ࡱ> qohijkr#` -&bjbjmm r\444JFFF*FFFpFH*JT*lLRlTTTVD^[\_aaaaaa$LhFU"V^^TT ^RTRT__j"$"WT~L VFv2+40 N$dWFW] li`qx<]]](j]]]**$N$**N$***^^^^^^ Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (IOC/ABE-LOS) Seventh Session Libreville, Gabon 1923 March 2007 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (IOC/ABE-LOS) Seventh Session Libreville, Gabon 1923 March 2007 IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 Paris, 10 May 2007 Original: English( (SC-2007/WS/28) Table of contents page TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u   HYPERLINK \l "_Toc168899822" 1. OPENING AND WELCOMING ADDRESSES  PAGEREF _Toc168899822 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc168899823" 2. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS  PAGEREF _Toc168899823 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc168899824" 2.1 DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR  PAGEREF _Toc168899824 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc168899825" 2.2 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA  PAGEREF _Toc168899825 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc168899826" 2.3 DOCUMENTATION  PAGEREF _Toc168899826 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc168899827" 3. REPORT ON THE INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES  PAGEREF _Toc168899827 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc168899828" 3.1 REPORT ON THE INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES  PAGEREF _Toc168899828 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc168899829" 3.2 PROGRESS REPORT BY THE COORDINATOR OF THE SUBGROUP ON THE IOC LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE COLLECTION OF OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF UNCLOS  PAGEREF _Toc168899829 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc168899830" 3.3 PROGRESS REPORT BY THE COORDINATOR OF THE IOC/ABE-LOS SUB-GROUP ON THE PRACTICE OF MEMBER STATES IN THE APPLICATION OF PARTS XIII AND XIV OF UNCLOS.  PAGEREF _Toc168899830 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc168899831" 3.4 OTHER BUSINESS  PAGEREF _Toc168899831 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc168899832" 4. RECOMMENDATIONS  PAGEREF _Toc168899832 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc168899833" 5. ADOPTION OF THE REPORT  PAGEREF _Toc168899833 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc168899834" 6. CLOSURE  PAGEREF _Toc168899834 \h 10 ANNEXES  I. AGENDA II. ADOPTED RECOMMENDATIONS III. REPORT BY THE IOC EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ON THE INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES IV. LIST OF DOCUMENTS V. LIST OF PARTICIPANTS VI. LIST OF ACRONYMS OPENING AND WELCOMING ADDRESSES MrPatricio Bernal, Executive Secretary of IOC and Assistant Director-General of UNESCO,MrElie Jarmache, Chairman of the IOC Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (IOC/ABE-LOS) and H.E. Ms Laure Olga Gondjout, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Gabon opened the Seventh meeting of IOC/ABE-LOS at 11:00 a.m. on Monday 19 March 2007. MrPatricio Bernal, IOC Executive Secretary thanked the Gabonese authorities for hosting this meeting and highlighted the delicate negotiations that would take place during this Seventh session of IOC/ABE-LOS, remarking that it is essential for all Member States to make all their efforts to agree on a pragmatic set of Guidelines for the collection of oceanographic data. These Guidelines would align under the framework of UNCLOS a practice developed over more than 30 years under the joint ocean data collection programmes of the WMO and IOC, e.g. IGOSS and IODE. He mentioned in particular the network of private shipping operators that under WMO and IOC programmes collect oceanographic data and the new array of 3,000 free-drifting floats under the Argo project, two operational networks that are the backbone of the data collection system that provide information on the status of the ocean on a daily basis. This opening address was followed by brief remarks by the IOC/ABE-LOS Chairman who, after acknowledging the Gabonese Government for their invitation to hold the meeting of IOC/ABE-LOS for the first time in Sub-Saharan Africa, reminded the audience that it was the African countries who took the initiative and helped to achieve an agreement on the extension of the exclusive economic zone during the discussion leading to the adoption of the final text of UNCLOS. He also asked the Group to work from a pragmatic point of view and following the request made by the IOC Executive Council in its last session to reach a consensual final text to be presented at the coming 24th IOC Assembly. The Minister, Ms Laure Olga Gondjout, welcomed the Delegates to the Republic of Gabon, and particularly to the city of Libreville. She reminded that Gabon is actively engaged in law of the sea matters since the Third Conference on the Law of the Sea. She added that Gabon ratified the Convention on 11 March 1998 and is one of the countries for which the deadline of 2009 for submitting applications for the outer limits of the continental shelf is applicable. She expressed concerns on the ability of Gabon and other developing States Parties to meet that deadline, while trusting multilateralism to provide solutions. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR The Advisory Body was invited to designate a Rapporteur for the meeting in accordance with the IOC Rules of Procedure n25. Ambassador Carlos Michelen, from the Dominican Republic, proposed MrAriel Troisi from Argentina to act as Rapporteur. Mr Ariel Troisi and the Advisory Body accepted the offer. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Advisory Body adopted the agenda and timetable of the meeting, on the basis of the Provisional Agenda (Doc. IOC/ABE-LOS VII/1 prov.) and Timetable (Doc. IOC/ABE-LOSVII/1 Add. prov.). DOCUMENTATION The IOC/ABE-LOS Technical Secretary, Ms Aurora Mateos, introduced the list of documents (Doc. IOC/ABE-LOS VII/4 prov.). REPORT ON THE INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES REPORT ON THE INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES The Executive Secretary, introduced this item by presenting the report on the intersessional activities. He reviewed the different activities and results relevant to the work of IOC/ABE-LOS, which has been partially financed by an European Union Grant, a fact that can be read as recognition of the work of the Advisory Body. He urged Member States to increase their participation in the intersessional work and to use the instruments already provided by IOC/ABE-LOS, such as the Criteria and Guidelines on Transfer of Marine Technology, the Procedure for the application of Article 247 of UNCLOS by the IOC or by contributing names to the Roster of Experts to provide advice to Member States that so request it to develop national legislation on Marine Scientific Research and the Transfer of Marine Technology. Several Delegations commended the Report of the Executive Secretary and the efforts made by the Secretariat to implement the recommendations adopted by the Assembly and thanked the Gabonese authorities for hosting the meeting and their warm welcome to Central Africa. One Delegation stressed the importance of IOC Member States to use the IOC Criteria and Guidelines of Transfer of Marine Technology (CGTMT). Stressing that the promotion and effective application of such Criteria and Guidelines requires joint efforts by the IOC Secretariat and IOC Member States. Other Delegations pointed out the need of finding a proper mechanism to implement the CGTMT, so as to increase its effectiveness. One Delegation suggested that this IOC instrument may be applied to problems derived from coastal erosion. Several Delegations highlighted the valuable information provided by the Questionnaire n.3 on the Practice of States in the field of Marine Scientific Research and Transfer of Marine Technology. (One Delegation considered that, in fact, such information would allow, in particular, to asses in an objective manner the operation of marine scientific research as regulated in Part XIII. The Group stressed the need that work in compiling and recording the practice of Member States on MSR and TMT must be continued. One Delegation drew the attention to the numerous attendance to the meeting while, at the same time, expressed its concern for the absence of some major marine Nations with large EEZs and implementing institutions in marine scientific research. It urged the IOC Secretariat to take actions to encourage their participation in further IOC/ABE-LOS meetings. It further remarked the existence of series of marine science country profiles in IOCWIO which would be a very valuable document for developing technology transfer and capacity building projects, asking the Secretariat to develop such publication. One Delegation remarked that the IOC List of Experts for Special Arbitration, established under Annex VIII of UNCLOS, was not posted on the UN/OLA/DOALOS web-site and that there should be a proper liaison between both Organizations. The IOC Executive Secretary responded that this information is regularly provided by IOC to the UN Headquarters and that it is expected that it will be posted on the UN/OLA/DOALOS website when its ongoing updating is completed. The same Delegation