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Adoption of the agenda The Team will be invited to adopt the agenda for the session based on the provisional agenda prepared by the Secretariat. Working arrangements The Team will agree its hours of work and other practical session arrangements. The documentation will be introduced by the Secretariat. It is expected that the documentation, and the meeting itself, will be in English only. The TT-MSI chairperson or any other members of the Team may request the consideration of additional issues. In that case, they would be requested to prepare the relevant documentation and submit it to the Secretariat in due time. Possible such issues are listed below. Additionally, a number of sub-items will require separate discussions as identified. 2. Guidance and requirements from WMO and IOC Executive Body sessions: Impacts on ETMSS activities and priorities The outcome of the decisions of WMO and IOC Executive Bodies will be reviewed with particular emphasis on actions that may need to be initiated, targets and priorities for the ETMSS. The Team will also be presented with a brief report on the outcomes of and actions arising from the seventh session of the JCOMM Management Committee (MAN-VII, Melbourne, Australia, December 2008), in particular those issues requiring action and/or discussion by the Team. 3. Reports 3.1 Progress/activity report from the chairperson The Team will be presented with a report by the chairperson of the Team on the activities and actions taken since the second session of the JCOMM Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services (ETMSS-II, Angra dos Reis, Brazil, January 2007). The Team will review the status of its intersessional work plan, and agree on outstanding actions to be completed in the lead-up to JCOMM-III. . Based on discussions under the preceding agenda item, recommendations for additional actions by the Team and suggestions for its future work plan should be considered. New and emerging requirements should also be outlined. 3.2 IMO Report Under this agenda item, the Team will be presented with reports by the chairpersons of the SafetyNET and NAVTEX Panels on recent activities of these international panels relevant to and/or requiring contribution by the Team. The Team will assess the IMO requirements for marine meteorological services, including Marine Pollution, and Search and Rescue. 3.3 IHO Report The representative of IHO will present the Team with a report on its recent activities relevant to and/or requiring contribution by the Team. Both the joint IMO/IHO/WMO Correspondence Group on MSI services and the IHO standards for Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) will be addressed under specific agenda items. The Team will assess the IHO requirements for marine meteorological services. 4. Provision of MSI for Polar Regions 4.1 Report of the Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Correspondence Group on MSI services Under this agenda item, the Team will be presented with a brief report by the chairperson of the joint IMO/IHO/WMO correspondence group on Maritime Safety Information Services on recent activities of this Group. The Team will therefore be invited to review the suggestions by the correspondence group. 4.2 Implementation of GMDSS in Arctic METAREAs IMO decided to expand the GMDSS into the whole Arctic Ocean, enhancing a proposal submitted by the Russian Federation. It therefore established (IMO/COMSAR-10, London, March 2006) a joint IMO/IHO/WMO correspondence group on Arctic MSI services to address this expansion. The definition and endorsement of the boundary limits of 5 new Arctic NAV/METAREAs and the selection of the ad-hoc NAVAREAs Co-ordinators (IMO MSC-83, October 2007) and METAREAs Issuing Services (WMO EC-LX, June 2008) have been achieved. However, the implementation of operational service is still to be planned and organized by the Issuing Services within the next 2 years, with the support and coordination of ETMSS (the estimated date for IMO, IHO and WMO to simultaneously and declare the system operational is 2010/2011). The Team will review the status on the implementation of GMDSS in Arctic water, with particular emphasis on actions that may need to be initiated by the Team. It will also discuss the need for technical guidance on the provision of maritime safety information to the new Arctic METAREA Issuing Services. 5. Information delivery 5.1 Met-ocean information in graphical/numerical form and E-Navigation charts As stated in the 2001 amendments to SOLAS, Chapter V, weather information in graphical form is important for shipping. However, radio-facsimile broadcasts are gradually being curtailed or eliminated in a number of countries, for reasons beyond the control of NMSs. The WMO EC-LX (June 2008) emphasized the continuing importance to mariners in receiving graphical products via radio transmissions and requested JCOMM to continue researching methods for transmitting graphical products to marine users. In addition, the Electronic Navigation Charts (ENC) systems on SOLAS vessels as regulatory material have imminently increased, with the e-navigation concept emerging within IMO. The Team will define a work plan for developing met-ocean information in graphical/numerical form, taking in consideration the IHO standards for Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS). 5.2 Improvement of sea-state information specification for MSI (text bulletins and graphical products) Based on the information given and results of discussions conducted under the previous agenda items, the Team will be invited to review the options for describing the state of the sea and a formal method for the description of rogue and freak waves, as well as the standardization of terminology used for defining sea-sate information. 5.3 Update sea ice information specification for weather and sea bulletins Both WMO and IHO have been providing regulations and guidance materials concerning the provision of MSI related to sea ice. The Team will address the coordination and responsibilities between both organizations on the provision of MSI related to sea ice. The Team will also discuss contents of warnings, synopsis and forecasts on weather and sea bulletins concerning sea ice information. 