Patrick Roose, Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences, will introduce this item. Speaking on behalf of the Committee of the International Nutrient Scale System Project and ICES, Mr Roose will review the need for improving precision, comparability and traceability of nutrient data and will summarize the work already carried out by this Committee, including intercomparison exercises and reviews of certified reference materials. The IOC co-sponsored and hosted the 2009 International Nutrients Scale System Workshop (UNESCO, Paris, 1012 February 2009). The participants recognized the need for the development of nutrients standards to be carried out in the framework of an international organization, and proposed the creation of a joint ICESIOC Working Group, with the draft Terms of Reference proposed in document IOC/INF-1260. DECISION The IOC Assembly will be invited to review document IOC/INF-1260, with a view to the creation of a joint ICESIOC Working Group on the International Nutrients Scale System, with the draft Terms of Reference given in document IOC/INF-1260 (Financial implications: US$5,000 per year from extrabudgetary funding.) Draft Terms of Reference Joint ICES-IOC Study Group on Nutrient Standards (SGONS) General Description of Activities ICES and IOC will provide stewardship for the INSS study group for a period of three (3) years (20092011). The INSS study group will undertake specific tasks (as listed in Specific Terms of Reference, below) to develop reference materials for nutrients in seawater (RMNS) and measurement protocols to improve the comparability and traceability of nutrient data in the worlds oceans. Specific Terms of Reference Develop and establish reference materials for nutrients in seawater (RMNS) collaborating with producers of currently available RMNS. Primary determinands are nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and silicate. Collaborate and encourage National Metrology Institute of Japan to complete certification of RMNS for nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and silicate. Develop new sampling and measurement protocols using the RMNS. Carry out an international collaboration exercise to verify the stability of the reference materials and test the proficiency of the new protocols. Complete and publish a revised nutrients analysis manual. Distribute 10,000 bottles of RMNS to laboratories measuring nutrients as part of the CLIVAR Repeat Hydrography Program to construct a global nutrient dataset referenced to the new RMNS. Promote the use of RMNS to aim for global acceptance in order to enable reliable comparability between global nutrient data sets, and to investigate the feasibility of expanding RMNS to include ammonium and dissolved organic matter. Encourage the collaborations with communities of chemical reference materials for ocean sciences such as carbonate system RMs for DIC, TA and pH, and also for dissolved oxygen in seawater. Financial Implications Extra-budgetary funding will be found to implement the work of the group. Twenty (20) scientists from 10 countries have agreed to participate in the inter-laboratory comparison exercises for three years at their own cost. Funding from the IOC regular programme budget of US$5,000 per year to hold regular steering committee meetings is requested. ICES delegates will nominate the ICES participants to the group. They will participate on national expenses. ICES offers the ICES Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences as on outlet for the work of the group. It is free of charge and has an ISSN. Nutrient Export from Watersheds User Scenario Evaluation (NEWS2USE) [Instruction of EC-XLI Item 4.4.3 Para. 291] Information:IOC/INF-1261Coastal Eutrophication: Linking Nutrient Sources to Coastal Ecosystem Effects and Management: NEWS2USE (Draft Plan for the Intersection of UNESCO/IOC Programmes Related to Nutrients) DrLex Bouwman, of the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, will introduce this item. This activity relates to UNESCO 34C/5, II.1.2: Oceans and coastal zones: improving governance and fostering intergovernmental cooperation through ocean sciences and services, sub-element Coastal research, monitoring and modelling. It also refers to IOC Medium-term Strategy High-Level Objective 3 Safeguarding the health of ocean ecosystems. The IOC Executive Council, at its Forty-first Session (24 June1 July 2008) called for the development of a work plan and a funding strategy for integrated coastal research through a dialogue between the Secretariat, GlobalNEWS, the GEOHAB SSC and interested Member States and agencies. This initiative is a follow-up to the recommendations of the Advisory Group for the Ocean Sciences Section. A draft work plan for an integrative activity at the intersection of IOC programmes related to nutrients, which will focus on coastal eutrophication and the linking of nutrient sources to coastal ecosystem effects and management, will be presented to the Assembly. The work plan includes the establishment of a steering committee for the integrative activity with the name Global Nutrient Export from Watersheds 2, User Scenario Evaluation (NEWS2USE). DECISION The Assembly will be invited to: (i) consider and note the proposed draft work plan; (ii) identify additional funding mechanisms for the effective implementation of the required activity; (iii) adopt Draft Resolution XXV-( as is or as amended by the Assembly in plenary at the present session. (Financial implications: operation of the NEWS2USE Steering Committee US$30,000 from Regular Programme budget.) Workplan and required funding for the Nutrient Export from WaterSheds (2), User Scenario Evaluation project The coastal zone ecosystem stresses on organisms that will be considered by NEWS2USE are HAB, hypoxia and impacts on fish and fisheries (abundance, composition, landings). The proposed approach comprises short term (Phase I), medium (Phase II) and long term (Phase III) activities. Phase I concentrates on data collection and the establishment of statistical relationships between nutrient loading and harmful algal blooms and hypoxia based on the data that is available at the start of the project. For fisheries the short term activity is the collection of data. Phase II will focus on the development and use of deterministic models to describe nutrient impacts in coastal marine ecosystems. Phase III will include the integration of insights gained in Phases I and II as well as the development of a tool for evaluation and implementation of management options and policies to improve coastal water quality, based on the results of Phases I and II. The various tasks and estimated work load in each phase are listed in IOC/INF-1261. For the NEWS2USE programme, funding is required for Ph.D. or postdoctoral positions. Participating institutes and organizations will provide approximately 92 man-months needed for supervision and support of the PhDs and postdocs. Apart from the funding requested for the Ph.D. or postdoctoral positions for the full period of the programme, funding is requested for one meeting to organize and structure the linking with other programmes and activities, annual steering committee meetings with project members, and two open science meetings (in 2012 and 2015), for publication of the results, and for 2 training workshops aimed at coastal zone scientists and managers from developing regions. Estimated budget items thus include: in US$ Years Cost/Yr. Total 5 Postdoctoral Scholars 5 350,000.00 1,750,000.00 Database Manager 5 60,000.00 300,000.00 Travel/workshops 5 40,200.00 210,000.00 Open Science Meetings 2 40,000.00 80,000.00 Publication Costs 2 40,000.00 80,000.00 Training Workshops 2 40,000.00 80,000.00 Total overall 2,500,000.00 Draft Terms of Reference Scientific Steering Committee of the Nutrient Export from WaterSheds (2), User Scenario Evaluation project Act as the intersection of and collaborate with IOC of UNESCO Programmes and activities related to nutrients (GEOHAB, ICAM, GOOS, LME). Develop the NEWS2USE Science and Implementation Plans. Coordinate and implement research in accordance with the NEWS2USE Science and Implementation Plans. Foster framework activities to facilitate implementation of NEWS2USE, including dissemination and information tools. Establish appropriate data management activities to ensure access to, sharing of, and preservation of NEWS2USE data, taking into account the data policy of the IOC. Collaborate, as appropriate, with the concerned intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations (e.g., UNEP, SCOR), and their subgroups and related research projects (e.g., LOICZ, IMBER). Review NEWS2USE research progress over time and report regularly to the IOC and the global marine science research community on the state of planning and accomplishments of NEWS2USE, through annual reports, the NEWS2USE web site, an electronic NEW2USE Newsletter, special sessions at scientific meetings, and other venues. Interact with agency sponsors to stimulate the support of NEWS2USE implementation through various mechanisms (e.g., direct support of NEWS2USE initiatives and integration of the NEWS2USE approach in national programmes). 