ࡱ> OQHIJKLMN` 0Zbjbjss < O|X,;uBTTT8Tnnnn3oqtxhE{tzt@zztTT t   zTTn zn  .OHST '<@WQ@U  u0;uQ{{S,S{S| V|ttd;uzzzz0DD  WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION ________________________  INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (OF UNESCO) ________________________ JOINT WMO-IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY (JCOMM) SERVICES COORDINATION GROUP FOURTH SESSION GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, 11 TO 13 MARCH 2009SCG-IV/Doc. 7.1 (18.II.2009) __________ ITEM 7.1 Original: ENGLISH PREPARATIONS FOR JCOMM-III Documentation for the session, including draft recommendations (Submitted by the Secretariat) Summary and Purpose of Document This document provides detailed information regarding the planning for the JCOMM-III session, in particular the preparation of documentation.  ACTION PROPOSED The Services Coordination Group is invited to: Note and comment on the information contained in this document; Assign parts of documents to be prepared for JCOMM-III to each member of the Group based on the provisional agenda approved by the JCOMM Management Committee at its seventh session (Melbourne, Australia, December 2008). ______________________ Appendices: A. Template for JCOMM-III documents (DOCs) B. Provisional agenda and explanatory memorandum for JCOMM-III C. Provisional JCOMM-III Monthly Documentation Plan (documents to be translated) DISCUSSION INTRODUCTION 1. The third session of JCOMM (JCOMM-III) will take place in Morocco, from 4 to 11 November 2009. The Permanent Representative with WMO of Morocco has confirmed Marrakech as the venue for JCOMM-III. Detailed planning for the session, in particular the preparation of documentation (recalling the requirement for all documents to be translated into six languages), must commence immediately. ROLE OF THE COMMISSION IN SESSION 2. JCOMM is a constituent body of WMO and a major subsidiary body of IOC. As such, and within its terms of reference, its role is to be the major technical advisory body to the two Organizations (i.e., their Members/Member States, Governing Bodies and other subsidiary bodies and programmes) on all technical aspects of operational marine meteorology and oceanography. In fulfilling this role, it is expected to prepare plans, proposals, regulations, guidance etc, within its field of competence, for consideration and approval by the governing bodies. Following such an approval, there is an obligation on Members/Member States to apply and implement plans, which are adopted by the Commission, according to the relevant regulations and guidance. 3. Most of the technical work of the Commission is carried out by or through its subsidiary groups, teams, rapporteurs, etc., which are expected to develop draft plans, proposals and recommendations for consideration by the Commission in session. The Commission is also expected to provide its subsidiary bodies with an overall work plan and guidance, established within the context of its objectives, strategies and programme. These latter must, in turn, be developed within the overall mandate, result-based management plans (e.g., the WMO Strategic and Operating Plans, and the UNESCO/IOC Medium Term Strategy) of the parent Organizations. 4. It should be noted that JCOMM is an intergovernmental technical body of WMO and IOC. The ultimate approval for actions proposed by JCOMM rests with the Congress or Executive Council of WMO and the Assembly or Executive Council of IOC. In the mean time, JCOMM retains technical competence in the fields of operational oceanography and marine meteorology, therefore within these fields, JCOMM represents the Organizations Governing Bodies through the Commission sessions. Delegates to Commission sessions are formally mandated (credentialed) by their Governments to undertake a final intergovernmental review of plans, strategies and recommendations for action by themselves. 5. In summary, the role of JCOMM in session is to provide an (in practice the only) intergovernmental technical input to and review of: The overall objectives, programmes, plans and strategies for the Commission as a whole; A detailed operating plan, including a work programme; Proposals, recommendations, technical guidance and regulatory material prepared by its subsidiary bodies, prior to final approval by Congress or Executive Council of WMO and Executive Council or Assembly of IOC (with associated implied commitments). LOGISTICS PLANNING 6. In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Secretariat support and on the rules and procedures for JCOMM, WMO has primary responsibility for the preparations of and the conduct of JCOMM-III. Logistics planning for the session has already begun in the Secretariat and with the local organizers. The document preparation should start immediately after the current session of the Services Coordination Group, and should continue at regular intervals until mid-June. There will be limited hard copy distribution of documents to registered delegates in advance of the session, as all documents will be made available on the Internet for downloading. Organization of the JCOMM-III session Pre-session and preparation of the documents 7. There are documents that will consist of a single Report (REP) on the activities carried out during the preceding intersessional period and various short documents (DOCs) concentrating on decisions expected to be made during JCOMM-III. 8. The REP could be treated as an information document (INFO). The INFO document will be provided in two languages (English and French). The aim is to reduce the costs and focus the discussion and debate on the more relevant scientific and technical aspects. The REP will be the report by the co-presidents of the Commission and reports by each of the Programme Area Coordinators and Cross-cutting Teams chairs. 9. Documents (DOCs) will consist of a draft text for inclusion in the general summary of JCOMM-III (decisions and actions), draft recommendations and/or resolutions, and a background information report containing only relevant topics (when required to understand the context of the draft text for inclusion in the general summary of JCOMM-III) the template is presented in Appendix A. The provisional agenda and the explanatory memorandum for JCOMM-III, approved by the JCOMM Management Committee at its 7th session (Melbourne, Australia, December 2008), are provided in Appendix B. The number of words for each DOC is presented in Appendix C. This will reduce the pre-session work for translation to a minimum. The WMO Style Guide, designed for authors, editors and translators working in English for the WMO, is available at the WMO Web site:  HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/pubsguides/documents/WMO_STYLE_GUIDE_08.pdf" http://www.wmo.int/pages/pubsguides/documents/WMO_STYLE_GUIDE_08.pdf In addition, the WMO Spelling List is available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/pubsguides/wmo_spelling_list_en.html" http://www.wmo.int/pages/pubsguides/wmo_spelling_list_en.html. During session 10. The JCOMM-III session will be reduced from 7.5 days during the second session to 7 days. The activities will be scheduled in an orderly manner to ensure that the reporting is concentrated at the commencement of the session, when most or all of the reporting by the subsidiary bodies takes place (INFO documents), while the second half will focus on discussions and decision making (DOCs/WP/PINKs). Therefore, translation teams should be in place only for the second half of the session, where documentation (DOCs/WD/PINKs) is expected to be discussed and produced. This would then allow the Committee and plenary sessions which follow, to concentrate on reviewing, debating and adopting programmes, plans and decisions, rather than spending time on frequently lengthy reporting. _____________ Appendices: 3 World Meteorological OrganizationIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (of UNESCO)  FORMTEXT JOINT WMO-IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY (JCOMM)  JCOMM-III/ FORMTEXT Doc. 2.2(1)Submitted by:WMO Secretary-General and IOC Executive SecretaryDate: FORMTEXT 27.X.2009Distribution: Restricted FORMTEXT THIRD SESSION  FORMTEXT Marrakech, Morocco,  FORMTEXT 4 to 11 November 2009Original Language:  FORMTEXT EnglishAgenda Item:2.2 [data] SUMMARY ISSUEs TO BE DISCUSSED: 1.  FORMTEXT [Fill-In] 2.  FORMTEXT [Fill-In] DECISIONS/ACTIONS REQUIRED: (a)  FORMTEXT [Fill-In] (b)  FORMTEXT [Fill-In] REFERENCES: 1.  FORMTEXT [Fill-In] 2.  FORMTEXT [Fill-In] CONTENT OF DOCUMENT: Appendices for inclusion in the final report: A. Draft text for inclusion in the general summary of JCOMM-III B. Draft Recommendation  FORMTEXT [Fill-In] C. Draft Resolution  FORMTEXT [Fill-In] Appendix for information: JCOMM-III/Rep.  FORMTEXT [Fill-In]: Background Information DRAFT TEXT FOR INCLUSION IN THE GENERAL SUMMARY OF JCOMM-III  FORMTEXT [Fill In] 1.  FORMTEXT [data] (agenda item  FORMTEXT [data]) 1.1  FORMTEXT [data]  (agenda item  FORMTEXT [data]) 1.1.1  FORMTEXT [data]  FORMTEXT [data] 1.1.1  FORMTEXT [data]  FORMTEXT [data]  FORMTEXT [data] (a)  FORMTEXT [data] (i)  FORMTEXT [data] DRAFT RECOMMENDATION Rec.  FORMTEXT [data] (JCOMM-III)  FORMTEXT [FILL IN] THE JOINT WMO/IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY, Noting  FORMTEXT [Fill In], Noting further  FORMTEXT [Fill In], Having considered  FORMTEXT [Fill In], Recognizing  FORMTEXT [Fill In], Recommends  FORMTEXT [Fill In], (1)  FORMTEXT [Fill In]; (a)  FORMTEXT [Fill In] (b)  FORMTEXT [Fill In] (2)  FORMTEXT [Fill In] Invites  FORMTEXT [Fill In], Agrees  FORMTEXT [Fill In], Requests  FORMTEXT [Fill In], Requests  FORMTEXT [Fill In], Urges  FORMTEXT [Fill In], Encourages  FORMTEXT [Fill In], ________ DRAFT RESOLUTION Res.  FORMTEXT [data] (JCOMM-III)  FORMTEXT [FILL IN] THE JOINT WMO-IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY, Noting  FORMTEXT [Fill In],  FORMTEXT [Fill In],  FORMTEXT [Fill In], Considering  FORMTEXT [Fill In], Decides: 1)  FORMTEXT [Fill In] 2)  FORMTEXT [Fill In] a)  FORMTEXT [Fill In] b)  FORMTEXT [Fill In] 3)  FORMTEXT [Fill In] To appoint  FORMTEXT [Fill In] as chairperson of the  FORMTEXT [Fill In]; To invite the co-presidents of technical commission to nominate experts to the  FORMTEXT [Fill In]; Requests  FORMTEXT [Fill In], Requests  FORMTEXT [Fill In] ___________ World Meteorological OrganizationIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (of UNESCO)  FORMTEXT JOINT WMO-IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY (JCOMM)  JCOMM-III/Rep.  