remarked that the problem of posting restricted documents on the IOC/ABE-LOS website, raised last year, had not really been remedied. The use of a restricted web-page access to certain working documents had been envisaged at that time, but apparently not yet realized. The IOC Executive Secretary commented on the technical problems which can be encountered by some developing countries in using internet-based services, such as a limited access website. One Delegation expressed its concern regarding the document Argo Project and IOC Resolution XX-6 Implementation included in the IOC/ABE-LOS website under the section papers, where the maritime dominium of its country has been drawn inaccurately (outline, pg.8) , thus requesting action to the Executive Secretary of IOC to make the proper corrections. Two Delegations asked to use Spanish and Russian as working languages of IOC/ABE-LOS. Dr Patricio Bernal responded that since IOC/ABE-LOS is a Subsidiary Group of Experts, and as such, according to the IOC Rules of Procedure, its deliberations could take place in the two working languages of the Secretariat. He further noted that the application of this rule is in consonance with the limited nature of the financial resources of the Commission. One Delegation congratulated IOC for further developing relationships with NEPAD and presenting an information panel on oceanography and IOC activities during the last Summit of Heads of State of the AU (January 2007). It expressed its wish that IOC could continue showing the importance of the sea to African States leading to mechanisms resulting in the involvement of African authorities in IOC programmes and activities in their countries. One Delegation emphasized the efforts made in the Gulf of Guinea concerning the application of oceanography through projects (GCLME, BCLME, AMMA) and wished for further IOC support (fellowships, institutional support for capacity building) One Delegation noticed the existence of a lack of legal framework in African countries with regards to marine scientific research. It stressed the importance that the IOC, who published the CGTMT, finds a mechanism that will help these countries to have this juridical tool in order to facilitate oceanographic practice and cooperation. The IOC Executive Secretary ended his remarks on this issue by pointing out a major contradiction in the work of IOC: that while the IOC Member States are constantly requesting the Secretariat to do more, the same Member States are reducing the resources made available to the Commission. He informed the meeting that this issue is being actively analyzed by the officers of the Commission with a view to proposing during the next Assembly to the Member States some structural solutions to overcome this difficulty that is severely limiting the scope of action of IOC. PROGRESS REPORT BY THE COORDINATOR OF THE SUBGROUP ON THE IOC LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE COLLECTION OF OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF UNCLOS Professor Kari Hakap, Coordinator of the sub-group on the IOC Legal Framework for the Collection of Oceanographic Data within the Context of UNCLOS, introduced this item. He summarized the process of drafting the document dated 29 August 2006 on the basis of the discussions held during ABE-LOS VI. He recalled that the group had discussed the first nine paragraphs of Section A of his second draft of 20 February 2006. On the aforementioned draft of 29 August 2006 he received comments from ten Member States which were included in a subsequent draft dated 19 February 2007. This last document, distributed as Doc IOC/ABE-LOS VII/7 is structured in three parts. Part I contains 8 paragraphs including a revised Section A, and Sections B and C with some new texts added to Section B. Part II provides excerpts from the Coordinators Second draft of 20 February 2006 with some amendments based on comments received for Sections D to H (paragraphs 10 to 16). Part III presents a further alternative to paragraphs 10 to 16 based on comments received after 20 February 2006. He commented on his interaction with the IOC Secretariat, UN/OLA/DOALOS and I-GOOS in the drafting process. He then suggested to first discuss the section on definitions and move to the operational paragraphs of the document on the understanding that the group would then go back and finalize Part I without reopening debates. Several Delegations expressed their gratitude to Professor Kari Hakap for his remarkable efforts to integrate all views. However, one Delegation expressed its concern that some comments received in the intersessional period seemed to be a setback on what could be considered agreed upon text and that attention should be paid to avoid any reintroduction in the text of references to Part XIII, either directly or indirectly by reference to articles of that Part, since this did not contribute to achieving a practical solution. One Delegation expressed its concern for the late reception of both the comments from UN/OLA/DOALOS and I-GOOS, with whom IOC/ABE-LOS is required to work in close cooperation. On this matter, the Delegation suggested that the UN/OLA/DOALOS Observer and the Chair of IOC/ABE-LOS, on behalf of I-GOOS, contribute to understand the rationale of the comments received. Explanations on the delay were given by the Chair of IOC/ABE-LOS and the UN/OLA/DOALOS Observer and both reiterated the standing commitments to the work of IOC/ABE-LOS. Regarding the scope of the guidelines, one Delegation recalled the discussions held in IOC/ABE-LOS VI, noting that the guidelines will not be a legally binding text and thus would not change nor replace the rights and obligations of the coastal States under UNCLOS. Another Delegation supported this view. The Chairman and several Delegations highlighted the need to reach agreement on a set of consensual and pragmatic Guidelines at the end of the session following IOC Resolution EC-XXXIX-7. Following a comment by one Delegation regarding the possibility of floats also drifting into territorial sea, the Coordinator recalled that the mandate given by the IOC Assembly to IOC/ABE-LOS for the sub-group only makes reference to the EEZ. The procedure proposed by the Coordinator for debating the document was agreed upon by the group after some clarifications. B. Definitions 7. (i) Several Delegations stressed the importance of having a set of clear and concise definitions. After extensive discussions on the definition of oceanographic data, the group decided to establish an informal drafting group to produce a consensual text taking into consideration the proposals made by several delegations. In addition to a general definition of oceanographic data for the purpose of these Guidelines, there was general agreement to have an explicit list of variables and parameters to which these Guidelines are intended to be applied as an Annex, together with an appropriate procedure for its updating. The draft produced by the informal drafting group was submitted for consideration and further discussion. After a long debate, in which concern was expressed by some delegations to include in the list of variables and parameters some that could touch on the jurisdictional aspects of coastal states protected by UNCLOS, and the wish expressed by several delegations to act pragmatically to find a solution to deal with data that is currently being routinely collected for the purposes of monitoring and forecasting of ocean state, short-term warnings and weather forecasts as well as climate prediction, the Advisory Body agreed on the following definition and list of variables and parameters for the Annex: Oceanographic Data refers to variables and parameters listed in the annex, which is an integral part of these Guidelines that quantify the characteristics of the ocean in time and space Variables and parameters: Pressure, Sea Level, Sea Level Pressure, Currents, Wind Speed and Direction, Temperature, Conductivity/Salinity, CO2, Oxygen concentration, pCO2 (partial pressure of CO2). In addition, it was decided to add: This list may be updated on a regular basis by the IOC Assembly. The variables, pH, Water Transparency/Transmittance, Water colour, pE (electropotential), Nutrient concentration, Chlorophyll that were initially suggested to be considered, were not included in the Annex on the basis of making this initial list consistent with the scope of application of the Guidelines. 7. (ii) Following proposals provided by several Delegations, the text was adopted as follows: Float means an autonomous instrument used for collection of oceanographic data, which, when deployed descends to a programmable depth where it remains until, at programmed intervals it rises to the ocean surface where its position is determined using satellite technologies and, as may be the case, any oceanographic data collected are transmitted via satellite to a data processing center for dissemination to users 7. (iii) The subparagraph, as proposed by the Coordinator in document IOC/ABE-LOS VII-7, was discussed and additional proposals were made without reaching final agreement. The text remained as follows: [Surface drifter means a buoy which is freely moving in ocean current either at the surface or at predetermined depths close to surface [collecting oceanographic data]. [It collects oceanographic data such as surface temperatures and may have additional sensors for collection of other parameters such as sea level pressure or wind speed and direction]]. 