ࡱ> %`UbjbjNN,,L4ccch:d|dee:eee g"Bg Ng7xexݐ$hcog gcocoee4<qqqcoeeqcoqqpee 0Tޙco4RHʀoZ,pp|VgRiqPkTlVgVgVgpVgVgVgcocococod"B!BNT  WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION ________________________  INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (OF UNESCO) ________________________ JOINT WMO-IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY (JCOMM) EXPERT TEAM ON MARITIME SAFETY SERVICES Task Team on Maritime Safety Information GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, 9 TO 11 MARCH 2009TT-MSI/Doc. 5.1 (2) (24.II.2009) __________ ITEM 5.1 Original: ENGLISH Sea ice information in graphical/numerical form and E-Navigation charts (Submitted by Dr Vasily Smolyanitsky, chair of the ETSI) Summary and Purpose of Document This document provides information on the ETSI Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) Ice Objects Task Group (TG ENCIO) activities since 2004 regarding the development of documentation for sea ice products presentation within ENC, including progress in the development and testing of the Ice Objects Catalogue, other additions and specifications for sea ice symbology, converting routines and naming rules for sea ice ENC. ACTION PROPOSED The Task Team is invited to: Note the information provided; Advise on future actions by the Team regarding the MSI in graphical form and discuss future collaborations with ETSI on this issue. ______________________ Appendices: A. Terms of Reference of the Task Group on Electronic Navigational Chart Ice Objects (TG ENCIO) B. Vision and Strategy for the Standards for Sea Ice Coding and Presentations DISCUSSION 1. The Marine Information Objects (MIO) consist of supplementary information to be used with an Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC). Supplementary means additional, non-mandatory information not already covered by existing International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards or specifications. Examples of MIOs include ice coverage, tide/water level, current flow, and meteorological, oceanographic, and marine habitats. Depending on the navigation situation or task-at-hand, the provision and use of the MIOs (e.g., ice coverage, weather conditions, etc.) can be crucial in terms of improving both the safety and efficiency of maritime navigation, as well as ensuring the protection of the marine environment. In order to facilitate the development and implementation of MIOs, the IHO and IEC agreed to establish a Harmonization Group on Marine Information Objects (HGMIO) in May 2002. The HGMIO is a subsidiary to both the IHO Committee on Hydrographic Requirements for Information Systems (CHRIS) and the IEC Technical Committee No. 80 - Maritime Navigation and Radio communications Equipment and Systems (TC80). 2. Noting the above, the second session of JCOMM Expert Team on Sea (ETSI) in April 2004 defined actions for incorporating sea ice information into the ENC and recognized that the JCOMM ETSI, as the international body responsible for ice information standards, should established formal contacts with the relevant IHO bodies and prepare an Ice Objects Catalogue in accordance with the WMO and IHO standards, to be published as an MIO in the IHO Registry of Registers. To that effect, the ETSI in 2005 established a liaison between ETSI and the IHO TSMAD, and during 2005-2007, a draft version of the Ice Objects Catalogue harmonized with relevant WMO and IHO documents was developed by ETSI in cooperation with IHO HGMIO with a Canadian Ice Service (CIS) as a leader. 3. The final Ice Objects Catalogue version 4.0 was based on the CIS Ice Objects Catalogue Version 3.0, which was not used for practical implementation until 2005. In the course of implementing, the Catalogue was fully harmonized by CIS with the WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature and SIGRID-3 format (WMO/OMM/BMO No. 259. TP. 145: WMO Sea-Ice Nomenclature, Suppl. No. 5, 1989 and WMO International System of Sea Ice Symbols, Suppl. No. 4, 1970; SIGRID-3: A Vector Archive Format for Sea Ice Charts, JCOMM Technical Report No. 23, 2004). This harmonization has involved an extensive review process of all relevant existing documentation, as well as a consultative cycle with key international stakeholders. In addition to the International Ice Community Standards, all previous versions of the Ice Objects Catalogue were reviewed accordingly. As well, the S57, Edition 3.1 documentation set was regularly consulted to ensure compatibility with the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Object Catalogue standards (IHO Transfer Standard for Digital Hydrographic Data, Special Publication No. 57, International Hydrographic Organization, Monaco, Edition 3.1 Appendix A, IHO Object Catalogue, November 2000). Mr Bruce Ramsay (retired from CIS), lead the review under contract with CIS. Prior to ETSI-III, the draft document was disseminated between the ETSI members so that Comments and suggestions were compiled, reviewed, and included in the final draft version, dated March 2007. The document included 23 Ice Object Classes (e.g. Sea Ice, Lake Ice, Iceberg Area, Ice Compacting, Strips and Patches, etc.) with 36 feature attributes for ice objects (e.g. Total Concentration, Partial Concentration, Number of Icebergs in Area, Compacting Strength, Concentration of Strips and Patches etc.). 