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It is presented to the GOOS Science Steering Committee in response to data management and coordination issues such as the GOOS data matrix development. A recommendation on the future relationship between GOOS and GOSIC is requested from the GOOS SC following this meeting. Actions Proposed The Steering Committee is invited to note the information in this document with a view to: How the GOOS community use/will use GOSIC in GOOS implementation Provide feedback and leadership to GOSIC on its implementations specifically related to GOOS Provide input as to the development of the GOOS matrix ( HYPERLINK "http://gosic.org/goos/goos_matrix.aspx" http://gosic.org/goos/goos_matrix.aspx) Determine the value of the GOSIC continuing to update the GOOS National Commitments and Activities summaries ( HYPERLINK "http://gosic.org/goos/GOOS_nat_commit.htm" http://gosic.org/goos/GOOS_nat_commit.htm) GOSIC Overview The Global Observing Systems (Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), and the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS)) provide global and regional data sets and analyses for research into global change; for operational oceanographic and meteorological services; and for monitoring, detection of change, and prediction of future conditions. This is achieved through the design and implementation of observation systems for atmospheric, oceanic, and terrestrial domains. The Global Observing Systems also develops specifications for data management systems that integrate and analyze the data, produce graphical and other presentations (data products), deliver data and data products to users, and provide for long-term archival of the data and products for future users. Additionally the Global Observing Systems have identified historical data sets of use in understanding the present state of the global environment and change that has already taken place. In general the Global Observing Systems Information Center (GOSIC) seeks to: (1) provide for searches for data and information across all participating Global Observing Systems data centers using the Internet; (2) return results regardless of the data format, or where the data are located; (3) provide results back in a standard easy-to-read, easy-to-understand format; (4) allow users to determine the type and quality of the data through documentation provided by the participating data centers; and (5) allow users to obtain data sets. The GOSIC does not in and of itself hold data. Rather, it maintains metadata (information about the data sets that are available in the three programs) and points to the data centers for the data and information. GOSIC does not create or modify the presentation of data. If the data centers identify the program that was the source of data and information on a database or product, then the acknowledgement will appear in GOSIC. These data links and information such as observing requirements, planning documents, data management plans and publications can be found on the GOSIC web site ( HYPERLINK "http://gosic.org" http://gosic.org). GOSIC, in a collaborative project with NASA, uses the Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) to provide users with metadata on the Global Observing Systems data sets. The GOSIC is also supporting regional implementations such as for the Pacific Region. The PI-GCOS web server ( HYPERLINK "http://pi-gcos.org" http://pi-gcos.org) is hosted and sponsored by NOAA/NCDC and supported by the U.S. GCOS Program Office. As a regional portal facility for the Pacific, the GOSIC provides services as a central clearinghouse for gathering hard-to-obtain national atmospheric, oceanic, and terrestrial climate related datasets, as well as in providing training and capacity building opportunities related to data management. As such, a single entry point for users best serves the distributed nature of the Global Observing Systems data and information systems. As envisioned since its inception in the late 1990s, the GOSIC provides a central source to explain the Global Observing Systems data system and provides integrating overviews of the data, information and services that comprise the Global Observing Systems. GOSIC offers a search capability through search mechanisms, portals and matrices, optimized for Global Observing Systems data centers, to facilitate access to a worldwide set of observations and derived products. GOSIC provides a comprehensive list of data sets for the three observing system. This cannot be obtained using generic queries such as Google.com. Links are verified and kept up to date with the help of the World Data Centers (WDC), and the GOSIC also provides portal support for the WDC for Meteorology, Asheville. Several data access products developed by GOSIC are unique. GOSIC has developed Data Flow diagrams for several programs. These are a popular feature on the GOSIC web site. Several matrices provide quick overview and access to data. User feedback has been very positive with the availability of these new data access tools. The GOSIC was begun as a developmental and research effort at the University of Delaware beginning in 1997, and was most recently transitioned to be an operational data management facility operated on behalf