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INFORMATION REQUESTED BY JCOMM OPA ON IN SITU SYSTEMS 4.1 REPEAT SHIP-BASED HYDROGRAPHY 4.2 SURFACE CO2 4.3 CARBON AND BIOGEOCHEMISTRY TIME SERIES 1. BACKGROUND The International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP) promotes the development of a global network of ocean carbon observations for research through technical coordination and communications services, international agreements on standards and methods, and advocacy and links to the global observing systems. The IOCCP is co-sponsored by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO and the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research. Activities of the IOCCP for 2009 include: The Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Panel (GO-SHIP) revising the 1994 WOCE Hydrographic Program Manual and developing a strategy for a global survey, post-CLIVAR. The strategy will be published as a whitepaper for the OceanObs09 conference. The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas Project (SOCAT) A long-term project to develop a global common-format surface ocean CO2 data set with well documented quality control procedures and no interpolation. Changing Times Inventory developing a multi-platform inventory of carbon and biogeochemistry time series measurements, including coastal and non-Eulerian observations. Guide of Best Practices for Ocean Acidification Research and Data Reporting to be published in late 2009. Summary for Policymakers / Watching Brief on Ocean Fertilization commissioned by the IOC Executive Council and the IMO London Convention. Partners in the EU Carbon Observing System Coordination (COCOS) to improve interoperability of carbon observations and data streams between the land, air, and ocean domains. Ocean carbon sensor directory development and maintenance of an on-line directory of the most often used carbon and related sensors and systems. 2. SUMMARY OF MAJOR ACTIVITIES OF INTEREST FOR JCOMM OPA 2.1 THE GLOBAL OCEAN SHIP-BASED HYDROGRAPHIC INVESTIGATIONS PANEL (GO-SHIP) Both the CLIVAR community and the ocean carbon community have recognized the urgent need for better coordination of planning, implementation, standardization, data synthesis and interpretation efforts for hydrography. The hydrography community has also recognized that todays hydrography programs address different issues than were addressed during the WOCE era; issues that require a more integrated approach both in terms of variables measured, sampling strategy, and integration of ship-based sampling with other platforms such as Argo and time-series stations. Following an action set at the International Repeat Hydrography and Carbon Workshop (Shonan Village, Japan, November 2005), the IOCCP, CLIVAR, and the SOLAS-IMBER Carbon Coordination Group are sponsoring the Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Panel (GO-SHIP) to bring together interests from physical hydrography, carbon, biogeochemistry, Argo, OceanSITES, and other users and collectors of hydrographic data, to develop guidelines and advice for the development of a globally coordinated network of sustained ship-based hydrographic sections that will become an integral component of the ocean observing system. Panel Members include Masao Fukasawa (JAMSTEC, Japan), Chris Sabine (NOAA, USA), Bernadette Sloyan (CSIRO, Australia), Toste Tanhua and Arne Koertzinger (IfM-GeoMar, Germany), Gregory Johnson (NOAA, USA), and Nicolas Gruber (ETH, Switzerland). Terms of Reference: i. To develop the scientific justification and general strategy for a ship-based repeat hydrography network, building on existing programs and future plans, that will constitute the core global network, post-CLIVAR; considerations should include: a set of basic requirements to define a coordinated repeat hydrography network (e.g., sample spacing, repeat frequency, recommended core measurements, etc.); an inventory of existing and planned sections that meet those criteria; an assessment of other observing programs that can either contribute to or use hydrography data (e.g., Argo, OceanSITES, GEOTRACES, etc.); an assessment of data release needs to meet research and operational objectives; an inventory of on-going or planned scientific synthesis activities (basin and global) that might benefit from closer collaboration; guidelines for the transition from the CLIVAR hydrographic program to the new system, including sections, data and information management, and synthesis activities. ii. To develop guidelines for a single global information and data center for ship-based repeat hydrography; iii. To review and provide guidance on the need to update the WOCE hydrographic porgramme operations manual, including a review and update of data quality control issues. It is envisaged that the advisory group will develop a report within a <2 year period that will be circulated widely for consultation and consensus on the way forward. The final strategy will be presented at OceanObs09. This document may then be used by the sponsoring organizations as well as