4. The ETSI-III session adopted Version 4.0 of the Ice Objects Catalogue for subsequent submission to the IHO Registry of Marine Information Objects, based on its consistency with the presently approved Sea Ice Nomenclature; and urged the WMO Secretariat to provide a Number and publish it as a WMO/TD Publication. The Team agreed that accepted philosophy/paradigm would be that the Ice Objects catalogue represents the subset of the WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature being at the same time a driving force for amending sea ice Nomenclature with an intention of including the navigators feedback in the future. In this context, the Team also agreed on its Vision and Strategy for the Standards for Sea Ice Coding and Presentations (see Appendix B). 5. In order to establish the appropriate link with IHO, the ETSI-III agreed that the Ice Objects Register Manager should be the WMO Secretariat; and approved the creation of an Electronic Navigational Chart Ice Objects Task Group (TG ENCIO) see Appendix A. The Team nominated Canada, Germany, Russian Federation and USA to be Members of this TG (with a leader from CIS) and work in consultation with other ETSI Members as appropriate. The Team also determined that the TG ENCIO and the Register Manager should develop the appropriate documents to effectively implement and maintain the Ice Objects Catalogue as an IHO Register, to develop a testing scheme and to contribute to the work of the JCOMM Expert on binary products and the cross-SPA TT that would develop Met-Ocean graphic products. 6. All documentation relevant to the Ice Objects Catalogue was summarized in the ETSI-III/GDSIDB-XI sessions final report, JCOMM Meeting Report No. 51. 7. Since March 2007, TG ENCIO in cooperation with the national ice services undertook a set of actions aimed on completion of formalities for the Catalogue, its extending, developing specifications relevant for ice products transmit and display on ECDIS as well as initiating the testing process for the Catalogue. 8. In May 2007, the TG ENCIO leader Mr. John Falkingham (Canada) presented the results of the ETSI-III session to the HGMIO meeting at the University of New Hampshire. In early 2008, the CIS experts in TG ENCIO completed entering the objects, attributes and associated enumerations that comprise Ice Objects Catalogue V4.0 into the IHO Feature Catalogue Registry, currently managed by the U.K. Hydrographic Office. 9. The CIS initiated: Development of a Product Specification in order to transmit and display sea ice information on ECDIS /ECS. This Specification will conform to the General Content Specification for MIOs Version 1.1.1 developed by the IHO-IEC Harmonization Group on MIOs (HGMIO) and endorsed by IHO. Testing of Product Specification by means of a "test bed" trial in the Gulf of St.Lawrence during winter 2009. CIS will be generating S-57 transfer files containing ice information, with 4 of the key Objects from the Ice Objects Catalogue V4 using the ice MIO Product Specification currently being developed. It is hoped to include one or two Canadian Cost Guard (CCG) Icebreaker ECS systems, and possibly other clients at the Port of Montreal and the Laurentian Pilots Corporation. 10. During 2007-2009, the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), Russian Federation, initiated: Development of additions and proposals to Ice Objects Catalogue in order to represent information for the customers to the fullest extent. Additions to classes and attributes are developed to represent both, the presently absent terms from the WMO Nomenclature, all possible combinations of coding as well as terms and parameters from Russian national practice. Proposals for codes attribution are developed to facilitate further attribution of codes to ice objects, a formal procedure is proposed in order to avoid possible intersection in the future due to additions of new objects. Development of a Specification to S-52 format containing all symbols and its definitions. Additions were summarized in a form of 2 graphic libraries (preslib_int.txt and preslib_rus.txt) describing the WMO international and Russian national symbology. Development of Specifications for converting routines, definitions of DDR & DR1...5 blocks and naming of the rules for sea ice ENC. Testing of Specifications by means of a provision of coding rules and sets of sample ice charts (analytical and prognostic) in S-57 format to Transas Ltd for further display within Dkart Navigator software during the winter of 2008/2009 navigation in Barents/Kara Seas and Sakhalin waters and analysis of the feedback. 