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ACTION PROPOSED The Task Team is invited to: Note and comment on the information provided as appropriate; Advise on future actions by the Team regarding the development of a pilot project on Quality Management System (QMS) for the provision of marine meteorological services for International Navigation; Identify potential METAREA Issuing Services, which have demonstrated capacity for implementing a trial QMS. ______________________ DISCUSSION 1. WMO QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK 1.1 The Fourteenth WMO Congress (May 2003) noted that users of meteorological and related data, products and services were increasingly requesting that quality management systems be put in place to help provide a level of assurance on quality of those data, products and services. WMO Congress therefore adopted Resolution 27 (Cg-XIV) and Resolution 32 (Cg-XV) and decided that WMO should work towards a Quality Management Framework (QMF) for National Meteorological or Hydrometeorological Services. 1.2 The WMO Executive Council appreciated that the acceptance process of a formal agreement between ISO and WMO with the aim to grant WMO the status of a Standardizing Organization in the field of meteorology and related activities would be concluded at the end of June 2008 and be available for distribution to Members. Such a status will enable Members to use the WMO technical publications in the same way as the ISO documents in their quest for the ISO 9000 certification, which would greatly facilitate and simplify this process for them and reduce cost. In this connection, the Council emphasized again the requirements for developing suitable technical publications to provide necessary advice to technical commissions in reviewing the existing documents and adjusting them to Quality Management System (QMS) requirements, and preparing and publishing the necessary updates. With regard to the ability to trace the instrument record, the Council suggested to study the potential benefit of certification, not only for ISO 9000 but also for ISO/IEC 17025:2005. 1.3 In terms of Quality Management, Best Practices and Standards, JCOMM has engaged in the following activities: the development of a JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and Standards, compiling appropriate documentation from WMO and IOC. A consultant will be appointed in order to have a draft available by March 2009; the establishment of, in cooperation with the IOC International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) a Standards process ( HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandatastandards.org/" http://www.oceandatastandards.org/) to achieve a broad agreement and commitment to adopt a number of standards related to ocean data management and exchange. Promoting higher level of standards, including common WMO-ISO standards as appropriate, thanks to the WMO-ISO agreement, is also an approach followed by JCOMM; The WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM where integration of quality management is one of the three core deliverables of the Pilot Project. 1.4 Additionally, Cg-XV (May 2007) requested the implementation of quality management systems (QMS) at, at least one of its Members, and that the documentation developed during this process be shared with other developing countries, with a view to facilitating and expediting QMS implementations. In this context, the Inter-Commission Task Team on Quality Management Framework (ICTT-QMF), at its meeting in October 2008, agreed that the provision of meteorological service for international maritime navigation certainly needed a QM approach. This should be developed in liaison with IMO, and the example of CAeM, where a clear customer requirements and feedback process is in place through ICAO, could be used beneficially. 2. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2.1 Detailed information on Quality Management Systems is available in WMO-No. 1001 (Guide on Quality Management System for the Provision of Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation). 2.2 As defined in ISO 9000:2000, a quality management system is a management system that directs and controls an organization with regard to quality (Clause 3.2.3 of ISO 9000:2000). Activities generally include the following: Establishment of a quality policy and quality objectives; Quality planning; Quality control; Quality assurance; and Quality improvement. 2.3 The intent of the ISO 9000 quality management system is to provide a management framework for the organization to comply with applicable requirements, control its processes and minimize their risk, and ultimately satisfy customer needs and expectations. Quality Control 2.4 The quality control function of an organization first evolved when inspectors were hired to inspect products to differentiate between the good and the bad. The 100 per cent inspection later evolved into sampling inspection. Quality control is a part of quality management focused on fulfilling quality requirements (Clause 3.2.10 of ISO 9000:2000). In other words, the operational techniques and activities, such as the sampling of the inspection mentioned above, are used to fulfil the requirements for quality. The nature of this approach remains more or less detection and that is considered a reactive downstream approach corrections only after problems occur. Quality Assurance 2.5 Quality assurance is also a part of quality management but it is focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled (Clause 3.2.11 of ISO 9000:2000). In other words, it pertains to all those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a product will satisfy the requirements for quality. This is a fundamental shift in concept from the reactive downstream approach of quality control by means of detection, to a pro-active upstream approach that controls and manages the upstream activities to prevent problems from arising. Quality Improvement 2.6 Quality improvement is another part of quality management that is focused on increasing the ability to fulfil quality requirements (Clause 3.2.12 of ISO 9000:2000). It is not concerned with correcting errors but concerned with better performance to improve system efficiency and effectiveness. 