national agencies to develop a coordinated network of ship-based repeat hydrography that will contribute to the global ocean/climate observing system. The first meeting was held on 1-2 November 2007 during the PICES annual meeting, and all members except Gruber attended. The agenda covered review and approval of Terms of Reference, science goals, temporal and spatial sampling considerations, recommended core measurements, contributions from other platforms, data release and sharing, data synthesis, data and information management needs, revision of the WOCE hydrographic programme operations manual and needs for new standards or methods, the way forward with development of the strategy and plans for the next meeting. A draft strategy was developed at the meeting and refined over several months following the meeting. In early December 2008, the draft strategy was circulated to the community via the GO-SHIP email list (>120 members) and input requested for a 2nd draft by 16 February. As of this date, the IOCCP has received comments from more than 30 participants. A 2nd draft is being developed and will be circulated by the first week of March, for a final submission deadline of 31 March. Currently 8 of 17 revised chapters of the hydrography manual have been submitted (see table below), and are available for review on-line at CDIAC ( HYPERLINK "http://cdiac3.ornl.gov/hydrography/" http://cdiac3.ornl.gov/hydrography/). It is anticipated that all chapter will be available by June 2009 and final publication is set for October 2009. ChapterAuthorsStatusReference-quality water sample data: Notes on acquisition, record keeping, and evaluationJim SwiftSubmitted Standards and Laboratory CalibrationJim SwiftPendingHelium isotopes and tritiumBill JenkinsPending14C and 13CAnn McNichol and Paul QuayPending Underway measurements overview + near-surface T, S, and bathymetryBob Keeley and Loic de la VilleonFinal prep.Met measurements from research shipsChris Fairall, Frank Bradley, Bob WellerFinalizedADCP measurements and navigationEric Firing et al.PendingIntroduction to CTD methodsUchida, Johnson, JoycePendingCTD oxygen calibration proceduresPendingCalculation of physical properties of seawater (Thermodynamic Equation of State of Seawater)McDougall and Millero et al.SubmittedOptimal operation of Seabird systemJohnson + Swift GroupPendingCFCs and SF6Bullister and TanhuaSubmittedDissolved O2 (potentiometric and winkler)Chris LangdonPendingnew chapter on LADCPAndreas Thurnherr et al.SubmittedSalinity measurementsKawanoSubmittedContinuous flow automated analysis of seawater nutrients (also mention the development of nutrient standards led by Aoyama)Aoyama and Hydes, et al.SubmittedCarbon DicksonFinalized GO-SHIP is also working to improve communication among the hydrography community, including development of an email list and a comprehensive one stop shopping web-site. In consultations with the CCHDO staff, a suggestion has been made to host a comprehensive, integrated ship-based repeat hydrography web-site at CCDHO, but to provide administrative access to the IOCCP project office so that we can assist in developing content and keeping the information up to date. While the CCHDO staff develop their new system, a draft site has been developed on the IOCCP site at:  HYPERLINK "http://ioc3.unesco.org/ioccp/Hydrography/GO-SHIP.html" http://ioc3.unesco.org/ioccp/Hydrography/GO-SHIP.html. Following the OceanObs09 Conference, the IOCCP and CLIVAR will investigate the interest in holding an international workshop in mid 2010 on hydrography to determine the way forward for transitioning hydrography from CLIVAR to a post-CLIVAR program. 2.2 The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (socat) Project At the Surface Ocean CO2 Variability and Vulnerability (SOCOVV) workshop in April 2007, co-sponsored by IOCCP, SOLAS, IMBER, and the Global Carbon Project, participants agreed to establish a global surface CO2 data set that would bring together, in a common format, all publicly available surface fCO2 data for the surface oceans. This data set will serve as a foundation upon which the community will continue to build in the future, based on agreed data and metadata formats and standard 1st-level quality-control procedures, building on earlier agreements established at the 2004 Tsukuba workshop on Ocean Surface pCO2 Data Integration and Database Development. The first SOCAT data includes data from over 14 countries, producing an initial database composed of more than 7 million measurements of various carbon parameters from approximately 2100 cruises from 1968 to 2007. This data set is meant to serve a wide range of user communities. The data set will be published as a 2nd-level quality controlled, global surface ocean fCO2 (fugacity of CO2) data set following agreed procedures and regional review. Initially, it was planned to also produce a gridded SOCAT product of monthly surface water fCO2 means on a 1 x 1 grid with no temporal or spatial interpolation. However, with the use of Live-Access Server, users can now carry out gridding and interpolation based on their own criteria, making the data products more adaptable to a wider range of users. A small technical meeting was held in Bremen, Germany, on 5 December 2007 (associated with the 3rd CarboOcean Annual Meeting) to agree on 1st-level QC for the data set and to decide on a way forward for the 2nd-level QC issues. The IOCCP, along with CarboOcean and the SOLAS-IMBER Joint Carbon Group, held a 2nd technical workshop (SOCAT-2 meeting) at UNESCO, Paris, on 16-17 June 2008 to develop internationally agreed 2nd-level quality-control procedures and to discuss the coordination of regional scientific groups to conduct the 2nd-level quality control analyses. Refer to the background document SOCAT-II Report for more information.  