5.4 Update tsunami information specification for weather and sea bulletins The seventh meeting of the IHO Commission for Promulgation of Radio navigational Warnings (CPRNW), September 2005, has agreed to establish a special joint IMO/IHO/WMO/IOC working group to address the organizations role in the provision of Tsunami Maritime Safety Information (warnings and related information). Under this agenda item, the Team will review the recent activities of this joint working group relevant to and/or requiring contribution by the Team and will discuss in more detail guidance for the provision of Tsunami warnings for mariners, including type, content and formats of warnings. 5.5 GMDSS web portal and the WMO Information System (WIS) and its application in the collection and dissemination of MSI A web site ( HYPERLINK "http://weather.gmdss.org" http://weather.gmdss.org) was established to make available in real-time global marine forecasts and warning broadcasts via satellite under the GMDSS marine broadcast. The Team will review its structure, contents and periodic updates, the engagement with the Sea Ice Services Website ( HYPERLINK "http://ipy-ice-portal.com/" http://ipy-ice-portal.com/), and other relevant issues, including the extension to NAVTEX products, the cooperation with IHO for incorporating Navigational Warnings. Additionally, the Team will be presented with an overview of the WMO Information System (WIS) and will discuss its potential application in the collection and dissemination of MSI, including the integration of the GMDSS website products and services into WIS. 6. Review of regulations and operational information 6.1 Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No.558) and Guide to Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No.471) JCOMM-II adopted Recommendation 7, 8 and 9 (JCOMM-II) for a number of amendments to the Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558) and Guide to Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No.471). The Team will therefore review these documents, and make proposals and provide input in order to update these publications. 6.2 Weather Reporting (WMO-No.9), Volume D Information for Shipping WMO Publication No. 9 (Weather Reporting), Volume D (Information for Shipping) has been in production for many decades. There is an ongoing and urgent requirement for JCOMM to review the contents and structure of the publication in light of the expected target audience, the relevance of the information provided, and capabilities for regular updating. The Team will review the publication and make proposals on its restructuring. 6.3 Joint IMO/IHO/WMO publications The Team will review the Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual on Maritime Safety Information, and other IMO and IHO publications relevant to and/or requiring contribution by the Team, including the IMO SafetyNET and NAVTEX Manuals. 6.4 Proposed template for an Issuing Services Annual Report Issuing Services of the WMO GMDSS Marine Broadcast System regularly present brief reports on their experience, progress, success and difficulties in implementing the system within their respective METAREAs. These reports also cover, where possible, feedback from users as well as experiences with regard to the coverage and implementation of meteorological broadcasts through the International NAVTEX Service. In order to standardize the information provided by the Issuing Services, the Team will develop a template for an Issuing Services Annual Report. 7. WMO Quality Management Framework (QMF) 7.1 WMO Quality Management Systems for the provision of marine meteorological services for International Navigation The Cg-XV (May 2007) requested to implement quality management systems (QMS) at, at least one of its Members, and that the documentation developed during this process be shared with other developing countries with a view to facilitating and expediting QMS implementations. In this context, the Inter-Commission Task Team on Quality Management Framework (ICTT-QMF), at its meeting in October 2008, agreed that the provision of meteorological service for international maritime navigation certainly needs a QM approach. This should be developed in liaison with IMO, and the example of CAeM, where a clear customer requirements and feedback process is in place through ICAO, could be used beneficially. The Team will discuss the need for developing an overall Quality Management approach that would eventually include promoting the implementation and certification of Quality Management Systems by Members delivering marine services. The Team will in particular discuss the Quality Management strategy to be developed in cooperation with the IMO focusing on customer requirements and feedback, as well as processes. 7.2 Quality Control of the marine meteorological services One of the primary focuses and goals of ETMSS is to ensure that NMHSs delivery high quality products and services in support of the expressed requirements of users, nationally, regionally and globally. Direct interaction with and feedback from users is an essential part of the provision of high quality and valuable marine services. A marine meteorological monitoring programme was initiated by CMM in 1981 and user surveys have been conducted every four years. The Team will be invited to address this issue. 8. Any Other Business (AOB) Under this agenda item, the Team may consider any other issues requiring actions or discussion by the Team. 9. Closure of the session 9.1 Adoption of the report The Team will review, modify as necessary and approve the final report of the meeting. 9.2 Closure It is expected that the meeting of the Task Team on Maritime Safety Information will close by noon on Wednesday, 11 March 2009. _____________     TT-MSI/Doc. 1.2(2), p.  PAGE 3 => 5 8 K M N R T U _ b h r s u w x y  ͹ï皈tc hhDXfCJOJQJ^JaJ&hhDXf5CJOJQJ^JaJh#hhDXf5CJOJQJ^JaJ(hhDXfCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH hiCJOJQJhaCJOJQJhq`CJOJQJhDXfCJOJQJhlOJQJhDXfOJQJhDXfhDXf5CJOJQJhDXfCJOJQJ$#$=>?v $If $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$gdlLkd$$IfTx40v(G4 xaf4T $$Ifa$ d$If:: 6 7 8 ` a b u $If $Ifgdi $Ifgda:$If d$If $$Ifa$ $:$Ifa$ vv _ n$ na$ $a$okdr$$IfTx\v(M 4 xaT _ ` w x OC $`a$gd M$ & F& nEƀFF..a$ $L`La$gd $a$gd M$ & F& nEƀFF..a$  ] _ ` v w    @ʵʋ嵠ʋzi[iM$ _ na$gdmD$ _ a$gdh$ _ nP^`Pa$gdh:T  R S T U V !ױ󣒄sbsQ@ hhCJOJQJ^JaJ hhm CJOJQJ^JaJ hhh:TCJOJQJ^JaJ hhmDCJOJQJ^JaJhXaCJOJQJ^JaJ hhCJOJQJ^JaJh^CJOJQJ^JaJ hhhCJOJQJ^JaJ(hh6-"CJOJQJ^JaJnHtH(hhhCJOJQJ^JaJnHtH hh^hh^OJQJ^J!" 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