ࡱ> hjcdefg%` 0bjbjNN ,, kddd@egjhmmmmpw<y $haao"paamm1H999a RmNRm)a99n,""mj pu8d' ydoپo@o{   {{{V{{{aaaadĨ Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (IOC/ABE-LOS) Eighth Session Paris, France 2125 April 2008 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (IOC/ABE-LOS) Eighth Session Paris, France 2125 April 2008 IOC/ABE-LOS-VIII/3 Paris, 13 June 2008 Original: English( Table of contents Page  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u   HYPERLINK \l "_Toc225682741" 1. OPENING AND WELCOMING ADDRESSES  PAGEREF _Toc225682741 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc225682742" 2. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS  PAGEREF _Toc225682742 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc225682743" 2.1 DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR  PAGEREF _Toc225682743 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc225682744" 2.2 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA  PAGEREF _Toc225682744 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc225682745" 2.3 DOCUMENTATION  PAGEREF _Toc225682745 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc225682746" 2.4 CONDUCT OF THE SESSION  PAGEREF _Toc225682746 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc225682747" 3. REPORT ON THE INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES  PAGEREF _Toc225682747 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc225682748" 3.1.1 Report of the Secretariat on the Intersessional Activities  PAGEREF _Toc225682748 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc225682749" 3.1.2 Report of the Chairman on the Intersessional Activities  PAGEREF _Toc225682749 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc225682750" 3.2 PROGRESS REPORT BY THE COORDINATOR OF THE SUBGROUP ON THE IOC LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE COLLECTION OF OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF UNCLOS.  PAGEREF _Toc225682750 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc225682751" 3.3 PROGRESS REPORT BY THE COORDINATOR OF THE IOC-ABE-LOS SUBGROUP ON THE PRACTICE OF MEMBER STATES IN THE APPLICATION OF PARTS XIII AND XIV OF UNCLOS  PAGEREF _Toc225682751 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc225682752" 3.4 OTHER BUSINESS  PAGEREF _Toc225682752 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc225682753" 3.4.1 Updating Process under UN/OLA/DOALOS of the Marine Scientific Research: a Guide to the Implementation of the Relevant Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea  PAGEREF _Toc225682753 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc225682754" 4 RECOMMENDATIONS  PAGEREF _Toc225682754 \h 11  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc225682755" 5 ADOPTION OF THE REPORT  PAGEREF _Toc225682755 \h 11  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc225682756" 6 CLOSURE  PAGEREF _Toc225682756 \h 11  ANNEXES I. AGENDA II. ADOPTED RECOMMENDATIONS III. LIST OF DOCUMENTS IV. LIST OF PARTICIPANTS V. LIST OF ACRONYMS OPENING AND WELCOMING ADDRESSES Mr Patricio Bernal, Executive Secretary of IOC and Assistant Director-General of UNESCO,MrElie Jarmache, Chairman of the IOC Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (IOC/ABE-LOS) opened the Eighth meeting of IOC/ABE-LOS at 10:30 a.m. on Monday 21 April 2008. The IOC Executive Secretary welcomed the Delegates to the UNESCO Headquarters, where IOC/ABE-LOS started its work, recalled the mandate and terms of reference of the IOC/ABE-LOS and highlighted the fact that it is the only IOC Subsidiary Body explicitly dealing with legal issues related to science and technology. He stressed the need that IOC/ABE-LOS should maintain its focus in facilitating marine scientific research and the transfer of marine technology, two core functions in IOCs field of competence. Mr Elie Jarmache welcomed the participants and called upon them to make a special effort during this 8th session of ABE-LOS to finalize at least part of the mandate given by the IOC Assembly and convey concrete results to the 41st session of the Executive Council. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR The Advisory Body was invited to designate a Rapporteur for the meeting in accordance with the IOC Rules of Procedure n25. The Chairman proposed MrAriel Troisi from Argentina to act as Rapporteur. Mr Ariel Troisi and the Advisory Body accepted the proposal. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA One Delegate proposed adding a sub-item entitled Report of the Chairman on the intersessional activities under agenda item 3 to discuss specifically all the issues presented in the Chairmans report (document IOCABELOS.VIII/INF-02). He further proposed to devote a full morning to the treatment of the Agenda item 3.4 Other business. Another Delegate suggested adding a sub-item entitled Information on the work by the Future of IOC Working Group, established by the IOC Assembly under agenda item 3.4. The Executive Secretary explained that the work of this WG was in progress and that its report is being submitted to the next Executive Council that will determine the next steps in this process and assess the eventual need for ABE-LOS to contribute. The Advisory Body modified and adopted the agenda and timetable of the meeting, on the basis of the Provisional Agenda (Doc. IOC/ABE-LOS VIII/1 prov.Rev) and Timetable (Doc. IOC/ABE-LOSVIII/1 Add. Prov.). DOCUMENTATION The IOC/ABE-LOS Technical Secretary, Ms Aurora Mateos, introduced the list of documents (Doc. IOC/ABE-LOS VIII/4 prov.). CONDUCT OF THE SESSION The IOC/ABE-LOS Technical Secretary provided information on the working hours of the session. The Chairman reminded the participants that the Drafting Group on recommendations was scheduled on Thursday afternoon. REPORT ON THE INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Report of the Secretariat on the Intersessional Activities The Executive Secretary, introduced this item by presenting two new publications issued by IOC, the IOC Procedure for the application of Article 247 of UNCLOS , and the compilation National Ocean Policies.... He then reported on intersessional activities based on the information document IOC-INF 1245 IOC and UNCLOS... which summarize all IOC activities related to UNCLOS. The Delegates welcomed the report and considered it was not only very comprehensive, but also provided a good basis to raise awareness on IOC/ABE-LOS work. It was further remarked that its value as an information document for the 41st Executive Council was very high. Answering questions from the participants, he gave further details on the work undertaken by IOC in cooperation with other international organizations such as IMO, on tsunami prevention, UN/OLA/DOALOS and UNEP with respect to raising awareness and capacity building on the delimitation of the continental shelf. Report of the Chairman on the Intersessional Activities The IOC/Chairman, Elie Jarmache, introduced this item presenting the information document IOC/ABE-LOS.VIII/INF-02 summarizing some of the recent international events on Law of the Sea. In the following debate, it was concluded that marine science is an important topic in the international agendas of States. The Group further concluded that some of the topics will be discussed under point 3.4 of the agenda. The IOC Executive Secretary recalled the subsidiary character of the Advisory Body of Experts with respect to the governing bodies of IOC and read the first paragraph of its Terms of Reference, highlighting the importance of fulfilling the mandate given by the Assembly and Executive Council while giving due consideration to the existence and competence of other fora. PROGRESS REPORT BY THE COORDINATOR OF THE SUBGROUP ON THE IOC LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE COLLECTION OF OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF UNCLOS. Professor Kari Hakap, Coordinator of the sub-group on the IOC Legal Framework for the Collection of Oceanographic Data within the Context of UNCLOS, introduced this item. He reminded the group that the issue has been under discussion for the last five years and recalled the request by the 24th IOC Assembly to come up with a consensual text as soon as practicable. He summarized the activities following the Seventh session of IOC/ABE-LOS in Libreville, Gabon, his interaction with the IOC Secretariat, UN/OLA/DOALOS and I-GOOS during the intersessional period, as well as the results of the informal consultations held at Easton, Maryland, USA. These results were included in the document IOC/ABE-LOS VIII/6rev. Several Delegations expressed their gratitude to Professor Kari Hakap for his