7.(iv)-(v) Decisions on 7 (iv)-(v) was postponed pending agreement on paragraph 8. 7. (vi) The group adopted the following definition: Institution means an entity, legally constituted in and authorized by the State where it is established, responsible for any specific project of collection of oceanographic data. Scope of Application Paragraph 8 The Coordinator introduced paragraph 8. He reminded the Group that the text of this paragraph was already discussed during IOC/ABE-LOS VI, and that three issues remained open and were reflected in document IOC/ABE-LOS VII-7 between brackets. After an extensive debate on the chapeau, different positions emerged. Some Delegations were of the view that the scope of the Guidelines should be applied to IOC programmes or under the auspices of IOC, alternative that one Delegation considered as a restrictive approach. The same Delegation remarked that in the case that a restricted interpretation would be adopted, a strong link should be established with the Procedure for the Application of Article 247 of UNCLOS by the IOC. This view was not shared by other Delegations. One Delegation cautioned that the Guidelines under discussion were not intended to be an international legal instrument or to fill gaps of UNCLOS. Another Delegation shared this point of clarification. Another Delegation stated that these Guidelines should be considered as a simplified procedure applicable to operational oceanography, in which some of the requirements under the consent regime for Marine Scientific Research, such as the period to issue an advance notice, could be relaxed. Other Delegations supported this view while one disagreed. Several proposals were presented and widely discussed. Some Delegations were of the opinion that the Guidelines should address how to conduct the collection of data considering the questions of the purpose, availability and use of the data. Other Delegations stated that the flow of data is not part of the mandate given to the Group but the legal framework for the deployment of instruments within the EEZ or that might drift into it. One Delegation added that the scope should also be extended to include territorial sea. Some Delegations reiterated that the regime defined for Marine Scientific Research by UNCLOS did not apply to the observations conducted as part of operational oceanography. Other delegations were of the opposite view. After an extended debate, the Group adopted on a provisional basis the following text, removing the brackets around the expressions of other IOC Member States in 8.(i), (ii), and of IOC Member States in 8.(iii): 8. These Guidelines aim at the collection of oceanographic data through the conduct of the following activities: the deployment by an IOC Member State or by an institution which has the nationality of an IOC Member State of floats and surface drifters in the high seas which may drift into the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) of other IOC Member States; the deployment by an IOC Member State or by an institution which has the nationality of an IOC Member State of floats and surface drifters into the EEZs of other IOC Member States; [the deployment of Expendable Bathythermographs (XBTs) by ships of opportunity into the EEZs of IOC Member States]. 8 (bis) These Guidelines apply to routine activities of collection of oceanographic data distributed freely and openly in real time, near-real time and delayed mode and used for monitoring and forecasting of ocean state, short-term warnings and weather forecasts as well as climate prediction, which are executed through programmes formally approved by the IOC Assembly. PART II of Document IOC/ABE-LOS VII-7: The Coordinator introduced Part II and III. Given the divergent views expressed by different delegations on options A and B of part II, instead of discussing the text paragraph by paragraph, the Group decided to begin addressing Part II by making general comments presenting their different approaches. It was stated that this operative Part should be done in a pragmatic way with the aim of obtaining a consensual text defining a practical and flexible procedure. The IOC Executive Secretary reminded the Advisory Body that all the oceanographic data subject of these discussions, were collected as part of international programmes based on the principle of international cooperation, underlining the multilateral character of the programmes of IOC, nature that should be protected and preserved, avoiding that they disintegrate into a series of bilateral agreements. The Executive Secretary also reminded the Group that through Resolution XX-6 Member States had instructed the IOC Executive Secretary to inform all Member States about float locations that could enter into their EEZ and to establish a transparent system for open access to float data. One Delegation opposed this Statement explaining the importance of the bilateral relationship as regards the deployment of instruments in waters subject to the jurisdiction of a State, and questioning what the Delegation considered as a gross misinterpretation of Resolution XX-6. Following the comments by a Delegation regarding experiences with drifting floats and their own national practice some Delegations gave examples of situations originated through the Argo and other programmes. The Executive Secretary also provided information on the technical capabilities developed through JCOMMOPS to follow the status of floats participating in the Argo programme as well as other buoys and data collection platforms. While some Delegations supported alternative A, in document IOC/ABE-LOS VII/7, others supported alternative B. One of the main points of discussion among the alternatives relates to the use of a notification procedure and the role played by the IOC. The IOC Executive Secretary cited as example the Argo Information Centre as a key tool for the IOC Secretariat to implement Resolution XX-6. One Delegation suggested that, for the next meeting of the Advisory Body, it would be easier to have only one consolidated text which may include brackets as necessary One Delegation pointed out that in operational oceanography, deployment could not be disconnected from the collection and dissemination of oceanographic data. According to this view, the Group should try to focus on the ultimate dissemination and use of the data, since data that might have implications for the rights of the coastal State in the EEZ, could be given a restricted access if they were to be collected by drifting platforms. Another Delegation supported this view by stating that since the routine collection of oceanographic data is used for monitoring, forecasting of ocean state and is not related to natural resources, the consent regime under UNCLOS is not applicable to these activities. One Delegation stressed that it appears to exist confusions in the mind of some delegates as to the kind of notification is to be requested as part of the new procedure. The notification that some members of the group were talking about was not the notification at the time the device was about to drift in an EEZ, but a notification at the time of the deployment in the high seas, a requirement that seems excessive since it might well be that this devise will never enter into an EEZ, in which case the procedure would be severely infringing in the freedom of the high seas. Another Delegation pointed out that since the eventual collection of some data may have an impact on the natural resources of the EEZ, in those cases a coastal State has to give consent to the deployments of instruments which may derive in its EEZ. After an intense debate in which the Group explored several procedures, two new revisions to Section D were presented, and it was decided to continue working in the intersessional period taking account of the significant progress made in this session. One Delegation recommended that the IOC Assembly be advised that deployments of floats and surface drifters in the ocean, as part of IOC Programmes, imply the possibility of these scientific instruments drifting into waters of national jurisdiction of coastal States, not only EEZ, what could be included in the scope of application of the draft guidelines under development. Another Delegation recommended that the 24th assembly review and revise Resolution XX-6 The Argo Project, in light of the deployment of over 4,000 Argo floats since adoption of the resolution, actions taken by the IOC Executive Secretary to implement the resolution including the establishment and operation of the Argo Information Centre which implements operative paragraphs (ii) and (iii) of that resolution, and the work by IOC/ABE-LOS in developing guidelines for the conduct of activities listed in Resolution XXIII-8. One Delegation asked for clarification on this proposal. Upon concluding this item, one Delegation wished to convey a two-fold message. The group was thereby informed that the Delegation will strongly support at the next IOC Assembly the continuation of IOC/ABE-LOS, its work and that of this subgroup, not admitting the group to be held responsible for not finishing the task. On the other hand, the Delegation made a call to strengthen the intersessional work through an active