HYPERLINK "http://ioc3.unesco.org/ioccp/Docs/SOCAT2_Final2.pdf" http://ioc3.unesco.org/ioccp/Docs/SOCAT2_Final2.pdf In January 2009, the regional groups were asked to carry out 2nd-level quality control on the SOCAT data and address key process-related scientific questions requiring large-scale joint synthesis efforts, while aiming for scientific presentations at ICDC-8 (International Carbon Dioxide Conference) in September 2009 and a first public release of the two SOCAT products by late 2009. The Regional Group leaders are: Atlantic and Arctic Ocean Ute Schuster and Nathalie Lefvre Indian Ocean VVSS Sarma Pacific Ocean Dick Feely is 30N-30S + South Pacific. PICES has been asked to lead this. Nojiri to help lead. Southern Ocean Bronte Tilbrook with Nicolas Metzl as co-chair. Coastal seas Alberto Borges and Arthur Chen. Global group Dorothee Bakker, Are Olsen, Chris Sabine, Benjamin Pfeil, Nicolas Metzl The coastal group held a meeting in Kiel in January 2009 with financial support being assembled by the SOLAS International Project Office from various sources including the European COST Action 735. The Pacific Group will have their first meeting in Tsukuba, Japan, from 18-20 March. This will be the first meeting to use the LAS tools and work with the dataset in the LAS. The Pacific regional group will meet with the developers of the Live-Access Server tools to learn how LAS can be used in the QC effort for SOCAT. The participants will install the tools and software on their computers, download the data files for their regions, set up the shared QC environment, and work through several exercises to demonstrate the system. The groups will decide how to make QC decisions that are consistent across regions, and identify any scripts available or needed for reading cruise data into Matlab, ODV, or other software. Time permitting, the groups will begin working through the data set for their region (flagging, determining which 2nd level QC tests may be applied, testing those, etc.). The Atlantic, Southern Ocean, and Indian Ocean groups will meet tentatively in June 2009. 3. GCOS ESSENTIAL CLIMATE VARIABLE UPDATE 3.1 Carbon Dioxide Partial Pressure The surface ocean partial pressure of CO2, pCO2, is a critical parameter of the oceanic inorganic carbon system (i) because it determines the magnitude and direction of the exchange of CO2 between the ocean and atmosphere, and (ii) because it is a good indicator for changes in the upper ocean carbon cycle. In addition, it is an oceanic parameter that can be routinely be measured with high accuracy and precision. First measurements of pCO2 have been initiated in the early 1960s, and the sampling network has grown substantially since then. However, most efforts so far have been driven by single investigators, while only recently international coordination efforts, largely led by IOCCP, have been initiated. As a result, the international network of surface pCO2 observations is in the early stages of development. Current network activities include: Approximately 45 sustained programmes underway measuring pCO2 (15 of these on commercial ships); approximately 12 of these programmes are doing full trans-basin sections. Nearly all of these programmes are funded by time-limited funds, and many of them are nearing the end of their funding period. Automated drift buoys (number varies; typically 5-10 operating at any given time). Surface time series stations approximately 35 stations. International planning and coordination provided by the IOCCP. Although this network has provided the basis for estimating the climatological air-sea fluxes of CO2, the observations are inadequate to resolve year-to-year variations and to provide flux estimates at any resolution higher than several hundred kilometres. Issues relative to the development of an integrated and operational network to meet GCOS needs are: Improved technology/automation for on-board systems including careful calibration. Development of an internationally-agreed implementation strategy to identify priorities for the sustained system. Sustaining priority trans-basin programmes and development of new programmes according to implementation strategy priorities. Investigations of potential objective mapping routines and interpolation techniques including remote-sensing and model-data assimilation. Auxiliary observations