2.7 ISO offers the PlanDoCheckAct (PDCA) cycle as a useful tool for continual improvement. The methodology applies to both high-level strategic processes and to simple operational activities. Figure below illustrates the PDCA cycle.  Quality Management Principles and its application to marine meteorological services for International Navigation 2.8 The ISO Committee derived eight quality management principles from the collective experience and knowledge of the international experts who participated in ISO/TC 176, on which the standards of the revised ISO 9000:2000 series are based. These principles reflect best practice and are designed to enable continual improvement of the system. Senior management of meteorological authorities as a framework to guide their organizations towards improved performance can use them. These principles are as follows: Customer focus. Organizations depend on their customers and therefore should understand current and future customer needs, should meet customer requirements and strive to exceed customer requirements. ISO 9001:2000 places much emphasis on customer focus. Meteorological authorities should document customer requirements and monitor the quality of services as perceived by the customers. The means to achieve this may include the conduct of regular customer satisfaction surveys, liaison meetings with representatives of the customers and visits to the operation facilities of the customers. All customer feedback and complaints should be formally recorded and followed up immediately. Details of action taken and recommendations for improvement should be documented. It is also important to give a formal response to the customer before the feedback or complaint is considered closed. A first step to develop a Quality Management System for the provision of marine meteorological services for International Navigation is to prepare an IMO/WMO resolution on the World-Wide Meteorological Warning Services, similar to the IMO resolution A706(17) on the IMO/IHO World-Wide Navigational Warning Service. Leadership. Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the organization. They should create and maintain the internal environment in which people can become fully involved in achieving the organizations objectives. The implementation of a quality management system will hardly be successful if there is lack of commitment from top management. As such, it is critical that top management has a sound appreciation and understanding of all facets of quality management and, in particular, issues pertaining to quality assurance. This understanding and appreciation should be obtained through appropriate training and experience. It must also be remembered that leadership can be found at all levels within an organization and identifying this quality may be of great benefit in establishing a quality culture within a specific section of an organization or throughout the organization as a whole. Involvement of people. People at all levels are the essence of an organization and their full involvement enables their abilities to be used for the organizations benefit. Staff must be suitably qualified and competent in their jobs, as the quality of their work directly affects the quality of service. This can be achieved through the provision of appropriate training and evaluation. Quality awareness training should also be provided to all relevant staff to heighten responsibility, accountability and quality consciousness, that is, to assist in building a quality-focused culture. With the implementation of the quality management system, staff needs to take on additional responsibilities such as the day-to-day consistency checks as part of the data for product quality assurance and control processes. Process approach. A desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and related resources are managed as a process. A process is a set of interrelated or interacting activities that transform inputs into outputs. A quality management system can be thought of as a single large process that uses many inputs to generate many outputs. In turn, this large process is made up of many smaller processes. All activities and resources related to marine meteorological services, including operational and administrative, have to be managed as processes. System approach to management. Identifying, understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system contributes to the organizations effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its objectives. Meteorological service providers may already have documented many of the operational and administrative processes for service provision. These processes should be reviewed and any differences between the ISO requirements and existing processes identified. Quality system procedures should then be developed for these differences and applied so that the processes to achieve the best results can be aligned and integrated. Continual improvement. Continual improvement of the organizations overall performance should be a permanent objective of the organization. Specifically, the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system have to be evaluated and areas for improvement identified and rectified. Management reviews have to be conducted regularly using data collected from the monitoring and measurement process to identify areas for further improvement. Channels may need to be established to allow all staff in the organization to make suggestions on ways to improve the service. Factual approach to decision-making. Effective decisions are based on the analysis of data and information. Among other things, a Weather and Sea Bulletin verification system has to be developed in accordance with the IMO/WMO requirements to ensure the accuracy of each of the weather elements. Other performance statistics or indicators, such as timeliness and conformance to the specification, user satisfaction survey results and supplier performance records should also be collected in the data and analysis process. Mutually beneficial supplier relationships. An organization and its suppliers are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to create value. Suppliers should be evaluated and selected based on their ability to meet purchase order requirements and on their past performance. _____________     MSI/Doc. 7.1, p.  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