FORMTEXT X.XSubmitted by: FORMTEXT [Fill-In]Date: FORMTEXT X.X.2009Distribution: Restricted FORMTEXT THIRD SESSION  FORMTEXT Marrakech, Morocco,  FORMTEXT 4 to 11 November 2009Original Language:  FORMTEXT EnglishAgenda Item: FORMTEXT [Fill-In] report of  FORMTEXT [Fill In] BACKGROUND INFORMATION SUMMARY Reference: JCOMM-III/Doc.  FORMTEXT X.X CONTENT OF DOCUMENT: Appendices: A.  FORMTEXT [Fill In] B.  FORMTEXT [Fill In] [data] [data]   FORMTEXT TITLE  FORMTEXT TITLE  FORMTEXT [1ST SUBTITLE]  FORMTEXT [2nd Subtitle] 1.  FORMTEXT [Fill In] (a)  FORMTEXT [Fill-In] (i)  FORMTEXT [Fill In] World Meteorological OrganizationIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (of UNESCO) JOINT WMO-IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY (JCOMM)  JCOMM-III/ FORMTEXT Doc. 2.2(1)Submitted by:WMO Secretary-General and IOC Executive SecretaryDate: FORMTEXT 4.XI.2009Distribution: Restricted FORMTEXT THIRD SESSION  FORMTEXT Marrakech, Morocco,  FORMTEXT 4 to 11 November 2009Original Language:  FORMTEXT EnglishAgenda Item:2.2 PROVISIONAL AGENDA OPENING OF THE SESSION ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION Consideration of the report on credentials Adoption of the agenda Establishment of committees Other organizational matters REPORT BY THE CO-PRESIDENTS OF THE COMMISSION REVIEW OF DECISIONS OF THE GOVERNING BODIES OF WMO AND UNESCO/IOC RELATED TO THE COMMISSION ASSESS SCIENTIFIC AND OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS Met-ocean applications GOOS and GCOS Global and regional NWP, and synoptic meteorology Other IN-SITU AND SATELLITE OBSERVING SYSTEMS 6.1 JCOMM OPA Strategic work plan 6.2 In-situ observing systems 6.2.1 Status and future developments 6.2.2 Observing system performance metrics 6.3 Remote sensing 6.4 Integrated in situ and satellite observing systems 6.5 Instrumentation issues 6.6 Scientific and Technical Developments for Ocean Observations 6.7 Observing Programme Support Centre (OPSC) INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND SERVICES (DATA MANAGEMENT) 7.1 Data Management 7.1.1 JCOMM Data Management Plan 7.1.2 Platform/instrument metadata 7.1.3 Migration to table driven codes 7.2 Marine climatology 7.2.1 CLIMAR-III 7.2.2 Modernization of the MCSS 7.2.3 Extreme wave database 7.2.4 Marine indices 7.2.5 Links with the WMO Commission on Climatology (CCl) 7.3 Data Management Practices (DMP) 7.3.1 End-to-end data management and interoperability issues 7.3.2 Best practices and standards MARINE METEOROLOGICAL AND OCEANOGRAPHIC FORECASTING SYSTEMS AND SERVICES Forecasting systems and products Marine Meteorology Oceanography Disaster Risk Reduction Marine multi-hazard forecasting and warning system Emergency response activities Service delivery 9. EDUCATION AND TRAINING, TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT Specialized education and training Technology transfer and implementation support 10. WMO INTEGRATED SYSTEMS 10.1 WIS 10.2 WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM 10.3 Governance issues 11. QUALITY MANAGEMENT Quality Management Systems (QMS) for services and WMO Quality Management Framework (QMF) Best practices and standards 12. REVIEW OF TECHNICAL REGULATIONS OF INTEREST TO THE COMMISSION, INCLUDING GUIDES AND OTHER TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 13. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER PROGRAMMES AND BODIES Programmes and Bodies of WMO and UNESCO/IOC GCOS GOOS IPY UNESCO/IOC International Coordination Groups for the Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System Other WMO and UNESCO/IOC Programmes Organizations and Bodies UN System Agencies Non-UN System organizations and programmes GEO CEOS Industry and commerce Other 14. JCOMM PROGRAMME AND PLANNING WMO and UNESCO/IOC Strategic Planning and the JCOMM strategy Future work programme and operating plan Review of previous resolutions and recommendations of the Commission and of relevant resolutions of the Governing Bodies of WMO and UNESCO/IOC Establishment of Groups and Expert Teams and nomination of Rapporteurs Date and place of the Fourth Session 15. SCIENTIFIC LECTURE: SOCIO-ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF MET-OCEAN INFORMATION AND SERVICES 16. ELECTION OF OFFICERS 17. CLOSURE OF THE SESSION  World Meteorological OrganizationIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (of UNESCO) JOINT WMO-IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY (JCOMM)  JCOMM-III/ FORMTEXT Doc. 2.2(2)Submitted by:WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryDate: FORMTEXT 4.XI.2009Distribution: Restricted FORMTEXT THIRD SESSION  FORMTEXT Marrakech, Morocco,  FORMTEXT 4 to 11 November 2009Original Language:  FORMTEXT EnglishAgenda Item:2.2 EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM RELATING TO THE PROVISIONAL AGENDA OPENING OF THE SESSION The third session of the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) will be held in Marrakech, Morocco, from 4 to 11 November 2009. The opening ceremony will take place at 10.00 hours on Wednesday, 4 November 2009. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION According to the Memorandum of Understanding between WMO and UNESCO/IOC regarding Secretariat cooperation in servicing JCOMM, this third session of the Joint Technical Commission falls under the responsibility of WMO and will be conducted according to WMO regulations governing sessions of technical commissions. Consideration of the report on credentials Regulations 20 to 23 of the WMO General Regulations (WMO-No. 15) relate to this item. A list of the representatives attending the session will be made available, in accordance with Regulation 22, as soon as possible after the opening ceremony. This list will be based on the credentials received by the Secretary-General of WMO before the session and those handed to the representative of the Secretariats at the session. To enable the Secretariats to send the documentation relating to the session, in advance, directly to the representatives of Members and Member States who will attend, it is desirable that the Secretariats of the two Organizations should be notified, as long before the opening of the session as possible, of the names of the persons who will constitute the delegations. This communication may be combined with the submission of credentials by sending the latter sufficiently in advance of the session to replace the preliminary notification. Adoption of the agenda Regulation 190 of the WMO General Regulations indicates the items, which should normally be included in the provisional agenda. The version submitted to the session for approval will include the first provisional agenda (distributed herewith) and any other items submitted in accordance with sub-paragraph (7) of Regulation 190 by the president of WMO, the chairman of UNESCO/IOC, the Executive Councils of WMO and UNESCO/IOC, other commissions, associations, committees, the United Nations and Members/Member States. In accordance with Regulation 189, additional items for the agenda may be forwarded to the Secretariats before the session, but preferably not later that one-month in advance. Explanatory memoranda should accompany such proposals; the Members/Member States concerned should also provide working papers on the additional proposed items. By virtue of Regulation 192, in the course of the session the agenda may be amended at any time. Establishment of committees Regulations 22 and 24 indicate that each constituent body may establish, for the duration of its session, a Credentials Committee, a Nominations Committee, a Drafting Committee, a Coordination Committee and such other committees as it deems necessary. Regulations 22 and 26 to 31 contain indications relating to the functions of such committees. The Commission will decide when dealing with agenda item 2.1 whether or not a Credentials Committee should be established. At the first and second sessions of the Joint Technical Commission, this was considered unnecessary. In order to facilitate the election of officers, it is normal practice to set up a Nomination Committee. Though the WMO Regulations provide for the establishment of a Drafting Committee for drawing up the text of decisions to be taken by the session, experience acquired during past sessions of the WMO technical commissions, show that the most expedient method is for each committee or sub-committee to establish its own arrangements for drafting the report to plenary. Particular attention is drawn, in this connection to Regulation 27, which stipulates that the decisions of constituent bodies shall be adopted in their final form during the session. To ensure proper coordination of the work of the session, it is the usual practice to set up a Coordination Committee, the composition of which is specified in Regulation 28. Experience at other sessions of WMO Technical Commissions has shown that it is useful to establish a committee for selecting members of the working groups (or similar bodies) established by the session and for nominating Rapporteurs. Such a committee may be composed of several delegates and a representative of the WMO and UNESCO/IOC Secretariats. The technical work of the session will be carried out by working committees. The number and terms of reference of these committees should be decided at the session, taking into consideration the final agenda, the number of participants and that provision is made for only one committee at a time having simultaneous interpretation. It is tentatively suggested that the following working committees should be established: Committee A to examine items 7, 8, 11 and relevant parts of 13; Committee B to examine items 6, 9, 12 and relevant parts of 13; Committee of the Whole to examine items 4, 5, 10, 14 and 15. Other organizational matters Under this item, the Commission may wish to examine details relating to the organization of the session not dealt with under items 2.1 to 2.3 above, such as the working hours of the meetings. The Commission may wish to consider the potential advantages of an organization of the consideration of the primary technical agenda items (items 5 to 12), whereby general activities under these items are reviewed in information sessions, with proposed specific actions, decisions and recommendations of the Commission being addressed in separate committees or plenary sessions as proposed under agenda item 2.3. REPORT BY THE CO-PRESIDENTS OF THE COMMISSION This report will cover in general, activities under the Joint Technical Commission since its second session and put emphasis on the work of the Management Committee. The report will also provide an introduction to the overall strategy and vision for JCOMM in the future, aligned with the WMO Strategic Plan and the UNESCO/IOC Medium-term Strategy, as guidance to subsequent discussions on this important topic. The