4.3.3 Report of the Ninth Session of the IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms (IPHAB-IX) HAB and GEOHAB Programme [Rule of Procedure 48.3] Report: IOC/IPHAB-IX/3sExecutive Summary Report of the Ninth Session of the IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms Paris, 2224 April 2009 The Chairman of the IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms (IPHAB), DrLeonardo Guzman (Chile), will introduce this item. He will present the Report, Work Plan, Resolutions and Recommendations adopted by the IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms at its Ninth Session (Paris, 2224 April 2009). This activity relates to IOC Medium-term Strategy High-level Objective 3: Safeguarding the Health of Ocean Ecosystems and to UNESCO C/5, II.1.2: Coastal research, monitoring and modelling. The Chairman IPHAB will emphasize the decisions made regarding: a strategy for IPHAB; capacity-building; an integrated data system on HAB, jointly with IODE and GEOHAB, harmful algal events, coastal-zone management and linkages with coastal eutrophication; and the regional development of the Programme. He will stress that the intergovernmental character of the Panel and the type of activities it develops are aimed at improving the capabilities of Member States to manage this complex problem, with clear public health and economic implications. Accordingly, the continued success of the Panel requires a firm institutional commitment from competent national authorities in these fields. He will also request the assistance of the Assembly in ensuring participation in IPHAB of the Member Sates not already members, and recognition of IPHAB by the appropriate national agencies and institutions. The Chairman of the IPHAB will urge the IOC Member States to carefully match the HAB Programme Work Plan with national priorities and potential funding in order to interact stongly with and support its implementation. DECISION 4.3.3: The Assembly will be invited to: (i) note the Executive Summary Report of IPHAB-IX and the Recommendations it contains, with a view to determining the resources from the regular budget and from extra-budgetary sources for the effective implementation of the HAB Programme; (ii) adopt Draft Resolution XXV.(4.3.3) as is or as amended by the Assembly in plenary at the present session. 4.3.4 Secretariat Report on Capacity-Development Section: Programme, Structure and Activities [Rule of Procedure 8.1(g)] Information: IOC/INF-1262An assessment of the self-driven Capacity-development Programme: 20062009 IOC Vice-Chairman, Mr Julian Reyna Moreno, will introduce this item. Resolutions XXIII-10 and XXIII-11 requested contributions from Member States in support of capacity-development. Sweden and Italy were the main responders: their extra-budgetary contributions and secondment of a professional allowed programme roll-out in 2006. These resources ended in December 2008, however. The high-level 34C/5 objective was development and dissemination of research results for healthier coastal environments. Programme implementation targeted over 100 institutes in 30 countries in 5 regions, and feedback has shown high Member-State interest in the Commission's capacity-development programme. Gauges of such interest are: the more than 30% of African participants who paid their own way to workshops; host countries that often contributed as much as IOC to the workshops; and new funding received for specifically African proposals. These positive responses arise from an engagement with a strong institutional interest in developing capacity to address relevant local/regional marine issues an issue-based, institutions-focused approach to capacity-development. This approach complements the many IOC programmes of training individual scientists to enable their countries participation in global programmes following a 'programme-driven' approach to capacity-development. Both these focuses are important and necessary. Institutional strengthening is a process requiring long-term resource commitments and directly serves national interests, whereas individual training, when harmonized over the different IOC science and services programmes, increases impacts and involvement of developing countries. The Capacity-development Section is being restructured to pursue this two-level approach. It will continue the programme of self-driven capacity-development for institutes and will have the additional responsibility of harmonizing the training efforts of all IOC global programmes. DECISION 4.3.4: The Assembly will be invited to: (i) identify and make available extra-budgetary resources to the IOC Capacity-development Section for institutional strengthening programmes; and (ii) promote the secondment of professionals to the Section to continue the programme to enhance institutional capacities of IOC Member States to address high-priority national marine and coastal issues. 4.4 mitigation OF THE IMPACTS and adaptation to climate change andvariability (High-Level Objective 2) 4.4.1 Oceans and Climate WMOIOCICSU World Climate Research Programme (WCRP): ReportandReview [Instruction EC-XXXIX, Item 4.2.3, para. 117; Instruction of EC-XLI Item 4.3.4 Para.255] Information:ICSU document (In preparation)ICSUWMOIOCIGFA Review of the WCRPIOC/INF-1266WMO-IOC-ICSU World Climate Research Programme (WCRP): Report and ReviewReferences: HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=2550" IOC Circular Letter 2278Review of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) The Executive Director of ICSU, Deliang Chen, will introduce this item. He will present the recommendations of the ICSUWMOIOCIGFA Review of the WCRP. The IOC was represented on the Review Committee by Neville Smith, Alphonse Dubi and Keith Alverson. Member States were invited to comment on the Review in progress via IOC Circular Letter 2278 (October 2008). The Director of the WCRP, Dr Ghassem Asrar, will report on the WCRPs progress, its contributions to the achievement of the IOC High-level Objective on the Mitigation of the impacts and adaptation to climate change and variability, and its planned response to the above-mentioned Review. The Assembly, at its Forty-forth Session (Paris, 1928 June 2007), reaffirmed its commitment to continue as a sponsor of the WCRP, and instructed the Executive Secretary to maintain a strong level of involvement in the provision of scientific guidance to the WCRP. It called on the Executive Secretary to continue support at the level of US$125,000 per annum, ideally through Regular Budget. The Executive Council, at its Forty-first Session (Paris, 24 June1 July 2008), requested the Assembly, at its Twenty-fifth Session (1625 June 2009), to assess the outcomes of the WCRP Review in terms of their implications for the Commission. The Executive Secretary will briefly report on steps taken by the Commission to reinforce the link between the WCRP and other IOC programmes. DECISION The Assembly will be invited to: (i) take note of the Executive Secretarys oral report on the WCRP and other relevant IOC programmes; (ii) reaffirm IOCs commitment to continue as a sponsor of the WCRP; (iii) provide specific guidance on the work programme of the WCRP, taking into account the findings of the ICSUWMOIOCIGFA Review of the WCRP, IOC High-Level Objectives, and Member State needs and interests. The Joint Scientific Committee (JSC) for WCRP was held on 69 April 2009 in College Park, USA. Its main focus was on the WCRP path forward. A major outcome of the session is a decision to develop a joint WCRP-IOC sponsored Task Group on Assessment of Sea-Level Variability and Change and actively engage the WCRP core Projects in its activities. (See also IOC/INF-1266.) Draft Terms of Reference WCRP/IOC Task Group on Assessment of Sea-Level Variability and Change The Task Group will address issues relevant to sea-level rise, both its global average and also its variability in space and time. The overall goal of the group