that have proven to be particularly useful are sea-surface temperature, mixed layer depth, and surface chlorophyll. To address these issues the following action is proposed: IOCCP in consultation with the OOPC will develop an internationally-agreed implementation strategy for a surface pCO2 network using VOS, drifter and time series observations from the Surface Reference Mooring Network and other platforms together with associated products. Action O17 (OF6) Action: Develop and implement an internationally-agreed strategy for measuring surface pCO2. Who: IOCCP in consultation with OOPC, implementation through national services and research programmes. Time-Frame: Implementation strategy after OceanObs09 Conference building on discussions and comments from Surface CO2 Whitepaper. Performance Indicator: Annually updated pCO2-based air-sea CO2 flux maps produced (started in 2006 by NOAA) 3.2 SURFACE CARBON (OBSERVATIONS FOR OCEAN ACIDIFCATION STUDIES) Ocean acidification is a major and growing threat to marine ecosystems, particularly to marine calcifying organisms such as corals and calcifying plankton. In order to fully characterize the chemical state of the inorganic carbon system in the surface ocean, a second property, in addition to pCO2, needs to be measured, i.e. either dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), alkalinity (Alk), or pH. These measurements need to be undertaken with high accuracy and precision, otherwise wrong conclusions about critical properties such as the saturation state of the seawater with regard to CaCO3 will be drawn. High accuracy and precision measurements systems have been available for all parameters for quite some time already, i.e. pH, Alk, and DIC, but continuous systems are currently available only for pH. However, these continuous pH systems are generally not accurate enough. Development activities are currently underway, but need to be substantially enhanced. Current network activities include A small number of ship-board-based timeseries sites where at least two of the four inorganic carbon properties are regularly measured A small number of mooring sites. A few underway systems, where either pH or DIC is regularly measured While maps have been developed by the international community at several meetings, national plans have not yet been put in place on which to build a global network. This requires major development effort in order to: Develop the technology/automation for autonomous systems that pay attention to careful calibration. Development of an internationally-agreed implementation strategy to identify priorities for the sustained system. Sustaining priority trans-basin programmes and development of new programmes according to implementation strategy priorities. Action O17b (OF6) Action: Develop instrumentation for the autonomous measurement of either DIC, Alk, or pH with high accuracy and precision. Who: individual scientists coordinated via global research programs and IOCCP Time-Frame: Instrumentation until 2010 Performance Indicator: Number of new sensors added to observing network 3.3 SUB-SURFACE CARBON The oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon is a key element of the planetary carbon budget. Over the last 250 years, the ocean has removed about 45% of the CO2 that has been emitted into the atmosphere as a result of fossil fuel burning Because the net ocean carbon uptake depends on biological as well as chemical activity, the uptake may change as oceanic conditions change (e.g., pH, currents, temperature, surface winds, biological activity). At present, the community consensus is that the best strategy for monitoring the long-term ocean carbon uptake is via a global ocean carbon inventory network that measures both dissolved inorganic carbon and alkalinity. With present technology, a major improvement in our knowledge can be achieved with the agreed full-depth repeat survey programme (see Figure 8), also benefiting from the air-sea exchange of CO2 information obtained from the surface ocean pCO2 network. This requires also strong commitments from the participating institutions and nations with regard to fast submission of the data to the data centers in order to facilitate the large-scale synthesis. However, the first results from the repeat survey indicates that the level of variability is higher than originally expected, requiring a re-assessment of whether the original plan is adequate to fully characterize the decadal time change of the oceanic inventory of anthropogenic CO2. In addition, the proposed sampling network may be inadequate to determine early responses of the oceanic carbon cycle to global climate change. A reassessment of the sampling plan will be necessary once the data from the CLVIAR decade repeat survey are available. Long-lived autonomous sensors for ocean carbon system components that can be deployed on moored or profiling observing elements are under development and will significantly increase our global observing capability. A more rapid repeat cycle for ocean survey sections will be needed for assessing the net