Commission should have a general discussion on this report during a plenary meeting, and refer any points requiring detailed study or subsequent action by the Commission to the appropriate committees. REVIEW OF DECISIONS OF THE GOVERNING BODIES OF WMO AND UNESCO/IOC RELATED TO THE COMMISSION The Commission will be informed of decisions of WMO Fifteenth Congress, sixtieth and sixty-first sessions of the WMO Executive Councils, twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth UNESCO/IOC Assemblies, and forty-first session of the IOC Executive Council that are relevant to its work and will be invited to agree on follow-up actions as required. The Commission may also wish to address priority areas for Technical Cooperation projects related to strengthening the Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Services in the coming years. ASSESS SCIENTIFIC AND OPERATIONAL DATA REQUIREMENTS Met-ocean applications Operational users, other than climate modellers, of marine meteorological and oceanographic data and products include operational meteorology and operational oceanography, maritime safety, marine environmental protection and management, and a wide range of other marine user groups. The Commission agreed that the review and updating of the requirements of those users was the responsibility of JCOMM, working closely with the WMO/CBS Expert Team on the Evolution of the Global Observing System (ET-EGOS) - as part of the WMO Rolling Review of Requirements exercise - and relevant GOOS bodies, as appropriate. A report on this topic, including the Statement of Guidance for Ocean Applications will be presented to the Commission for review and comment. GOOS and GCOS One important task for JCOMM is the implementation and maintenance of operational systems to provide global physical ocean observations for climate, in the context of the common GOOS-GCOS Ocean Climate Module. The scientific design of this module is the responsibility of the GOOS-GCOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), which is therefore a major scientific advisory body for JCOMM. This exercise eventually feeds into the development of the JCOMM Observations Programme Area (OPA) Strategic work plan, which is addressed under item 6.1. A report from the OOPC will be presented to the Commission under this agenda item dealing, inter alia, with requirements for global ocean observations for climate and with the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE). 5.3 Global and regional NWP, synoptic Meteorology A sustained ocean observing system to meet climate requirements, which is designed by the OOPC, also supports and satisfies requirements for marine observational data for Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) and a range of other non-climate applications. The WMO/CBS Statements of Guidance for (i) global NWP, (ii) regional NWP, and (iii) synoptic meteorology provide for a gap analysis that addresses requirements and actual performances of in-situ and space-based observing systems. These in turn feed into specific recommendations by the WMO/CBS as expressed in the Implementation Plan for the Evolution of the Surface and Space-Based sub-systems of the Global Observing System (EGOS-IP). The Commission will review ocean related implications from those statements of guidance as part of the EGOS-IP and advise as appropriate. 5.4 Other Any additional requirements for marine data, products and services not covered under previous sub-items of agenda item 6 will be considered under this sub-item. Probably the majority of users of marine meteorological and oceanographic data, products and services operate in coastal or near-shore areas. The requirements of such users for all types of marine data (physical, chemical and biological) are being addressed by the Coastal Ocean Observing Panel (COOP) of GOOS. The COOP design and implementation plans have been completed, and at least parts of these require action from JCOMM. The Commission will therefore be presented with a report from COOP, which will also raise issues relating to the possible future involvement of JCOMM in the non-physical components of GOOS. Additionally, it is anticipated that requirements for the operational collection and management of marine meteorological and oceanographic data and products for Research activities and Hydrology will gradually be developed. It is possible that JCOMM will be required to address at least some of these new requirements, and the Commission will therefore be informed on developments within these areas and invited to advise on ways of addressing requirements as they become available. IN-SITU AND SATELLITE OBSERVING SYSTEMS Structurally, the Observations Programme Area (OPA) includes the Observations Coordination Group, the Ship Observations Team (SOT) and its component panels, the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP) and its Action Groups, the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS) Group of Experts, a link to the Argo Science Team, the OceanSITES, the International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP), two OPA ocean/met satellite experts as members of the cross cutting team in Satellite Data Requirements, and one OPA Capacity Building (CB) Rapporteur as part of the cross cutting team on Capacity Building. The Commission will review the work of some of these components during the intersessional period under this item, with Capacity Building and Quality Management being dealt with under separate items. 6.1 JCOMM OPA Strategic work plan The ocean chapter of the GCOS Implementation Plan for the Global Observing System for Climate in support of the UNFCCC (GCOS-92) provides specific implementation targets for building and sustaining an initial global ocean observing system. Although the baseline system proposed under the JCOMM strategic work plan for building a sustained Global Ocean Observing System in support of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (JCOMM OPA Strategic work plan) was designed to meet climate requirements, marine services in general will be improved by implementation of the systematic global observations called for by the GCOS-92 plan. The system will support global weather prediction, global and coastal ocean prediction, marine hazard warning, marine environmental monitoring, naval applications, and many other non-climate uses. The Commission will review the strategic work plan, provide guidance for updating it and address its implementation by Members. 6.2 In-situ observing systems In order for JCOMM to meet specified requirements for marine data from major operational and research users, in particular numerical weather prediction, met-ocean products and services, ocean mesoscale forecast, and global climate studies, it must coordinate the implementation of an integrated, global ocean observing system, taking into account not only the satellite observations dealt with in agenda item 7.3, but also the requirements for in-situ measurements. 6.2.1 Status and future developments By JCOMM-II in 2005, the system had achieved 55 percent of the milestone toward the whole design completion, among which the drifter array was completed (1250 drifters in operation). The Argo network completed its goal (3000 floats operation) in November 2007. It is expected that by JCOMM-III the system will be at least 60 per cent complete. The Commission will be invited to review the system enhancement during the intersessional period since JCOMM-II, and evaluate the status of the overall system. Based on this review, the Commission should advise on where additional enhancements are required in order to meet the expressed requirements, and provide advice and assistance to its subsidiary bodies regarding the timescales and resources which will be necessary to achieve these enhancements as well as to sustain the completed components. 6.2.2 Observing system performance metrics Observing performance metrics are essential diagnostic tools to provide data and information for assessing and adjusting JCOMM observing systems implementation. They also provide data and information for contribution to external activities such as the WMO/CBS Rolling Review of Requirements (RRR), the monitoring of the WMO and UNESCO/IOC Strategic Plan, and the GCOS Adequacy Reports. The Commission will be presented with information relating to observing system performance metrics developed and implemented to date, and invited to advise on the adequacy of these as well as on any addition monitoring tools and procedures which may be required. 6.3 Remote sensing Sustained oceanographic satellites are essential to the future of operational oceanography. The Commission will review a report from the JCOMM cross cutting team on Satellite Data Requirements, including on (i) status of ocean observing satellite systems, (ii) the formulation and expression of requirements for ocean satellite data, and (iii) mechanisms for interacting with satellite operators. Both WMO and UNESCO/IOC have recognized the critical importance to all their programmes of satellites and remote sensing in general, by establishing, respectively, a WMO Space Programme and an UNESCO/IOC Strategy for the use of Remote Sensing in Oceanography, and reports on these will be presented to the session. In addition, ground-based ocean remote sensing systems, including in particular High Frequency (HF) and nautical radars, are assuming increasing importance in a number of operational and research applications. The Commission will review a report on these systems, and it will be invited to advise on further actions which JCOMM might take to enhance the utility of ground-based ocean radars to marine data collection and the provision of marine services. 6.4 Integrated in situ and satellite observing systems In situ observations not only are used for the validation of satellite products but now also contribute directly to some products such as those developed by the Global High Resolution SST Pilot Project (GHRSST). The virtual constellation of surface vector wind which is now being developed can also potentially benefit from in situ observations. The WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM is particularly addressing in situ satellite integration aspects regarding these two applications. Satellite products in return provide useful quality information regarding in situ systems. Also, ocean mesoscale forecast and Numerical Weather Prediction are assimilating both in situ and satellite data so it is essential that the measurements returned through both systems are properly documented, coherent, and traceable. The Commission will review a strategy document on integrating space and in situ observing systems that was prepared by the crosscutting Task Team on Satellite Data requirements. The Commission will provide guidance regarding how it could further contribute to the integration of in situ and satellite observations, in particular through enhanced interactions with international satellite groups such as the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), the Coordinating Group on Meteorological Satellites (CGMS), as well as with the WMO Space Programme, and the WMO Commission for Basic Systems (CBS). The Commission will be invited to advise further on actions which may be taken to facilitate access to and application by Member States of data from ocean satellites. 