will be to improve our ability to monitor, explain, predict global and regional sea level and all environmental factors related to it, and use this information for informed decision making. Specifically, the Task Group will: Review the sealevel rise research across WCRP, other Programmes and relevant parties, liaise and collaborate with them as appropriate to stimulate and facilitate the development of scientific understanding, observation and modelling techniques necessary to assess and predict global and regional sea-level change. Facilitate quantification of the rate of sea-level rise and the processes contributing to it. Advise on the development of in-situ and satellite observing systems required to improve our understanding and projections of sea-level rise. Recommend transition into sustained operation of those systematic sea-level-related observing systems that are sufficiently mature and provide a rationale for their prioritization. Facilitate development of a basis for quantification of extreme sea levels for the future. Provide regular updates on the present status and projections of sea-level rise. Facilitate the use of improved observations, understanding and projections of sea level rise by various groups assessing the impacts of sea-level rise and the associated risk. The group will primarily work via email, telephone hook-ups and face-to-face meetings during (or immediately adjacent to) other conferences/meetings. The group may convene broader community workshops. The initial mandate is from 2009 to 2013. Climate Observations GCOS, UNFCCC and OceanObs09 [Rule of Procedure 8.1(b)] Information:GCOS-126 (WMO/TDNo.1464)GCOS Annual Report 20072008GOOS Report 173Progress Report on the Implementation of the Global Observing System for Climate in Support of the UNFCCC 20042008 (available for open review during the period 8 April20 June 2009)Reference:GCOS-92, 2004GCOS Implementation Plan The Director of the WMOIOCUNEPICSU Global Climate Observing System, DrCarolin Richter, will introduce this item. The GCOS Implementation Plan (GCOS-92, 2004) responds to scientific requirements for a global observing system in support of climate monitoring, forecasting and research. It aims to provide information to Member States that is needed for effective planning and management of their response to climate change. The ocean component of GCOS is the climate module of GOOS, and the ocean chapter of the GCOS Implementation Plan was adopted by JCOMM as the implementation goals for JCOMM's Observations Programme Area. A Progress Report on Implementation was requested by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), was prepared by GCOS in cooperation with GOOS, and was submitted to the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body on Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) in April 2009. In the oceanic domain, useful progress has been identified in almost every action called for, but many actions remain incomplete. The ice-free upper 1,500m of the ocean are being observed systematically for temperature and salinity for the first time in history. Most in situ observing activities continue to be carried out under research agency support and on research programme time limits. A particular concern is the fragility of the financial arrangements that support most of the present effort; there has been very limited progress in the establishment of national ocean or climate institutions tasked with sustaining a climate-quality ocean observing system. Important progress in the provision of critical ocean satellite data of sea surface Essential Climate Variables has been made, but not for all variables, and data access remains to be ensured. GCOS, with the help of GOOS and other partner observing systems, is embarking on a revision of the Implementation Plan, to be delivered to the UNFCCC in 2010, which will take into account new technologies and capabilities, as well as the increasing need for climate information for the understanding and management of climate-change impacts on the human environment, vulnerability and adaptation of human populations to such changes. This revision of the Implementation Plan will draw on the outcomes of the OceanObs09 conference, which the IOC, with several partners, is sponsoring (www.oceanobs09.net; Venice, Italy, 2125 September 2009), with a vision of strengthening and enhancing the international framework under GCOSGOOSWCRP for sustained world ocean observing and information systems supporting the needs of society in respect of ocean weather, climate, ecosystems, carbon and biogeochemistry. The Secretariat will give a brief report on the intellectual preparations for the conference. DECISION The Assembly will be invited to: (i) promote the designation by Member States of a GCOS national coordinator, representing all national agencies involved in ocean, atmospheric, and terrestrial climate observations; (ii) take responsibility for implementation of actions with low progress in the GCOS Progress Report; (iii); support the OceanObs09 conference through the involvement of national scientific experts and representatives of relevant national agencies; (iv) provide guidance to GCOS on the further development of its work.4.4.2 Report of the Ninth Session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Global Ocean Observing System (I-GOOS) [Rule of Procedure 48.3] ReportIOC-WMO-UNEP/I-GOOS-IX/3sSummary Report of the Ninth Session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Global Ocean Observing System (I-GOOS), Paris, 1012 June 2009ReferenceRes. XXIV-2 (in Rep. IOC-XXIV/3)IOC Biennial Strategy 20082009 (reference to HLO 2, Action 2b, expected results) The Chairman of the Intergovernmental Committee for GOOS, Franois Grard, will introduce this item. As a Primary Subsidiary Body of the IOC, the Committee is required to report to a Governing Body of the Commission on its activities since the previous meeting of the Committee (Rule of Procedure 48.3). This activity relates to UNESCO C/5 Major Programme II, MLA 2, Action 100 ''Monitoring the oceans and the coastal seas'' and IOC Medium-term Strategy, High-level Objective 2: Mitigation of the impacts and adaptation to climate change and variability. The Chairman of I-GOOS will report on the main results and the Recommendations of the Ninth Session of the I-GOOS (Paris, 1012 June 2009). The main issues to be discussed are: (i) provision of the intergovernmental coordination and promotion of the international cooperation required to sustain the climate and coastal modules of the Global Ocean Observing System; (ii) GOOS implementation at the regional level; (iii) the GOOS programme and budget; and (iv) capacity-building. The Chairman will also inform the Assembly on the level of achievement of the expected results given to the programme, in particular the complete implementation of the open-ocean module of the Global Ocean Observing System (composed of a network of buoys, moorings, floats, tide gauges and repeat ship-of-opportunity hydrographic lines) which now reaches sixty percent. DECISION 4.4.2: The Assembly will be invited to: (i) note the report of the Chairman of I-GOOS; (ii) provide guidance on the future work of the Committee; and (iii) adopt Draft Resolution XXV-4.4.2 [TO BE MADE AVAILABLE DURING THE SESSION] as is or as amended by the Assembly in plenary at the present session.4.4.3 Instructions to the Third Session of the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM-III) [Rule of Procedure 8.1(b)] Information: WMO-IOC J-MR-No.62Summary Report of the Seventh Session of the Management Committee of the Joint IOCWMO Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (Melbourne, December 2008)References:34 C/5UNESCO Programme and Budget 20082009, para. 02020Res. EC-XXXIX.1 (in Rep. IOC/EC-XXXIX/3)IOC Medium-term Strategy (20082013) Res. XXIV-2 (in Rep. IOC-XXV/3)IOC Biennial Strategy 20082009 The Co-President of the Joint WMOIOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM), Dr Jean-Louis Fellous, will introduce this item. JCOMM has made progress in the past year in coordinating activities for oceanographic and marine meteorological observations, services and data management within the IOCWMO context. JCOMM has been striving to meet prioritized Member State requirements that are aligned with both its co-sponsoring Organizations strategic and operating plans, through new initiatives and project-oriented activities. These include: (i) standardization and facilitation of operational ocean forecast systems; (ii) ongoing support for IPY and its legacy; (iii) the