carbon inventory change over intervals shorter than 10 years. Several overarching actions are proposed that the international ocean community should take to ensure that a global sub-surface ocean observing system is implemented that will satisfy climate requirements. IOCCP and CLIVAR are developing a global strategy for ship-based repeat hydrography building on the foundations of WOCE/JGOFS and CLIVAR. The strategy will be published as an OceanObs09 whitepaper. The strategy calls for 39 sustained sections, where 16 of those sections are high-frequency (<3 year) repeats and the rest are decadal. This strategy should be reassessed after the first full repeat in order to account for the hitherto underappreciated interior ocean variability. Action O25 (OF10) Action: Perform the systematic global full-depth water column sampling of 23 sections repeated every 10 years and 16 sections repeated at high-frequency (< 3 years). Who: National research programmes in cooperation with OOPC and CLIVAR and the International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project. Time-Frame: Continuing. Post-CLIVAR period to begin in 2013. Performance Indicator: Data submitted to archives. Percentage coverage of the sections. 4. INFORMATION REQUESTED BY JCOMM OPA ON IN SITU SYSTEMS 4.1 Repeat ship-based hydrography Performance measured against requirements the Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Panel (GO-SHIP) is working with >130 scientists to develop a strategy for the global repeat survey to follow CLIVAR (2012/13). The strategy will be published as a Community White Paper for the OceanObs09 Conference in September 2009. As part of this exercise, we will make an inventory of the recommended lines that already have national funding commitments for future occupations. Delivery of raw data (data collection and exchange) Hydrographic data are managed and archived by several different centers: CTD and bottle data (CCHDO), Carbon Data (CDIAC), ADCP archive (JODC and UH), L-ADCP (LDEO), Surface Met (FSU), and Underway (GOSUD and CDIAC). National programs have different data release policies, with the US releasing most data within 6 months, and other countries taking 2 years or more, depending on the program. The CLIVAR GSOP is charged with carrying out synthesis projects, but none have been planned for hydrography data at present. Measurement standards and quality control issues the GO-SHIP panel is revising the 1994 WOCE Hydrographic Programme Manual. Presently, 9 of 17 chapters are available on-line for open community review at  HYPERLINK "http://cdiac3.ornl.gov/hydrography/" \t "_blank" http://cdiac3.ornl.gov/hydrography/.. All chapters should be available by June 2009, with a goal of having the chapters ready for publication by October 2009. Logistics and resources After publication of the GO-SHIP strategy and depending on feedback from the community, an international workshop will need to be held to bring together scientists and national program / agency representatives to begin planning the implementation of the next global survey. The strategy also outlines needs for a permanent secretariat and a web-based information and coordination service to coordinate ship-based hydrography. The IOCCP is funding the GO-SHIP panel activities, which included a kick-off meeting of the Panel in November 2007 and an editorial meeting for the Manual to be held in mid to late 2009. Costs of the system and benefits (how information is used and identifying data users) - The ocean absorbs more than 25% of the CO2 emitted to the atmosphere every year, greatly reducing the impact of CO2 on climate. But how will this carbon sink behave in the future in a warmer climate, and what impacts will this excess CO2 have on marine ecosystems? Ship-based hydrography is one of the oldest methods for observing the ocean interior, and despite numerous technological advances over the last several decades, it remains the only method for obtaining high-quality, high spatial and vertical resolution measurements of a suite of physical, chemical, and biological parameters over the full water column. A decadal survey of ocean carbon from ship-based repeat hydrographic sections provides information on the magnitude and direction of ocean sources and sinks as well as information on physical and biological drivers of the system. Any attempts to reduce and stabilize atmospheric CO2 concentrations will depend on the strength and functioning of the ocean carbon sink. Predictive models about what will happen to the ocean carbon sink at the end of this century differ significantly, ranging from no significant changes in sink functioning to a complete shut-down. With current carbon emissions selling at $20-200 US dollars / ton, the uncertainty in our projections of the ocean carbon sink at the end of this century represents several trillion US dollars. Reducing this uncertainty is critical for planning and implementation of carbon stabilization projects. The budget estimate for the carbon survey from ship-based repeat hydrography is approximately $8 Million US per