6.5 Instrumentation issues The Commission will review actions undertaken during the last intersessional period for compiling information on existing activities, procedures and practices within JCOMM relating to instrument testing, standardization, calibration and intercomparison, as well as the standardization of observation practices and procedures, including the compilation of a JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and Standards (addressed in more detail under agenda item 12). In addition, the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM (see agenda item 11) has been promoting integration of instrument best practices as one of its core deliverables. These actions resulted in a proposal for establishing marine instrument centres and establishing closer links with the WMO Commission on Instruments and Methods of Observation (CIMO) on one hand and the Association of Hydro-Meteorological Equipment Industry (HMEI) on the other hand. The Commission will make recommendations for addressing these issues during the next intersessional period in line with WIGOS developments. 6.6 Scientific and Technical Developments for Ocean Observations The Commission will review the efforts made since JCOMM-II for addressing the needs for global wave observations to meet the requirements for wave modelling and satellite wave products validation. In particular a successful JCOMM workshop on wave measurements from buoys was organized in October 2008 and lead to the establishment of two Pilot Project on (i) Wave Measurements from Drifters (PP-WMD), and (ii) Wave measurement Evaluation and Test from moored buoys (PP-WET). The Commission will review early results from those activities, and provide further guidance regarding their continuation. The Commission will also review the status of mobile satellite systems, as well as their actual or potential application to remote ocean observing platform operations and data collection. The Commission will, in particular, review the results from the DBCP and SOT Iridium Pilot Projects whose goals are (i) to evaluate and demonstrate the operational use of Iridium satellite data telecommunication technology for the real-time collection of drifter data in support of WMO and UNESCO/IOC applications, and (ii) whether this can be realized in a cost effective way, on a global basis, and under various ocean conditions. The Commission will be invited to recommend to the DBCP and the SOT and other observing Panels as appropriate regarding the Pilot Project follow-up, and make recommendations to JCOMM Members regarding the use of specific satellite data telecommunication systems. 6.7 Observing Programme Support Centre Through Recommendation 6 (JCOMM-I), and Recommendation 4 (JCOMM-II), subsequently approved by the Executive Councils of WMO and UNESCO/IOC, the Commission established a JCOMM in-situ Observing Platform Support Centre (JCOMMOPS). This centre, which is now staffed by two experts and half of an Information Technology (IT) person funded through voluntary contributions to trust funds in WMO and UNESCO/IOC, provides a wide range of tools, facilities and services to support the work of the DBCP, the SOT, OceanSITES, and Argo programmes. A status report on JCOMMOPS will be presented to the Commission. As per recommendations from JCOMM-II, a process has been initiated to review JCOMMOPS activities. This leads to the proposal by the Management Committee to expand the role of JCOMMOPS into a WMO-IOC Observing Programme Support Centre (OPSC) in order to assist in fully implementing a sustained global ocean observing system and serving the growing WMO and UNESCO/IOC requirements. It was considered that such an expansion would greatly enhance the implementation of GOOS by servicing all global observing components/elements with a system-wide approach. Members were invited to submit Letters of Intent for hosting a future OPSC and an evaluation committee led by the JCOMM Co-Presidents was formed to evaluate applications received and make recommendations to the WMO and UNESCO/IOC. The Commission will review a report by the OPSC evaluation committee and be invited to endorse actions taken by the Management Committee, the OPSC evaluation committee, and the Secretariats. The Commission will decide on the future development of and support for this vital operational facility, including adoption of the new OPSC terms of reference. INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND SERVICES (DATA MANAGEMENT) Structurally, the Data Management Programme Area (DMPA) includes the Data Management Coordination Group (DMCG), the Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC), the joint JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices, one DMPA ocean/met satellite expert as member of the cross cutting team in Satellite Data Requirements, and one DMPA CB Rapporteur as part of the cross cutting team on Capacity Building. The Commission will review the work of some of these components during the intersessional period under this item, with Capacity Building and Quality Management being dealt with under separate items. The Commission will address the development of the WMO Information System (WIS), the IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP), and the modernization of the Marine Climatology Summaries Scheme (MCSS). The Commission will be invited to review status reports on these activities, on JCOMM input, and on their relevance to the Commission and its data management work, and to advise on future involvement. 7.1 Data Management 7.1.1 JCOMM Data Management Plan The Data Management plan and associated implementation plan will be presented to the Commission. The plan was agreed upon by the DMCG as well as the nineteenth session of IODE and published as JCOMM Technical Report No. 40. It provides broad outlines and recommendations through which the DMPA will help attain the vision of JCOMM. A report on the progress of the implementation plan will be presented to the session, including an initial list of marine data management initiatives. The Commission will be invited to review the plan, endorse it, evaluate progress, and discuss how Members could effectively contribute to it. The Commission will address priorities regarding the implementation of the plan during the next intersessional period. The Commission will review JCOMMs contribution to the UNESCO/IOC Data Policy and endorse it. 7.1.2 Platform/instrument metadata The Commission will review the further development of the JCOMM ODAS Metadata centre (ODASMS) operated by NMDIS, China, and modernization of the On-line Information Service Bulletin on non-drifting ODAS now operated by NMDIS. A report on the progress of the Water Temperature Pilot Project (META-T) will also be presented, especially regarding the integration of metadata requirements in BUFR templates, and the development or mirrored metadata servers at NOAA/NDBC (USA) and NMDIS (China). Noting the importance of instrument/platform metadata, the Commission will review and possibly adopt a Resolution regarding the provision of metadata through proposed collection systems, including ODAS Metadata Service (ODASMS), and META-T. In particular, the Commission will discuss whether META-T should expand its activities to other variables than SST and water temperature, and make recommendations (i) whether ODASMS and META-T should merge their activities, and (ii) regarding the further development of appropriate platform/instrument metadata standards. 7.1.3 Migration to table driven codes The Commission will review the status of the migration to Table Driven Codes (TDC) and the plans for evolution of the BUFR and/or CREX templates for buoys, profiling floats, Voluntary Observing Ships, Ships of Opportunity, sea level stations, and wave observing stations. It will review status of the development of the Master Table 10 for oceanographic data and requirements for its documentation. The Commission will be invited to endorse the establishment of a cross cutting Task Team on Table Driven Codes to standardize content of JCOMM BUFR/CREX templates. It will review the recommendations by the ETMC that work be undertaken to validate BUFR and TDC to ensure that originally reported data are completely and accurately preserved, and a set of more detailed suggested requirements for continuing consideration. 7.2 Marine Climatology The Commission will review the activities, and advise on matters arising from of the Expert Team on Marine Climatology during the last intersessional period, including a meeting of the ETMC (ETMC-II, Geneva, Switzerland, 26-27 March 2007) and the third JCOMM Workshop on Advances in Marine Climatology (CLIMAR-III, Gdynia, Poland, 6-9 May 2008). The Commission will be invited to advise on actions necessary to enhance support for the WCP, including global climate monitoring and prediction. 7.2.1 CLIMAR-III The commission will also review the outcome of the successful CLIMAR-III organized at the kind invitation of the Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW). The Commission will be invited to endorse the plans for continuing the alternating workshop series, with JCOMM suggested again as one of the organizers of MARCDAT, and as the primary organizer of CLIMAR. JCOMM Members will be encouraged to contribute to both events. 