development and implementation of a pilot project for WMO/WIGOS in close cooperation with IODE; (iv) improving regional storm-surge monitoring and forecasting capabilities; and (v) in situ measurements of coastal and open-ocean waves. The following issues will be considered by JCOMM at its Third Session (Marrakech, Morocco, 411 November 2009), and reported to the co-sponsoring Organizations for the relevant decisions: Alignment of JCOMM deliverables to the expected results of the IOC and WMO strategic plans Efforts to optimize JCOMMs strategy document and management plan, as well as a proposal for a new and more realistic structure, with a view to meeting the requirements of the co-sponsoring Organizations' operating plans with respect to budget constraints and the workload of volunteer experts Evaluation of the WMOIOC Observing Programme Support Centre (OPSC) DECISION 4.4.3: The Assembly will be invited to: (i) commit sufficient resources, both direct and in-kind, to allow JCOMM to complete its work under its present mandate; (ii) participate in project-oriented activities that are designed to meet prioritized requirements of Member States; (iii) participate in the planned JCOMM review either by way of extra-budgetary contributions or by direct involvement, in order to make results available for JCOMM-III; (iii) provide guidance to JCOMM on its future role, structure and work priorities, in the light of available resources. 4.4.4 Report on Ocean Fertilization [Instruction of EC-XLI Item 4.3.5 Para. 273] Information: LC/SG-CO2 3/5 (IMO document) Report of the First Meeting of the Intersessional Technical Working Group on Ocean Fertilization, London, United Kingdom, 913 February 2009Nature Geoscience, vol. 2, March 2009The Law of the Sea (Editorial) IOC Programme Specialist in the Ocean Sciences Section, Mr Henrik Enevoldsen, will introduce this item. This activity relates to IOC Medium-term Strategy (20082013) High-level Objective 2: "Mitigation of the impacts and adaptation to climate change and variability" in UNESCO C/5, II.1.2. The presentation will focus on the follow-up to the request of the IOC Executive Council, at its Forty-first Session (24 June1 July 2008), to seek additional opportunities to help resolve the scientific uncertainties with respect to ocean fertilization, to facilitate UN inter-agency coordination on scientific and technical advice, and to produce with SCOR a regular watching brief on ocean carbon sequestration, as a summary for policy-makers. This will include reporting on: the First Meeting of the IMO London Conventions Intersessional Technical Working Group on Ocean Fertilization (913 February 2009); related IOC follow-up regarding use by the London Convention/London Protocol of the IOCSCOR Watching Brief; plans for the establishment of a repository of data on all types of ocean fertilization experiments; and IOCSCOR International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project's participation in the development of a data base of peer-reviewed literature on ocean fertilization with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. DECISION 4.4.4: The Assembly will be invited to: (i) consider the developments in this field since the Forty-first Session of the Executive Council; (ii) approve the preparation and publication of a Summary for Policy-makers on Ocean Fertilization to be translated into the IOC working languages. (Financial resources are requested for printing and translation of the Summary for Policy-makers on Ocean Fertilization US$8,000). 4.5 PREVENTION AND REDUCTION OF THE IMPACTS OF NATURAL HAZARDS (HIGH-LEVEL OBJECTIVE 1) 4.5.1 Report of the Second Meeting of the IOC TOWS Working Group: Tsunamis and Other Ocean Hazards Related to Sea Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG-II) [Res. XXIII-15; Rule of Procedure No. 21.2(a); Res. EC-XLI.6] Reports: IOC/TOWS-WG-II/3Report of the Second Meeting of the Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Ocean Hazards Related to Sea Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG); UNESCO, Paris, 27 March 2009Information:IOC/INF-1263Draft Strategy and Plan 20092010 for the Regional TEWSs within the Framework for a Global Ocean-related Hazards Warning and Mitigation System Framework (GOHWMS) and Implementation of TOWS-WG RecommendationsIOC/INF-1264Summary Report of the Global Meeting of the Intergovernmental Coordination Groups for Tsunami Warning Systems (Global TWS) (Paris, 2427 March 2009)IOC Manuals and Guides, 50 (ICAM Dossier 5)Hazards Awareness and Mitigation in Integrated Coastal Area Management TOWS-WG advises on co-ordinated development and implementation of warning and mitigation systems for tsunamis and other hazards related to sea level that are of common priority to all ICG/TWSs, thus contributing to the achievement of the UNESCO 34C/5 Programme and Budget expected result Risks from tsunami and other ocean-related hazards reduced through early warning systems and preparedness and mitigation measures, and responding to the IOC High-level Objective 1 for 20082009 Prevention and reduction of the impacts of natural hazards. The Co-Chairman of the Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG), Neville Smith, will introduce this item. He will report on the conclusions of the Second Meeting of the Working Group (Paris, 27 March 2009) and will review progress with respect to actions and decisions taken by the Governing Bodies through Resolution XXIV-14 and Resolution EC-XLI.6, also in relation to the results of the Global Meeting of the Intergovernmental Coordination Groups for Tsunami Warning Systems (Paris, 2427 March 2009). Neville Smith will highlight the following results: The TOWS-WG-II report on the progress achieved by the ICG Chairpersons in working with the Member States and the TOWS Working Group on the development of harmonized working group structures as a foundation for inter-operability, with a view to preparing recommendations for IOC principles, criteria and procedures for ocean-related hazards warning and mitigation systems The proposal to establish three inter-ICG Task Teams devoted, respectively, to sea level, preparedness, and tsunami watch operations, with a view to facilitating coordination of activities, development of common requirements and standards, and sharing of best practices The initial Draft Strategy and Plan for the Implementation of the Global Ocean-related Hazards Warning and Mitigation System Framework and of the TOWS-WG Recommendations, annexed to the Summary Report of TOWS-WG-II, to be further elaborated, based on the inputs from the ICGs The inclusion of requirements on the collection and exchange of sea-level data for tsunami warning purposes in the work programmes of GLOSS and DBCP, as well as the possible review of GLOSS terms of reference to reflect the operational requirements of the tsunami warning centres The need for ICGs to identify high-priority science issues that can benefit from contributions from IOC programmes and scientific and technical subsidiary bodies in the context of the Programme and Budget for 20102011 The investigation with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) Secretariat to conclude an agreement about the provision of, for example, seismic data to TWCs and the coordination of related matters The investigation with other seismic networks of the possibilities for improved exchange and standardization of real-time seismic data and coordination of training programmes on global seismic monitoring for tsunami warning purposes The facilitation of the exchange, review and adoption of documents and guidelines related to risk assessment methodologies and other standards developed by the ICGs The development of a document with definitions and terminology on hazards, disasters, vulnerability and risks, drawing on existing documents developed by bodies like UN/ISDR, for use by the IOC Secretariat, Subsidiary Bodies and programmes The assessment of the IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy as it applies to tsunami warning systems and the monitoring of its implementation to ensure the open, free and unrestricted sharing of tsunami-relevant observational data needed for timely and effective ocean-related hazard detection, analysis and warning for coastal communities The possible revision of the terms of reference of GEBCO to promote and coordinate the development of high-resolution bathymetric data in coastal areas and of digital elevation models. DECISION 4.5.1: The Assembly will be invited to: (i) note the conclusions and Recommendations of