11. New draft documents to be reviewed (with possible amalgamation) and discussed by TG ENCIO, ETSI and TT MSI, IICWG-X meeting (October 2009) and the next ETSI-IV session include: Marine Information Objects Overlays - Ice Coverage Product Specification, Edition 1.0 DRAFT, Nov, 2008 (CIS). Marine Information Objects Overlays - Ice Coverage Object Catalogue - Objects, Edition 1.0 DRAFT, Nov, 2008 (CIS). Marine Information Objects Overlays - Ice Coverage Object Catalogue - Attributes, Edition 1.0 DRAFT, Nov, 2008 (CIS). Update to the Ice Objects Catalogue proposals for new ice objects classes, attributes and codes attribution, Ice Coverage Object Catalogue 4.1 DRAFT, January 2009 (AARI). Addition to S-52 format - Graphic libraries to describe sea ice symbology, Edition 1.0, DRAFT, January 2009 (AARI). Specifications for converting routines and naming rules for sea ice ENC, Edition 1.0, DRAFT, January 2009 (AARI). _____________ Appendices: 2 TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE TASK GROUP ON ELECTRONIC NAVIGATIONAL CHART ICE OBJECTS (TG ENCIO) (Annex IX, ETSI-III and GDSIDB-XI sessions final report, Geneva, Switzerland, 28-31 March 2007, JCOMM Meeting Report No. 51) 1. Objective To develop and to maintain an international standard for Ice Objects as a class of Marine Information Objects (MIO) that is based on the standards of the International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) for Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC). 2. Guiding Principles The framework for the Ice Objects standard includes: Use of IHO S-57 including: Object Catalogue; MIO Product Specification; MIO Encoding Guide. Establishment of an Ice Objects Register for additional real world, ice features, attributes, and enumerations that are not already contained in IHO S-57 Edition 3.1 Object Catalogue. Use of the Open ECDIS Forum (OEF) as a means of communication and discussion for continuing development and maintenance of the Ice Objects Register. Alignment with the future IHO S-100 Standard for Geospatial Data. 3. Authority JCOMM ETSI is recognized as the competent international technical group on sea ice and icebergs by: World Meteorological Organization; Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission; International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Committee on Hydrographic Requirements and Information Systems (CHRIS). 4. Participants Register Owner: WMO Secretariat Register Manager: WMO Secretariat Register Users: anyone interested in sea ice or iceberg MIOs Control Body: ETSI ENC Ice Objects Task Group Submitting Organization: WMO Proposers: ETSI Members from Canada, Germany, Russian Federation and USA 5. Composition The Ice Objects Task Group will be composed of at least three standing ETSI Members appointed by the ETSI, in addition to the Register Manager. The Task Group Members shall serve until the subsequent intersessional meeting of the ETSI, at which time they may be re-appointed or replaced. The Task Group will elect a Chairperson from among them. 6. Meeting Schedule The Task Group will meet on an as-required, as-agreed basis. Members will fund their own attendance at meetings. Much of the business of the Task Group will be conducted by e-mail and telephone. 7. Management of the Ice Objects Register Any Member of the ETSI can submit a proposal to the Ice Objects Register but the proposal must: be in a format established by ETSI; describe how the new object (or feature) will be accommodated in the Ice Objects Encoding Guide. The Ice Objects Register Manager: reviews the submitted proposal for completeness, and may request additional information/clarification from the Proposer. The proposal is also distributed to Ice Objects Task Group (Control Body) and other Register Managers for review/comment. officially posts the proposal on the Ice Objects ENC Register. It is initially flagged as NOT-VALID. places the proposal on the Ice Objects Discussion Forum (OEF website) for discussion. Eight weeks after the proposal is placed on the Ice Objects Register: if a consensus is reached to accept, the proposal is then flagged as VALID. if no consensus is achieved, it remains flagged as NOT-VALID. In this case: the submitter can decide to withdraw the proposal; the proposal can be revised and re-submitted; any participant of the ETSI can ask that the proposal be considered at the next meeting of the ETSI. the Register Manager announces the outcome on the Ice Objects Discussion Forum. 