of the international observing community by NCDC in September 2006. A full time Program Manager for the GOSIC at NCDC was hired in January 2007. The GOSIC web site gets an average of 2,500 hits per day from 77 countries. The top users are: 60% from academia, 20% from governments and 20% from the military. The top countries are (in decreasing order of hits): US, UK, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, South Korea, China, and India. GOSIC is entering its 10th year of serving the international global observing community, and has made considerable advances, in line with advances in Internet technologies, over that time. We believe that the resources invested to date have led to positive developments in environmental data management. The feedback received during this time has been positive, and suggestions made by the Science Steering Committees and the GOSIC reviews on 2001 and 2003 have been incorporated. All data access tools on GOSIC have been developed per the recommendations of the GOSIC Reviews, requests by the Secretariats and the GOSIC user community. As activities such as the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) evolve, GOSIC plans to evolve along with it. The vision of GOSIC, as always, is to provide the most comprehensive and easily accessible tools to access, compile, and integrate environmental observation data sets on behalf of a diverse set of customers that include scientists, policymakers, students, and the general public. GOSIC Status Presently the GOSIC staff has been converting the GOSIC web site to NOAA/NCDC format and specifications. The GOSIC web site is planned to become live at NCDC on or before June 2007. In the meantime the web site is running virtually from the University of Delaware. In addition: Several search and data access tools have been developed on the GOSIC web site and are unique to GOSIC: GOOS, GTOS and GCOS Portals to the NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) are available to users to easily access metadata and data. ( HYPERLINK "http://gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov/KeywordSearch/Home.do?Portal=goos&MetadataType=0" http://gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov/KeywordSearch/Home.do?Portal=goos&MetadataType=0) Development of GOOS data query Matrix is in progress. This allows users to access GOOS data by theme ( HYPERLINK "http://gosic.org/goos/goos_matrix.aspx" http://gosic.org/goos/goos_matrix.aspx): This tool is in development and is awaiting input from the GSSC in particular for the establishments of the categories and classifications of the datasets. The basis of the initial classification was developed by Dr. Ron Wilson and Dr. James Crease and is attached for review (see Annex) Comprehensive list of GOOS data by program ( HYPERLINK "http://www.gosic.org/ios/GOOS_ios.htm" http://www.gosic.org/ios/GOOS_ios.htm): Level 1 contributions are from IOC and WMO programs declared to be contributions to GOOS as well as to their existing users Level 2 contributions are ones assumed for the future but remain to be negotiated Pilot projects IOC-recognized regional Alliances Unique and comprehensive data management tools such as the GCOS Surface Network (GSN) data matrix ( HYPERLINK "http://gosic.org/gcos/GSN/gsndatamatrix.htm" http://gosic.org/gcos/GSN/gsndatamatrix.htm) and the GTOS Thematic and Program Matrix ( HYPERLINK "http://gosic.org/ios/GTOS_observing_system.asp" http://gosic.org/ios/GTOS_observing_system.asp). This provides users with a quick overview of all GSN data at NCDC and easy access to the data. Data Managers can use these matrices as a data management tool as it is a comprehensive list of data and their links. Matrices can be developed for other WDC in the future. Other GOSIC activities: GOOS National Commitments and Activities Summaries ( HYPERLINK "http://gosic.org/goos/GOOS_nat_commit.htm" http://gosic.org/goos/GOOS_nat_commit.htm): Information is presently being updates and posted on the GOSIC web site for the following countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Republic of Korea, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA. These summaries are being updated by GOSIC and can continue in the future per recommendation of the GSSC. Data Flow Diagrams. The diagrams are unique to GOSIC and are popular judged by the hits these pages get. Additional data flow diagrams can be developed if requested. The PI-GCOS web site. GOSIC help transition the web server to NOAA/NCDC. The PI-GCOS web site became live on the NOAA/NCDC network on 11/27/2006. Main administration for the web site and webmaster are provided by SPREP in Samoa. GOSIC supports the server with system administration, software updates, training and back up webmaster. Pacific Islands Meteorological Services web site hosted on PI-GCOS. GOSIC provides server space, training, hardware and software support. This allows Meteorological Services to become web masters of their own web site. For example, the island of Niue web site at:  HYPERLINK "http://pi-gcos.org/niuesite/default.htm" http://pi-gcos.org/niuesite/default.htm Support of US GCOS. GOSIC supports the US GCOS web site with main system administration and uploads of the GSN Renovation Projects ( HYPERLINK "http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/usgcos/renovationprojects.htm" http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/usgcos/renovationprojects.htm) and the Regional Technical Support Projects ( HYPERLINK "http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/usgcos/regionaltechsupportcenters.htm" http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/usgcos/regionaltechsupportcenters.htm) GOSIC is developing the GSN Data Overlap page at the request of an AOPC member. This again is a unique feature the GOSIC offers the Global Observing Systems community. Support of the WDC for Meteorology, Asheville, in providing better access to international climatic datasets. ______________ Annex: Development of the GOOS Matrix Development of the GOOS Matrix By Dr. Ron Wilson Background The GOOS Matrix was developed in response to a recommendation by the last Review Panel to provide an additional method of navigating the site for those people who did not know the GOOS program in terms of its various component programs such as GLOSS or the Drifting Buoy Program. The suggestion of the Panel was that we provide a matrix that would help users navigate to the datasets in terms of the IGOS themes. Development The IGOS themes included various classifications as below. Global Carbon Cycle Geohazards Ocean Water Cycle Atmospheric Chemistry Coastal Observations Coral Reefs Sub-Theme Land Cryosphere After examination some of these themes seemed too all encompassing. For example all of blue water oceanography was included under the heading Ocean, Land and Cryosphere seemed also to be too general and Atmospheric Chemistry was the only place for atmospheric data except perhaps for some data sets which could be classified under Global Carbon Cycle. Most people asked whether a data set was relevant to the global carbon cycle both classifiers and users would have to guess with uncertain results. The same problem would occur in classifying data sets in the theme Geohazards. If you asked three people to do such a classification for a number of data sets from their descriptions, they would probably also have to guess at the classifications and arrive at three different lists, again with uncertain results. Dr. Jim Crease and Dr. Ron Wilson therefore set out to develop a classification method that would be more straight-forward for both the classifiers and the users and lead to more consistent results in classifying and in finding the data sets that the user was after. Classifications were developed for both the GOOS and GCOS data sets as it was intended that there would be a similar matrix for GCOS to demonstrate the true breadth and variety of the data sets required for the GCOS program which did not seem to be covered in the GOSIC site at that time or in fact to be covered by AOPC. The result they came up with was first to classify the data sets in columns as follows: Global Regional Historical Satellite Gridded Modeling National These classifications were thought to be useful in that the data sets were straight forward to classify and the user would understand them clearly. The other purpose of these classifications for the columns and for the row classifications described below, and for the matrix itself, was to demonstrate the richness, the breadth, and the variety of the data sets that it is necessary to collect to address the goals of GOOS and GCOS. The row classifications were chosen as follows. These apply to GOOS. A different set were chosen for GCOS. In both cases the classifications were intended to permit clear choices in classification for GOSIC staff and clear understanding of what they were getting by the user. And of course as above these row classifications demonstrated the breadth of the data requirement for GOOS. Ocean Surface Physical Data Ocean Sub-surface Physical Data Ocean Circulation & Currents Sea Level & Ocean Topography Surface Met Observations Ocean Chemical Data Physical Coastal Zone Data Chemical Coastal Zone Data Biological Coastal Zone Data Sea Ice Ocean Carbon Data Coral Reef Data. To say it again the intentions were to provide easily understood classifications by the classifier and the user, and to demonstrate the breadth and variety of the data being collected and provide by GOOS. ______________     IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/GSSC-X/5.5.2 page  PAGE 4 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/GSSC-X/5.5.2 page  PAGE 3 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/GSSC-X/5.5.2 Annex page  PAGE 2 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/GSSC-X/5.5.2 Annex page  PAGE 1 12467DFGO\]kl  i j x ο󍂍xqmq`PDh*csmH nHsH tHh>/hyCJaJnHo(tHh#CJaJnHo(tHh# h>/h#h>/h#5\h#5CJ\aJh#CJaJh#h#CJaJnHo(tHh#CJaJnHo(tHhCJaJnHo(tHh#h#CJaJnHtHhL@kCJaJnHtHh*csCJaJnHtHho]_CJaJnHo(tHh#h#CJPJaJ7]kl $$Ifa$gd>wgd# '7$8$]'`gd# '7$8$]'`gd '7$8$]'`gd*cs DE   C j ~~~~~ytogd*csgd#gdo]_$a$gd#gd#skd$$Ifx\ q)   U(4 xayt>w   I I ˹˦}tkb}VbM}M}Dh*csh*cs@h*csh*cs@h*csh*cs5@\h*csh*cs@h*csh*cs@h*csh*cs@ h*csh*csh*csh*cs5@\h*csh*csnHtHh*csh#nHtH%hVh#5\mH nHo(sH tH"h*csh*cs5\mH nHsH tH%hVhV5\mH nHo(sH tHh#mH nHsH tHh#mH sH h#mH nHo(sH tH   H I Tdp$-DM a$gd*cs & F d-D1$7$8$H$M gd*cs$-DM ^a$gd*cs$-DM a$gd*cs$Zd-DM ^Za$gd*cs$a$gd*cs$ -DM ^a$gd*cs ! 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