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ACTION PROPOSED The Task Team is invited to: Note and comment on the information contained in this document as appropriate; Address the emerging topics, possibly under the agenda items most relevant to each of them. ______________________ DISCUSSION 1. The present document provides a brief overview of some issues that are relevant to ETMSS and raised during the last session of the WMO Executive Council. It is recommended that these issues be discussed in more detail under the relevant agenda items and considered in the development of the future ETMSS work programme. USER-FOCUSED SERVICES 2. With respect to the provision of user-focused marine meteorological and oceanographic services as documented in the SOLAS Convention, the Council requested to enhance collaboration with international organizations and other entities representing users interests, such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP), International Chamber of Shipping (ICS),and national and international high Seas Search & Rescue and Hazardous Materials (Hazmat) response operations etc. These efforts should improve the collection and assessment of requirements for products and services identified by marine users and improve service delivery to meet those requirements including the development of guidelines for promulgation of maritime safety information. 3. The Task Team is invited to consider these issues in the development of the future ETMSS work programme. SERVICE DELIVERY Expansion of the GMDSS into the Arctic waters 4. Recognizing the increased use in the Arctic region by the marine community (including commercial, military and scientific), and noting the coordinated initiative by WMO, IMO and IHO to expand the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) and the World-Wide Navigational Warning Service (WWNWS) into the Arctic waters, the Council approved the establishment of five new METAREAs for the Arctic region with the same boundary limits as the corresponding NAVAREAs, recently approved at the 83rd session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee (Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2007). The Council welcomed and endorsed the commitments by the following NMHSs to serve as METAREA Issuing Service as follows: Environment Canada for METAREA XVII and XVIII; Norwegian Meteorological Institute for METAREA XIX; Roshydromet for METAREA XX and XXI. 5. The Task Team is invited to address this issue under the agenda item 4. GMDSS-weather website 6. The Council noted with appreciation the expansion of the GMDSS-weather Website to include navigational warnings in the various NAVAREAs ( HYPERLINK "http://weather.gmdss.org/navareas.html" http://weather.gmdss.org/navareas.html). The Council therefore thanked all the contributors, particularly Mto-France, who was managing and hosting this website. 7. The Task Team is invited to address this issue under the agenda item 5.5. Graphical products 8. In the context of maritime safety services, the Council emphasized the continuing importance to mariners of receiving graphical products via radio transmissions. The Council noted the gradual demise of HF radiofax as a means of disseminating these products and the considerable resources required for software development and distribution in developing alternative methods of transmission, as well as for the ongoing communications costs. It therefore requested JCOMM to continue researching methods for transmitting graphical products to marine users, and requested the Secretary-General to promote resource mobilization to further develop these activities and partnerships through national and international support. 9. The Task Team is invited to address this issue under the agenda item 5.1. WMO QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK 10. The Fourteenth WMO Congress (May 2003) noted that users of meteorological and related data, products and services were increasingly requesting that quality management systems be in place to help provide a level of assurance on quality of those data, products and services. WMO Congress therefore adopted Resolution 27 (Cg-XIV) and Resolution 32 (Cg-XV) and decided that WMO should work towards a Quality Management Framework (QMF) for National Meteorological or Hydrometeorological Services. 11. The WMO Executive Council appreciated that the acceptance process of a formal agreement between ISO and WMO with the aim to grant WMO the status of a Standardizing Organization in the field of meteorology and related activities would be concluded at the end of June 2008 and be available for distribution to Members. Such a status will enable Members to use the WMO technical publications in the same way as ISO documents in their quest for ISO 9000 certification, which would greatly facilitate and simplify this process for them and reduce cost. In this connection, the Council emphasized again the requirements for developing suitable technical publications to provide the necessary advice to technical commissions in reviewing the existing documents and adjusting them to Quality Management System (QMS) requirements and preparing and publishing the necessary updates. With regard to the ability to trace the instrument record, the Council suggested to study the potential benefit of certification not only for ISO 9000 but also for ISO/IEC 17025:2005. 12. In terms of Quality Management, Best Practices and Standards, JCOMM has engaged in the following activities: the development of a JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and Standards compiling appropriate documentation from WMO and IOC. It is planned to recruit a consultant in order to have a draft available by March 2009; the establishment in cooperation with the IOC International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) of a Standards process ( HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandatastandards.org/" http://www.oceandatastandards.org/) to achieve broad agreement and commitment to adopt a number of standards related to ocean data management and exchange. Promoting higher level of standards, including common WMO-ISO standards as appropriate, thanks to the WMO-ISO agreement, is also an approach followed by JCOMM; The WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM where integration of quality management is one of the three core deliverables of the Pilot Project. 13. Additionally, Cg-XV (May 2007) requested to implement quality management systems (QMS) at, at least one of its Members, and that the documentation developed during this process be shared with other developing countries with a view to facilitating and expediting QMS implementations. In this context, the Inter-Commission Task Team on Quality Management Framework (ICTT-QMF), at its meeting in October 2008, agreed that the provision of meteorological service for international maritime navigation certainly needs a QM approach. This should be developed in liaison with IMO, and the example of CAeM, where a clear customer requirements and feedback process is in place through ICAO, could be used beneficially. 14. The Task Team is invited to address this issue under the agenda item 7.1. _____________     MSI/Doc. 2, p.  PAGE 3 => b n o q s      ! 繪th\Lhh$Kw6CJOJQJ^Jh? CJOJQJ^Jh$KwCJOJQJ^J&hh$Kw5CJOJQJ\^JaJ hic;5CJOJQJ\^JaJ h? 5CJOJQJ\^JaJhh$KwCJOJQJ^JhhdOICJOJQJ^Jhic;hic;CJOJQJhic;CJOJQJhic;OJQJhic;hic;5CJOJQJhic;CJOJQJ#$=>?v $Ifgd = $$Ifa$gd =Lkd$$IfTx40v(G4 xaf4T $$Ifa$gd = d$Ifgd =E'n' 6 7 8 ` a b p } $Ifgd = $Ifgdic; :$Ifgd = d$Ifgd = $$Ifa$gd =$:$Ifa$gd =    2 3 4 ~u~~l~~ $1$a$gdK $1$a$gd5eA $1$a$gd$Kw$a$gddOIokdr$$IfTx\v(M 4 xaT ! 0 1 4 5 U V d      oaoSoSo>(hh? CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH hic;CJOJQJmH sH h? CJOJQJmH sH  hh? 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