remarkable efforts and detailed work, as well as to the hosts and participants of the Easton informal consultations. They shared the concern of the Coordinator on the importance of delivering results, and considered that the outcome of the Easton meeting provided a pragmatic and balanced approach and constituted a good basis for discussion. Some Delegations requested clarifications on the nature of the Easton meeting. The Executive Secretary clarified that the meeting was an informal consultation between experts acting in their individual capacity, organized and facilitated by one member state and not a formal IOC/ABE-LOS intersessional activity. He stressed the fact that under the authority of the Coordinator of the Working Group, consultations can be conducted at any time and that it was under his authority that ABE-LOS will be informed of these actions and give continuity to the formal intergovernmental process. One Delegation expressed its concern that the document IOC/ABE-LOS VII/7 was not used during the Easton discussions, and regretted that such valuable work could be lost. On this point, several Delegations expressed their view that the previous work accomplished by ABE-LOS had fully informed the discussions and led to the Easton results and constituted an invaluable asset for future work on these matters. The IOC/ABE-LOS Chairman stated that Document IOC/ABE-LOS VIII/6 does not replace Document IOC/ABE-LOS VII/7 which is the key document for future discussions on the legal framework for the collection of oceanographic data since Document IOC/ABE-LOS VIII/6 only deals with one type of instrument to collect oceanographic data: the Argo floats. One Delegation recalled the importance of providing proper and timely answers to the challenges posed by actual and new and fast evolving technologies, pointing out that many of the difficulties in making progress until now could be explained by discussing data collection in general, without having a full, in-depth appreciation of a given technology and its applications, something that constituted a lesson learned in the process. He also stressed the need for recognizing that a direct relationship between implementing and coastal states might appear, and that in those circumstances legitimate rights of the coastal states under the Law of the Sea Convention do exist and would need to be protected. One Delegation shared the concern on the challenges to deliver results in a timely manner consistent with technological advances and developments, and expressed its view that all observations are to be considered under art. 247 of UNCLOS. One Delegation shared the view on the importance of focusing the discussions and considered that exercises like the one held in Easton would be useful when dealing with drifters and XBTs. It further stressed the role of the Argo Information Center as a basis for notification, recalling that according to the statement of the Chairman of the Third Committee of the United Nations Third Conference on the Law of the Sea, the collection of marine meteorological data was not covered by Part XIII of UNCLOS and expressed the view that not all the data collected by Argo floats fall under the aforementioned Part. The group unanimously agreed to first focus the work of the Group on the legal framework for the collection of oceanographic data by means of Argo floats, leaving treatment of surface drifters and XBTs to a subsequent stage. Following the consensus decision adopted by the Advisory Body to address first only the deployment of Argo floats, and the postponement for future consideration of the collection of oceanographic data by other instruments, the Coordinator guided the examination of the proposed text on this matter. After some debate, the following title for the Text was proposed; GUIDELINES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RESOLUTION XX-6 OF THE IOC ASSEMBLY REGARDING THE DEPLOYMENT OF FLOATS IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE ARGO PROGRAM. The Coordinator requested the participants to provide substantive comments on each of the paragraphs of the proposed text, with the aim of collecting the different views and positions of Member States and to postpone a detailed wordsmithing of the Resolution until he as Coordinator came up with a new text. After these procedural clarifications the Advisory Body engaged in a detailed reading and discussion of the text on a paragraph-by-paragraph basis. Paragraph 1: Several delegations expressed their preference to maintain the phrase as reflected in UNCLOS. One Delegation specifically referred to the fact that the mandate of the Subgroup was to draft practical guidelines for the collection of oceanographic data within the context of UNCLOS and that Resolution XX-6 emphasized that the ARGO project shall be fully consistent with UNCLOS. There were further discussions on the use of the expression is entitled to or replacing this formulation with may request. It was recalled that following Resolution XX-6, all Member States of IOC must be informed of any Argo float deployed in the High Seas that may drift into their EEZ. Considering that for some Member States the existing mechanisms currently providing such information are considered as insufficient, some delegates stated that only Member States expressing their interest to receive further information according to the Guidelines been defined in the Resolution, should do so. There was no opposition to replace the text Argo Program float with any float within the framework of the Argo Program (hereinafter, Argo Program Floats) in this paragraph. Some Delegations proposed additional texts. Paragraph 2: It was agreed to use will instead of shall/should in the first sentence. It was also proposed to replace the last sub-item by the same text that appears in the last sub-item of paragraph 3. One Delegation clarified that the concept of type of instruments includes its technical specifications. Some Delegations proposed additional texts. Paragraph 3: It was agreed to use will instead of shall/should. It was also agreed to retain the expression with reasonable anticipation to the expected entry of the floats into the EEZ without requesting a more precise timeline. There was general agreement that the information listed as sub-items of the paragraph was sufficient and, in the case of needing additional information, the Coastal State could request it from the Implementer. Some Delegations proposed additional texts. Paragraph 4: There was general agreement to maintain it without modifications. Paragraph 5: It was agreed to use will instead of shall/should. There was an intense debate regarding the mention of the exploration and exploitation of natural resources. As for the expression a Member State, including the notified Member State, it was made clear that it meant that the right to require the implementer not to distribute certain data pertain to both, the States requesting formal notification as per paragraph 1 and those not doing so. Some Delegations proposed additional texts. Paragraph 6: It was agreed, following the title, to replace Procedure with Guidelines and, that reference should be made only to paragraphs 1 and 3 to 5, instead of 1 to 5. One Delegation proposed to add a reference to floats deployed over the Continental Shelf area of States that have not as yet established an EEZ. Paragraph 6bis: Two Delegations proposed new paragraphs ad hoc for cases of disputes on land and maritime delimitation. One of these Delegations reminded the Group that the inclusion of a safeguard clause on this matter was a key issue since the meeting in Mlaga and it was also mentioned in the comments submitted by that Delegation to the Circular 13. Another Delegation stated that although it could accept a general disclaimer clause, as specifically stated in the comments submitted by that Delegation to Circular 13 and Part I of Document IOC/ABE-LOS VII-7, it could not accept a notification to all parties to the dispute. Paragraph 7: One Delegation proposed to replace Competent Institutions by appropriate organizations. After thanking the Coordinator for the very substantive progress achieved during the day and before adjourning the meeting, the Chairman invited all the participants to an open ended informal consultation to be held in Room VII and starting at 18:30 hrs, in order to take collective stock of the days discussions with the view of further clarifying critical points for the new drafting effort by the Coordinator. On the following working day, the Coordinator of the sub-group submitted a revised text of the Procedure annexed to document IOC/ABE-LOS VIII/6, having