8. Regular ETSI Review As owner of the Ice Objects Register, ETSI will carry as a standing agenda item on its meetings, a review of any outstanding recommendations from the Task Group. ____________________________ VISION AND STRATEGY FOR THE STANDARDS FOR SEA ICE CODING AND PRESENTATIONS (Annex XIII, ETSI-III and GDSIDB-XI sessions final report, Geneva, Switzerland, 28-31 March 2007, JCOMM Meeting Report No. 51) Background 1. Two technical documents, the SIGRID3: A Vector Archive Format for Sea Ice Charts (WMO/TD No. 1214) and the Ice Chart Colour Code Standard (WMO/TD No. 1215), both finalized and published in 2004 as JCOMM Technical Reports, now extend to the WMO Sea-Ice Nomenclature by providing standards for ice chart coding, operational and delayed-mode presentation in addition to the existing SIGRID (WMO, 1989) and SIGRID-2 (WMO, 1994) formats primarily intended to support sea ice climatology. In the latter years, extensions to the S-57 format for the ENC (also discussed under Agenda Item 2.6.1) were developed on the level of several national ice services to support presentation of sea ice parameters on the bridge. 2. Further discussions regarding the formats, were carried out during the Sixth Session of the International Ice Chart Working Group (IICWG-XI, Ottawa, Canada, 24-28 October 2005) technical session and the ETSI ad-hoc session on Interoperable Data Formats. The primary goal of the session was to clearly define the objective of developing common data base scheme i.e. to discuss the seamless customer support versus ice service interoperability with a help of a technical workshop on the issue. The Agenda of the technical Workshop included thematic reports and items as follow: Ice in Electronic Chart Systems (Tim Evangelatos & Doug OBrien - Canadian experts on ECDIS and IHO under contract to the Canadian Hydrographic Service); Advances in Sea Ice Presentation for ECDIS (Yuri Scherbakov AARI expert on ECDIS); Interoperable Data Formats in Production Systems (Dave Denault CIS expert on Geographic Information Systems and Brian Scarlett ESRI contractor at CIS); Plenary discussion; Breakout Groups: 1.) Operational Ice Information Producers, and 2) Standards Enforcers; and Workshop Summary. 3. Participants of the Operational Ice Information Producers Breakout Group included the: German Ice Service (BSH), Danish Met Institute, Iceland Met Service, Qinetiq Corporation, Norwegian Met Service, USA National Ice Centre, Finnish Ice Service, Canadian Coast Guard and the GIS Technical Experts and Rapporteurs. Participants of the Standards Enforcers Breakout Group included the IDON Corporation, Terraquaeous Corporation, AARI, Canadian Ice Service, Qinetiq Corporation, NOAA and the WMO Secretariat. 4. Agreements reached from the entire technical session were as follows: To develop standards for incorporating ice information into Electronic Chart Systems should be a role that the JCOMM ETSI should play in conjunction with the IICWG as its Technical Advisory body, and that would be an appropriate time to be doing this; we are not at the bleeding edge, but are close enough to it to be effective; It may be a lot of work for which resources (people) are not readily available, but these factors may never change; The content from the carrier should be separate, as carrier issues are already resolved by other related bodies; It should be noted that the content model is an essential first step for interoperability between the ice services and users; A definition regarding how ice information is described should be more clearly defined by all respective ice services; IHO Ice Register (Ice Object Catalogue) should be the logical starting point for a content model; The Register was developed under the ISO standards and now has a formal home; The ICE Register should reference and be completely compatible with the WMO Sea-Ice Nomenclature; The SIGRID-3 should be merged into the Register; The ETSI should be the owner of the Register and be responsible for the control body; The Ice Object Catalogue must incorporate standards for display of images; That it is not necessary for the ETSI to define the portrayal (presentation) standards, but it would be useful to define a default set; The current existing WMO Symbology and Colour Standards would suffice for the time being. 5. Proposed Action Plan for the next years and longer terms included: Action plan next years: Standardize the SIGRID-3 implementation among ice centres ISO standard for metadata Complete metadata definition for sea ice Investigate relations with the MarineXML (JCOMM ETMDP) ISO standard for imagery No need to define standards for imagery but must define what standards one shall employ at user-level A possible solution is to follow the IHO standards Presentation content Recommend default presentation in isolation WMO Nomenclature, Colour Standard for Ice Charts Action Plan longer term: Encoding Develop SIGRID-4 in alignment with ISO GML (ISO 19136) S57 will serve in the interim to carry ice information in Electronic Ice Systems Web Services Determine the level of standard web services required for interoperability among producers Web Mapping Services Web Feature Services Web Coverage Services ____________________________     MSI/Doc. 5.1 (2), p.  PAGE 4 MSI/Doc. 5.1 (2), Appendix A, p.  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