participation of all the members of the group as well as a more active role of the coordinator. One Delegation further suggested to hold, if possible, a meeting of an open ended committee some three months before the next IOC/ABE-LOS in order to assist the coordinator in preparing the working documents to be presented to the group. Although it was considered a valuable suggestion, the Executive Secretary, the Chairperson and one Delegation reminded the group about the existing budgetary constrains within IOC. PROGRESS REPORT BY THE COORDINATOR OF THE IOC/ABE-LOS SUB-GROUP ON THE PRACTICE OF MEMBER STATES IN THE APPLICATION OF PARTS XIII AND XIV OF UNCLOS. A new document by the coordinator of the sub-group was circulated among the participants. The Chairman, pointed out that next year, the Group was instructed to revisit the Questionnaire No3 in order to prepare an updated evaluation of the questionnaires on marine scientific research and transfer of marine technology, maybe under the form of a Questionnaire No4, and therefore encouraged present Member States to assist the coordinator during the intersessional period. OTHER BUSINESS The IOC Technical Coordinator of the Argo project briefly presented the status of the Argo network, which is implemented by more than 20 countries and that currently includes 2,800 active drifting floats. He recalled that the deployment of 1,000 units per year is a true challenge and requires broad international cooperation. He presented then the organization of the global Argo deployment planning process and the specific plans for 2007. One year in advance, float operators submit their plans through a centralized web-based system. These preliminary plans are gradually modified by operators, targeting a globally uniform array. Once a plan is finalized, the electronic notification procedure is applied by the float operator, and appropriate information is relayed to the IOC/WMO Argo National Focal Points. If due to practical reasons the deployment is not executed as planned, an updated notification is issued. Delegations asked clarifications on the responsibility of the Float Operator before the coastal State and details on the current notification Procedure of the Argo Project through the Argo Information Centre, in addition to the link between the Operator and the Argo Project. The Argo Technical Coordinator ended his presentation by providing further information on the existing technologies to monitor the instruments. Some Delegations asked for clarifications from the IOC Executive Secretary on the Orientation Guide for the Roster of Experts on marine scientific research and the transfer of marine technology. The Roster and the Orientation Guide are aimed to provide advice to the Member States that so request it, in order to assist them in the development of national legislation concerning Parts XIII and XIV of UNCLOS. The IOC Executive Secretary informed the Group that the multi-donor fund established for this purpose has not received to date any contribution and invited Member States to consider making them in the future. One Delegation proposed that IOC/ABE-LOS should propose to the 24th IOC Assembly to take the initiative of updating the existing Implementation Guide on Marine Scientific Research. Several Delegations expressed the view that in this potential future task, IOC needed to take fully into account the work on the Working Group coordinated by MsLiz Tirpak (USA) on the Practice of Member States on MSR and TMT, as well as the fact that it is UN/OLA/DOALOS the competent Division of the Secretariat that initially developed this Guide. The Group recommended that the IOC Executive Secretary should start consultations with UN/OLA/DOALOS on this matter in order to find a practical way to update the Guide with the active participation of IOC through inter-agency cooperation. Several Delegations suggested that IOC/ABE-LOS should be ready to provide advice to IOC, in case it is decided by the Governing Bodies of IOC to work on an international legal instrument, such as a Protocol or Convention, to strengthen the future status of the Commission and its visibility within the International Community. The Dominican Republic extended an invitation to host the 8th meeting of IOC/ABE-LOS in Santo Domingo. RECOMMENDATIONS The Advisory Body adopted the Recommendations included in AnnexII to be submitted to the 24th session of the IOC Assembly (June 2007). ADOPTION OF THE REPORT The Advisory Body adopted this report at the seventh session of IOC/ABE-LOS in Libreville, Gabon on 13 March 2007. CLOSURE The IOC/ABE-LOS Chairman, Elie Jarmache, thanked the Gabonese authorities, in particular Ambassador Pierre Maganga, who made possible the conditions for such a fruitful IOC/ABE-LOS session and commended the work of the Secretariat. The seventh meeting of IOC/ABE-LOS was closed by the Chairman at 12.50 p.m., Friday 23 March 2007. ANNEX i AGENDA OPENING ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA DOCUMENTATION 3. REPORTS ON INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 3.1 REPORT ON THE INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 3.2 PROGRESS REPORT BY THE COORDINATOR OF THE IOC/ABE-LOS SUBGROUP ON THE IOC LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE COLLECTION OF OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF UNCLOS 3.3 PROGRESS REPORT BY THE COORDINATOR OF THE IOC/ABE-LOS SUB-GROUP ON THE PRACTICE OF MEMBER STATES IN THE APPLICATION OF PARTS XIII AND XIV OF UNCLOS 3.4 OTHER BUSINESS 4. RECOMMENDATIONS 5. ADOPTION OF THE REPORT 6. CLOSURE ANNEX ii RECOMMENDATIONS The Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea at its 7th meeting (IOC/ABE-LOS VII) recommended that: The IOC Assembly be informed that the progress made in the preparation of the Draft Guidelines, within the context of UNCLOS, for the collection of oceanographic data by specific means reflects the relevance of the IOC programmes in strengthening the international cooperation devoted to promoting a global understanding of the ocean and to contributing to short-term warnings, weather forecasts and climate prediction. The IOC Members States fully participate in the IOC/ABE-LOS sessions, through the participation of their experts in law of the sea and in marine scientific research, as prescribed in IOC Resolution XIX-19, including in the intersessional activities, to stimulate its work and facilitate the accomplishment of the ongoing work on the draft Guidelines, preferably at its Eighth Session (2008) The IOC Executive Secretary disseminate the Procedure for the application of Article 247 of UNCLOS by the IOC and assist Member States in the implementation of that Procedure. The IOC Member States acknowledge the Orientation Guide and participate actively in the implementation of the Roster of Experts for advice or guidance on the development of legislation and practice regarding marine scientific research and transfer of marine technology and contribute to the multi-donor funds established for this purpose. The Assembly, at its 24th Session, highlight the value of the role of IOC/ABE-LOS as a contributor to the work of IOC in the implementation of UNCLOS and other relevant UN Conventions and Agreements and to the promotion of international cooperation, in conformity with international law, as regard to scientific activities related to the ocean. The Assembly, at its 24th Session, request the IOC Executive Secretary to consult UN/OLA/DOALOS on the possibility that IOC/ABE-LOS contribute to the updating of the document Marine Scientific Research: A Guide for the Implementation of Relevant Provisions of UNCLOS, published in 1991. ANNEX Iii REPORT BY THE IOC EXCUTIVE SECRETARY ON THE INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 1. The IOC Criteria and Guidelines on Transfer of Marine Technology The IOC has been promoting the dissemination and provisioning of assistance to Member States in the implementation of the Criteria and Guidelines on Transfer of Marine Technology (Part XIV of UNCLOS). IOC has established a mechanism to address the demands of Technology Transfer from Member States through the IOC/ABE-LOS web site and Circular Letters. On 22 September 2006, following the request of Argentina, IOC sent Circular Letter 2206 to all IOC Focal Points calling upon them to assist with an international project on technology transfer. The IOC Executive Secretary strongly encouraged representatives of Member States to explore, together with the relevant institutions or companies in their countries, the possibility to help the Argentinean Government, reminding that the benefit of such a project would also mean the success of the cooperation among the members of the international community. IOC Focal Points were mobilized and the IOC Secretariat was informed that this request is being considered by several institutions from developed countries. The International Tsunamimeter Partnership (ITP), formerly the International DART Partnership, held its first meeting in Melbourne in the first week of May, coinciding with the 21st PTWS meeting, whereas the second one took place in Bali in the summer. The Partnership is a practical example of how countries can work together to develop and exchange marine technology, and its terms of reference highlight the central role of the IOC, ABELOS and CGTMT. On 22 December 2006, the