7.2.2 Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme (MCSS) and its modernization The Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme (MCSS) has, since the 1960s, provided a highly successful mechanism for the management of marine meteorological data and associated metadata. It makes a substantial contribution to the WCP and to global climate studies as well as providing data essential to the provision of marine climatological services. The Commission will review progress concerning the modernization and restructuring of the Marine Climatology Summaries Scheme (MCSS) as proposed by the ETMC and the DMCG to enhance the exchange, archival and delivery of marine climatological data. Two Task Teams on Delayed Mode VOS Data (TT-DMVOS), and Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Summaries (TT-MOCS) have been formed to lead this exercise. A work-plan has been agreed upon, and action initiated to implement the plan. The Commission will review and be invited to endorse the workplan, and make recommendations for its implementation. The Commission will review and be invited to adopt recommendations or Resolutions regarding (i) versions IV of International Marine Meteorological Tape (IMMT) format, (ii) version VI of the Minimum Quality Control Standards (MQCS) of the MCSS, (iii) changes proposed by the ETMC to the Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558) and the Guide to Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 471), and (iv) revision of the ETMC Terms of Reference in light of the new TT-DMVOS and TT-MOCS Task Teams and the restructuring of the MCSS. 7.2.3 Extreme wave database The Commission will review the development of an extreme wave events archive in collaboration between the Expert Team on Marine Climatology and the JCOMM Services Programme Area (SPA) Expert Team on Wind Waves and Storm Surges. One Member has agreed to host the archive and work is underway to identify events and provide initial data to the archive. The Commission will discuss the refinement of procedures and seek wider participation. 7.2.4 Marine indices The commission will review, and be invited to endorse and advertise the development of marine indices (e.g. wind waves, sea-ice) in cooperation with the JCOMM SPA and its Expert Teams, as well as with the Joint CCl/CLIVAR/JCOMM Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ET-CCDI). 7.2.5 Links with the WMO Commission on Climatology (CCl) The Commission will review the links established with the CCl through (i) participation of CCl experts in past ETMC meetings, and (ii) the participation of JCOMM in the ETCCDI. The Commission will discuss a proposal by the Management Committee to establish stronger links between JCOMM and CCl. In particular, the strong compatibilities and potential synergies between the existing ETMC and CCl ET 1.1 Expert Team on Climate Data Management including Metadata would make it advantageous and cost-effective to merge the two Expert Teams. JCOMM DMPA and DMCG would provide for the natural and appropriate umbrella under JCOMM of such a merged Expert Team, under which it was suggested JCOMM should have equal management weight with CCl. 7.3 Data Management Practices (DMP) 7.3.1 End to End Data Management and Interoperability issues The commission will review the development of the End-to-End Data Management (E2EDM) technology lead by the joint JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP). Development of the Ocean data Portal (ODP) is being conducted by IODE in close cooperation with JCOMM through the ETDMP and the Steering Group for the ODP and the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM. ODP version 1 will be presented to the Commission, including the documentation produced, as well as plans for developing a version 2. In particular, efforts have been made through the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM to provide for interoperability between the WMO Information System (WIS) and the IODE Ocean Data Portal as well as promoting interoperability between ocean data systems, the ODP and/or WIS. The Commission will be invited to endorse the cooperation established with the IODE on ODP and WIGOS aspects in particular. The Commission will make recommendations regarding these activities, in particular the development of ODP version 2, the integration of discovery metadata profiles compliant with ISO 19115, and agree on Requirements and Procedures for registration of data providers to ODP and/or WIS. In light of the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM developments, the Commission will suggest priorities for specific ocean data sets being made available through ODP and/or WIS. 7.3.2 Data management best practices and standards The Commission will review the development of the JCOMM-IODE Standards process to achieve broad agreement and commitment to adopt a number of standards related to ocean data management and exchange. The Commission will be invited to endorse the cooperation with IODE in this process, including the collaboration on updates to WMO and UNESCO/IOC Manuals and Guides and the JCOMM Catalogue of best practices. It will discuss the promotion of higher-level standards through this process as well as through the possible development of common WMO-ISO standards as appropriate taking into account the recent WMO-ISO agreement. The Commission will discuss the revision of the ETDMP Terms of Reference in light of the proposals from the DMCG, the IODE Officers, First Session of the IODE-JCOMM Forum on Oceanographic Data Management and Exchange Standards, and the Management Committee. It is foreseen that the ETDMP will play a leading role in helping to converge the diverse data systems in place within JCOMM, and oversee a standards process and the accreditation and development of standards for ocean data management under JCOMM and IODE. The Commission will also be informed of the new arrangements made by WMO with the International Standards Organization (ISO) on recognition of each others standards. It will provide guidance regarding what standards should be promoted through the standards process, as well as those, which should be considered to become joint WMO-ISO standards. The Commission will review the Oceanographers and Marine Meteorologists Cookbook for Submitting Data in Real Time and In Delayed Mode and will be invited to propose a mechanism for updating it. The development of the JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and standards is being discussed under agenda item 12. MARINE METEOROLOGICAL AND OCEANOGRAPHIC FORECASTING SYSTEMS AND SERVICES Structurally, the Services Programme Area (SPA) includes the Services Coordination Group (SCG), the Expert Team on Marine Accident Emergency Support (ETMAES), the Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services (ETSS), the Expert Team on Sea Ice (ETSI), the Expert Team on Wind Waves and Storm Surges, an SPA ocean/met satellite expert as a member of the cross cutting team on Satellite Data Requirements, and an SPA CB Rapporteur as part of the cross cutting team on Capacity Building. The Commission will review the work of a number of these components during the intersessional period under this item, with Capacity Building and Quality Management being dealt with under separate items. Forecasting Systems and Products Marine Meteorology The provision of ocean wave related services is an integral part of the marine activities of many National Meteorological Services, and the WMO Wave Programme, established by CMM-IX, is designed to provide guidance and assistance to Members in this work. In addition, storm surges are a major natural hazard in many parts of the world, and the provision of enhanced storm surge monitoring and warning services is a priority, both within the WMO and UNESCO/IOC. The Commission will therefore be invited to review ongoing activities regarding wind wave and surge monitoring, modelling and services, and to advise on enhancements to this in support of national and international requirements. International procedures for the collection, exchange and archival of sea ice and related data (including the Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank) and for the provision of sea ice services have been dealt with by the JCOMM Expert Team on Sea Ice. The Commission will be invited to review ongoing sea ice and polar region activities and to advise on enhancements to this work in support of national and international requirements. Agreement should be reached as to the best approach for JCOMM regarding sea ice and other polar region activities, including related activities such as the polar region climate projects under the WCRP, and proposals made for ongoing and new work in this important field. Oceanography The Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE) has made good progress in coordinating the development of ocean forecasting systems. Three key areas were identified in finalizing the Experiment: the development of product standardization and interoperability between systems (including intercomparison activities); the transition from demonstration to operational systems; and the sustainability of the global observing system, including the satellite components. Recognizing the great relevance of GODAE workplan and that of JCOMM, as well as the importance of continuous research and development efforts, the 6th session of the Management Committee decided to establish an Expert Team on Operational Ocean Forecast Systems (ETOOFS) in the Service Programme Area. The Commission will review and advise on activities in developing operational ocean forecast systems including the ongoing activities of ETOOFS, particularly taking into account the restructuring of JCOMM Programmes and Teams. Disaster Risk Reduction 8.2.1 Marine multi-hazard forecasting and warning system A major focus within the international community in recent years has been given to disaster risk reduction, and both WMO and UNESCO/IOC are closely involved with this work. The Commission will be invited to review ongoing activities within WMO and UNESCO/IOC in this important field, including those contributing to a comprehensive marine multi-hazard forecasting and warning system, and advise on further JCOMM contributions. 