benefited from the open-ended informal consultation held at the end of the previous plenary session on Tuesday the 22nd. He introduced the revised draft, explaining the rationale of the changes made to the previous draft after the consultations. The Group began discussions on the new text, first in general and then in particular. Title: After an exchange of views, the Group adopted the following new title: GUIDELINES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RESOLUTION XX-6 OF THE IOC ASSEMBLY REGARDING THE DEPLOYMENT OF FLOATS IN THE HIGH SEAS WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE ARGO PROGRAM. Chapeau: a new text was proposed in order to clarify the nature, objective and scope of the proposed guidelines. Upon continuation of discussions on the draft guidelines, on the Fourth working day, one Delegation proposed insertions to the text of the chapeau extracted from Resolution IOC XX-6 in order to provide a clearer context for the guidelines. This proposal received the approval of several Delegations. Paragraphs 1 to 5: Most Delegations participating in the debate agreed, in general, on the text of paragraphs 1 to 5, adding only comments of a drafting and editorial nature. The compatibility and coherence of the guidelines with regard to Resolution XX-6 of the IOC Assembly were particularly addressed, and it was concluded that the text was in line with the aforementioned Resolution. Only one Delegation expressed its strong reservation towards the text, based on problems of substance. On paragraph 1, on the Fourth working day, one Delegation proposed to keep part of the wording between brackets. After subsequent discussion, another Delegation proposed a new text for consideration which would meet the concerns of the aforementioned Delegation. It was further clarified that the request referred to in this paragraph constituted a one-time and for-all-floats request. It was agreed that additional references to Resolution XX-6 of the IOC Assembly would be made in the corresponding Draft Resolution. There was intense debate on the text of paragraph 4, regarding the reference to the exploration and exploitation of natural resources as well as the time limit for restriction of data distribution. One delegation proposed to include a reference to the major contribution that the ensemble of Argo floats already deployed meant for the Global Ocean Observing System. On paragraph 4, on the Fourth working day, one Delegation stated that, following consultations, its reservations on paragraph 4 were lifted. Another Delegation stated that Argo collects information on temperature, salinity and pressure; and that certain conditions for dissemination of information might be placed to data collected in EEZ. Paragraph 5bis: This new paragraph presented three alternatives between brackets. Several Delegations supported the First alternative offering the most general caveat protecting the interests of any state that might have a pending issue in the area of the delimitation of its maritime spaces; others supported the Third one, while some supported the Second alternative. Since there was no consensus on any alternative in particular, it was decided to maintain all three of them between brackets. Some Delegations strongly stated that in any case a reference to the matter has to be made within the Guidelines, due to the legal effects on the procedure that was going to be established, while others considered that the omission of the whole paragraph was also an acceptable alternative since the paragraph introduced to different degrees aspects of the delimitation of maritime spaces by Member States, issues that hardly can be considered as pertaining to or central in the regulation of the collection of oceanographic data by Argo floats. Paragraph 5ter: After discussing the text at length, a new text was proposed for consideration and inclusion as an integral part of paragraph 3. In the opinion of a Delegation a paragraph was needed to facilitate the work of the implementer but mainly in order to assure the use of official sources for this purpose. On the Fourth working day, it was agreed that the proposal presented the previous day by two Delegations should remain as a stand-alone paragraph 5ter and not be included as an integral part of paragraph 3. Paragraph 6: (paragraph 7 in the draft Guidelines of document IOC/ABE-LOS VIII/6) It was agreed to delete it from the Guidelines and insert the corresponding text in the Draft Resolution. During discussions on this paragraph, different opinions on the status of floats within the EEZ under UNCLOS were expressed. Several Delegations and the Executive Secretary stressed the importance of promoting international co-operation in the collection of oceanographic data by IOC programs, given the importance of the public services that these programs sustain, such as improved weather and climate forecasting, including development of a better understanding for climate change. At the beginning of the plenary session on the third day of the meeting, Dr. Howard Freeland (Argo Co-Chairman) made a presentation of the project Argo. The talk was centered on three headings: (i) What is Argo?, (ii) How does Argo work?, (iii) Why is the world a better place for having Argo?. Dr. Freeland outlined the need for the Argo Project as a key contribution to the understanding and forecasting of climate and contrasted it with the project WOCE, The World Ocean Circulation Experiment a seven-year effort using 25 ship-years, the only previous time that the state of the global ocean was examined, something that now Argo does it on a regular basis. He explained that an Argo float is a profiling float that measures temperature, salinity (through measuring the electric conductivity of sea-water) and pressure (depth) and reports the data in conformity with the Argo Project data policy. He added that a float delivers data with little delay on the GTS (Global Telecommunications System, managed by WMO). Thus any country that is a member of the WMO and/or IOC will receive the data as the system pushes the data to WMO and IOC users (GTS focal points or nodes) without waiting for a request. A higher quality product, after quality control procedures applied to the data, is assembled for lodging on two global Argo Data Centres that following the data policies of WMO and IOC allows all global data to be accessed by anyone with internet access by pulling the data to themselves at their own initiative. The Advisory Body thanked Dr Freeland for his very clear and concise presentation, and placed several questions seeking additional information and clarifications. The Advisory Body agreed that capacity building was a fundamental pillar to ensure that all countries can benefit from the program. Several Delegations agreed on the need to reiterate and reinforce the Joint IOC-WMO Circular Letter JCOMM No. 00-2 of 7 February 2000, highlighting the importance of encouraging IOC Member States who have not yet designated an Argo National Focal Point to do so, as well as to those who have done so to update the information as appropriate. Finalizing the rich discussions of this session, the Coordinator of the sub-group committed himself to produce a new consolidated text of the draft guidelines, reflecting all the position and proposals, submitting it for consideration of the Advisory Body by the end of the working day. On Friday 25 April, the Fifth working day of the meeting, the Coordinator of the Sub-group Professor Kari Hakap submitted a new text that consolidated the results of the discussions held during the session of Thursday 24 April. The IOC/ABE-LOS Chairman presented the amended Guidelines to the Advisory Body for approval as a whole. Not obtaining support from the plenary for the approval of the whole text, he then proceeded to guide a paragraph by paragraph consideration of the final text. Chapeau: The advisory Body adopted the text, inserting the word scientific in the first sub-item before research programmes. Paragraph 1: After an intense debate and objection by two Delegations on the new draft for this paragraph proposed by one Delegation, as amended by another Delegation, the Group adopted the paragraph. Paragraph 2: It was agreed without change. Paragraph 3: It was decided to replace the word instruments with floats and to introduce at the beginning of the last sub-item the reference Argo Program Float. Paragraph 4: It was agreed without changes. Paragraph 5: The verb set out was replaced by set forth. In addition it was decided to delete the line between brackets. Paragraph 5bis: After discussion, option 2 was withdrawn by its proponent to be