European Union and IOC signed a Grant Agreement for promoting the IOC Criteria and Guidelines on Transfer of Marine Technology. The activities to be undertaken are: Renovation of the web-site: create a database on the current Marine Technology status aimed at developing a clearing-house mechanism within the IOC/ABE-LOS web site. The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO, through the development of an internet Portal is inviting countries and institutions to be part of a global project of international cooperation promoting capacity building in ocean and coastal related issues. The aim of the Portal on Transfer of Marine Technology (TMT) is to provide interested users with direct and rapid access to relevant sources of information, practical experience as well as scientific and technical expertise. In its role as a clearing house between the demand for ocean technology and the supply (or the potential supply) of that technology, IOC undertakes to assist interested countries (particularly developing countries), institutions and other entities to produce and use the knowledge required for the wise management and sustainable development of the oceans and coasts. Promotion of the CGTMT at International fora: Based on Article 251 of UNCLOS, the CGTMT will be presented at diverse international fora, meetings and expositions of public and private sector. The CGTMT have been promoted and disseminated in several International fora such as: The Integrated Coastal Areas Management (ICAM) meetings, such as the First meeting of the Working Group on the Integrated Coastal Management Protocol. It was suggested that under the umbrella of its Article 21, the CGTMT : may be an useful tool for Parties requiring and providing assistance for integrated coastal zone management. Transfer of Marine Technology is called to play a key role in the provision of scientific and technical assistance to implement the necessary action plan on integrated coastal zone management. Therefore, IOC invites all Delegations to consider the CGTMT as a potential instrument for the ICAM Protocol Regional IOC Meetings Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and Law of the Sea (ICP) held at UN Headquarters from 12-16 June 2006: Brochures, Publications and a summary have been presented and made available at the meeting The Sixteenth Meeting of States Parties to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea was held at Headquarters from 19 to 23 June 2006. Publications were distributed at the meeting XXXIX Meeting of the IOC Executive Council (UNESCO Hadquarters, Paris 21-28- June 2006) XXX Virginia Law of the Sea Conference (Dublin Castle 12-14 July 2006): The previous Coordinator of the sub-group on the Criteria and Guidelines on Transfer of Marine Technology, Ariel Gonzlez, delivered a presentation, which was followed by a short discussion, at this prestigious forum. 92 session of the IMO legal Committee IV Conference on Maritime Delimitation in the Caribbean African Union Summit (from 22-30 January 2007): An exhibition stand was set and visitors were informed of this IOC/ABE-LOS product. In addition, the CGTMT were distributed to all the focal points of the Mediterranean Action Plan (Plan de Accin del Mediterrneo) and the Secretariat of the Center for the Actividad Regional para la Produccin Limpia (Regional Activity Centre for a Cleaner Production) Under note referenced IOC/464/PB/Am of 6 December, the UNESCO Office at the UN Headquearters was asked to distribute two copies of CGTMT per Delegation. The request is still pending of response. 2. The IOC Legal Framework for the collection of Oceanographic Data within the context of UNCLOS The sub-group on the legal framework for the collection of Oceanographic Data within the context of UNCLOS was established through Circular Letter 2092 of 14 January 2004, following the suggestion of Point 6.f of the Summary Report of the First session of the open-ended intersessional working group on IOCs possible role in relation to UNCLOS (IOC-LOS) (Paris, 13-15 May 1996). Since then, the sub-group has been working and making progress as stated in Recommendations IOC/ABE-LOS IV-3, IOC/ABE-LOS V-3 and IOC/ABE-LOS VI-b. On 8 September 2006, the IOC Secretariat circulated the IOC Draft Practical Guidelinesfor the collection of oceanographic data by specific means within the context of UNCLOS (Second Draft dated 20 February 2006 including tentative revisions based on our discussions in Mlaga) and Circular n.10 by Professor Kari Hakap, coordinator of this IOC/ABE-LOS sub-group. The established deadline was 15 December 2006, which was extended to 15 January 2006. Comments from Argentina, Benin, Germany, Greece, Kenya, Netherlands, Senegal, Togo, Turkey, United States of America were received and distributed by electronic mail to the IOC/ABE-LOS focal points. On 22 February 2007, the IOC Secretariat distributed the professor Hakaps revised Draft based on the comments of Member States under the title: Draft [Practical] Guidelines of IOC, within the context of UNCLOS, for the collection of Oceanographic Data by Specific Means (document IOC/ABE-LOS VII/7) together with Circular 11. The document reflects the progress made through the discussions and comments provided by Member States. 3. Experts on Marine Scientific Research for Special Arbitration Purposes IOC has updated the  HYPERLINK "http://ioc3.unesco.org/abelos/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_download&gid=6" List of Experts (according to Art. 2,2 of the Annex VIII) in the field of Marine Scientific Research and Transfer of Marine Technology for the purpose of constituting the special arbitral tribunal in case a party agrees to proceed under Annex VIII of UNCLOS. The Experts (up to two per country) included in the list drawn and maintained by IOC are directly nominated by States Parties among experts of recognized expertise in the field, who enjoy the highest reputation for fairness and integrity. The list is updated and posted at the IOC/ABE-LOS web site:  HYPERLINK "http://ioc3.unesco.org/abelos/index" http://ioc3.unesco.org/abelos/index. The last Expert included has been from Poland. 4. Roster of Experts: Following Recommendation 1 (b) of IOC/ABE-LOS V and IOC Resolution XXIII-8, the Circular Letter 2166 dated 27 July 2005 invited Member States to submit qualified candidates to carry out this initiative. Some weeks later, the Roster was established and the list is regularly updated in the web-site. The purpose of the Roster of Experts is to provide guidance and advice to IOC Member States, that so request, on the development of legislation and practice regarding marine scientific research and transfer of marine technology. Following Articles 239 and 266 of UNCLOS, this initiative will be undertaken to facilitate and promote the development and conduct of marine scientific research and transfer of marine technology, especially in developing countries, in accordance with UNCLOS. By now, even if IOC Secretariat has received several informal consultations on this matter, no request for assistance has been effectively received. It is important that States acknowledge the potential benefits of this IOC mechanism to get an impartial advice on the National Legislations on MSR and TMT. The Secretariat keeps the list regularly updated. In the last update, which was made in February 2007, a second Expert from Turkey was included. The Orientation Guide was drafted following Recommendation IOC/ABE-LOS V (b) but only comments by Argentina and the USA were received. 5. Questionnaire n.3 As mentioned in section 1 of this report, all Questionnaires received are posted on the IOC/ABE-LOS web-site. The Circular Letter 2216 of 1 February 2007 reiterated the invitation to submit answers to the Secretariat in order to compile results in view of the forthcoming IOC/ABE-LOS VII meeting from 19-23 March in Libreville (Gabon). The documents received have been posted into the web upon reception. The last Questionnaire has been forwarded by the Dominican Republic in February 2007. Following Recommendation IOC/ABE-LOS V (f), the Sub-group on Practices of Member States on Marine Scientific Research and Transfer of Marine Technology is instructed to undertake at the Eight Meeting of IOC/ABE-LOS an updated evaluation of the questionnaires on marine scientific research and transfer of marine technology (...). In this respect, point 3.3 of the Agenda of IOC/ABE-LOS VII was inserted, looking for guidance on how to undertake the referred updating. 6. Publication of Procedure for the Application of Article 247 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO While awaiting the reception of funds resulting from the grant accorded by the European Union to this end, the Publication is being prepared by the IOC Secretariat in cooperation with Alfred Soons (former coordinator of the working subgroup related to this preceding agenda item) and UN/OLA/DOALOS (since the Guide to the implementation of the relevant provisions of UNCLOS is to be published as an annex). The publication is expected to be finished before the XXIV IOC Assembly. 