8.2.2 Emergency response activities The WMO Marine Pollution Emergency Response Support System (MPERSS) was adopted by CMM-XI and implemented on a trial basis in January 1994. A number of MPERSS related activities have taken place since then, including the establishment of the JCOMM Expert Team on Marine Accident Emergency Support to coordinate MPERSS and Search and Rescue activities. The Commission will review a status report on MPERSS and decide on further actions to enhance its implementation. The Commission will discuss and recommend probable actions on additional meteorological and oceanographic services, which may be developed and implemented in support of the protection of the marine environment. Service Delivery The provision of operational marine meteorological and oceanographic services in support of the safety of life at sea, of varied requirements of all user groups for such services, and the increasing requirements for marine climate related services, remains the highest priority within both WMO and UNESCO/IOC. It is thus a primary focus and high priority for the work of JCOMM. Chapter V of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) specifies the responsibilities of signatory countries to provide meteorological forecast and warning services in support of the safety of life at sea. These services are now disseminated within the context of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), and the WMO Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (Annex VI to the WMO Technical Regulations) specifies the responsibilities of Members in this regard. In addition, detailed guidance material on the provision of marine meteorological and oceanographic services in support of specific user requirements is provided in a number of guides and related publications of the WMO and UNESCO/IOC. The Commission will be invited to review the status of implementation of user focused marine meteorological and oceanographic services, including those provided within the context of the GMDSS. It will be invited to advise on actions to improve such services, as appropriate, and in particular to adopt modifications proposed by relevant subsidiary bodies to the WMO Technical Regulations governing the provision of maritime safety services. It should further review expanding and varying requirements for such services, including marine climate related services, and recommend actions to assist in the provision of such services in the most efficient and effective manner, for all the worlds oceans. 9. EDUCATION AND TRAINING, TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT 9.1 Specialized education and training The Commission will review the activities of WMO and UNESCO/IOC relating to specialized education and training in marine meteorology and oceanography that are relevant to the terms of reference of JCOMM, including training workshops, seminars and short courses, as well as long-term education. The Commission should also review relevant parts of the WMO Education and Training (ETR) Programme and the UNESCO/IOC Training Education and Mutual Assistance (TEMA) Programme particularly in respect of syllabi, lecture notes and bibliographies relevant to JCOMM activities. Finally, the Commission will be invited to propose new or additional training activities, in particular those appropriate to the role of JCOMM. 9.2 Technology transfer and implementation support Technology transfer is a critical activity for sustaining, improving forecasting and related prediction services, operation of marine observing systems, reception and management of marine data, and the generation and delivery of products and services in Members/Member States. The WMO EC-LX requested the technical commissions that coordinate operational implementation of forecasting and warning services to pay specific attention to projects for implementation in developing countries by providing, coordinating the technical aspects, and monitoring progress, in close collaboration with the regional association concerned. The Commission will therefore be invited to review ongoing technology transfer and implementation support activities of WMO and UNESCO/IOC of direct relevance to JCOMM, and to propose new initiatives and projects as appropriate. 10. WMO Integrated Systems 10.1 WMO Information System (WIS) WMO Information System (WIS) developments will permit to offer multi-disciplinary access to meteorological, hydrological, and climate data sets. The Commission will review latest WIS developments, as well as the work carried out by the IODE/JCOMM Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP) to collaborate with the WMO Information System (WIS) in a prototype development. The end-to-end (E2E) software developed as part of the prototype has been improved and is the basis of the recently approved development of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) of IODE. This will also contribute to the JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS. The Commission will review the work undertaken by the DMPA for consolidating vocabularies and ontologies between the WMO Core Profile, the Marine Community Profile (MCP) and the SeaDataNet Common Data Index (CDI). It will make recommendations to the ETDMP and the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM for pursuing this work in collaboration with the WMO Inter-commission Coordination Group on the WMO Information System (ICG-WIS), and the WIS Inter-Programme Expert Team on Metadata Implementation (IPET-MI) where JCOMM is represented. The Commission will be invited to nominate one or more ocean data centre(s) to act as Data Collection and Production Centres (DCPC) to serve specific regional or global data sets to the WIS and to access data sets of interest to them from the WIS. 10.2 WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM The Commission will review the status of the development of WMO Integrated Global Observing Systems (WIGOS) as promoted by WMO Cg XV, including the WIGOS Pilot Project V Integration of Marine Meteorological and other appropriate Oceanic Observations into the WMO Global Observing Systems, called WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM. The high-level WIGOS goal is to establish a comprehensive, coordinated, and sustainable system of the observing systems with assured access to its component observing systems data and products through interoperable arrangements. The Commission will address the implications in terms of the governance arising from the recommendations of the WMO Executive Council. The commission will be briefed on the development of the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM. Since WMO Cg XV, the Pilot Project has been working pro-actively in cooperation with the IODE and UNESCO/IOC in developing its Project Plan and Implementation Plan. Core deliverables of the Pilot Project are (i) developing interoperability arrangements between ocean data systems and the WIS while providing for documented and standardized data, (ii) documenting & integrating best practices and standards, and (iii) Quality Management and implementation of cost effective Quality Management Systems (QMS). The multi-disciplinary approach will permit the provision of consistent, coherent, timelier, and better quality data and products to serve the requirements of WMO Programmes and co-Sponsored Programmes while respecting the ownership of UNESCO/IOC for some of the component observing networks. Close links have been established with the IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP) and the WMO Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation (CIMO) and a joint Steering Group for the ODP and the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM established. Two meetings were organized in March (Ostend, Belgium) and September 2008 (Geneva, Switzerland) to agree on a project plan and implementation plan. The Commission will be invited to review the developments of WIGOS and Pilot Project V and make recommendations regarding the further development of the Pilot Project and its implementation plan to address the three levels of integration. 10.3 Governance issues The Commission will review the relevant recommendations from the WMO Executive Council. In particular, the sixtieth session of the WMO Executive Council (EC-LX) adopted an over-arching WIGOS Development and Implementation Plan (WDIP), which includes recommendations with regard to the activities on restructuring and adjustment of the WMO Programme structure and Technical Commission TOR in the context of WIGOS implementation. EC-LXII (June 2010) will be invited to agree on the content of the submission to Congress XVI (2011) regarding the implementation of WIGOS-WIS, including the proposed changes to the Technical Regulations, the revised roles and TORs of the various Technical Commissions, the adjustments to the WMO Programme structure, and the impact on Secretariat budgets and personnel. Considering the needs to guarantee and sustain the cooperation between WMO and UNESCO/IOC on the development and implementation of marine meteorological and ocean observing systems and related data management, the Commission will be invited to make recommendations for addressing the future role and Terms of Reference of JCOMM in the most effective way. 11. QUALITY MANAGEMENT Quality Management issues cross cut with all activities of the JCOMM Programme Areas. Since JCOMM-II, the Commission has been addressing many Quality Management aspects, including (i) contribution to the development of the WMO Quality Management Framework, (ii) the development of a JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and Standards, (iii) the establishment in cooperation with the UNESCO/IOC International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) of a Standards process for ocean data management (addressed under item 8.3.2), and (iv) integration of quality management as one of the three core deliverables of the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM (see also items 7.5 and 11.2). 11.1 Quality Management Systems (QMS) for services and WMO Quality Management Framework (QMF) One of the primary focus and goals of JCOMM is the delivery of high quality marine data, products and services in support of the expressed requirements of users, nationally, regionally and globally. Direct interaction with and feedback from users is an essential part of the provision of high quality and valuable marine services. The Commission will discuss the need for developing an overall Quality Management approach that would eventually include promoting the implementation and certification of Quality Management Systems by Members delivering marine services. The Commission will in particular, discuss the Quality Management strategy for maritime safety services to be developed in cooperation with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) focusing on customer requirements and feedback, as well as processes. 11.2 Best practices and standards The Commission will review the work undertaken since JCOMM-II to further develop and integrate Best Practices and Standards. In particular, the Commission will review the status of the JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and Standards developed during the intersessional period as a contribution to the WMO Quality Management Framework (QMF) and the WIGOS Pilot Project. The Catalogue compiles relevant information from WMO and UNESCO/IOC, and JCOMM Expert Teams and Panels in support of the three Programme Areas. A consultant was recruited to perform the work. The Commission will be requested to make decisions with respect to the adoption and implementation of the proposed JCOMM catalogue of best practices and standards. It will propose an action plan for developing the Catalogue further, and integrating part of its information in existing Manuals and Guides published by WMO and UNESCO/IOC, as appropriate. The development of a Standards procedure for ocean data management in liaison with the UNESCO/IOC International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) will be discussed under agenda item 8.3.2. 