accommodated in option 3 by the addition of an additional pair of brackets in the last phrase of the paragraph. Different views were expressed reflecting the complex nature of the options proposed. One Delegation stated that its agreement to the approval of the Guidelines was under the conditio sine qua non of inserting one paragraph relating to this subject. Another Delegation proposed to use the language set forth in paragraph 11 of the Procedure for the application of article 247 of UNCLOS by the IOC. While one Delegation strongly objected to the notification to all parties to a disputed area since that obligation is not stated in UNCLOS, another Delegation replied that this reference followed the mention contained in the Scientific and Technical Guidelines of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf. In return it was argued that the relevant binding applicable provisions of UNCLOS on maritime delimitation contain no such reference. Due to the highly controversial and political character of the issues addressed by this paragraph, the Group conveyed the paragraph as a fully contested text between brackets to the IOC Governing Bodies to decide on this matter. Paragraph 5ter: the Advisory Body approved it without changes. It further decided to number it as paragraph 6. On the Draft Resolution, the Advisory Body of Experts requested that it should, more appropriately, be discussed by the IOC Governing Bodies and not by IOC/ABE-LOS. However, some Delegations formulated comments on the available text for the Draft Resolution. One Delegation proposed adding the reference of as a component of GOOS when referring to the Argo project. One Delegation expressed its objection to include a reference to the Argo Information Centre in paragraph 4, since the IOC have not attended yet to the request formulated by its government regarding the correction of the graphics used by the Argo Information Center where the maritime dominium of such country has been drawn inaccurately. One Delegation stated that reference should be made to Coastal States which have not as yet established an EEZ by inserting a non-prejudice clause with respect to their sovereign rights over the Continental Shelf. At the end of the debate one Delegation proposed to insert a reference in the Resolution about the need to increase capacity building activities in general and within the Argo Project in particular, as the only means to secure the wide use of this new valuable ocean data by coastal states. Finally the Advisory Body agreed on the need to encourage Member States, that still havent done so, to designate an Argo focal point as requested by the IOC Executive Secretary and the WMO Secretary General in a Joint IOC-WMO Circular Letter (JCOMM No. 00-2 of 7 February 2000). After the Advisory Body of Experts adopted the draft text of the Guidelines to be submitted to the Executive Council of IOC, with some text between brackets, some countries formulated the following statements with the explicit request that they be included in the written report of the meeting: Statement from the US Delegation: I regret that I have to make this statement, but am compelled to do in light of the developments this week under agenda item 3.2. Yesterdays presentation by Dr. Freeland, Argo Co-chair, demonstrated that the data collected by Argo profiling floats is essential for, and is used for, short term weather forecasting, for ocean state forecasting, and for understanding climate change. Consequently, the gathering of these data is exactly the sort of activity which the World Meteorological Organization obtained the decision of the Third UN Conference on the Law of the Sea in 1982 was not marine scientific research governed by Part XIII of the Convention. This is more fully spelled out in the 10 January 2007 comments of the United States contained in document ABE-LOS VII/8, pages 17-31. Mr. Chairman, Because we understand that Argentina does not accept this, the United States, as an exception and without prejudice to its position, has, as a matter of courtesy and cooperation, provided notification to Argentina of its Argo floats that may drift into Argentinas EEZ. Mr. Chairman, The Guidelines we have been working on all these years are supposed to be practical. They are not legally binding, of course. To give the notifications contemplated by paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 of the draft Guidelines to other coastal States is simply not practicable. No implementer such as the United States is staffed to make such notifications to other coastal States. To the extent that making such notifications becomes expected, I regret to say that the United States will have to reconsider the situation. Mr. Chairman, Let me conclude by addressing the other means of collecting this data which is also extraordinarily valuable for all coastal States. The information gathered by drifting buoys and XBTs is also used for weather forecasting and ocean state estimation. The use of those instruments is, also, not marine scientific research governed by Part XIII of the Convention. Further, there is at present no information center, comparable to the Argo Information Center, for drifting buoys. As XBTs obtain data only one-time, I see no need for any Guidelines for their deployment or control over their data. The deployment of Argo profiling floats, drifting buoys and XBTs are traditional exercises of the high seas freedom of navigation. They are not subject to coastal state control. Statement from the Peru Delegation: Peru joins the consensus on the paragraphs of the Guidelines adopted by the Advisory Body expressing that the activities related to the collection of oceanographic data are marine scientific research, and therefore are subject to the consent regime by the Coastal State. Statement from the Argentinean Delegation: Argentina reaffirms that all activities directed at the obtaining of scientific data by instruments in situ in the jurisdictional waters of Coastal States are subject to the substantive provisions of Part XIII of UNCLOS -in particular, those asserting the consent of the Coastal State presiding such activities, in protection of its sovereign rights and jurisdiction over living and non-living resources. ABE-LOS should not be used as a forum to attempt to revert this fact. Eventually, such issues should rather be addressed at the Meetings of States Parties to UNCLOS in New York. PROGRESS REPORT BY THE COORDINATOR OF THE IOC/ABE-LOS SUB-GROUP ON THE PRACTICE OF MEMBER STATES IN THE APPLICATION OF PARTS XIII AND XIV OF UNCLOS In view of the lack of time, this item was not considered in details by the Advisory Body. However, within the context of discussions on the discussion paper presented by the delegation of the United Kingdom, the Chairman of ABE-LOS encouraged all delegations to consider the report of the Coordinator of the Subgroup, Ms. Liz Tirpak, as provided in English and French and to send comments to Ms. Mateos, Technical Secretary of ABE-LOS. One delegation recalled the importance of the work being undertaken under this item towards the implementation of article 251 of UNCLOS and another delegation called upon States, which still have not done so, to fill in and submit the relevant questionnaire. OTHER BUSINESS Mr Lindsay Parsons from the Delegation of United Kingdom introduced this item, highlighting the main issues presented in document IOCABELOS.VIII/INF-01 United Kingdom discussion paper on suggested topics of work to be undertaken by the IOC/ABE-LOS. He pointed out that the aim of the paper was to stimulate discussion on emerging issues that IOC/ABE-LOS, subject to IOC Governing Bodies approval, might undertake in its future activities. He suggested that the topics proposed in this document could be dealt with through small sub-groups working in parallel rather than in sequence, both at annual meetings of IOC/ABE-LOS and intersessionally. The Advisory Body thanked the United Kingdom for its contribution. However, most of the Delegations agreed that the proposed working method for annual meetings would be very difficult to achieve since small Delegations would not be able to participate in all the parallel discussions, and would also require the additional presence of experts on several diverse disciplines. One Delegation suggested that intersessional informal consultative meetings, such as the one held in Easton (US) in October 2007, would be more helpful to achieve progress, together with the appointment of small groups of experts (friends of the coordinator) supporting each of the coordinators of the sub-groups in drafting the working documents. This suggestion was