TOWS-WG-II; (ii) continue the TOWS-WG for a further intersessional period, with the same mandate and membership; (iii) adopt Draft Resolution XXV-(4.5.1) as is or as amended by the Assembly in plenary at the present session. Draft Resolution XXV-(4.5.1) GLOBAL COORDINATION OF EARLY WARNING AND MITIGATION SYSTEMS FOR TSUNAMIS AND OTHER SEA-LEVEL RELATED HAZARDS The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, A Recalling: (i) IOC Resolution XXIV-14, establishing the Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Ocean Hazards Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG) (ii) IOC Resolution EC-XLI.6 on IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Groups (ICG) for Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Systems for: the Pacific Ocean (PTWS); the Indian Ocean (IOTWS); the North-eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean and Connected Seas (NEAMTWS); and the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (CARIBE-EWS), Reaffirming: (i) the role of the coordinated networks of national systems and capacities of IOTWS, CARIBE-EWS, NEAMTWS and PTWS in the development and functioning of a global early warning system for ocean-related hazards (ii) that the responsibility to issue warnings within their respective territories lies with its Member States (iii) its commitment to the free and unrestricted exchange of tsunami-relevant real-time observational data in accordance with the UNESCO/IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy and without prejudice to national sovereignty, Having noted: (i) the Executive Summary Report of the Sixth Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (Hyderabad, India, 79 April 2009) (ii) the Executive Summary Report of the Fourth Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (Fort-de-France, Martinique, France, 24 June 2009) (iii) the Executive Summary Report of the Fifth Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (Athens, Greece, 35 November 2008) (iv) the Executive Summary Report of the Twenty-third Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (Apia, Samoa, 1618 February 2009) (v) the Summary Report of the Global Meeting of the Intergovernmental Coordination Groups for Tsunami Warning Systems (Global TWS) (Paris, 2427 March 2009) (vi) the Summary Report of the 2nd meeting of the TOWS-WG (Paris, 27 March 2009) and the Initial Draft Strategy and Plan 20092010 for a Global Ocean-related Hazards Warning and Mitigation System Framework (GOHWMS) and implementation of TOWS-WG recommendations, Notes the above-mentioned reports and requests the Executive Secretary to support the implementation of the actions contained therein, as appropriate; Encourages the ICGs and Member States of other regional seas, as appropriate, to actively promote the development, establishment and sustained operation of national and sub-regional Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Systems within a global framework to address tsunamis and other sea-level-related hazards; Urges each of its Member States that has not yet done so to nominate a 24/7 Tsunami Warning Focal Point (TWFP). B Reaffirming the global coordinating role of TOWS-WG to develop strategies and follow-up activities to address sea-level-related hazards in collaboration with relevant bodies, Recalling the need to support the implementation of the Global Ocean-related Hazards Warning and Mitigation System Framework (GOHWMS) through a strategy and plan, Emphasizing the priority attached to the collection and exchange of sea-level data for tsunami warning purposes, Underlining the need for high-resolution bathymetric data in coastal areas and for digital elevation models for tsunami warning and forecast operations, Confirming the need for common requirements for regional tsunami advisory and watch providers centres of the Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Systems, while recognizing that regional specificities may require tailored approaches, Recognizing the expected benefits deriving from the exchange of knowledge and information among the ICGs and coordination among their working groups, Decides: (i) to extend the TOWS-WG for a further intersessional period, with the same mandate and membership (ii) to establish an inter-ICG Task Team on sea level, based on the relevant working groups with the ICGs, whose terms of reference are shown in Annex A to this resolution (iii) to establish an inter-ICG Task Team on disaster management and preparedness, based on the relevant working groups with the ICGs, whose terms of reference are shown in Annex B to this resolution (iv) to establish an inter-ICG Task Team tsunami watch operations, comprised of a representative from each ICG directly involved with tsunami watch operations selected by the respective ICG Chairpersons, whose terms of reference are shown in Annex C to this resolution: Requests: The Executive Secretary to: (a) include requirements for the collection and exchange of sea-level data for tsunami warning purposes in the work programmes of GLOSS and DBCP, in consultation with JCOMM (b) review the GLOSS terms of reference, in consultation with JCOMM, to ensure, to the extent that variations may be required, that they reflect the operational requirements of the tsunami warning centres (c) consult the ICG Chairpersons on high-priority science issues in the development of early warning and mitigation systems for tsunamis and other sea-level-related hazards and define contributions from IOC programmes and scientific and technical subsidiary bodies in the context of the Programme and Budget for 20102011 (d) Negotiate with the CTBTO Secretariat an agreement about the provision of i.a. seismic data to TWCs and the coordination of related matters (e) consult with the CTBTO Secretariat, and others as appropriate, the possibilities for improved exchange and standardization of real-time seismic data and coordination of training programmes for global seismic monitoring (f) facilitate the exchange and review of documents and guidelines related to risk assessment methodologies developed by the ICGs; TOWS-WG: (a) to develop a document with definitions and terminology on hazards, disasters, vulnerability and risks, drawing on existing documents developed by bodies like UN/ISDR, for consideration by the IOC Executive Council at its 43rd Session, in 2010, (b) to prepare with the ICG Chairpersons a report on the IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy (IOC Resolution XXII-6) as it applies to tsunami warning systems and monitor its implementation to ensure the open, free, and unrestricted sharing of tsunami-relevant observational data needed for timely and effective ocean-related hazard detection, analysis and warning for coastal communities, for consideration by the IOC Assembly at its 26th Session, in 2011 (c) to prepare a proposal for revising the terms of reference of GEBCO to promote and coordinate the development of high-resolution bathymetric data in coastal areas and of digital elevation models, to be presented to the IOC Executive Council at its 43rd Session and to the IHO Conference in 2010. Annex A to Draft Resolution XXV-(4.5.1) Terms of Reference of the inter-ICG Task Team on sea level The inter-ICG Task Team on sea level, based on the relevant working groups with the ICGs, shall: (a) develop requirements for tsunami warning system sea-level data, all characteristics of the data stream including networks and network design, for the information of relevant implementation groups (b) review the provision and availability of sea-level data as they pertain to tsunami warning systems and provide advice, as appropriate, to GLOSS and the ICGs (c) provide a focal point for sea-level issues within the family of ICGs (d) report to TOWS-WG at its 3rd Meeting, in 2010 Annex B to Draft Resolution XXV-(4.5.1) Terms of Reference of the inter-ICG Task Team on disaster management and preparedness The inter-ICG Task Team on disaster management and preparedness, based on the relevant working groups with the ICGs, shall: (a) facilitate, in collaboration with relevant organizations such as UN/ISDR, the exchange of experiences and information on preparedness actions, education/awareness-raising campaigns and other matters related to disaster management and preparedness (b) elaborate proposals for a global or regional tsunami awareness day, possibly connected with the International Day for Disaster Reduction (8 October) (c) promote preparedness in coastal communities through education and awareness products and campaigns (d) replicate preparedness programmes and assessment