12. REVIEW OF TECHNICAL REGULATIONS OF INTEREST TO THE COMMISSION, INCLUDING GUIDES AND OTHER TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS According to its terms of reference, the Commission should prepare and keep up-to-date relevant parts of the Technical Regulations of WMO. The Commission should, therefore, review the Technical Regulations concerned and propose any changes, which may be required. Any proposals for amending the Guide and Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 471 and WMO-No. 558, respectively), which is Annex VI to the Technical Regulations, should also be considered under this agenda item. Additionally, the WMO operational publication WMO-No. 9 (Weather Reporting), Vol. D (Information for Shipping), has been extensively reviewed by the JCOMM Services Programme Area Coordination Group during the intersessional period. Modifications proposed to this publication should be considered under this agenda item. Finally, in view of the joint nature of JCOMM, and the importance of ensuring a uniform approach to operational oceanography in both the WMO and UNESCO/IOC, the Commission may wish to consider proposing to the UNESCO/IOC Governing Bodies the development of some UNESCO/IOC Technical Regulations appropriate to the work of JCOMM, similar to those now in force in WMO. The Commission should review the marine related guides of WMO, as well as those manuals and guides of UNESCO/IOC relevant to its terms of reference, particularly, the updating of the Guide to the Applications of Marine Climatology (WMO-No. 781), the Guide to Wave Analysis and Forecasting (WMO-No. 702), the Guide to Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 471), and the new Guide to Storm Surge Forecasting. The Commission will also address requirements for contributing to ocean related chapters of other WMO or UNESCO/IOC Manuals and Guides, as appropriate. The Commission should also review the full list of technical publications of interest to JCOMM issued in the different series of WMO and UNESCO/IOC during the past intersessional period and consider requirements for new publications. 13. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER PROGRAMMES AND BODIES 13.1 Programmes and Bodies of WMO and UNESCO/IOC 13.1.1 GCOS GCOS, jointly sponsored by WMO, UNESCO/IOC, UNEP, and ICSU, is a primary planning mechanism for global observations for climate. It has developed a strong interaction with the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Subsidiary Body on Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) in the area of systematic observation of the climate system. GCOS has reported regularly to SBSTA and COP on the progress regarding climate observational networks, including assessments of their adequacy to the objectives of the UNFCCC and implementation plans to ensure that they will meet these targets. COP and SBSTA, to support systematic observation and to ensure that the needed observations and climate products are both developed and freely exchanged, have taken a number of decisions and recommendations. JCOMM is acknowledged as the primary implementation mechanism for the physical oceanographic components of GOOS and GCOS, as well as having a significant role to play in other components. The Commission will be invited to review the GCOS status report, including decisions, which are relevant to JCOMM, and to advise on the role, which the Commission should be taking in implementing these decisions. 13.1.2 GOOS GOOS is the major programme of the UNESCO/IOC for establishing operational ocean observation capabilities, which is co-sponsored by WMO, UNEP, and ICSU. GOOS and GCOS share a common module dealing with the oceans role in climate change, therefore they cosponsor the Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC). Additionally, GOOS and coastal GTOS established a Joint Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (J-PICO) to address the operational elements of the Coastal module of GOOS, including interoperability and the management and dissemination of non-physical, physical and socio-economic variables. The Commission will be presented with the GOOS status report on the activities under these Panels, and will be invited to address specific implementation issues raised, in addition to those already dealt with under other agenda items. 13.1.3 IPY The Commission will be presented with a report on JCOMMs role in the IPY Ocean Observing Systems and its legacy road map focused on the process for the development of iAOOS and SOOS, as well as sea ice elements of the GCW, in which WMO and UNESCO/IOC are directly involved, along with ICSU and other organizations. The Commission will be invited to advise on the contributions which JCOMM might make to the IPY legacy Ocean Observing Systems. 13.1.4 UNESCO/IOC International Coordination Groups for the Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System Following the under-the-sea earthquake on 26 December 2004 and the subsequent tsunami, UNESCO/IOC took the lead in coordinating activities and immediate action to establish a Tsunami Warning System (TWS) in the Indian Ocean. The UNESCO/IOC General Assembly XXIII (Paris, 2005) created three regional Intergovernmental Coordination Groups (ICGs, for the Indian Ocean, the North-East Atlantic and Mediterranean as well as the Caribbean) to establish basin-wide TWS together with the existing System for the Pacific. The UNESCO/IOC, in coordination with other relevant UN bodies, also contributes to the work of a global Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards related to Sea Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS). The Commission will be invited to review the progress of relevant intergovernmental coordination efforts, and advise on the Commissions work plan for coordinating with and supporting the ICGs and their Working Groups, in particular through TOWS. 13.1.5 Other WMO and UNESCO/IOC Programmes The WMO Marine Meteorology and Oceanography programme must be closely coordinated with other WMO Programmes, in particular the WWW, DRR and the WCP (including the jointly sponsored WCRP). In the implementation of the marine programme, JCOMM must therefore work in close collaboration with other WMO technical commissions such as CBS, CIMO, CCl and CAS, as well as the Regional Associations and GRAs, and various WCRP bodies. In this context, the Commission will be invited to consider any submissions made to it by Congress, the Executive Council, regional associations and technical commissions that have not already been dealt with under other agenda items. In a similar way to the coordination requirements within WMO, JCOMM coordinates closely with a number of UNESCO/IOC programme activities and bodies. JCOMM closely collaborates with the IODE for data management activities, with ICG/TWS and ICAM for ocean-related hazard warnings and forecasting. The Commission will be invited to review activities in these areas, consider submissions made to it by the UNESCO/IOC Assembly, the Executive Council, committees and other bodies, and advise on actions, which might be taken to enhance inter-programme coordination. 13.2 Organizations and Bodies 13.2.1 UN System Agencies Other matters of interest to the Commission, which involve cooperation between the WMO and UNESCO/IOC, the United Nations and other specialized UN agencies with major marine interests, may be discussed under this agenda item. These include marine environmental protection, data management and aspects of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Activities on these and similar topics are coordinated through the UN Oceans and Coastal Areas Network (UN-Oceans). The developing activities of UN-Oceans, as well as the work of the UN open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea (UNICPOLOS) will be reviewed by the Commission, in particular as they concern JCOMM and the implementation of its work programme. 13.2.2 Non-UN System organizations and programmes In addition to the joint activities with other UN-System agencies, both the WMO and UNESCO/IOC also collaborate extensively on marine issues with international organizations and programmes outside the system, including governmental and non-governmental, such as ICSU, IHO, ICES, PICES, POGO, GEO, etc. The Commission will be presented with a brief report on such collaboration, and invited to advise on additional issues and organizations where coordination and cooperation would be of benefit to the work of JCOMM. 13.2.3 GEO The Group of Earth Observations (GEO) was established by the first Earth Observation Summit (EOS I) in July 2003. Since then, considerable progress has been made towards the development of a comprehensive, coordinated and sustained Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), which is focused on nine beneficiary areas, responding to socio-economic needs. Both WMO and UNESCO/IOC are directly involved in GEO and the GEOSS process, and the GEOSS work plan involves JCOMM in the implementation of several of the work packages. JCOMM-II agreed that the Commission should continue interacting with GEO in progressing the GEOSS Implementation Plan and its work plan. The Commission will review a report on the development of GEOSS, and will be invited to advise further on JCOMM involvement. 13.2.4 CEOS The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites was created in 1984. It now comprises 25 members (space agencies operating EO satellites) and 20 Associates (including WMO and UNESCO/IOC) mostly representing user organisations. CEOS was instrumental in promoting the establishment in 1998 of the IGOS (Integrated Global Observing Strategy) Partnership and in proposing the Theme approach. The first Theme report published in 2001 was devoted to Ocean. IGOS Themes were further transferred in 2008 into GEO (see above 14.2.3) when the IGOS Partnership was terminated. In 2006, CEOS developed the concept of Virtual Constellations, as a way to improve coordination among ongoing and future satellite missions in view of better fulfilling user requirements and needs. Four-prototype constellation projects were initiated, one of them being devoted to ocean surface topography. In 2008, CEOS accepted two additional constellation projects for further consideration, both of them being devoted to ocean surface variables, namely surface wind vectors and ocean colour. In late 2008, JCOMM and one of its Expert Teams (ET-OFS) took part in the initiatives aimed at securing the continuity of satellite systems for ocean observation. The Commission will review a report on the progress of CEOS initiatives pertaining to space-based ocean observation and their transitioning from research into operational status, and they will also be invited to advise on JCOMM involvement therein. 