supported by several Delegations. Topic 1. One Delegation highlighted the importance of this topic for African countries and reminded the Group of the Resolution adopted on Item 16 of the 179th Session of the Executive Board of UNESCO. Several Delegations expressed their sympathy for the situation of the developing countries in relation with the critical deadline established in UN General Assembly Resolution 56/12, and informed the Group that consultations conducted around the subject in several fora and in New York indicate that a solution favorable to the plea of developing coastal nations will be found in the Meeting of the States Parties on the Law of the Sea. The Advisory Body agreed that IOC/ABE-LOS is not the proper forum to discuss this topic; the Meeting of the States Parties on the Law of the Sea is. Topic 2. The Advisory Body shared the view that this is the main task that the Advisory Body is undertaking and that the Guidelines discussed in this meeting accomplishes only a part of the mandate since it addresses only the deployment of Floats in the High Seas within the framework of the Argo Program. This topic was seen by several Delegations as a priority. Topic 3. The Advisory Body reminded the Group of past discussions held in other ABE-LOS sessions, in which different positions were expressed regarding the nature of Marine Scientific Research. One Delegation stated that it is an interesting topic to be analyzed by legal scholars to be produced by IOC, while some Delegations were of the view that the topic was not one to be considered by the Group. It was further recalled that only a mandate from the IOC Governing Bodies could lead to IOC/ABE-LOS dealing with a new topic. Topic 4. One Delegation stated that the current Criteria and Guidelines on Transfer of Marine Technology are not being implemented by IOC Member States and that it was necessary to consider an amendment to the current Guidelines or an additional instrument to give effectiveness to this ABE-LOS product. Several Delegations remarked upon the importance of this tool for IOC Member States in the implementation of Part XIV of UNCLOS. Topic 5. Most of Delegations agreed that this topic is being discussed in other UN fora, such as the Ad hoc open ended informal working group to study issues relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction. However, the Chairman stated that in the Terms of Reference of this Working Group living resources were not included. The Advisory Body agreed that the proper procedure to deal with this topic was to receive a mandate from the UN General Assembly through the IOC Governing Bodies. In taking note of the discussion, the Chairman added that attempts should be made to limit the number of agenda items at future meetings and that it would be useful to have an information of capacity-building day at the beginning of meetings. Following discussions on the UK draft discussion paper, the representative of DOALOS referred to the recently adopted UNESCO resolution on the needs of African Coastal States facing the existing time limit for submission of their the data and other material concerning the outer limits of the continental shelf in areas where those limits extend beyond 200 nautical miles. The representative noted the call for assistance to DOALOS in cooperation with other organizations and stated that while DOALOS will certainly be studying the resolution, it should be pointed out that this concern has already been drawn to the attention of DOALOS by States and that this issue would constitute an item on the agenda of the forthcoming Meeting of States Parties, which will take place in New York, from 13-20 June 2008. In addition, the representative of DOALOS recalled that while DOALOS performs the functions of Secretariat to UNCLOS, in order to assist in the effective implementation of UNCLOS, the Division follows a division of labour criteria by cooperating with relevant specialized agencies and programmes such as FAO, IOC, IMO and UNEP in their respective areas of competence. Updating Process under UN/OLA/DOALOS of the Marine Scientific Research: A Guide to the Implementation of the Relevant Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea The representative of the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea conveyed to the delegations that DOALOS had indeed decided to prepare an update of the MSR Guide. The representative stated that the brainstorming in the Division on this issue was still in its initial stages and that therefore, she was not in a position to offer any details as to the terms of reference for such an update. Recalling some concerns expressed during the meeting on this issue, the representative of DOALOS called upon delegations at IOC/ABE-LOS not to prejudge the work still to be developed on the update. Dr Bernal, Executive Secretary stated that in accordance with the Resolution adopted by the IOC Assembly on the subject, IOC would assist DOALOS and contribute to the update of the MSR Guide. RECOMMENDATIONS The Advisory Body adopted the Recommendations included in Annex II to be submitted to the 41st session of the IOC Executive Council. ADOPTION OF THE REPORT The Advisory Body was invited to adopt this report and to send suggested amendments to the Secretariat through electronic correspondence by the 30 May 2008 CLOSURE The IOC/ABE-LOS Chairman, Elie Jarmache, thanked all participants for their contributions and expressed the view that after serving as Chairman of the Advisory Body for eigth sessions, it was time for the group to think of a replacement of the Chair. The Chairman and the IOC Executive Secretary Patricio Bernal thanked the Coordinator of the open-ended Sub-group on the IOC Legal Framework for the collection of oceanographic data within the context of UNCLOS for the work undertaken. The Advisory Body commended the work of the Chairman, the Coordinator and the Secretariat, The Eighth meeting of IOC/ABE-LOS was closed by the Chairman at 13.15 p.m., on Friday 25 April 2008. ANNEX i AGENDA OPENING ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS 2.1 DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR 2.2 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2.3 DOCUMENTATION 2.4 CONDUCT OF THE SESSION 3. REPORTS ON INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 3.1.1 Report of the Secretariat on the Intersessional Activities 3.1.2 Report of the Chairman on the Intersessional Activities 3.2 PROGRESS REPORT BY THE COORDINATOR OF THE IOC/ABE-LOS SUB-GROUP ON THE IOC LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE COLLECTION OF OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF UNCLOS 3.3 PROGRESS REPORT BY THE COORDINATOR OF THE IOC/ABE-LOS SUB-GROUP ON THE PRACTICE OF MEMBER STATES IN THE APPLICATION OF PARTS XIII AND XIV OF UNCLOS. 3.4 OTHER BUSINESS: 3.4.1 Updating Process under UN/OLA/DOALOS of the Marine Scientific Research: A Guide to the Implementation of the Relevant Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 4. ADOPTION OF RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUMMARY REPORT 5. CLOSURE ANNEX ii RECOMMENDATIONS The Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea at its 8th session (IOC/ABE-LOS VIII) recommended to the Executive Council of IOC the following: 1. To examine and, if appropriate, endorse the proposed Guidelines for implementation of Resolution XX-6 on the Argo Project, annexed to a Draft Resolution, and in particular to seek resolution of the opposing views expressed by the Group as reflected in text between brackets; 2. To engage the Advisory Body of Experts to continue to work in conformity with the current mandate given by the IOC Assembly; 3. That the Executive Secretary, in co-operation with WMO, undertakes an effort to expand and update the list of Argo Focal Points. GUIDELINES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RESOLUTION XX-6 OF THE IOC ASSEMBLY REGARDING THE DEPLOYMENT OF FLOATS IN THE HIGH SEAS WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE ARGO PROGRAM The IOC Member States recall and confirm the validity of Resolution XX-6, in particular the following elements of the resolution: The Argo project is an important contribution to the operational ocean observing system of GOOS and GCOS,as well as a major contribution to CLIVAR and other scientific research programmes. There is a need to ensure that Member States gain maximum benefit from the data of the Argo project in real-time and at longer time scales, and that they have the possibility to participate in and contribute to the project. Concerned coastal States must be informed in advance, through appropriate channels, of all deployments of profiling floats which might drift into waters under their jurisdiction. For the purposes of implementing Resolution XX-6 regarding the deployment of Argo floats in the high seas that may enter the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), IOC Member States should follow these Guidelines and promote awareness of them among interested institutions: 1. In accordance with Resolution XX-6, an IOC Member State must be informed in advance, through appropriate channels, of the deployment in the high seas of any float within the framework of the Argo Program (hereinafter, Argo Program float) that may enter its EEZ. In implementing this provision, the Executive Secretary of IOC will invite all IOC Member States to state at any time, if they so desire and by written note addressed to him, that they wish to be notified of the deployment in the high seas of all Argo Program floats that may enter their respective EEZs. The Executive Secretary of IOC will immediately communicate such written note to IOC Member States. 