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(3) Provide expertise and advice to the GSSC on the development of operational elements of the Coastal module of GOOS including interoperability and the management and dissemination of non-physical, physical and socio-economic variables regarding & : (4) Advise the GSSC regarding capacity building needs of nations and regions and approaches to address such needs for sustained coastal observations, analysis and modeling. (5) Using the Implementation Strategy for the Coastal Module of GOOS (GOOS Report No. 148) as a guide, prepare and periodically update Action Plans supporting implementation. (6) Organize periodic assessments (every 5 years) of the status of implementation and performance of coastal GOOS and recommend improvements and enhancements.<'Pdu.  , pPICO s Role and the Coastal GOOS Implementation Strategy99(3PICO exists to support the GSSC in implementing the coastal GOOS strategy. The strategy recommends the expansion of GSSC to include coastal experts. On-ground implementation is expected to be largely achieved by GRAs and National GOOS bodies, through ROOS, but also through pilot projects. The strategy includes a large number of Recommendations / Action Items. Some are directed at GSSC. Many are directed at 4 Working Groups to be set up by GRAs. P,General Planning Considerations (hThe Strategy is considered and phased, but also ambitious in scope. General calls for GOOS plans to be pragmatic, realistic, prioritised, focused on feasible initiatives delivering tangible and direct benefits. GOOS focus on end-to-end delivery: observations, analysis, products, dissemination, user uptake. Strategy identifies some examples which are underway and partially complete e.g. tsunami warning, storm surge, etc. Potential to have some ambitious pilot projects (like GODAE), but not many. A plan should (ideally) lay out actions and tasks, responsibilities, timelines, costs, benefits and beneficieries."iPsZ Interactions with GRAs, GRCWill largely rely on GRAs, ROOS, for implementation. Coastal GOOS will largely be a sum of their plans. PICO can influence and support regional plans. GRAs are charged with building user groups, and documenting existing observing systems. Any plan has to be jointly owned by GRAs. Z>xGlobal Coastal Network (GCN)nGCN as an intersection or sum of ROOS? Common core variables  which variables, sampling design. Remote sensing and cal-val. Role of sentinel / reference stations  what is the global analysis & product? Existing global initiatives eg coral reefs, seagrass, HABs. Role for GCN in upscaling and in downscaling. 88Pxm  Pilot ProjectsRegional / local pilot projects vs global pilot projects. Is there a  banner pilot project comparable to GODAE? Coasts are more complicated. Many potential pilot projects. Many have their own communities, backers, momentum.   -Standards, protocols, communities of practice..(Potentially some of the most powerful ways to get integration across GRAs. Strategy assigns this role to Working Groups. Action Plan will need to address this. EY  Role of PICOActing as an arm of GSSC. Don t have command and control, or $. Very complex implementation structure, many GRAs and ROOS, all with their own goals, priorities, plans, politics. We can try to make an informed assessment of what the sum of these plans is likely to produce, where there are gaps, synergies, opportunities. Make recommendations & suggestions to GRC, GSSC sZsl  0` 33` Sf3f` 33g` f` www3PP` ZXdbmo` \ғ3y`Ӣ` 3f3ff` 3f3FKf` hk]wwwfܹ` ff>>\`Y{ff` R>&- {p_/̴>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> f(    6b  `}  T Click to edit Master title style! !  0  `  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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'  ArialDefault DesignbPICO-1 Action: Develop a conceptual Plan for a global coastal network / coastal system of systemsPICO Terms of Reference9PICOs Role and the Coastal GOOS Implementation Strategy General Planning ConsiderationsInteractions with GRAs, GRCGlobal Coastal Network (GCN)Pilot Projects.Standards, protocols, communities of practice Role of PICO  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles 4_>wParslow, John (CMAR, Hobart)Parslow, John (CMAR, Hobart) !"#$%&'()*+-./012356789:;>Root EntrydO)Current User4SummaryInformation( PowerPoint Document(>DocumentSummaryInformation8,