13.2.5 Industry and commerce Both WMO and UNESCO/IOC have, for many years, worked closely with organizations representing industrial and commercial marine-related activities and companies, such as ICS, IACS and OGP. These organizations involve at the same time both major users of marine data and services and potential sources of data and collaborators in marine monitoring and research. It is therefore very important that JCOMM maintains and expands such partnerships, and the Commission will be invited to review existing collaboration and advise on possible new developments. 14.2.6 Other Any additional relationships not covered under previous sub-items of agenda item 12 will be considered under this sub-item. 14. JCOMM PROGRAMME AND PLANNING 14.1 WMO and UNESCO/IOC Strategic Planning and the JCOMM strategy WMO Cg-XV decided to develop a Strategic Plan for the future, replacing the previous Long-term Plans. The process for developing the Strategic Plan for 2012-2015, started in January 2009. This will be presented and approved by Cg-XVI in May 2011. WMO has built its strategic planning on the results-based management (RBM) concept, which provides a high-level statement of strategic directions and priorities of WMO in the form of the top-level objectives, strategic thrusts and corresponding expected results. It serves as the main basis for the WMO Operating Plan, which converts the Strategic Plan into specific deliverables and related activities to be implemented by the WMO Programmes, and the corresponding timelines and key performance targets. Additionally, the WMO results-based budget connects deliverables and activities to resources. The Commission will be invited to deliberate on the subject and provide inputs for the WMO Strategic and Operating Plans 2012-2015 as far as it concerns the Marine Meteorology and Oceanography Programme (MMOP) and related activities. The Co-presidents of the Commission and the Secretariat will then provide this input into the WMO Strategic and Operating Plans 2012-2015 development process. The UNESCO/IOC, at its 39th session of the Executive Council, adopted the Medium-Term Strategy 2008-2013, including the high-level objectives and associated activities for the UNESCO/IOC. The Commission will be invited to review the JCOMM Strategies in view of streamlining with those of the UNESCO/IOC, and to provide input to the UNESCO/IOC Medium-Term Strategy 2013-2018. 14.2 Future work programme and operating plan Based on proposals from the Programme Area Coordination Groups and other subsidiary and reporting bodies, on discussions and agreements reached during the session, and on requests and proposals from other bodies and programmes inside and outside WMO and UNESCO/IOC, the Committee will adopt a comprehensive work programme and its operating plan for the Commission for the coming intersessional period. This operating plan will be implemented through the substructure established under agenda item 15.4. 14.3 Review of previous resolutions and recommendations of the Commission and of relevant resolutions of the Governing Bodies of WMO and UNESCO/IOC In accordance with Regulation 190 of the WMO General Regulations and with the UNESCO/IOC Statutes, the Commission will review the resolutions and recommendations adopted by both CMM, the Joint Committee for IGOSS and JCOMM at previous sessions of these bodies, as well as relevant resolutions of the Governing Bodies of WMO and UNESCO/IOC, with a view to deciding which of them should be kept in force and which should be considered out of date. To facilitate the consideration of this item, the Secretary-General of WMO will submit a document, containing a detailed explanation of the procedure to be followed as well as suggestions concerning the action to be taken on each resolution and recommendation under review. 14.4 Establishment of Groups and Expert Teams and nomination of Rapporteurs The Commission will certainly wish to establish a substructure of working groups, expert teams and rapporteurs to carry out the activities decided during the session as appropriate to the implementation of the Commissions terms of reference. Regulations 32, 33, 34, 35 and 37 of the WMO General Regulations contain the procedures for the establishment of working groups and the election of their chairpersons. As suggested under paragraph 2.3 of this explanatory memorandum, a special committee may be established for the purpose of such nominations. It is planned that discussions on specific elements of a proposed subsidiary structure for JCOMM should take place in conjunction with the relevant technical agenda items. 14.5 Date and place of the Fourth Session Regulation 187 of the WMO General Regulations is relevant to this item. It would be advantageous if the delegates of Members/Member States attending the session could present an invitation from their governments for the fourth session of the Commission to be held in their countries. The Commission may wish to consider any such invitations or suggestions regarding the date and venue of the fourth session. 15. SCIENTIFIC LECTURE A session will be devoted to a series of scientific lecture on the theme of Socio-economic Benefits of Met-ocean Information and Services. Adequate time will be allowed for discussion of this activity for JCOMM, and the Commission may wish to propose follow-up action on issues raised during these discussions. 16. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Commission should elect two co-presidents, to hold office until the end of the next regular session of the Commission. Details regarding eligibility and procedures for election are given in Regulations 11 and 79 to 82, 84, 86, 89 and 183 of the WMO General Regulations, as well as Resolution 37 (Cg-XI). Further guidance regarding the co-presidency is given in the general summaries of the final reports of the Thirteenth WMO Congress (paragraph, of the Twentieth UNESCO/IOC Assembly (paragraph 262) and of WMO EC-LII (paragraph 6.4.5). In addition, the Commission may wish to adopt a procedure whereby one of the co-presidents will assume primary authority for the first two years of the intersessional period, and the other co-president for the second two years. 17. CLOSURE OF THE SESSION The third session of the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology is scheduled to close on Wednesday, 11 November 2009.  Third Session of the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology Provisional JCOMM-III Monthly Documentation Plan (documents to be translated in 6 languages) Agenda itemShort titleNumber of wordsByCompletedTime20082009DecJanFebMarAprMayJun2.2Provisional agenda500WMO SecretariatX2.2Explanatory memorandum3000WMO SecretariatX3Review decisions by Governing Bodies2000WMO/IOC Secretariats X4Report by the co-presidents2000Co-presidentsX5.1Data requirements for met-ocean applications1500SPA coordinator and WMO/IOC SecretariatX5.2Data requirements for GOOS and GCOS1500Chair OOPC and WMO/IOC SecretariatsX5.3Data requirements for NWP and synoptic meteorology1500Chair CBS/ET-EGOSX5.4Other data requirements1000WMO/IOC Secretariats and co-presidentsX6.1OPA Strategic work plan1500OPA coordinatorX6.2In situ Observing Systems3000OPA coordinator, TC/DBCP and WMO/IOC SecretariatsX6.3Remote sensing1500SAT rapporteur, co-president and WMO/IOC Secretariats X6.4Integrated in situ and satellite observing systems1500SAT rapporteur, co-president X6.5Instrumentation issues1500WMO/IOC SecretariatsX6.6Scientific and Technical developments for ocean observations1500WMO/IOC SecretariatsX6.7OPSC1500WMO/IOC SecretariatsX7.1Data Management2000DMPA chair and WMO/IOC SecretariatsX7.2Marine Climatology2000WMO Secretariat and ETMC chairX7.3Data Management Practices1500DMPA chair and WMO/IOC SecretariatsX8.1Forecasting Systems and Products3000SPA coordinator, ETWS, ETSI, ETOOFS chairsX8.2Disaster Risk Reduction2500WMO/IOC Secretariats, SPA coordinator and ETMAES chairX8.3Service Delivery2000ETMSS chair and WMO SecretariatX9.1Specialized Education and Training1500WMO/IOC Secretariats and CB RapporteursX9.2Technology transfer and implementation support1500WMO/IOC SecretariatsX10.1WIS1500DMPA chair and WMO/IOC SecretariatsX10.2WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM2500WIGOS ST chairs and WMO/IOC SecretariatsX10.3Governance issues2000WMO/IOC SecretariatsX11.1QMS for Services and WMO QMF2500WMO Secretariat + P. DandinX11.2Best practices and standards1500WMO/IOC SecretariatsX12Review technical regulations, guides and other publications2000WMO/IOC SecretariatsX13.1Programmes and Bodies of IOC and WMO2000WMO/IOC SecretariatsX13.2Relationship with Organizations and Bodies2000Co-presidents and WMO/IOC SecretariatsX14.1WMO/IOC Strategic Planning and JCOMM strategy2000WMO/IOC Secretariats and Co-presidentsX14.2JCOMM Work plan and Operating plan2000Co-presidents and WMO/IOC SecretariatsX14.3Review previous resolutions and recommendations1500WMO/IOC SecretariatsX14.4Establishment of groups, etc.2500WMO/IOC SecretariatsXTOTAL DOCs22711751 Provisional JCOMM-III Monthly Documentation Plan (documents to be translated in 2 languages: E and F) Agenda itemShort titleNumber of wordsByCompletedTime20082009DecJanFebMarAprMayJun3Co-presidents report3000Co-presidentsX5Assess Scientific and Operational Requirements2000OOPC chair, SPA coordinator and WMO/IOC Secretariat, Chair CBS/ET-EGOSX6OPA Report3000OPA CoordinatorX6SAT Report1500SAT RapporteurX7DMPA Report3000DMPA CoordinatorX8SPA Report3000SPA Coordinator9CB Report1500CB RapporteurXXTOTAL INFOs0000430      SCG-IV/Doc. 7.1, p.  PAGE 3 SCG-IV/Doc. 7.1, Appendix A EC-LVII/Doc.  DOCVARIABLE "FdDocNb" \* MERGEFORMAT , APPENDIX A, p.  PAGE 1 SCG-IV/Doc. 7.1, Appendix A, p.  PAGE 2 XX/Doc.  DOCVARIABLE "FdDocNb" \* MERGEFORMAT , APPENDIX A EC-LVII/Doc.  DOCVARIABLE "FdDocNb" \* MERGEFORMAT , APPENDIX B, p.  PAGE 1 SCG-IV/Doc. 7.1, Appendix A, p.  PAGE 3 XX/Doc.  DOCVARIABLE "FdDocNb" \* MERGEFORMAT , APPENDIX B EC-LVII/Doc.  DOCVARIABLE "FdDocNb" \* MERGEFORMAT , APPENDIX C, p.  PAGE 2 SCG-IV/Doc. 7.1, Appendix A, p.  PAGE 4 XX/Doc.  DOCVARIABLE "FdDocNb" \* MERGEFORMAT , APPENDIX C SCG-IV/Doc. 7.1, Appendix A, p.  PAGE 5 SCG-IV/Doc. 7.1, Appendix A, p.  PAGE 6 SCG-IV/Doc. 7.1, Appendix B, p.  PAGE 21 SCG-IV/Doc. 7.1, Appendix B SCG-IV/Doc. 7.1, Appendix C, p.  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