year. Capacity-building requirements capacity building is needed to ensure that PIs participating in the global survey understand and correctly use standard methods and protocols, including data and metadata reporting. Longer-term issues involve gaining access to territorial waters in some areas of the world where capacity building partnerships may be required. Potential new technology: instrumentation, communications, platforms Hydrographic cruises provide a unique platform for testing new instruments. The GO-SHIP strategy has suggested that CTDs should be equipped with real-time data release capability (similar to that used on Argo Floats). Sensor development for carbon parameters on profiling floats is in its infancy. If successful, fully-equipped profiling floats or gliders may be able to replace some sections of the Hydrographic survey. Ideas for the way forward 1. achieve community consensus on a coordinated global repeat survey for the next decade; 2. agree on implementation and obtain national commitment for survey lines and data management; 3. develop a coordination mechanism / project office for the global survey; 4. develop synthesis projects from the current global survey to assess sampling scales and optimize the observation strategy. 4.2 SURFACE CO2 Performance measured against requirements No global strategy for carbon VOS exists. The agreed scientific objective is to reduce the uncertainty of CO2 air-sea fluxes on regional and ocean basin scales, and ultimately on a global scale, to better than 0.2 Pg C yr-1 (~ 10%). Several recent studies of correlation length scales and surface pCO2 variability led to the conclusion that an in situ system based on VOS ships alone would not be feasible to meet these objectives. The IOCCP (under the leadership of Ute Schuster and Pedro Monteiro) is overseeing the development of a Community White Paper for the OceanObs09 Conference on A global sea surface carbon observing system: assessment of sea surface CO2 and air-sea CO2 fluxes. This strategy emphasizes a multi-platform approach that builds on underway measurements, hydrographic cruises, moorings, gliders, and drift buoys. This strategy will examine the sampling resolution required against existing observation programs, and emphasizes a need for more technology development for fully automated robust sensors. Delivery of raw data (data collection and exchange) Surface CO2 data are archived at CDIAC. Data release policies differ from country to country, but most programs still keep the data for up to 2 years for publication. Rik Wanninkhof, NOAA AOML, has suggested developing a pilot study for inclusion of SST and SSS on the GTS that could eventually be expanded to cover all interested carbon VOS participants. He notes, however, that the logistic details of such a pilot experiment are not trivial. For release of salinity data in a timely manner, the IOCCP can request PIs to provide data after the end of each cruise, but personnel costs must be considered. Data are released regularly to CDIAC. The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) project is developing a global surface CO2 data set that brings together, in a common format, all publicly available surface fCO2 data for the surface oceans. This data set will serve as a foundation upon which the community will continue to build in the future (see section 2.2 above). Measurement standards and quality control issues The IOCCP (under the leadership of Yukihiro Nojiri) is co-sponsoring the 3rd international pCO2 system intercomparison experiment from 26 February to 5 March at the indoor seawater pool of the National Research Institute of Fishery Engineering in Hazaki, Japan. Results from the 2003 experiment showed that appropriately operated systems agreed to within 1.5 ppm in dry air xCO2 of equilibrated air and highlighted the major causes of error, including organic decomposition (especially in equilibrators with low water flow), badly located SST sensors, and problems with incomplete equilibration of resupply air. Avoiding these errors should provide better agreement in this next intercomparison experiment. The results of the 2003 experiment will be combined with this experiment and published by CDIAC as a data publication. Logistics and resources Following the development of the OceanObs09 strategy, the community will need to determine the way forward with implementation. Implementing a coordinated multi-platform network will be a challenge, and will likely need to focus primarily on interoperability of data streams and data sharing / synthesis activities. Technology development will be a critical issue for the next several years. Costs of the system and benefits (how information is used and identifying data users) - Without a global strategy for an optimal system, it is difficult to make estimates of the required budget. Preliminary analysis suggests that regularly spaced data with approximately monthly and 200-1000 km resolution may be sufficient. This would represent a doubling or tripling of the current network. The current global VOS-Carbon network costs