7. IOC/ABE-LOS Web-site ( HYPERLINK "http://ioc3.unesco.org/abelos/index" http://ioc3.unesco.org/abelos/index): Since April 2006, the IOC/ABE-LOS web-site is up and running. The Secretariat has been working to develop a website that meets the specific needs of Member States, the IOC and the Law of the Sea community. The web is currently an important source of information in the field of marine scientific research and transfer of marine technology. Among other items, the web contains a compilation of National Legislations on Marine Scientific Research and Transfer of Marine Technology. Following Recommendation V-1.(a) of ABE-LOS endorsed by Resolution XXIII-8, the Secretariat is currently collecting this information, in close cooperation with UN/OLA/DOALOS and the advising of a Consultant; however, a deeper collaboration of Experts from Member States is needed. During 2006, all Questionnaires n.3 received have been posted by the Secretariat and are available on the web. This information is updated since the immediate reception of the Questionnaires by the IOC Secretariat. The compilation and analysis of the Practices of Member States in the application of Parts XIII and XIV of UNCLOS, the IOC Agenda and Law of the Sea-related items, and latest news received at IOC are some of the sections available on the site. The web also provides the main IOC documents in order to facilitate the access of relevant information to Delegates. In addition, thanks to the web, it is possible to get access to the documents of IOC/ABE-LOS meetings since 2006. 8. Capacity Building activities: IOC/ABE-LOS activities are being linked to IOC Capacity Building section to provide assistance to the developing countries regarding the implementation of Article 76 of UNCLOS. On December 20, a meeting was convened by NEPAD Coastal and Marine Programme (NEPAD COSMAR), in which participated IOC, GRID-Arendal and several Delegations from Coastal African countries to UNESCO. The main objectives of the meeting were: To develop a strategy for fast tracking capacity development in Africa aimed at preparing submissions on the outer limits of the Continental Shelf Beyond 200 nautical miles; Share experiences on current efforts towards awareness creation on Article 76 by mandated UN Agencies UNESCO & UNEP Explore opportunities for Partnership Development Since then, IOC together with NEPAD, Grid-Arendal, and several African Countries are working to promote awareness among African Countries with respect to the delineation of the outer limits of the Continental Shelf. The partners are currently seeking funds from CIDA-Canada, on the basis of the offer made by Canada at the XXII Assembly (para. 347 of the Report) in July 2003, and increasing general efforts destined to organize training courses on the extension of the Continental shelf. At the African Union Summit held from 22-30 January 2007, an exhibition panel was arranged in order to create awareness among Decision-makers on the deadline for the extension of the continental shelf. 9. Fund Raising: Fund raising has been a key activity during 2006. Several donors have been contacted to obtain funds for the VII session of IOC/ABE-LOS. The final outcome of these efforts will be reported at the meeting. The Secretariat presented a project to the European Union, thanks to which some IOC/ABE-LOS activities, such as the promotion of the CGTMT and the publications, received a support. The Gabonese Government will be hosting the VII session of IOC/ABE-LOS, which is a remarkable contribution and financial effort. ANNEX IV list of documents Document Code Title Agenda Items LangagesWORKING DOCUMENTSIOC/ABE-LOS VII/1 prov. Rev Provisional Agenda1-5E F IOC/ABE-LOS VII/1 Add. ProvProvisional Timetable2.2, 2.4E FIOC/ABE-LOS VII/2 provProvisional Annotated Agenda 1-5E F IOC/ABE-LOS VII/3 Draft Summary Report (to be prepared during the meeting)1-5E FIOC/ABE-LOS VII/4 prov.Provisional List of Documents (this document)2.3E FIOC/ABE-LOS VII/5 prov.Provisional List of Participants (to be issued early during the Session)----IOC/ABE-LOS VII/6Report on the intersessional activities (Elie Jarmache-Secretariat)3.1E F IOC/ABE-LOS VII/7 Progress Report by the Coordinator of the IOC/ABE-LOS Sub-Group on the IOC legal framework for the collection of Oceanographic Data within the context of UNCLOS (Kari Hakap) 3.2E F IOC/ABE-LOS VII/8 Memorandum (summary of views) of the IOC/ABE-LOS Sub-Group on the IOC legal framework for the collection of Oceanographic Data within the context of UNCLOS (Secretariat) (only available on the web) 3.2E F INFORMATION DOCUMENTSIOC/ABE-LOS V/Recommendation 1.bOrientation Guide for the IOC Roster of Experts on Marine Scientific Research and transfer of Marine Technology (Secretariat) (only available on the web) 3.1E FIOC/ABE-LOS VI/3Summary Report of the Sixth Session of the IOC Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the SeaE FIOC Criteria and Guidelines on Transfer of Marine TechnologyE F ANNEX V list of participants OFFICERS OF THE MEETING/OFFICIERS DE LA RUNION Chairman/Prsident Mr. Elie JARMACHE Secrtariat Gnral de la Mer 16, boulevard Raspail 75007 Paris France Tel: (+33) (0) 1 53634158 Fax: (+33) (0)1 53634178 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:elie.jarmache@sgmer.pm.gouv.fr" elie.jarmache@sgmer.pm.gouv.fr Rapporteur Mr. Ariel Hernn TROISI Miembro de la Representacin Cientfica Argentina ante la COI Director del Centro Argentino de Datos Oceanogrficos Avda Montes de Oca 2124 C1270ABV Buenos Aires Tel : (+54) 11 43032240 Fax : (+54) 11 43032240 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:atroisi@hidro.gov.ar" atroisi@hidro.gov.ar II. EXPERTS PARTICIPANTS FROM MEMBER STATES/EXPERTS PARTICIPANTS DES ETATS MEMBRES Argentina/Argentine Mr. Ariel Walter GONZLEZ Consejero Direccin de Consejera Legal Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto Esmeralda 1212, piso 15 Cap. Federal Tel: (+54) 11 4819-8008 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:awg@mrecic.gov.ar" awg@mrecic.gov.ar  HYPERLINK "mailto:arielwgonzalez@yahoo.com" arielwgonzalez@yahoo.com Mr. Ariel Hernn TROISI Miembro de la Representacin Cientfica Argentina ante la COI Director del Centro Argentino de Datos Oceanogrficos Avda Montes de Oca 2124 C1270ABV Buenos Aires Tel : (+54) 11 43032240 Fax : (+54) 11 43032240 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:atroisi@hidro.gov.ar" atroisi@hidro.gov.ar Belgium/Belgique Prof. Dr. E. Franckx Director Faculty of Law Department of International and European Law Centre for International Law Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 2 1050 Brussels Tel: (+32) 2 629 2606 Fax: (+32) 2 629 1259 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:erik.franckx@vub.ac.be" erik.franckx@vub.ac.be,  HYPERLINK "mailto:iere@vub.ac.be" iere@vub.ac.be Benin/Bnin Mr. Cossi Georges Epiphane DEGBE Chercheur, Centre de Recherches Halieutiques et Ocanologiques du Bnin (CRHOB) / CBRST AvenueMaro-Militaire, Immeuble Soglo 03 B.P. 1665 Cotonou Tel. (+229) 95 05 69 21/ 21 31 75 86 Fax. (+229) 21 32 36 71 e-mail :  HYPERLINK "gdegbe@yahoo.fr" gdegbe@yahoo.fr Brazil/Brsil Mr. Marcos L. DE ALMEIDA Commander Brazilian Navy Division of Maritime and Environmental Affairs Esplanada dos Ministrios Bloco N, 5 andar Brasilia, DF 70055-900 Tel: (+55) 61 3429 1055 Fax: (+55) 61 3429 1051 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:marcosalmeida.brazil@gmail.com" marcosalmeida.brazil@gmail.com Republic of Cameroon/Rpublique du Cameroun Dr. Maurice KAMGA Juriste Sous-Direction des Questions des frontires et du Droit de la Mer Direction des Affaires Juridiques et des Traits Ministre des Relations Extrieures Tl: 00237528 63 21/220 79 18 Yaound Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:Mauricekamga@hotmail.com" Mauricekamga@hotmail.com Canada Ms. Vesna GUZINA Legal Officer/Agente juridique Oceans and Environmental Law Division / Direction du droit des ocans et de lenvironnement Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade/ Ministre des Affaires trangres et du Commerce international Lester B. Pearson Building 125 Sussex Drive Ottawa ON K1A 0G2 Tel/Tl: +1 613-944-0681 Fax/Tlc: +1 613-992-6483 Email:  HYPERLINK "blocked::mailto:Vesna.Guzina@international.gc.ca" \o "blocked::mailto:Vesna.Guzina@international.gc.ca mailto:Vesna.Guzina@international.gc.ca" Vesna.Guzina@international.gc.ca Republic of Congo/Rpublique du Congo Mr. Alain Claver BATCHY Consultant en Ecosystmes Marin et ctier Cabinet Ministre des Tansports Maritimes et de la Marine Marchande Bureau 16 tage Tour Nabemba BP 15000 Brazzaville Tel : (+242) 82 55 16 Cel. : (+242) 521 38 80 B.P. 4808 Pointe Noire Fax: (+242) 82 55 14 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:batchyalain@yahoo.fr" batchyalain@yahoo.fr;  HYPERLINK "mailto:aclabat@hotmail.com" aclabat@hotmail.com Mr. Jerome NGOULOUBI Juriste /Consultant aux Affaires Juridiques Ministre des Transportes Maritimes et de la Marine Marchande BP 15000 Brazzaville Tel: +242-6684287 Fax: +242-825514/5516 Email :  HYPERLINK "mailto:mtmmm@hotmail.com" mtmmm@hotmail.com /  HYPERLINK "mailto:jngouloubi@yahoo.fr" jngouloubi@yahoo.fr Mr. Jean Felix MOUTHOUD TCHKAYA Juriste. Directeur gnral de la Marine Marchante BP 1107 Pointe-Noire Tel: +242-940107/ 942326 Fax: +242-944832 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:digemar.pointe-noire@laposte.net" digemar.pointe-noire@laposte.net Chile/Chili Ms Pilar SOBERADO Abogado (Attorney) Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service Errazuriz 254, Playa Ancha Valparaso Tel: (+56 32) 2266502/2266506 Fax: (+56 32) 2266 542 