2. A governmental, non-governmental or private entity designated as responsible for Argo Program floats deployed in the high seas (hereinafter, the implementer) will transmit through the Argo Information Centre to the Argo focal points designated by the IOC Member States the following information: type and number of floats planned to be deployed dates and geo-coordinates of locations where floats are to be deployed in the high seas contact information of the implementer parameters and variables to be collected by sensors other information that the implementer might consider of interest. 3. Whenever an Argo Program float deployed in the high seas might drift into the EEZ of an IOC Member State that has requested the notification referred to in paragraph 1, the implementer of such Argo Program float will notify the Argo focal point of the IOC Member State, by transmitting to it, reasonably in advance of the expected entry of the float into the EEZ, the following information: type of the float deployed date and geo-coordinates of location where the float was deployed in the high seas date and geo-coordinates of latest location of the float contact information of the implementer parameters and variables being collected by sensors other information that the implementer might consider of interest other Argo Program float information that the coastal State might consider of interest, as specified in the original notification. Upon request of the responsible IOC Member State, and with the express agreement of the coastal State that has requested notification referred to in paragraph 1, the Argo Information Center can undertake the notification on behalf of the implementer. 4. All the data obtained by the Argo Program floats once they enter the EEZ will be made freely available by the implementer, with the exception of data of direct significance for the exploration and exploitation of natural resources, whether living or non-living, which, to protect its sovereign rights and jurisdiction in its EEZ, the IOC Member State whose EEZ the float enters formally requires the implementer not to be distributed. The aforementioned IOC Member State is encouraged, when possible, to determine a time limit for this request. 5. The guidelines set forth in paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 apply mutatis mutandis to an Argo Program float deployed in the high seas and drifting into the EEZ of an IOC Member State from the EEZ of another IOC Member State. 6. No action or activity taken on the basis of these Guidelines shall be interpreted or considered as prejudicing the positions of States Parties to a land or maritime sovereignty dispute or to a dispute concerning the delimitation of maritime areas. 7. For the purpose of an effective application of these Guidelines including, in particular, the notification to be provided by the implementer: the charts and lists of geographical coordinates of points, specifying the geodetic datum, duly publicized and deposited by IOC Member States with the Secretary-General of the United Nations will be used: or when such information is not available, the IOC Member States are encouraged to provide the relevant information to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, to the IOC or to the implementer, as appropriate. ANNEX iii list of documents Document Code Title Agenda Items LangagesWORKING DOCUMENTSIOC/ABE-LOS VIII/1 prov. Rev Provisional Agenda1-5E F IOC/ABE-LOS VIII/1 Add. ProvProvisional Timetable2.2, 2.4E FIOC/ABE-LOS VIII/2 provProvisional Annotated Agenda 1-5E F IOC/ABE-LOS VIII/3 Draft Summary Report (to be prepared during the meeting)1-5E FIOC/ABE-LOS VIII/4 prov./revProvisional List of Documents (this document)2.3E FIOC/ABE-LOS VIII/5 prov.Provisional List of Participants (to be issued early during the Session)---- IOC/ABE-LOS VIII/6 rev Circular n.14 and Annexes (the IOC Draft Resolution on the Argo Program and the Procedure for the implementation of Resolution XX-6 of the IOC Assembly regarding the deployment of floats contributing to the Argo Program). (Professor Kari Hakap) 3.2E F IOC/ABE-LOS VII/7Draft [practical] Guidelines of IOC, within the context of UNCLOS, for the collection of Oceanographic data by specific means (Professor Kari Hakap) 3.2E F IOC/ABE-LOS VIII/7 Memorandum (summary of views) of the IOC/ABE-LOS Sub-Group on the IOC legal framework for the collection of Oceanographic Data within the context of UNCLOS (Secretariat) (only available in electronic form) 3.2 E F IOC/ABE-LOS VIII/8Report by the Coordinator of the Working Group on the Practices of Member States on Marine Scientific Research and Transfer of Marine Technology (Mrs. Elizabeth Tirpak)  3.3 E-F INFORMATION DOCUMENTSIOC/INF-1245IOC/INF-1245 IOC AND UNCLOS: Progress Report by the Secretariat on the Law of the Sea (2007-2008)3.1EIOC Information Document, 1222Procedure for the application of Article 247 of UNCLOS by IOC3.1E FIOC/ABE-LOS VII/3Summary Report of the Seventh Session of the IOC Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea1-5E FIOC Technical Series, 75 IOC/LOS Dossier 1National Ocean Policy: The basic texts from Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Japan, Norway, Portugal, Russian federation and USA3.1E IOCABELOS.VIII/INF-01United Kingdom discussion paper on suggested future topics of work to be undertaken by the IOC/ABE-LOS3.4EIOCABELOS.VIII/INF-02Report of the Chairman related to the IOC/ABE-LOS activities3.1E-F ANNEX iV list of participants OFFICERS OF THE MEETING/ OFFICIERS DE LA RUNION Chairman/Prsident Mr. Elie JARMACHE Secrtariat Gnral de la Mer 16, boulevard Raspail 75007 Paris, France Tel: (+33) (0) 1 53634158 Fax: (+33) (0)1 53634178 Email: elie.jarmache@sgmer.pm.gouv.fr Coordinator of the subgroup on the IOC Legal framework within the context of UNCLOS which is applicable to the collection of oceanographic Data Prof. Kari Hakap Professor of Public International Law University of Lapland, Faculty of Law P.O. Box 122 FIN-96101 Rovaniemi Finland Phone: (+358) 358 40721 30 45 Fax: (+358) 16 341 2500 E-mail: Kari.Hakapaa@ulapland.fi II. EXPERTS PARTICIPANTS FROM MEMBER STATES/EXPERTS PARTICIPANTS DES ETATS MEMBRES Algeria/Algrie Prof. Mostefa BOULAHDID ISMAL, BP 19, Campus Universitaire de Dely Ibrahim Bois des Cars 16320 Dely Ibrahim Alger Algrie Tel: 213-21917774 fax: 213-21017791 m_boulahdid@ismal.net Angola Mme Lussinga JAMBA Dlgation de lAngola 1, rue Miollis 75015 Paris Tel: 0617685558 Fax: 0145675748 luluseteco@yahoo.com.br Argentina/Argentine Mr. Ariel Walter GONZLEZ Consejero de Embajada Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto Esmeralda 1212 C1007 Buenos Aires Tel : (+54) 11 48198008 Fax : (+54) 11 48198004 Email: awg@mrecic.gov.ar Mr. Ariel Hernn TROISI Representante Cientfico Alterno ante la COI Jefe de Departamento Oceanografa Servicio de Hidrografa Naval Ministerio de Defensa Avda Montes de Oca 2124 C1270ABV Buenos Aires Tel : (+54) 11 43013091 Fax : (+54) 11 43013091 Email: atroisi@hidro.gov.ar Jos Lus FERNNDEZ VALONI Primer Secretario de Embajada Delegacin de la Repblica Argentina auprs de lUNESCO UNESCO 1, rue de Miollis 75015 PARIS Tel: +33.1.45683437 Email: jl.fernandez@unesco.org Mrs Josefina BUNGE Secretario de Embajada Direccin General de Consejera Legal Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto Esmeralda 1212, piso 15 C1007 Buenos Aires Tel: (+54) 11 4819-8008 Fax: (+54) 11 4819-8009 Email: jfb@mrecic.gov.ar Belgium/Belgique Prof. Dr. E. FRANCKX Director Faculty of Law Department of International and European Law Centre for International Law Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels Tel:(+32) 