tools that have been successful in one region, in other TWSs, (e) report to TOWS-WG at its 3rd Meeting, in 2010 Annex C to Draft Resolution XXV-(4.5.1) Terms of Reference of the inter-ICG Task Team on tsunami watch operations The inter-ICG Task Team on tsunami watch operations, comprised of a representative from each ICG directly involved with tsunami watch operations selected by the respective ICG Chairpersons, shall: (a) provide a focal point for the ICGs for coordination of tsunami watch operations among the Tsunami Warning Systems (b) document current and proposed products, working through existing Regional Coordination Groups or their equivalents (c) review terminology and recommend methods for harmonization (d) document responsibilities, coverage, limits and different architecture (e) develop agreement on uniform standards, procedures and guidelines for tsunami watch operations (f) develop guidelines for the review of tsunami watch operations (g) report to TOWS-WG at its 3rd Meeting, in 2010 4.5.2 Reports from the IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Groups Sixth Session of the IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWS) [Rule of Procedure No. 48.3] Report: ICG/IOTWS-VI/3sExecutive Summary of the Sixth Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System, Hyderabad, India, 79 April 2009Information: IOC Manuals and Guides, 52Tsunami risk assessment and mitigation for the Indian Ocean: knowing your tsunami risk and what to do about it (ICG/IOTWS Working Group 3 Guidelines)IOC Technical Series 71 (updated online)Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System, IOTWS. Implementation Plan, March 2009 The Chairman of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWS), Dr Jan Sopaheluwakan, will introduce this item. Established as a Subsidiary Body of the Assembly by Resolution XXIII-12, ICG/IOTWS will report on its work pursuant to Rule of Procedure 48.3. The establishment and operation of the IOTWS contributes to the achievement of the 34C/5 Programme and Budget expected result Risks from tsunami and other ocean-related hazards reduced through early warning systems and preparedness and mitigation measures, and responds to the IOC High-level Objective 1 for 20082009, namely prevention and reduction of the impacts of natural hazards. The IOC Secretariat for the ICG/IOTWS is hosted by the Bureau of Meteorology in Perth, Western Australia, with financial and in-kind support from the Government of Australia committed until 2013. At its Sixth Session (Hyderabad, India, 79 April 2009), the ICG/IOTWS decided to: (i) adopt the Guidelines on Tsunami risk assessment and mitigation for the Indian Ocean: knowing your tsunami risk and what to do about it, as submitted by Working Group 3; (ii) welcome the completion of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Hazard Map by Working Group 3; (iii) adopt revised Terms of Reference for the ICG/IOTWS Steering Group; (iv) establish a Task Team to review the Working Group Structure and Terms of Reference, noting the outcomes of the second meeting of the TOWS-WG, and reporting to the Steering Group within six months; (v) invite the Working Group Chairpersons and Vice-Chairpersons to remain in place until the review of Working Group Structure and Terms of Reference is completed, submitted to and approved by the Seventh Session of the ICG/IOTWS; (vi) reconstitute the Regional Tsunami Watch Provider (RTWP) Coordination Group as the RTWP Task Team, reporting to Working Group 5. DECISION The Assembly will be invited to: (i) note the Decisions and Recommendations of the ICG/IOTWS on the implementation of an Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System; (ii) provide guidance and support to the ICG/IOTWS on further measures to enhance the performance of the System; (iii) express the Commissions appreciation to: (a) India for having hosted the Sixth Session of the ICG/IOTWS; (b) Australia for its continued financial and in-kind support for and hosting of the IOC Secretariat for the ICG/IOTWS at the Bureau of Meteorology in Perth, Western Australia. Fifth Session of the IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS) [Rule of Procedure No. 48.3] Report: ICG/NEAMTWS-V/3sExecutive Summary of the Fifth Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS-IV), Athens, Greece, 35 November 2008Information: IOC Technical Series73 (updated online)Technical Implementation Plan for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (NEAMTWS), 20072011ICG/NEAMTWS-V/3Report of the Fifth Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS-IV), Athens, Greece, 35 November 2008 The Chairman of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS), Professor Stefano Tinti, will introduce this item. Established as a Subsidiary Body of the Assembly by Resolution XXIII-14, ICG/NEAMTWS will report on its work pursuant to Rule of Procedure 48.3. The establishment and development of ICG/NEAMTWS contributes to the achievement of the UNESCO 34C/5 Programme and Budget result "Risks from tsunami and other ocean-related hazards reduced through early warning systems and preparedness and mitigation measures", and responds to the IOC High-level Objective 1 for 20082009 "Prevention and reduction of the impacts of natural hazards" (Res. XXIV-2). The Fifth Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS-V; Athens, Greece, 35 November 2008) reviewed the progress made during the intersessional period (JanuaryNovember 2008). The four Working Groups, on: (i) hazard assessment, risk and modelling; (ii) seismic and geophysical measurements; (iii) sea-level data collection and exchange, including offshore tsunami detection and instruments; and (iv) advisory, mitigation and public awareness, together with the Task Team on the NEAMTWS architecture, met in the intersessional period and reported to the ICG (ICG/NEAMTWS-V) on their activities. Based on these WG reports, the ICG/NEAMTWS-V adopted the following Recommendations and Decisions: The ICG requested Member States to openly share and exchange all tsunami-relevant real-time observational data as appropriate and in accordance with the UNESCO/IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy. It further requested Member States to consider extra-budgetary contributions to IOC in support of NEAMTWS and to nominate National Tsunami Warning Focal Points (TWFP) and Tsunami National Contacts (TNC). The ICG decided to extend the duration and mandate of the Task Team on the NEAMTWS architecture. It also agreed on the revised Roles and Requirements for the National Tsunami Watch Centres (NTWC) and the Regional Tsunami Watch Centres (RTWC), as detailed in the report of the Second Meeting of the Task Team (ICG/NEAMTWS-TT-II/3). With respect to tsunami alert nomenclature, the ICG decided that the term warning will be used by the NTWCs only. The ICG decided that sea-level data from the NEAMTWS core network should be freely available to RTWCs and NTWCs once these are established. As an interim solution, these data can be provided to the IOC Tsunami Sea Level Station Monitoring Facility (http://www.ioc-sealevelmonitoring.org). Following the announcements made at the Forty-first Session of the IOC Executive Council (Paris, 24 June1 July 2008; IOC document IOC/EC-XLI/3 para. 351) and at the Fifth Session of the ICG/NEAMTWS (Athens, 35 November 2008; IOC document ICG/NEAMTWS-V/3, agenda item 8), the IOC Secretariat for ICG/NEAMTWS and Liaison Office with UN/ISDR was established on the Bonn UN Campus in January 2009, with initial financial contributions from Germany and UN-ISDR. DECISION The Assembly will be invited to: (i) note the Decisions and Recommendations of the ICG/NEAMTWS-V; (ii) provide guidance and support to the ICG/NEAMTWS on further measures to enhance the performance of the System; (iii) urge Member States participating in the NEAMTWS to designate TWFPs and TNCs and to ensure availability of real-time sea-level data from the NEAMTWS core network; (iii) express its appreciation to: (a) Greece for having hosted the Fifth Session of the ICG/NEAMTWS; (b) Turkey for its offer to host the Sixth Session of ICG/NEAMTWS; (c) Germany and UN/ISDR for the support provided for the establishment of the IOC Secretariat for ICG/NEAMTWS and Liaison Office with UN/ISDR on the Bonn UN Campus. Fourth Session of the IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Group for Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBE-EWS) [Rule of Procedure No. 48.3] Report: ICG/CARIBE-EWS-IV/3sExecutive Summary of the Fourth Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBE