ࡱ> ac`b gjbjb UgRRRRRRR ,'38.....   2222222,_5R72R     2 RR..2    R.R.2 f$RRRR 2  ./RRR2" >q 1R2L20'3168 8,R2 R F F  WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION ________________________  INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (OF UNESCO) ________________________ Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) Observations Programme Area Coordination Group Third Meeting Paris, France, 9 to 11 March 2009OCG-III/Doc. 3.5 rev. 2 (6.III.2009) __________ ITEM 3.5 Status and Challenges for OceanSITES Submitted by Uwe Send, co-chair OceanSITES OceanSITES is finally in a position to make real progress with two important recent developments: 1. addition (and funding) of a second GDAC (NDBC) and thus having a co-chair (Bill Burnett) for the Data Management Team 2. establishment of a Project Office with half-time support, and arrangement for Hester Viola to function as OceanSITES coordinator. Both of these advances already have injected a lot of new activity and progress into OceanSITES. 1) performance measured against requirements OceanSITES has no established requirements to measure performance against, other than a goal of achieving a certain number of sustained global sites. Even though a global map looks reasonably impressive, it turns out that most sites are so dissimilar that the network has little value as such, since information/variables/processes cannot be compared, and no standard measurements exist. This lead to the new concept of a core/backbone set of sites that have a minimal set of common observations, serving all disciplines and many potential users with some basic information. This is the new short-term objective of OceanSITES. 2) delivery of raw data (data collection and exchange) The second version of the data format has been established and approved last fall. The two GDACs are up and running and synchronize their data holding each day. A metadata questionnaire has been developed and mailed to the initial data providers (all sites represented in the OceanSITES Steering Committee). Filled forms are just coming back and some data are starting to flow. 3) measurement standards and quality control issues QC levels and procedures are being established, as well as best practices. Two working groups have been formed for physical/met data and for biogeochemical data. 4) logistics and resources Initial funding has been made available by NOAA for the second GDAC and partial support for the project office. Additional support will be needed from other countries and JCOMM/DBCP contributing countries are now being contacted to request small increases to their contributions for OceanSITES. In addition NOAA is willing to help out with manpower, e.g. Derrick Snowden can provide help for JCOMMOPS. More support and manpower is needed to make products and indicators happen ! 5) costs of the system and benefits (how information is used and identifying data users) We have not estimated costs, funding comes from each countrys agencies. But a rule of thumb for the operational costs (after initial hardware and equipment purchases) seems to be 300-400k$ per site, plus shiptime. OceanSITES has identified a number of products and indicators that can be generated for users in various communities, but that needs more manpower and support. 6) capacity-building requirements A new idea is to develop a blue-print for a standard OceanSITES mooring that could be used/duplicated in many countries. We plan to pool the expertise from WHOI, SIO, PMEL, to arrive at a standard mooring design. 7) potential new technology: instrumentation, communications, platforms The big topic at present is ocean acidification, and pH sensors are being developed. SIO is active in this field and is testing a variety of sensors. Acoustic multifrequency sensors for zooplankton and fish abundance are making progress. Imaging techniques (LOPC, flow cytometry, FlowCams) will be able to distinguish species of plankton. Profiling platforms on moorings are being developed and will be available in the next years. 8) ideas for the way forward The data system has to provide data from all global sites. Products and indicators have to be provided on the OceanSITES website. The core/backbone system needs to be implemented and sustained. The existing institutions can operate the backbone system, but approx. 2Mio startup is needed to buy the equipment. The disciplinary/sensor expertise needs to be shared from the OceanSITES members. The O&M funding needs to be secured. =>DG H  0,g޲Ăuguguguguguguguguh h 6CJOJQJh h CJOJQJhh 6CJOJQJhh 5CJOJQJaJ"hh 5;CJOJQJaJ"hh 5>*CJOJQJaJhh CJOJQJhh CJOJQJ hh hh 5CJOJQJhh CJOJQJ #$=>?vnn$$ &@#$/Ifa$gd Rkd$$Ifx40[(b 6@ 5)4 xaf4$$ &@#$/Ifa$gd d$ &@#$/Ifgd  g"#EFG_lmxyz:$ &@#$/Ifgd d$ &@#$/Ifgd $$ &@#$/Ifa$gd $ &@#$/Ifgd  ?@}}$a$gd gd ukd$$Ifx\[v;( 6@ 5)4 xa> ? g F G H  0,gd efggd &1h:p {. 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