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Presently, only the XBT programme is based on recommendations from international and regional panels, and involves repeat sampling at more or less regular intervals along pre-determined routes (transects). There are three modes of sampling that are transect dependent: Low Density (12 transects per year and 4 XBT deployments per day), Frequently Repeated (12-18 transects per year and 6 XBT deployments per day), and High Density (4 transects per year, 1 deployment every 10-50 km). The accomplishment and maintenance of the recommended transects are highly dependant on ship traffic and recruitments. However, similar to the VOS, the SOOP is currently encountering problems in achieving its objectives primarily because of unforeseen ship movements resulting in route changes or the suspension of trade on some routes. Approximately 22,000 XBTs are deployed every year, of which 15,000 are transmitted in real-time and ingested into operational data bases. There are approximately 30 ships transmitting TSG data. Data reporting and monitoring becomes crucial to assess performance. Data Collection & Exchange Most of the XBT observations transmitted in real-time undergo an automatic quality control process Quality controlled delayed-mode XBT data supplied by XBT Operators are distributed by NOAA/NODC and by Coriolis. Metadata from XBT observations are critical, particularly for current studies of XBT fall rate equation. Metadata for TSG observations is also critical, particularly the calibration coefficients for delayed-mode data quality control. There are several data acquisition systems used, with NOAA SEAS and the CSIRO Devil systems being the most popular. A recent study has shown that data accuracy is not dependent on the system used. Measurement Standards & QC Issues Data transmitted in real-time through different transmission procedures go through diverse quality control procedures. It has been suggested to standardize these procedures, probably making them similar if not identical to the temperature profiles provided by profiling floats for Argo . Real time monitoring of XBT data can only be done by trained ship crew members, who are usually instructed on how to distinguish the most typical extreme cases of anomalous profiles. Real-time monitoring of TSG data are routinely performed using the quality control provided by the Global Ocean Surface Underway Data (GOSUD). The identification of anomalous TSG-derived salinity data may help identify problems such as biofouling. Logistics & Resources In addition to the problems associated with the reduction of ship traffic and recruitment issues similar to the VOS, the main logistic problem with the XBTs is the constant changing of ship routes. This makes it extremely difficult to achieve the desired sampling goals on some transects. A few recommended transects, such as PX50 (New Zealand to Chile) and AX18 (South Africa to Buenos Aires/Montevideo), have little if any commercial traffic trading on the route. A large number of XBTs deployed by non-US agencies are the result of donations from the US (NOAA), thereby making the operation highly dependent on the continuing support of one single institution. Web tools to monitor real-time data flow into the GTS from XBTs (http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/GTS/XBT/) and TSG (http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/GTS/TSG/) have been developed. Other sites, such as  HYPERLINK "http://goos142.amverseas.noaa.gov/db/xbtplotapp.html" http://goos142.amverseas.noaa.gov/db/xbtplotapp.html permit the monitoring of SEAS transmissions into the GTS. These tools are routinely used to monitor and track the deployment of XBTs and of TSG observations. However, they are restricted to data only transmitted into the GTS. Use Of The Data & Data Users SOOP addresses both scientific and operational goals for building a sustained ocean observing system. XBT observations represent approximately 25% of the upper ocean thermal observations. These surface and subsurface data are used to initialize operational climate forecast models. The extent to which these data are used and their impact in the models needs to be assessed. Sea surface salinity from TSGs are not currently being used for initializing models, which generally use sea surface salinity observations from Argo floats alone. The main objective of XBT observations are linked specifically to the three modes of deployment. Data along fixed transects are of critical scientific value and used to (1) investigate for example intraseasonal interannual variability in the tropical ocean (Low Density mode), (2) measure seasonal and interannual variation of volume transport of major open ocean currents (Frequently Repeated Mode), and (3) measure meridional heat advection across ocean basins (High Density mode). Capacity-building Requirements Several tools, including installation and operation manuals have been created as reference for crew members and ship riders to operate XBT equipment and for technicians to install and maintain TSG equipment. Through collaboration XBT probes and equipment donations, several efforts are underway to increase the participation of additional countries in SOOP operations. Potential New Technology Improved and new technologies keep being incorporated in the SOOP operations, such as autolaunchers for different types of XBTs. Iridium satellite XBT and TSG transmissions are currently being tested. Ferrybox and Seakeepers have developed systems, some of which allow free use of their proprietary technology. Ideas For The Way Forward The community should assess the possibility of using a unique XBT launcher and acquisition system to save costs associated with research, development and maintenance. The community should also consider the use of Service Argos or XBT transmissions, thereby consolidating the transmission, data quality control and distribution of upper ocean thermal observations. The international community will be reviewing the XBT transects at the OceanObs09 Meeting in September 2009. It is expected that TSG transects will be recommended for the first time at the same meeting. Communications between the scientific and operational communities, who respectively recommend and implement the transects, must continue in order to meet stated goals. WMO is migrating away from the traditional alphanumeric codes (TAC) to table-driven codes, thus eliminating the familiar BATHY message in favour of the BUFR format. The community is currently working on defining the final version of templates for the various products being migrated to best accommodate both data and metadata, whilst serving the needs of data producers and users. The advantages of BUFR over TAC are numerous: expandability, self-description, flexibility, packing, quality flags. As a general rule, a new parameter will not involve software changes, but rather the creation of a table for the parameter that contains a list of descriptors. This will greatly simplify the task of introducing new parameters and considerably reduce development time. The current drafts of the new BUFR templates include fields that are not currently collected as part of the routine operational procedures but are nevertheless recommended by metadata groups such as META-T. The operational community will have to change the data collection procedures and implement changes to the data acquisition in order to fully utilise the new BUFR templates capabilities for expanded and necessary metadata.     =>DG( e]^_uHIPQ7ĺxggXgh>mxh@0JCJmH sH !jh>mxh@CJUmH sH h>mxh@hn,CJmH sH h>mxh@5CJmH sH h>mxh@CJmH sH h>mxh@6CJmH sH h>mxh@CJh>mxh@5CJhHh@5CJaJhh@CJhh@CJOJQJ hh@hh@5CJhh@CJ"#$=>?vnn$$ &@#$/Ifa$gd@Rkd$$Ifx40[(b 6@ 5)4 xaf4$$ &@#$/Ifa$gd@d$ &@#$/Ifgd@ &&"#EFG[hituv:$ &@#$/Ifgd@d$ &@#$/Ifgd@$$ &@#$/Ifa$gd@$ &@#$/Ifgd@ $a$gd@ukd$$Ifx\[v;( 6@ 5)4 xa ( cdebc]^_uJ gd@ & F p^`pgd@ p^`pgd@ ^gd@ & F p^`pgd@JK678Uuv\]^} DEF`A"B" & F p^`pgd@ gd@ ^gd@7TU^} F`&&&&&&&&&&h@jh@Uh>mxh@CJh>mxh@5CJmH sH h>mxh@5CJB"&&&&&&&&&&& ^gd@ -01:p@{. 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