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:psoberado@shoa.cl" psoberado@shoa.cl Dominican Republic/Rpublique dominicaine Amb. Carlos MICHELEN Ambassador and Director of the National Oceanographic Commission Secretaria de Estado de Relaciones Exteriores Ave Independencia #752 Sto. Domingo Tel: (+809) 535 6280 extensin 2421 or Tel: (+809) 535 4986/ Cell: +809-284-9039 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:carlosmichelen@gmail.com" carlosmichelen@gmail.com Finland/Finlande Prof. Kari HAKAP Professor of Public International Law University of Lapland, Faculty of Law P.O. Box 122 FI-96101 Rovaniemi Tel: (+358) 16 341 2523/ 379 4805 Fax: (+358) 16 341 2500 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:Kari.Hakapaa@ulapland.fi" Kari.Hakapaa@ulapland.fi France/France Mr. Elie JARMACHE Secrtariat Gnral de la Mer 16, boulevard Raspail 75007 Paris France Tel: (+33) (0) 1 53634158 Fax: (+33) (0)1 53634178 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:elie.jarmache@sgmer.pm.gouv.fr" elie.jarmache@sgmer.pm.gouv.fr Gabon/Gabon Dr. Pierre MAGANGA Ambassador Director General of the law of the sea DGDM / Ministry of Foreign Affairsm Cooperation, Francophony and Regional Integration B.P 408 Libreville Tel: (+241) 73 12 48; 73 09 59 Fax : (+241) 730 963 Mobile. (+241) 06246587/07505444 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:magp58@yahoo.fr" magp58@yahoo.fr Germany/Allemagne Dr. Stefan KEIL( Head of Delegation)* Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Head of Division 504, Tel.. 0049/30/5000 3832 Fax. 0049/30/5000 5 3832 E-Mail: 504-0@diplo.de Mr. Jochen BRAIG Research Fellow of Max-Planck-Institute for Comparitive Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg Tel.. 0173/6602074 Fax.. 0049/6221/482-653 E-Mail: jbraig@mpil.de Guinea/Guine Mr. Samba T. DIALLO Chef de Dpartement Pche Industrielle Centre National des Sciences Halieutiques de Boussoura (CNSHB) 814, Rue MA 500, Corniche Sud, Madina, Boussoura Port. Conakry, Rpublique de Guine Phone: (224) 60 34 21 51/60 39 23 62 Fax: 224- 30 45 19 26/30 41 35 23 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:stdiallo@cnshb.org.gn/" stdiallo@cnshb.org.gn/  HYPERLINK "mailto:diallost@yahoo.com" diallost@yahoo.com India/Inde Dr. Krothapalli SOMASUNDAR Director, Minisre of Earth Science Bolck-12 CGO Complex Lodi Road New Delhi, INDIA (91) 1124362644 / (91) 1124306831 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:Somadod@Gmail.com" Somadod@Gmail.com Dr. S. k. DAS Adviser Ministry of Earth Sciences, Block-12, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, Govt of INDIA New Delhi 91) 11 24362023/ (91) 1124362023 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:Skdod@Yahoo.com" Skdod@Yahoo.com Ireland/Irlande Dr. Ronan LONG National University of Irlend Gaway Road, Gaway Freland Tl: 353 91 4928 79 Fax: 353 91 75050 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ronan.j.long@nuigaway.ie" ronan.j.long@nuigaway.ie Cte dIvoire Mr. Abraham GADJI Juriste, Ministre dEtat, Ministre de lEnvironnement (Direction des politiques et stratgies de lenvironnement) 20 BP 650 Abidjan 20 Tel.: (+225) 202 105 98 Fax: (+225) 202 104 95/ (00 225) 202 22050 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:gadjiabraham@hotmail.com" gadjiabraham@hotmail.com Japan/Japon Dr. Kazuhiro KITAZAWA Special Adviser for the Director Planning Department Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) 2-15 Natsushima-cho Yokosuka 237-0061 Japan Tel: (+81) 46 867 9191 Fax: (+81) 46 867 9195 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:kitazawa@jamstec.go.jp" kitazawa@jamstec.go.jp Kenya/Kenya Mrs. Tumaini c. NAMOYA Commercial officer, Kenya Maritime Authority, P.o Box 95076-80104, Mombasa, Kenya tl: 254 041318398/9 email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:info@maritimeauthority.co.ke" info@maritimeauthority.co.ke Republic of Korea/Rpublique du Core Prof. Yong Hee LEE Korean National Coordinator for IOC/ABE-LOS Department of Law College of International Studies Korea Maritime University 1, Dongsam-dong, Youngdo-ku, Busan, 606-791 Phone: (+82) 51 410 4395 Fax: (+82) 51 404 3987 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:yhlee@hhu.ac.kr" yhlee@hhu.ac.kr Ms. Charity M. LEE Senior Research Specialist Policy Research Division Korean Ocean Research and Development Institute ANSAN P.O. Box 29 SEOUL 425-600 Tel: (+82) 31400 6507 Fax: (+82) 31400 6505 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:cmlee@kordi.re.kr" cmlee@kordi.re.kr Morocco/Maroc Prof. Mohammed MONCEF Laboratoire dEtude et dAnalyse Environnementales (LEAE) Universit Chouab Doukkali Facult des Sciences B.P. 20 24000 EL JADIDA Tel: (+212) 23 34 30 03/ +212 61230442 Fax: (+212) 23 34 21 87 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mdmoncef@yahoo.fr" mdmoncef@yahoo.fr Nigeria Dr. Olajide A. AYINLA (Deputy Executive Director/ CEO) Deputy to Executive Director Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research (NIOMR) P.M.B. 12729 Lagos Phone: 234-1 189 71139/08023261588 Fax: 234-1-2619517 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:niomr@linkserve.com.ng/ jideoyin@yahoo.com" niomr@linkserve.com.ng/ jideoyin@yahoo.com Peru/Prou Dr. Elvira VELSQUEZ Minister Embassy of Peru Gottfried Keller-Gasse, 2/1-2 1030 Vienna AUSTRIA Tel: (+43) 1 7134377, 71 57486 and 7137054 Email: evelasquez@embaperuaustria.at Portugal/Portugal Prof. Mara Eduarda GONCALVES Department of Law Instituto Superior de Ciencias do Trabalho e da Empresa Avenida das Foras Armadas 1649-026 Lisbon Phone: (+21) 7903281 or 21 790 3494 Fax: (+21) 790 64710 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mebg@iscte.pt" mebg@iscte.pt Senegal/Sngal Ms. Marime Diagne TALLA Juriste des droits de la mer Chef du bureau Lgislation et Suivi des Accords et Conventions Direction des Pches Maritimes Ministre de lEconomie Maritime et des Transports Maritimes Internationales 1, rue Joris - DAKAR Tel: (+221) 823 01 37 Fax: (+221) 821 47 58 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:dopm@sentoo.sn" dopm@sentoo.sn  HYPERLINK "mailto:/masodiagne@yahoo.fr" /masodiagne@yahoo.fr Spain/Espagne Mr. Luis FONSECA SNCHEZ Asesor Jurdico Asesora Jurdica Internacional Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacin Plaza de la Provincia 1 28071 Madrid Phone: (+34) 91 379 99 11 Fax: (+34) 91 364 06 45 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:luis.fonseca@mae.es" luis.fonseca@mae.es Dr. Gregorio PARRILLA BARRERA Investigador A1 Instituto Espaol de Oceanografia Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia Corazon de Maria 8 28002 Madrid Phone: (+34) 91 347 36 08 Fax: (+34) 91 413 55 97 E mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:gregorio.parrilla@md.ieo.es" gregorio.parrilla@md.ieo.es Togo/Togo Prof. Adot Blim BLIVI Chercheur en Gomorphologie et Gestion du Littoral Universit de Lom Centre de Gestion Intgre du Littoral et de l'Environnement Facult des Lettres et Sciences Humaines Dpartement de Gographie B.P. 1515 / 60047 B Lom Togo Phone: (D/H) : (+228) 227 08 50 / 270 77 11 Cel: (+228) 905 39 14 Phone: (B/O): (+228) 221 68 17/222 4865 Fax: (+228) 221 85 95 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:adoblivi@hotmail.com" adoblivi@hotmail.com;  HYPERLINK "mailto:a.blivi@odinafrica.net" a.blivi@odinafrica.net;  HYPERLINK "mailto:cgileul@yahoo.fr" cgileul@yahoo.fr Tunisia/Tunisie Prof. Chrif SAMMARI Head of the Laboratory of the Marine Environment Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer (INSTM) 28 Rue 2 Mars 1934 2025 Salammb Tel :. (+216) 71 730 420/(+216) 71 277 735 Fax : (+216) 71 7302 622 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:cherif.sammari@instm.rnrt.tn" cherif.sammari@instm.rnrt.tn Turkey/Turquie Dr. Captain Ahmet TRKER (PhD) Head of the Technical Group The Office of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography 34805 Cubuklu Beykoz Istanbul, 34805 Tel: (+90).216.322.25.80 (ext 3000) Fax: (+90).216.331.05.25 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:aturker@shodb.gov.tr" aturker@shodb.gov.tr Capt..Atilla KAYA Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography, Chief of Division. E-Mail: ati_kaya@hotmail.com Tel: +90 312 403 36 83 (Ext: 3683) Fax: + 90 312 417 30 65 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland/Royaume Uni de Grande Bretagne et dIrlande du Nord Dr. Lindsay PARSON (Head of Delegation) National Oceanography Centre European Way Southampton SO14 3ZH United Kingdom Tel (+44) 0238-596541 Fax (+44) 02380-596554 Sec (+44) 02380-596542/596555 E-mail: L.parson@noc.soton.ac.uk Mr. Andrew TATE Deputy Team Leader Maritime Team Global & Economic Issues Directorate Room WH3.424, King Charles Street Foreign & Commonwealth Office, SW1A 2AH Tel: (020) 7008 2638 Fax: (020) 7008 3189 Email: andrew.tate@fco.gov.uk United States of America/Etats Unis dAmrique Capt. J. Ashley ROACH Office of the Legal Adviser (L/OES) U.S. Department Of State, 2201 C ST NW, Washington, DC 20520 - 6419 Phone: (+1 202) 647 1646 Fax: (+1 202) 736 7115 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:roachja@state.gov" roachja@state.gov Dr. Stephen R. PIOTROWICZ Deputy Director The National Office for Integrated and Sustained Ocean Observations (OCEAN US) NOAA 2300 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 1350 Arlington, Virginia 22201-3667 Tel: (+1-703).588.0850 Fax: (+1-703).588.0872 