EWS-IV), Fort de France, Martinique, France, 24 June 2009Information: IOC Technical Series88 (updated on line)CARIBE EWS Implementation Plan The Chairwoman of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBE EWS), DrLorna Inniss (Barbados), will introduce this item. Established as a Subsidiary Body of the Assembly by Resolution XXIII-13, ICG/CARIBEEWS will report on its work pursuant to Rule of Procedure 48.3. The establishment of the ICG/CARIBE EWS is a contribution to 34C/5 Programme and Budget expected result Risks from tsunami and other ocean-related hazards reduced through early warning systems and preparedness and mitigation measures, and responds to the IOC High-level Objective 1 of the IOC Biennial Strategy 20082009 Prevention and reduction of the impacts of natural hazards (Res. XXIV-2). DrInniss will report particularly on the results of the Fourth Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBEEWS-IV), Fort de France, Martinique, 24 June 2009, hosted by France. She will also report on progress on: the CARIBE EWS Implementation Plan and the establishment of a Caribbean Tsunami Information Centre (CTIC), with the support of the Government of Italy and facilitated through the UNDP regional project on "Enhancing Resilience in the Caribbean. DECISION The Assembly will be invited to: (i) note the Decisions and Recommendations of the ICG/CARIBEEWS-IV; (ii) provide guidance and support to the ICG/CARIBE EWS on further measures to enhance the performance of the System; (iii) express the Commissions appreciation to: (a) France for having hosted the Fourth Session of the ICG/CARIBEEWS; (b) Italy and UNDP for their support in the establishment of a Caribbean Tsunami Information Centre (CTIC). Twenty-Third Session of the IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the Pacific (ICG/PTWS) [Rule of Procedure No. 48.3] Report: ICG/PTWS-XXIII/3sExecutive Summary of Report of the 23rd Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group of the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/PTWS-XXIII), Apia, Samoa, 1618 February 2009Information: ICG/PTWS-XXIII/3Report of the 23rd Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group of the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/PTWS-XXIII), Apia, Samoa, 1618 February 2009IOC Technical Series87 Operational Users Guide for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (PTWS) The newly elected Chairman of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group of the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/PTWS), Lt Giorgio de La Torre (Ecuador), will introduce this item. Established as a Subsidiary Body of the Assembly by Resolution IV.6, ICG/PTWS (ex ITSU until 2006) will report on its work pursuant to Rule of Procedure 48.3. The establishment and operation of the ICG/PTWS is a contribution to 34C/5 Programme and Budget expected result: "Risks from tsunami and other ocean-related hazards reduced through early warning systems and preparedness and mitigation measures", and responds to the IOC High-level Objective 1: Prevention and reduction of the impacts of natural hazards. Lt de La Torre will report on the main results of the Twenty-third Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/PTWS-XXIII; Apia, Samoa, 1618 February 2009). In particular, the ICG adopted the PTWS Medium-term Strategy and a new PTWS Working Group structure and reviewed the progress on the PTWS Implementation Plan. The new Working Group structure comprises three Technical Working Groups (WG1Tsunami Risk Assessment and Reduction; WG 2Tsunami Detection, Warning and Dissemination; and WG 3Tsunami Awareness and Response, and four Regional Working Groups (WG 4Central American Pacific Coast; WG 5Southeast Pacific Region; WG 6Southwest Pacific Region; and WG 7South China Sea Region). The ICG also adopted revised Terms of Reference for the PTWS Steering Committee. DECISION The Assembly will be invited to: (i) note the Decisions and Recommendations of the ICG/PTWS adopted at its Twenty-third Session; (ii) provide guidance and support to the ICG/PTWS on further measures to enhance the performance of the System; (iii) express the Commissions appreciation to Samoa for having hosted the Twenty-third Session of the ICG/PTWS.5. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT 5.1 REPORT BY THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE FINANCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE IOC DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 20102011 (Draft 35C/5) [Statutes Art.1.2; Rule of Procedure 8.1c; Res.EC-XLI.5] Information:Draft 35C/5Draft UNESCO Programme and Budget, 20102011IOC-XXV/Inf. 4Compilation of IOC-related texts from the 35th Draft Programme and Budget, 20102011 (Draft 35C/5)IOC-XXIV/Inf. 4 (2007)IOC Financial Regulations [157EX/Decision 3.3.1; 1999] The Executive Secretary will introduce this item. In accordance with Article 1.2 of the Statutes, and the Financial Regulations and Rule of Procedure 8.1(c), the Executive Secretary will present the Draft Programme and Budget for 20102011. He will recall that Resolution EC-XLI.5 recommended that the Programme and Budget for 2010011 be focused on the programme strategic areas defined in the Annex to the Resolution EC-XLI.5 Biennial Strategy 20102011: (i) Prevention and reduction of the impacts of natural hazards; (ii) Mitigation of the impacts of, and adaptation to, climate change and variability; (iii) Safeguarding the health of ocean ecosystems; and (iv) Management procedures and policies leading to the sustainability of coastal and ocean environment and resources and that these strategic areas be based on one Main Line of Action: "Oceans and coastal zones: fostering intergovernmental cooperation and improving ocean governance through science, observations and services, and capacity-building, including an early warning system framework encompassing extreme events of climate change and tsunamis." The Executive Secretary will refer to the 181st Session of the Executive Board of UNESCO (Paris, 1430 April 2009), which will have discussed the Programme and Budget of the Organization for the Biennium 20102011(Draft35C/5). The UNESCO Draft35C/5 proposes that the Programme and Budget of IOC assume responsibility for implementing the Main Line of Action, under the Natural Sciences Biennial Sectoral Priority 2: "Sustainable management of freshwater, ocean and terrestrial resources as well as disaster preparedness and mitigation", namely MLA4, "Improving governance and fostering intergovernmental cooperation to manage and protect oceans and coastal zones." MLA4 combines all IOC actions and activities, including the establishment of tsunami early warning and mitigation systems. The Executive Board of UNESCO discussed the Zero Real Growth budget scenario for the Organization for the biennium 20102011(35C/5). Under this scenario, the total IOC envelope would be US$9,555,600 representing a growth of US$529,400 or approximately 6% with respect to the current biennium. Proposals to create new staff positions and upgrade others for the total additional cost of US$1,059,300 raise the cost of staff from US$4,994,500 to US$6,053,800, which leaves an effective activities budget of US$3,501,800 compared with the US$4,052,100 available in the current biennium. Positions will be consolidated in Ocean Sciences and Observations, and a new position created for the Tsunami programme. A structural change will be effected by upgrading the position in the present Capacity-development Section to the level of Deputy Executive Secretary. Also upgraded will be the General Staff position in Finance to the level of Administrative Officer. In terms of programme budget, Tsunami and Ocean Sciences will receive substantial increases over the 34C/5 budget, while the GOOS budget will be reduced by the amount of its staff regularization. Capacity-development will cease being a section becoming a cross-cutting programme instead with a reduced budget for a core programme and coordination of capacity-development activities in each of the sections of the Commission. Under the current decentralization policy of UNESCO, in the biennium 20102011, IOC will decentralize US$328,500 more than in the 34C/5 to UNESCO regional field offices. The decentralization will be directed at activities programmed by IOC but executed in the field. In the Draft 35C/5 proposed to the 181st Executive Board of UNESCO, four key results are expected under MLA 4: (i) Ocean observing systems and data exchange standards enhanced (ii) Enhanced coordination of research on ocean ecosystems, marine habitats and biodiversity and best practices promoted in the management of marine and coastal ecosystems (iii) Risks from tsunami and other ocean and coastal-related hazards reduced (iv) Member State requests for policy and capacity-development responded to by integrating knowledge and experience available from all relevant IOC programmes. The expected results of the IOC Main Line of Action are fully consistent with the guidance provided by Resolution EC-XLI.5 According to the instructions of Resolution EC-XLI.5, the Executive Secretary will also provide his views on the staff allocation needed to meet the objectives of the Medium-term Strategy 20082013. The Chairman will invite the Chairman of the Financial Committee, Dr Neville Smith, to report to the Assembly on the Committees consideration of the IOC Draft Programme and Budget for the Biennium 20102011(35C/5) taking due account of the comments expressed by the Member States in plenary. DECISION 5.1: The Assembly will be invited to consider, with a view to adopting, the IOC Draft Programme and Budget for the Biennium 20102011. 