2 629 2606 Fax: (+32) 2 629 1259 Email: erik.franckx@vub.ac.be Brazil/Brsil Capt (Ret). Luiz Alberto MARINS NASCIMENTO General Directorate of Navigation Brazilian Navy Pca. Barao de Ladario, s/no. - Ed. Alte Tamandare - 6o. Andar 20091 000 Rio de Janeiro- Estado de Rio de Janeiro Phone: +55 21 04 6748 Fax: +55 21 2104 6095 E-mail: lmarins@con.mar.mil.br Daniela Arruda BENJAMIN First Secretary Permanent Delegation of Brazil to UNESCO UNESCO House Tel: +33.1.45682888 Email: d.benjamin@unesco.org Cameroon/ Cameroun Mr Pierre Ricard NJIKE NGAHA Docteur dtat des Sciences- Chef de Cellule de Suivi (Directeur) Ministre de la Recherche Scientifique et de lInnovation B.P..1457 Yaound Tel. 237.77740792 E-mail: pr.njike@yahoo.fr Canada Ms. Vesna GUZINA Legal Officer/Agente juridique Oceans and Environmental Law Division / Direction du droit des ocans et de lenvironnement Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade/ Ministre des Affaires trangres et du Commerce international Lester B. Pearson Building 125 Sussex Drive Ottawa ON K1A 0G2 Tel/Tl: +1 613-944-0681 Fax/Tlc: +1 613-992-6483 Email: Vesna.Guzina@international.gc.ca Howard John Freeland Argo Co-Chairman- Res. Scientist Institute of Ocean Sciences 9865 West Saanich Road North Saanich, V8L 4B2 British Columbia - Canada Tel: 01(250)-363-6590 Fax: 01250363 6690 Howard.Freeland@dfo-mpo.gr.ca China/Chine Dr. Haiwen ZHANG (Head of Delegation) Research Fellow Deputy Director-General China Institute for Marine Affairs (CIMA) State Oceanic Administration (SOA) 1 Fuxingmenwai Ave Beijing 100860 P.R. China Tel: (+86) 10 68044631 Fax: (+86) 10 68044631 Email: haiwen@cima.gov.cn; haiwencima@yahoo.com Dr. Guijun HAN Research Proffessor National Marie Data and Information Service (NMDIS) State Oceanic Administration (SOA) 93, Liuwei Road, Hedong District, Tianjin 300171 P.R China Tel: 86 22 24010846 Fax: 86 22 24010926 Email: gjhan@mail.nmdis.gov.ch Republic of Congo/Rpublique du Congo Mr. Alain Claver BATCHY Consultant en Ecosystmes Marin et ctier/ Consultant Cabinet Ministre des Tansports Maritimes et de la Marine Marchande Bureau 16 tage Tour Nabemba BP 15000 Brazzaville Tel : (+242) 82 55 16 Cel. : (+242) 521 38 80 B.P. 4808 Pointe Noire Fax: (+242) 82 55 14 Email: batchyalain@yahoo.fr; aclabat@hotmail.com, mtmmm@hotmail.com Jean baptiste MAVOUNGOU-SOUAMI Conseillre Juridique (magistrat) Expert en droit de la mer Ministre des Tansports Maritimes et de la Marine Marchande Bureau 16 tage Tour Nabemba BP 15000 Brazzaville Tel : (+242) 82 55 16 Email: mavoungou_souami@yahoo.fr, mtmmm@hotmail.com Cuba Orlando REY Director of Environment Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment Capitolio National, Ciudad Habana Tel: 537. 8670598 Fax: 537. 8670615 Email: orlando@chma.cu Egypt Prof. Ahmed ABOU-ELWAFA Professeur de droit international public Dpartement de droit international Facult de droit, Universit du Caire 21, rue Al-Akhshead- Le Caire Tel: 0020.23649006 Fax: 0020. 235688636 Email: a_wafa_faclawcairo@hotmail.com Prof. Mohamed Ahmed SAID Professor of Physical Oceanography National Institute of Oceanography & Fisheries (NIOF) 8, Dr Abdel Hamid street, El-Shatby 21111 Alexandria, Egypt Tel. +20.12. 377.9117, +2035907223 Fax: +2034801553 Email: mamsaid2@hotmail.com Finland/Finlande Prof. Kari HAKAP Professor of Public International Law University of Lapland, Faculty of Law P.O. Box 122 FI-96101 Rovaniemi Tel: (+358) 40721 3045 Fax: (+358) 16 341 2500 Email: kari.hakapaa@ulapland.fi France/France Mr. Elie JARMACHE Secrtariat Gnral de la Mer 16, boulevard Raspail 75007 Paris France Tel: (+33) (0) 1 53634158 Fax: (+33) (0)1 53634178 Email: elie.jarmache@sgmer.pm.gouv.fr Gabon/Gabon Dr. Pierre MAGANGA Ambassador Director General of the law of the sea DGDM / Ministry of Foreign Affairs Cooperation, Francophony and Regional Integration B.P 408 Libreville Tel: (+241) 73 12 48/ 730959 Fax : (+241) 730 963 Mobile. (+241) 06246587/07505444 Email: magp58@yahoo.fr Germany/Allemagne Dr. Stefan KEIL Deputy Head of the law of the sea division Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Germany Werderscher Markt 1 D- 14167 Berlin Tel.: +49 301 5000 3832 Fax: +49 30 5000 5 3832 Email: 504-0@diplo-de Dr. Kai TRMPLER Legal officer Bundesamt fr Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) (Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency) D- 20359 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 3190-2121 Fax: +49 40 3191 5000 Email: kai.truempler@bsh.de Ms Gitte WARNICK, LL.M. Legal Adviser Forschungszentrum Julich Gmbtt (Research Centre Jlich) Seestrasse 15 D-18119 Rostock Tel.: 49381 5197 427 Fax: 49 38151509 Email: g.warnick@fz-juelich.de Greece/Grce Dr Anastasia STRATI Expert Counselor for the Law of the sea Ministry of Foreign Affairs 3, Academias Str. Athens 10671 Tel:+30 694 78 10 501 +30 210 3682138 Fax:+30 210 3682239 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:astrati@cc.uoa.gr" astrati@cc.uoa.gr Haiti Jean Marie DENISE Dlegue permanente adjoint, charge daffaires auprs de lUNESCO, diplomate 35 avenue de Villiers 75017 Paris Dlgation permanente dHati auprs de lUNESCO Tel. 01 42127054 fax/tlcopie: 01 42 12 82 38 Email: delehaitiunesco@wanadoo.fr India/Inde Dr. S. K. DAS Adviser Ministry of Earth Sciences, Block-12, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, 110003 Govt of INDIA New Delhi 91) 11 24362023/ (91) 1124362023 Email: skdod@Yahoo.com Dr. Krothapalli SOMASUNDAR Director, Minisre of Earth Science Bolck-12 CGO Complex Lodi Road 110003 New Delhi, INDIA Tel: 011-24306831 Fax: 011-24362644 Email: somadod@gmail.com Japan/Japon Dr. Kazuhiro KITAZAWA Special Adviser for the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Planning Department Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) 2-15 Natsushima-cho Yokosuka 237-0061 Japan Tel: (+81) 46 867 9191 Fax: (+81) 46 867 9195 Email: kitazawa@jamstec.go.jp Kenya/Kenya Dr Johnson M. KAZUNGU Director, Kenya Marine & Fisheries Research Institute P.O. Box 81651 Mombasa Tel/Fax: (+254 41) 47 51 57 Email: jkazungu@kmfri.co.ke Republic of Korea/Rpublique du Core Dr. Mr. Seong Wook Park Principal Senior Research scientist Korean Ocean Research and Development Institute ANSAN P.O. Box 29 KYHNGGIDO 426-144 Tel: 82 31400 5604 Fax: 82 31400 6505 Email: swpark@kordi.re.kr Ms. Charity M. LEE Senior Research Specialist Policy Research Division Korean Ocean Research and Development Institute ANSAN P.O. Box 29 KYUNGGIDO 426-144 Tel: (+82) 31400 6218 Fax: (+82) 31400 6505 Email: cmlee@kordi.re.kr Kuwait Dr Khaled AL-BANAA Research Scientist Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research Coastal and Air pollution department P.O.Box 24885 13109 Safat Tel. 945.7142228 Fax: 945. 498 9759 Email: kbanaa@kisr.edu.kw Madagascar Dr Mr Faneva RANDRIANANDRAINA Conseiller scientifique Reprsentation Permanente de Madagascar auprs de lUNESCO 40, rue du Gnral Foy 75008 Paris Tel: 0618449247 Fax: 0145222289 Email: faneva@hotmail.com Mxico Dr. Ismael Madrigal Monarrez Scientific Adviser Permanent Delegation of Mexico to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75015 Paris Tel. (+33) 145683487 Email : i.madrigal@unesco.org Morocco/Maroc Prof. Mohammed MONCEF Reprsentant du Maroc- Chef de dlgation Laboratoire dEtude et dAnalyse Environnementales (LEAE) Universit Chouab Doukkali Facult des Sciences B.P. 20 24000 EL JADIDA Tel: (+212) 23 34 30 03/ +212 61230442 Fax: (+212) 23 34 21 87 Email: mdmoncef@yahoo.fr Prof. Larbi SBAI Docteur dEtat en droit Conseiller du Scretaire Gneral Dpartement Pche Maritime Av. belhassan Ouazzani, Nouveau quartier administratif Haut Agdal Rabat Tel: (+212) 37 68 82 60 Fax. (+212) 37 68 82 99 Email: sbai@mpm.gov.ma The Netherlands/Les Pays-Bas Mr Alfred H.A. SOONS Professor of Public International Law Utrecht University Achter Sint Pieter 200 Nl-3512 HT Utrecht Tel: (+31) 30 253 7056 Fax. (+31) 30 253 7073 Email: A.SOONS@LAW.UU.NL Oman Dr Masoud KASHOOB Law expert Ministry of Fisheries Wealth Fax: 00968.24740159 Dr. Hamed ALGHEILANI Marine Ecology researcher Ministry of fisheries wealth Tel: 00.968.99.340685 Fax: 00.968.24740159 Email: asadalaqidah@hotmail.com Peru/Prou Dr. Elvira VELSQUEZ Minister at the Embassy of Peru in Austria Ministry of Foreign Affairs- Peru Gottfried Keller-Gasse, 2/1-2 1030 Vienna AUSTRIA Tel: (+43) 1 7134377, 71 57486 and 7137054 Email: evelasquez@embaperuaustria.at Alfredo PICASSO de OYAGUE Conseiller dlgation du Prou auprs de lUNESCO 102, rue de Ranelagh 75016 Paris Tel. apicasso@club-internet.fr Poland/Pologne Dr. Dorota LOST-SIEMINSKA Ministry of Infraestructure- Concellor Dpt of Maritime Transport Chakubinskiego 4/6 01-171 Warsaw tel. 0048.603089004 