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Operational Area The operational area is the Tropical and South Atlantic Ocean. Variables Meteorological and oceanographic variables such as atmospheric pressure, sea-surface temperature, air temperature, atmospheric pressure tendency, wind speed and direction, waves as well as other surface and sub-surface variables. Data archiving All basic Meteorological and oceanographic data from drifting buoys in the programme are archived by the  HYPERLINK "http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/" Marine Environmental Data Service (Canada), as the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) responsible national oceanographic data centre for drifting buoys. Other data quality control and archival activities are relevant to the programme, such as those of the Drifter Data Assembly Center and the International Argo Information Center. Basic network density The ISABP basic network density will be consistent with the requirements stated by the World Weather Watch and the Global Ocean Observing System. Buoy recovery and refurbishment Agencies are encouraged to make arrangements, as appropriate, for the recovery, refurbishment and re-deployment of instruments. Data acquisition and distribution All buoys in the network are equipped with transmitters to enable basic meteorological and oceanographic data to be transmitted in real-time (synoptic or asynoptic mode); All basic meteorological and oceanographic data are coded in the approved WMO code form for buoys; Data collected by the network is distributed through appropriate international data distribution systems; The programme seeks to establish and maintain, as necessary, Argos Local User Terminals (LUT's) covering the area. Funding arrangements The programme will be self-sustaining, supported by contributions in the form of equipment, services (such as communications, development, archiving or co-ordination) or monetary contribution. As necessary, suitable arrangements will be made for the administration of the monetary contribution by the participants. 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