approximately $8 Million US dollars per year. Capacity-building requirements - capacity building is needed to ensure that PIs participating in the global survey understand and correctly use standard methods and protocols, including data and metadata reporting. Potential new technology: instrumentation, communications, platforms new technology development is critical for this observing system element. At present, underway carbon systems are still not fully automated. Sensors on drift buoys and time series moorings are mature, but are under-utilized. Ideas for the way forward 1. achieve community consensus on a coordinated multi-platform surface CO2 system; 2. agree on implementation, interoperability of multi-platforms, and obtain national commitment; 3. develop a coordination mechanism / project office to facilitate network development; 4. develop regular data products for estimating global air-sea fluxes of CO2. 4.3 CARBON AND BIOGEOCHEMISTRY TIME SERIES Performance measured against requirements No global strategy exists for networking ocean carbon time series stations. Individual stations, especially those with more than 20 years of data, are invaluable for understanding high-frequency and long-term changes in ocean carbon in response to both natural and secular climate forcing. Currently, there are 38 sustained programs in 17 countries making ocean carbon time series measurements including 14 moorings, 7 fixed-point ship stations, 11 ship sections, several land-based and coastal stations, and profiling floats. Delivery of raw data (data collection and exchange) Data are delivered regularly to CDIAC. In addition, most sustained time series programs make their data available on the web, some in near real-time. Measurement standards and quality control issues see pCO2 system intercomparison exercise in section above. Logistics and resources The November 2008 Changing Times workshop brought together 40 participants from 17 countries to agree on a way forward for ocean carbon and biogeochemistry time series stations. While most of the stations were appropriate for inclusion in the OceanSITES program, many were not. In addition, participants emphasized that the time series stations need to be integrated with other platforms, not simply coordinated amongst the stations, and that this integration should be inclusive of all carbon and biogeochemistry platforms, including coastal zone stations. The participants agreed to work with OceanSITES where possible, and the IOCCP has developed an inventory of all carbon and biogeochemistry stations. This effort may eventually be combined with the efforts to develop a multi-platform surface CO2 network. It is premature to estimate logistics and resources. Costs of the system and benefits (how information is used and identifying data users) - At present, the global estimate for time series stations measuring carbon is about $10 Million US dollars per year. The ocean currently absorbs approximately 25% of the fossil-fuel CO2 emitted to the atmosphere every year, representing an important natural sink to reduce climate impacts. The strength of this sink for atmospheric CO2 is controlled by a combination of short-term events such as storms or biological productivity as well as longer term perturbations such as El Nino events and global warming. The build-up of excess CO2 in the ocean is leading to ocean acidification, which may have significant impacts on ocean ecosystems and fisheries. Time series stations provide the only continual presence in the ocean and can capture short-term and episodic events that no other observation platform can see. Observations from time series stations provide the only mechanism to distinguish clearly between changes that are natural and those that are human-induced, and also provide records of ocean conditions and ecosystem health over decades. Time series stations also provide critical data for ground-truthing satellite observations of the surface ocean and for linking surface ocean observations with processes deeper in the water column to improve numerical model simulations. Capacity-building requirements With the inclusion of coastal time series efforts, it will be possible to work with a larger number of countries than is possible with the open-ocean system components. Once a way forward has been established, scientists from developing countries should participate in the planning and implementation process. Potential new technology: instrumentation, communications, platforms technology development is essential for many biogeochemistry parameters. At present, many of the time series stations are ship-based because of technology limitations. A much broader array of observations could be possible on existing moorings if automated sensors were developed or improved. Ideas for the way forward Determine how to implement a multi-platform time series network that builds on all regularly repeated observations (repeated at least 1 time per year) and is coordinated with both OceanSITES and the surface CO2 network.     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