Email: dsieminska@mgm.gov.pl Portugal/Portugal Prof. Mara Eduarda GONCALVES Department of Law Instituto Superior de Ciencias do Trabalho e da Empresa Avenida das Foras Armadas 1649-026 Lisbon Phone: (+21) 351 21 7903494 Fax: (+21) 790 64710 Email: mebg@iscte.pt Senegal/Sngal Ms. Marime Diagne TALLA Juriste des droits de la mer Chef du bureau Lgislation et Suivi des Accords et Conventions Direction des Pches Maritimes Ministre de lEconomie Maritime et des Transports Maritimes Internationales 1, rue Joris DAKAR BP 289 DAKAR Tel: (+221) 823 01 37 Fax: (+221) 821 47 58 Email: dopm@orange.sn; masodiagne@yahoo.fr Birane SAMB Chercheur Centre de recherches ocanographiques de Dakar Thiroye BP 2241 Dakar Tel:338328265 Fax: 338328262 Email: bsambe@yahoo.fr Docteur Moussa BAKHYOKHO Reprsentant du Sngal au groupe de travail sur lavenir COI Ministre de l'Economie maritime Tel: 221 33 8497174 221 77 64 50389 Email: bakhayok@yahoo.fr Mr Mouhamed KONATE Conseiller, point Focal pour la COI 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris cedex 15 Tel: 0145683389 Fax: 0143061055 Email: m.konate@unesco.org Spain/Espagne Mr. Luis FONSECA SNCHEZ Consejero Tecnico Asesora Jurdica Internacional Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacin Plaza de la Provincia 1 28071 Madrid Phone: (+34) 91 379 99 11 Fax: (+34) 91 364 06 45 Email: luis.fonseca@maec.es Dr. Gregorio PARRILLA BARRERA Investigador A-1 Instituto Espaol de Oceanografia Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion Corazon de Maria 8 28002 Madrid Phone: (+34) 91 347 36 08 Fax: (+34) 91 413 55 97 E mail: gregorio.parrilla@md.ieo.es Syrian Arab Republic/Rpublique arabe syrienne Prof. Hawash SHAHIN Bramkeh Universit de Damas, Facult de Droit, Dpartement de Droit International Damas, Syrie Tel: (+963).11.3234655 Fax: (+963).11.944270142 Email: hawash@scs-net.org Togo/Togo Prof. Adot Blim BLIVI Chercheur en Gomorphologie et Gestion du Littoral Universit de Lom Centre de Gestion Intgre du Littoral et de l'Environnement Facult des Lettres et Sciences Humaines Dpartement de Gographie B.P. 1515 / 60047 B Lom Togo Phone: (D/H) : (+228) 227 08 50 / 270 77 11 Cel: (+228) 905 39 14 Phone: (B/O): (+228) 221 68 17/222 4865 Fax: (+228) 221 85 95 Email: adoblivi@hotmail.com; cgileul@yahoo.fr Tunisia/Tunisie Prof. Sammari CHERIF Head of the Laboratory of the Marine Environment Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer (INSTM) 28 Rue 2 Mars 1934 2025 Salammb Tel : (+216) 71 730 420/(+216) 71 277 735 Fax : (+216) 71 732 622 Email: cherif.sammari@instm.rnrt.tn Turkey/Turquie Dr. Ahmet TRKER Head of the Technical Group The Office of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography 34805 Cubuklu Beykoz Istanbul, 34805 Tel: (+90).216.322.25.80 (ext 3000) Fax: (+90).216.331.05.25 Email: aturker@shodb.gov.tr, ahmet.turkerr@gmail.com United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland/Royaume Uni de Grande Bretagne et dIrlande du Nord Dr. Trevor GUYMER Inter-Agency Comittee on Marine Science and Technology (IACMST) National Oceanographic Centre Southampton European Way Southampton SO14 3ZH Tel: 44 23 8059 6789 Fax: 44 23 80 59 6204 Email: thg@noc.soton.ac.uk Dr. Lindsay PARSON National Oceanography Centre European Way Southampton SO14 3ZH Tel: 44 0238 596541 Fax: 44 02380 596554 Sec: 44 02380 596542/596555 Email: L.parson@noc.soton.ac.uk Lt.Cdr. Roland ROGERS (retired) Senior Defence Analyst (Environment) Room 251/08 National Oceanography Centre Southampton, European Way Hampshire SO14 3ZH Tel: (+44).2380.596314836314 Fax: (+44).2380.596142 Email: rjrogers1@QinetiQ.com Sir Michael WOOD Senior fellow Lauterpacht Centre for International Law 5 Cranmer Road, Cambridge CB3 9BL Email: mwood@20essexst.com United States of America/Etats Unis dAmrique Capt. J. Ashley ROACH Office of the Legal Adviser (L/OES) U.S. Department Of State, 2201 C ST NW, Washington, DC 20520 - 6419 Phone: (+1 202) 647 1646 Fax: (+1 202) 736 7620 Email: roachja@state.gov Dr. Stephen R. PIOTROWICZ Deputy Director, Oceanographer NOAA / The National Office for Integrated and Sustained Ocean Observations (OCEAN US) 1100 Wayne Avenue, suite 1210 Silver Spring Maryland 20910 Tel: 1-301 4272493 Fax: 1-301 4272131 Email: steve.piotrowicz@noaa.gov Venezuela Mr Julian OCHOA First secretary delegation of Venezuela to the UNESCO Email: J.Ochoa@unesco.org III. organisations/ ORGANIZATIONS Argo Information Centre/ Centre dinformation Argo Mr. Mathieu BELBEOCH Argo Technical Coordinator JCOMMOPS 8-10 Rue Hermes Parc Technologique du Canal 31526 Ramonville Cedex-France Tel (+33) 561 394730 Fax (+33) 561 751014 Email: belbeoch@jcommops.org Permanent Commission for the South Pacific (CPPS) Fernando PARDO Under Secretary, Permanent Commission for the South Pacific (CPPS) Av. Carlos Julio Arosemena, km 3 Complejo Alban Borja, edif Classic, piso 2 Guayaquil Ecuador Tel. 5934.222 1202 Fax: 5934 222 1201 Email: fpardo@cpps-int.org International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) Mr. Louis SAVADOGO ITLOS Greffe Am Internationalen Seegerichtshof 1 22609 Hamburg - Germany Tel.: (49)(40)35607238 - Fax: (49)(40) 35607-245 E-mail: itlos@itlos.org, savadogo@itlos.org The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Dr Philomne VERLAAN Adviser- IUCN Commission on Environmental Law Attorney at Law and Oceanographer 2 Tredegar Mews, London E3 5AF United Kingdom Tel (+44) 20 8981 1245 Fax: same Email: tcipav@yahoo.com UN/OLA/DOALOS (United Nations/Nations Unies /Office of Legal Affairs /Bureau des Affaires Juridiques/ Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea/Division des Affaires Maritimes et du Droit de la Mer) Ms. Alice HICUBURUNDI Law of the Sea/ Ocean Affairs Officer Deputy Capacity-building Coordination Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea Office of Legal Affairs United Nations 2 UN Plaza; Room DC2-422 New York, NY 10017 United States of America Tel: (+1 212) 963-59 15 Fax: (+1 212) 963-58 47 Email: hicuburundi@un.org iV. ioc SECRETARIAT/ Secrtariat de la COI Dr. Patricio BERNAL Executive Secretary IOC B4.21 Tel. +33145683983 Email: p.bernal@unesco.org Ms. Aurora MATEOS Technical Secretary for UNCLOS Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 1 rue Miollis, Office B 430 Paris 757757` FRANCE Tel: (+33 1) 45683994 Email: a.mateos@unesco.org ANNEX v list of acronyms AICArgo Information CentreArgoGODAE global profiling float project (not an acronym)CGTMTIOC Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine TechnologyUN/OLA/DOALOSDivision for Ocean Affairs and Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations EEZExclusive Economic ZoneGMAGlobal Marine AssessmentGODAEGlobal Ocean Data Assimilation ExperimentGSSCGOOS Scientific Steering CommitteeGRAGOOS Regional AllianceICSUInternational Council for ScienceIOC/ABE-LOSAdvisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (IOC of UNESCO)I-GOOSIOC-WMO-UNEP Intergovernmental Committee for the Global Ocean Observing SystemIMOInternational Maritime OrganizationIOCIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO)IUCNWorld Conservation UnionJCOMMJoint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine MeteorologyMSRMarine Scientific ResearchTMTTransfer of Marine TechnologyTMTATransfer of Marine Technology ApplicationUNUnited NationsUNCLOSUnited Nations Convention on the Law of the SeaUNEPUnited Nations Environment ProgrammeUNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural OrganizationUNGAUnited Nations General AssemblyWMOWorld Meteorological OrganizationXBTExpendable Bathythermograph ( This report is bilingual English/French.  Please note that it is a working document of IOC/ABE-LOS VII     UNESCO UNESCO 2008 IOC/EB-IBCCA-IX/3 page ( PAGE ii) page IOC-XX/? page ( PAGE 13) page IOC/ABE-LOS-VIII/3 page ( PAGE i) IOC/ABE-LOS-VIII/3 page  PAGE 10 IOC/ABE-LOS-VIII/3 page  PAGE 11 IOC/ABE-LOS-VIII/3 IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 Annex V page  PAGE 16 IOC/ABE-LOS-VIII/3 Annex I IOC/ABE-LOS-VIII/3 Annex II page  PAGE 2 IOC/ABE-LOS-VIII/3 Annex II page  PAGE 3 IOC/ABE-LOS-VIII/3 Annex II IOC/ABE-LOS-VIII/3 Annex III page  PAGE 2 IOC/ABE-LOS-VIII/3 Annex III IOC/ABE-LOS-VIII/3 Annex IV IOC/ABE-LOS-VIII/3 Annex IV page  PAGE 6 IOC/ABE-LOS-VIII/3 Annex IV page  PAGE 7 IOC/EB-IBCCA-IX/3 Annex ___ - page  PAGE 10 IOC/EB-IBCCA-IX/3 Annex ___ - page  PAGE 10 IOC/ABE-LOS-VIII/3 Annex V `a5 kVH6V% h$henCJ OJQJ^JaJ "hy!CJ OJQJ^JaJ mH sH hy!CJ OJQJ^JaJ (hy!hy!CJ OJQJ^JaJ mH sH &h$hen5CJ(OJQJ\^JaJ &h$hU5CJ(OJQJ\^JaJ .hy!hy!5CJ(OJQJ\^JaJ mH sH *h$hen5@CJ8OJQJ\^JaJ8-h$hU5@CJ8OJQJ\^JaJ8hAjh$hen5@CJ8OJQJU\^JaJ8hmHnHu h$hen +` 5 s $a$gdy! 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