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:steve.piotrowicz@noaa.gov" steve.piotrowicz@noaa.gov Russian Federation/Fdration de Russie Mr. Audrey A. AKIMOV Swoleuskaya- Sennaga, 32/34, Mosco, Russia Tl. +7 (495) 2417718 Fax: +7 (495) 241 11 66 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:dp@mid.nu" dp@mid.nu III. organisations/ ORGANIZATIONS Argo Information Centre/Centre dinformation Argo Mr. Mathieu BELBEOCH Argo Technical Coordinator JCOMMOPS 8-10 Rue Hermes Parc Technologique du Canal 31520 Ramonville Cedex-France Tel (+33) 561 394730 Fax (+33) 561 751014 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:belbeoch@jcommops.org" belbeoch@jcommops.org UN/OLA/DOALOS (United Nations/Nations Unies /Office of Legal Affairs /Bureau des Affaires Juridiques/ Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea/Division des Affaires Maritimes et du Droit de la Mer) Ms. Alice HICUBURUNDI Law of the Sea/ Ocean Affairs Officer Train-Sea-Coast Programme Coordinator Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea Office of Legal Affairs United Nations 2 UN Plaza; Room DC2-422 New York, NY 10017 United States of America Tel: (+1 212) 963-59 15 Fax: (+1 212) 963-58 47 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:hicuburundi@un.org" hicuburundi@un.org International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea/Tribunal international du droit de la mer Judge Mr Tafsir MALICK Ndiaye Cit Immorama Hann Mariste Villa no 23 BP: 6194 Dakar Senegal Tel.: (H) +221 83 240 13 Mobile: +221 637 08 72 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:tmndiaye@orange.sn" \o "mailto:tmndiaye@orange.sn" tmndiaye@orange.sn iV. ioc SECRETARIAT/ Secrtariat de la COI Dr. Patricio BERNAL Executive Secretary IOC B4.21 Tel. +33145683983 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:p.bernal@unesco.org" p.bernal@unesco.org Ms. Aurora MATEOS Technical Secretary for UNCLOS Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 1 rue Miollis, Office B 430 Paris 757757` FRANCE Tel: (+33 1) 45683994 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:a.mateos@unesco.org" a.mateos@unesco.org V. LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE/COMIT LOCAL DORGANIZATION Amb. Pierre MAGANGA Directeur gnral du droit de la mer DGDM / Ministre des affaires trangres, de la coopration, la francophonie et lintgration rgional B.P 408 Libreville Tel: (+241) 73 12 48; 73 09 59 Fax : (+241) 730 963 Mobile. (+241) 06246587/07505444 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:magp58@yahoo.fr" magp58@yahoo.fr Mr. Brice Alexis NZAMBI M'BOUISSOU Ingnieur Informaticien, Chef de Division de la Logistique Informatique, DSI / Ministre des affaires trangres, de la coopration, la francophonie et lintgration rgional B.P 2245 Libreville Tel: (+241) 74 23 70 / 74 23 71 Fax : (+241) 76 12 72 Mobile. (+241) 06061462 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:nzambimbouissou@gmail.com" nzambimbouissou@gmail.com Mme. Graldine Laurette OMBEMBE Secrtaire des Affaires Etrangres, la Direction Gnrale du Droit de la Mer DGDM / Ministre des affaires trangres, de la coopration, la francophonie et lintgration rgional B.P 2245 Libreville Tel: (+241) 73 12 48; 73 09 59 Fax : (+241) 730963 Mobile: (+241) 06 71 57 20 Email: geyr66@yahoo.fr Mme. Michelle ATSAME EBANG Secrtaire la Direction Gnrale du Droit de la Mer DGDM / Ministre des affaires trangres, de la coopration, la francophonie et lintgration rgional B.P. 2245 Libreville Tel: (+241) 73 12 48; 73 09 59 Fax : (+241) 730963 Mobile. (+241) 06976057 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ebangmichelle@yahoo." ebangmichelle@yahoo.fr Mme. Aime Nadge MBAH Secrtaire de Chancellerie, la Direction Gnrale du Droit de la Mer DGDM / Ministre des affaires trangres, de la coopration, la francophonie et lintgration rgional B.P 2245 Libreville Tel: (+241) 73 12 48; 73 09 59 Fax : (+241) 730963 Mobile. (+241) 06244290 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:aimenadegem@yahoo." aimenadegem@yahoo.fr Mme. Antoinette BOUANGA Charge dEtudes la Direction Gnrale du Droit de la Mer DGDM / Ministre des affaires trangres, de la coopration, la francophonie et lintgration rgional B.P 2245 Libreville Tel: (+241) 73 12 48; 73 09 59 Fax : (+241) 730 963 Mr. Flicien NGOUNGOULOU Agent de Liaison, la Direction Gnrale du Droit de la Mer DGDM / Ministre des affaires trangres, de la coopration, la francophonie et lintgration rgional B.P 2245 Libreville Tel: (+241) 73 12 48; 73 09 59 Fax : (+241) 730963 Mobile: (+241) 07 38 26 96 Email: jeffpilou@yahoo.fr Mr. Emmanuel EMANE DGDM / Ministre des affaires trangres, de la coopration, la francophonie et lintgration rgional B.P 2245 Libreville Tel: (+241) 73 12 48; 73 09 59 Fax : (+241) 730 963 Mr Richard MBENGUILI DGDM / Ministre des affaires trangres, de la coopration, la francophonie et lintgration rgional B.P 2245 Libreville Tel: (+241) 73 12 48; 73 09 59 Fax : (+241) 730963 Mobile. (+241) 07851869 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:nzambimbouissou@gmail.com" jmbenguily@yahoo.fr Mr Guy Roger BIVIGOU Agent de liaison DGDM / Ministre des affaires trangres, de la coopration, la francophonie et lintgration rgional B.P. 2245 Libreville Tel: (+241) 73 12 48; 73 09 59 Fax : (+241) 730963 Mobile: (+241) 07 52 88 51 Email: wendawaren@yahoo.fr ANNEX VI list of acronyms AICArgo Information CentreArgoGODAE global profiling float project (not an acronym)CGTMTIOC Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine TechnologyUN/OLA/DOALOSDivision for Ocean Affairs and Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations EEZExclusive Economic ZoneGMAGlobal Marine AssessmentGODAEGlobal Ocean Data Assimilation ExperimentGSSCGOOS Scientific Steering CommitteeGRAGOOS Regional AllianceICSUInternational Council for ScienceIOC/ABE-LOSAdvisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (IOC of UNESCO)I-GOOSIOC-WMO-UNEP Intergovernmental Committee for the Global Ocean Observing SystemIMOInternational Maritime OrganizationIOCIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO)IUCNWorld Conservation UnionJCOMMJoint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine MeteorologyMSRMarine Scientific ResearchTMTTransfer of Marine TechnologyTMTATransfer of Marine Technology ApplicationUNUnited NationsUNCLOSUnited Nations Convention on the Law of the SeaUNEPUnited Nations Environment ProgrammeUNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural OrganizationUNGAUnited Nations General AssemblyWMOWorld Meteorological OrganizationXBTExpendable Bathythermograph ( This report is bilingual English/French.  It was held in Split, Croatia from 27-29 April 2006  The preparatory work for an international instrument was suspended during UNCLOS-III. Taking into consideration that the use of ODAS has substantially increased and is expected to continue to increase there may now be a need for a legal instrument. IOC has an important role to play in this connection which is not necessary derived from UNCLOS. At present, the draft agreement on ODAS has been transmitted, through IOC, to ICSPRO. The Working Group concluded that this is a policy decision and it is up to IOC and IMO to decide whether this issue should be revisited taking into consideration the actual needs of the marine scientific community     UNESCO UNESCO 2007 IOC/EB-IBCCA-IX/3 page ( PAGE x) page IOC-XX/? page ( PAGE x) page IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 page ( PAGE i) IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 page  PAGE 4 IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 page  PAGE 3 IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 IOC/EB-IBCCA-IX/3 Annex I - page  PAGE 10 IOC/EB-IBCCA-IX/3 Annex I - page  PAGE 10 IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 Annex I IOC/EB-IBCCA-IX/3 Annex II - page  PAGE 10 IOC/EB-IBCCA-IX/3 Annex II - page  PAGE 10 IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 Annex II IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 Annex III page  PAGE 4 IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 Annex III page  PAGE 5 IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 Annex III IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 Annex IV IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 Annex V IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 Annex V page  PAGE 2 IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 Annex V - page  PAGE 3 IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 Annex V page  PAGE 10 IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 Annex V page  PAGE 5 IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 Annex V page  PAGE 4 IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 Annex V page  PAGE 10 IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 Annex V page  PAGE 6 IOC/EB-IBCCA-IX/3 Annex ___ - page  PAGE 10 IOC/EB-IBCCA-IX/3 Annex ___ - page  PAGE 10 IOC/ABE-LOS-VII/3 Annex VI `a; x y ra]F2&h$h#Q45CJ(OJQJ\^JaJ -h$h#Q45@CJ8OJQJ\^JaJ8hh:U h$henCJ OJQJ^JaJ h$hUCJ OJQJ^JaJ &h$hen5CJ(OJQJ\^JaJ &h$hU5CJ(OJQJ\^JaJ *h$hen5@CJ8OJQJ\^JaJ8-h$hU5@CJ8OJQJ\^JaJ8hAjh$hen5@CJ8OJQJU\^JaJ8hmHnHu h$hen+` ; y $a$$a$$a$ $(](a$"!!&&&,&   , - . / 0 źŘőŅq^Ph 'h`0JmHnHu$jh 'h`0JUmHnHuh`5;hmHnHsH uh`jh`Uh1 { h$hU j*hchc0Jh:UhsCmH sH h:UhUmH sH h:UhenmH sH  h$hen"h$hen5OJQJ\^JaJ$ h$henCJ OJQJ^JaJ h$h#Q4CJ OJQJ^JaJ   . 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