5.2 ELECTIONS OF THE OFFICERS OF THE COMMISSION AND MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL [Statutes Art.6.B.5 and 7; Annex I to the Rules of Procedure] Information:IOC-XXV/NOM/Inf.1Updated listing of the IOC electoral groups and listing of the distribution of seats on the Executive Council among the electoral groupsIOC-XXV/NOM/Inf.2List of candidates for ElectionsIOC-XXV/NOM/Inf.3Report of the Chairperson of the Nominations Committee The Chairperson of the Nominations Committee will introduce this item. The Committee will work in conformity with the technical arrangements for the elections of Officers of the Commission and other members of the Executive Council, as laid down in Appendix I of the Rules of Procedure (IOC/INF-1166). The Chairperson of the Nominations Committee will present information relating to the existing and equitable geographical distribution of Member States on the Executive Council. At the time of preparation of the Action Paper, the IOC counts 136 Member States and no new country has joined the IOC since the Twenty-fourth Session of the Assembly. The list of nominations (to be received by 05.30p.m. on 18 June 2009 and deemed valid by the Committee) will be put before the Assembly as document IOC-XXV/NOM-__ [number to be specified in due course]. 5.2.1 Election of the Chairperson of the Commission 5.2.2 Election of the Vice-Chairpersons of the Commission 5.2.3 Election of the Members of the Executive Council 5.3 DATES AND PLACES OF THE TWENTY-SIXTH ASSEMBLY AND THE FORTY-SECOND AND FORTY-THIRD SESSIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL [Rules of Procedure 4 and 19.2] Report:IOC/EC-XLII/3Summary Report of the Forty-second Session of the IOC Executive Council, Paris, 15 June 2009 The Executive Secretary will introduce this item. The Executive Council, at its Forty-second Session (15 June 2009), will have confirmed the dates and place of its Forty-third Session: tentatively scheduled to be held in New York or in Paris, from Wednesday 9 June to Wednesday 16 June 2010, for a total of six working days, leaving the final decision to the Officers and the Executive Secretary when they discuss the Provisional Agenda thereof. In 2011, the Executive Council will act as the Steering Committee of the Twenty-sixth Session of the Assembly and will meet during half a day on the day preceding the opening of the Twenty-sixth Session of the Assembly, i.e. [to be decided] June 2011. The Assembly will also take into consideration the way the present Assembly will be run over a period of eight full working days. 5.4 THEMES OF THE A.BRUUN AND N.K.PANIKKARMEMORIAL LECTURES AT THE TWENTY-SIXTH IOC ASSEMBLY The Executive Secretary will introduce this item. The Chairpersons of the scientific, technical and regional IOC Primary Subsidiary Bodies and Member States will be called upon to submit proposals on the themes and lecturers to be presented to the Assembly at its Twenty-sixth Session. The Executive Secretary will remind the Assembly of past proposals that have not yet been addressed: the development of an EU ocean and seas policy; and the state of deep-sea research and biodiversity, including biotechnology, a proposal by Portugal. 6. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS and SUMMARY REPORT The Chairperson of the Resolutions Committee will report on the Committee's work at the present Assembly. As the Chairman of the Resolutions Committee noted in 2008: It may be helpful for the timely and efficient consideration of Draft Resolutions if, during the session of the governing body at the closing of each agenda item, it is made clear whether a DR will be submitted, and who will take the lead in drafting the DR, in order that contact can be made with the Chairperson of the Resolutions Committee as early as possible. In some cases, it may be most appropriate that the Executive Secretary prepares and submits DRs, but in general it will be appreciated if Member States take the lead in drafting work and indicate that they will do so. (Report IOC/EC-XLI/3, Annex VI.) The Chairman will then invite the Assembly to adopt, in plenary, the Draft Resolutions before it at the present session, as is or as amended, and the Draft Summary Report of its Twenty-fifth Session. 7. CLOSURE The Chairman of the Commission is expected to close the Twenty-fifth Session of the Assembly at 17:30 on Thursday 25 June 2009.  A Working Group of the Whole is an open-ended meeting of the membership of the full General Assembly following the rules of procedure applicable to a working group and not the stricter rules applied to a plenary session, which would limit the participation of experts, specialized agencies and programmes and NGOs.     IOC-XXIV/2 Page  PAGE 34 Restricted Distribution IOC-XXV/2 Rev. Paris, 11 May 2009 Original: English  INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twenty-fifth Session of the Assembly UNESCO, Paris, 1625 June 2009 Covers all items of the Revised Provisional Agenda REVISED action paper IOC-XXIV/2 page ( PAGE xxxiv) IOC/EC-XLI/2 Rev. page ( PAGE iii) Page IOC-XXV/2 Rev. IOC-XXV/2 Rev. page  PAGE 10 This Action Paper provides the information necessary for effective participation in the discussion of the agenda items. This information includes: (i) the identification of the relevant documentation; (ii) identification, under each substantive agenda item, of the issue before the Executive Council and the expected decision; (iii) background information (if the relevant background information requires a separate presentation, it will be issued as an Annex to the present Action Paper, and this will be specifically mentioned); (iv) if deemed to facilitate debate, Draft Resolutions are proposed or at least announced under the corresponding agenda items without prejudice to the prerogatives of the Assembly or the recommendations of its Resolutions Committee. The blank right-hand pages are provided to allow participants to take notes, if they so wish. -./45LM㰗p[>&>/hW(hW(5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph8jhW(hW(5B*CJOJQJU\^JaJph)h%sh)B*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hW(B*CJOJQJ^JaJph)hch)B*CJOJQJ^JaJph0hch)5B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJph0hch7y5B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJphhch;RB*phhch)5B*KHphhch)B*ph"jhch)B*CJUph      7gd6G$a$gd4t 5M638;./4[ ,  h Z P<A2 gd 6E2 3gdth2 gd.E 1^`gdW(10 $ (#a$gd)$a$MNOklmnqryz{զՇu^uF^7^hC1CJOJQJ^JaJ/j}hW(hW(CJOJQJU^JaJ,jhW(hW(CJOJQJU^JaJ#hW(hW(CJOJQJ^JaJ=hW(hW(5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJhmHnHsH tH;jhW(hW(>*B*CJOJQJU^JaJph hW(hW(CJOJQJ^JaJ$hW(hW(0J8CJOJQJ^JaJ-jhW(hW(0J8CJOJQJU^JaJ  ϸpXpIp8 hW(hW(CJOJQJ^JaJhC1CJOJQJ^JaJ/jwhW(hW(CJOJQJU^JaJ,jhW(hW(CJOJQJU^JaJ#hW(hW(CJOJQJ^JaJ=hW(hW(5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJhmHnHsH tH-jhW(hW(0J8CJOJQJU^JaJ;jhW(hW(>*B*CJOJQJU^JaJph$hW(hW(0J8CJOJQJ^JaJ   " # 9 : ; U V W X Y Z [ \ ] y z ʷmUmFmʖʷ5 hW(hW(CJOJQJ^JaJhC1CJOJQJ^JaJ/jqhW(hW(CJOJQJU^JaJ,jhW(hW(CJOJQJU^JaJ#hW(hW(CJOJQJ^JaJ@hW(hW(B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJhmHnHphsH tH$hW(hW(0J8CJOJQJ^JaJ-jhW(hW(0J8CJOJQJU^JaJ;jhW(hW(>*B*CJOJQJU^JaJphz { | ʷmUmFmʖʷ5 hW(hW(CJOJQJ^JaJhC1CJOJQJ^JaJ/jkhW(hW(CJOJQJU^JaJ,jhW(hW(CJOJQJU^JaJ#hW(hW(CJOJQJ^JaJ@hW(hW(B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJhmHnHphsH tH$hW(hW(0J8CJOJQJ^JaJ-jhW(hW(0J8CJOJQJU^JaJ;jhW(hW(>*B*CJOJQJU^JaJph & ' ( ) * + , - . 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